Legacy Benchpark Workflow


This page provides legacy instructions for getting started with Benchpark. Certain steps (e.g., system and experiment specifications, file hierarchy) in this workflow will be deprecated in a future release.

Getting Started with Benchpark

Git is needed to clone Benchpark, and Python 3.8+ is needed to run Benchpark:

git clone git@github.com:LLNL/benchpark.git
cd benchpark

Once Benchpark is available on your system, its python dependencies can be installed using the requirements.txt file included in the root directory of Benchpark.

To install this, you can use:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you are ready to look at the benchmarks and systems available in Benchpark, as described in Searching Benchpark.

Searching Benchpark

The user can search for available system and experiment specifications in Benchpark.

Searching for specifications in Benchpark



Listing in the docs

benchpark list

Lists all benchmarks and systems specified in Benchpark

benchpark list systems

Lists all system specified in Benchpark

System Specifications

benchmark list benchmarks

Lists all benchmarks specified in Benchpark

benchpark list systems

Lists all system specified in Benchpark

System Specifications

benchpark tags workspace

Lists all tags specified in Benchpark

benchpark tags -a application workspace

Lists all tags specified for a given application in Benchpark

benchpark tags -t tag workspace

Lists all experiments in Benchpark with a given tag

Once you have decided on a system you will use, and the benchmark/ProgrammingModel to run, you can proceed to Setting up Benchpark.

For a complete list of options, see the Benchpark help menu:

$ benchpark --help
usage: main.py [-h] [-V] {list,tags,system,experiment,setup,unit-test,audit} ...


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show version number and exit

    list                List available experiments, systems, and modifiers
    tags                Tags in Benchpark experiments
    system              Initialize a system config
    experiment          Interact with experiments
    setup               Set up an experiment and prepare it to build/run
    unit-test           Run benchpark unit tests
    audit               Look for problems in System/Experiment repos

Editing the experiment (optional)

Benchpark configuration files are organized as follows:

├── legacy
│  ├── systems
│  │  ├── ${SYSTEM1}
│  │  │  ├── auxiliary_software_files
│  │  │  │  ├── compilers.yaml
│  │  │  │  └── packages.yaml
│  │  │  ├── software.yaml
│  │  │  └── variables.yaml
│  └── experiments
│     ├── ${BENCHMARK1}
│     │  ├── ${ProgrammingModel1}
│     │  │  ├── execute_experiment.tpl
│     │  │  └── ramble.yaml
│     │  ├── ${ProgrammingModel1}
│     │  │  ├── execute_experiment.tpl
│     │  │  └── ramble.yaml
└── repo
   ├── ${BENCHMARK1}
   │  ├── application.py
   │  └── package.py
   └── repo.yaml

You can edit these configuration files to change the behavior of your experiments.

System Specification

Files under benchpark/legacy/systems/${SYSTEM} provide the specification of the software stack on your system (see Adding a System Specification for details).

Benchmark Specification

If you would like to modify a specification of your benchmark, you can do so by upstreaming changes to Spack and/or Ramble, or working on your benchmark specification in benchpark/repo/${BENCHMARK} (see Adding a Benchmark for details).

Experiment Specification

Files under benchpark/experiments/${BENCHMARK}/${ProgrammingModel} provide the specifications for the experiments. If you would like to make changes to your experiments, such as enabling specific tools to measure the performance of your experiments, you can manually edit the specifications in ramble.yaml (see Adding an Experiment for details).

Benchpark Modifiers

In Benchpark, a modifier follows the Ramble Modifier and is an abstract object that can be applied to a large set of reproducible specifications. Modifiers are intended to encasulate reusable patterns that perform a specific configuration of an experiment. This may include injecting performance analysis or setting up system resources.

Requesting resources with Allocation Modifier


  • an experiment that requests resources (nodes, cpus, gpus, etc.), and

  • a specification of the resources available on the system (cores_per_node, gpus_per_node, etc.),

the Allocation Modifier generates the appropriate scheduler request for these resources (how many nodes are required to run a given experiment, etc.).

