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Wayne901 open issue mfem/mfem#4264.

Boundary integration of H(curl) problems

Hi, I need to integrate some bilinear and linear boundary parts in an electromagnetic problem. …View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue visit-dav/visit#19467.

Let Users Choose NaN color

Let users pick what color they would like NaN data to be. This would make it easier to work with NaN data no matter what color table you might be using….View Comment

bfadness open issue mfem/mfem#4263.

Make double normal trace jump bilinearform integrator

I want to make the face-based integrator …View Comment

lmolin3 open issue mfem/mfem#4261.

ImplicitSolve in ODESolver with Partial Assembly

Hi, …View Comment

zslttaxx open issue XBraid/xbraid#96.

How to call the Xbraid library in my serial code?

What are the steps to call the xbraid library? What commands do I need to input on the terminal, or what things do I need to add to my serial code to successfully call? What information should I check to obtain a solution method…View Comment

MrBurmark open issue LLNL/RAJA#1631.

Scan Accumulation Type Consistency

Among our different back-end implementations the type used to accumulate the intermediate values of a scan differs. …View Comment

PhilipDeegan closed issue LLNL/SAMRAI#177.

error: an attribute list cannot appear here

when trying to compile with umpire and raja …View Comment

greene30 open issue hypre-space/hypre#1093.

Missing MPI C++ bindings when using FEI

I’m trying to build hypre on macOS as a shared library with FEI. I’m getting some undefined symbol errors for some MPI C++ functions. …View Comment

dtaller open issue LLNL/CARE#258.

Add mask to care::IntersectArrays

Add an input argument for care::IntersectArrays that allows the algorithm to skip array elements in the intersection…View Comment

cyrush open issue visit-dav/visit#19462.

visit 3.4.1 crashes for xwin32 user connecting to LC

### Describe the bug …View Comment

lacrymose open issue hypre-space/hypre#1092.

ij.c fails when compiling with cuda 12.2

Hello! I complied ij.c and ran it with arguments “-solver 3 -restritype 2 -difconv -c 1.2 1.2 1e-3 -a 1000 1000 1000 -atype 3 -AIR 1 -device_id 0”. The following errors occur. Could you help me, please? …View Comment

Wayne901 open issue GLVis/glvis#277.

Set maximum and minimum in GLVis for time-dependent problem

Hello, can I set GLVis options in a mfem’s cpp file? I try to set the max and min value for a time dependent problem, but F7 only keep the limit for one frame….View Comment

jtristano open issue GLVis/glvis#275.

New release of glvis?

Last release of glvis was a while back. Wondering if a new release for all platforms can be done?…View Comment

hariharan-devarajan open issue LLNL/scr#588.

Using SCR bootstrap in an external build.

In my use case, I have the following project structure. …View Comment