Alpine-DAV/ascent⭐️ 208 C++
A flyweight in situ visualization and analysis runtime for multi-physics HPC simulations

flux-framework/flux-core⭐️ 176 C
core services for the Flux resource management framework

flux-framework/flux-sched⭐️ 94 C++
Fluxion Graph-based Scheduler

GEOS-DEV/LvArray⭐️ 48 C++
Portable HPC Containers (C++)

hypre-space/hypre⭐️ 737 C
Parallel solvers for sparse linear systems featuring multigrid methods.

LLNL/axom⭐️ 169 C++
CS infrastructure components for HPC applications

LLNL/b-mpi3⭐️ 22 C++
This aims to be an wrapper to C-MPI3 for C++, using the principles of simplicity, STL, RAII and...

LLNL/CARE⭐️ 30 C++
CHAI and RAJA provide an excellent base on which to build portable codes. CARE expands that funct...

LLNL/CHAI⭐️ 106 C++
Copy-hiding array abstraction to automatically migrate data between memory spaces

LLNL/conduit⭐️ 221 C++
Simplified Data Exchange for HPC Simulations

LLNL/hiop⭐️ 217 C++
HPC solver for nonlinear optimization problems

LLNL/merlin⭐️ 129 Python
Machine Learning for HPC Workflows

LLNL/merlin-spellbook⭐️ 8 Python
Useful utilities for merlin workflows!

LLNL/MerlinWorkflows⭐️ 2 Python
Example Merlin Workflows

Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure - a scalable C++ framework for blo...

LLNL/scr⭐️ 102 C
SCR caches checkpoint data in storage on the compute nodes of a Linux cluster to provide a fast, ...

LLNL/Umpire⭐️ 348 C++
An application-focused API for memory management on NUMA & GPU architectures

LLNL/zfp⭐️ 791 C++
Compressed numerical arrays that support high-speed random access

visit-dav/visit⭐️ 471 C
VisIt - Visualization and Data Analysis for Mesh-based Scientific Data

XBraid/xbraid⭐️ 76 C
XBraid Parallel-in-Time Solvers