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giraldeau open issue GLVis/glvis#325.

Support time navigation

When a simulation has multiple time steps, is it possible to navigate backward and forward in time? When pressing the space bar, the animation starts and I haven’t seen in the doc or help a shortcut to control the playback. …View Comment

jesusbonilla open issue hypre-space/hypre#1230.

Question on AMS and AMG exact reproducibility

We are using AMS and AMG in some CI tests. The tests solve a diffusion problem in parallel and just check that the final solution matches a reference solution. For the moment, we are not allowing for any tolerance in the comparison. They need to be equal up to the last digit. As soon as the reference solution has been generated on the same machine with the same compiler, that should be an OK test if all operations are ensured to happen in the same order. In serial, this is the case, but in parallel there are last digit variations. A possible explanation would be that parallel collectives are not performed always in the same order, e.g., the additions are performed in order of message arrival. …View Comment

adayton1 closed issue LLNL/CHAI#294.

The GPU thin mode does not respect allocators

In the single memory space paradigm, there is no pointer record, so the allocators passed to the constructor of ManagedArray are thrown away. Looks like a pointer record needs to be generated in this case….View Comment

cessenat open issue visit-dav/visit#20224.

Compiling VisIt for Rockylinux 8 using docker : Library mili not found in

### Describe the bug…View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue LLNL/scr#600.

Build SCR as a single shared library

In last week’s team meeting, @mcfadden8 and @kathrynmohror said they would like to see SCR build as a single shared library with all its sub-projects together, rather than as multiple shared libraries, one for each subproject and then SCR itself. This will involve pulling in sub-projects that SCR depends on, like, into the SCR source tree. Apparently this script does something similar, so I will start by investigating that….View Comment

aowen87 open issue LLNL/maestrowf#450.

flux errors when parameters contain spaces

When doing a parameter sweep, we sometimes are sweeping over variables that contain spaces. Maestro will then create launch scripts that contain spaces in them, but it generally handles this just fine. On flux, this falls apart, and Maestro complains that it can’t find the file….View Comment

yurivict open issue LLNL/lbann#2479.

error: floating point classification requires argument of floating point type (passed in 'half_float::half')

std::isnan fails on half_float::half:…View Comment