Package Contents
- class lasdi.latent_dynamics.LatentDynamics(dim_, nt_)
- dim = -1
- nt = -1
- ncoefs = -1
- coefs
- calibrate(Z, dt, compute_loss=True, numpy=False)
calibrate coefficients of the latent dynamics and compute loss for one given time series Z.
Z is the encoder output (2D/3D tensor), with shape [time_dim, space_dim] or [n_train, time_dim, space_dim]
- simulate(coefs, z0, t_grid)
time-integrate with one initial condition z0 at time points t_grid, for one given set of coefficients
- sample(coefs_sample, z0_sample, t_grid)
Sample time series for given sample initial conditions and coefficients.
- export()
- load(dict_)