Package Contents
- class lasdi.physics.Physics(cfg, param_name=None)
- dim = -1
- qdim = -1
- grid_size = []
- qgrid_size = []
numpy nd-array, assuming the shape of: - 1d: (space_dim[0],) - 2d: (2, space_dim[0], space_dim[1]) - 3d: (3, space_dim[0], space_dim[1], space_dim[2]) - higher dimension…
- x_grid
- nt = -1
- dt = -1.0
- t_grid
- offline = False
- param_name = None
- initial_condition(param)
- solve(param)
- export()
- generate_solutions(params)
Given 2d-array of params, generate solutions of size params.shape[0]. params.shape[1] must match the required size of parameters for the specific physics.
- residual(Xhist)
- class lasdi.physics.OfflineFOM(cfg, param_name=None)
- offline = True
- dim = None
- qdim = None
- grid_size = None
- qgrid_size = None
numpy nd-array, assuming the shape of: - 1d: (space_dim[0],) - 2d: (2, space_dim[0], space_dim[1]) - 3d: (3, space_dim[0], space_dim[1], space_dim[2]) - higher dimension…
- x_grid = None
- nt = None
- dt = None
- t_grid
- generate_solutions(params)
Given 2d-array of params, generate solutions of size params.shape[0]. params.shape[1] must match the required size of parameters for the specific physics.
- export()