Hardware resources as specified by the system, and requested for the experiment


Available on the System

Requested for the Experiment

Total Nodes

(opt) sys_nodes


Total MPI Ranks


CPU cores per node


(opt) n_cores_per_node

GPUs per node


(opt) n_gpus_per_node

Memory per node


(opt) n_mem_per_node

The experiment is required to specify:

  • n_ranks it requires

  • n_gpus (if using GPUs)

If the experiment does not specify n_nodes, the modifier will compute the number of nodes to allocate to provide the n_ranks and/or n_gpus required for the experiment.

The system is required to specify:

  • sys_cores_per_node

  • sys_gpus_per_node (if it has GPUs)

  • sys_mem_per_node

The modifier checks the resources requested by the experiment, computes the values for the unspecified variables, and checks that the request does not exceed the resources available on the system.

To use the resource allocation modifier with your experiment, add the following in your ramble.yaml:

    - ...
    - ./configs/modifier.yaml
  - name: allocation
    - ...
    - '{modifier_package_name}'

Profiling with Caliper Modifier

We have implemented a Caliper modifier to enable profiling of Caliper-instrumented benchmarks in Benchpark. More documentation on Caliper can be found here.

To turn on profiling with Caliper, add --modifier=<caliper_modifier> to the Benchpark setup step:

./benchpark setup <Benchmark/ProgrammingModel> <System> --modifier=<caliper_modifier> <workspace-dir>

Valid values for <caliper_modifier> are found in the Caliper Modifier column of the table below. Benchpark will link the experiment to Caliper, and inject appropriate Caliper configuration at runtime. After the experiments in the workspace have completed running, a .cali file is created which contains the collected performance metrics.

Available caliper modifiers

Caliper Modifier

Where Applicable

Metrics Collected



- Min/Max/Avg time/rank: Minimum/Maximum/Average time (in seconds) across all ranks
- Total time: Aggregated time (in seconds) for all ranks



- Same as basic caliper modifier above
- Profiles MPI functions


x86 Intel CPUs

- Retiring
- Bad speculation
- Front end bound
- Back end bound



- CUDA API functions (e.g., time.gpu)

Setting up Benchpark

Select a benchmark experiment to run, along with the programming model to use, and a system to run them on. Also choose a directory for your experiment:

benchpark setup <Benchmark/ProgrammingModel> <System> </output/path/to/experiments_root>


  • <Benchmark/ProgrammingModel>: amg2023/openmp | amg2023/cuda | saxpy/openmp (available choices in benchpark/experiments)

  • <System>: use benchpark system init, or a predefined system in System Specifications)

This command will assemble a Ramble workspace per experiment with a configuration for the specified benchmark and system with the following directory structure:

                    (everything from system_def_dir)
                    (everything from experiment_def_dir)

benchpark setup will output instructions to follow:

. <experiments_root>/setup.sh

The setup.sh script calls the Spack and Ramble setup scripts. It optionally accepts parameters to ramble workspace setup as documented in Ramble, including --dry-run and --phases make_experiments.

Now you are ready to compile your experiments as described in Building the experiment.

Building the experiment

benchpark setup has set up the directory structure for your experiment. The next step is setting up the Ramble workspace and building the code:

cd <experiments_root>/<Benchmark/ProgrammingModel>/<System>/workspace
ramble --disable-progress-bar --workspace-dir . workspace setup

Ramble will build the source code and set up the following workspace directory structure:

                    (everything from system_def_dir)
                    (everything from experiment_def_dir>)

If you edit any of the files, see FAQ-what-to-rerun to determine whether you need to re-do any of the previous steps.

Running an Experiment in Benchpark

To run all of the experiments in the workspace:

ramble --disable-progress-bar --workspace-dir . on

An output file is generated for each experiment in its unique directory:

| └── experiments
|    └── amg2023
|        └── problem1
|            ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_10_10_10
|            │   ├── execute_experiment
|            │   ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_10_10_10.out
|            │   └── ...
|            ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_10_10_10
|            │   ├── execute_experiment
|            │   ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_10_10_10.out
|            │   └── ...
|            ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_20_20_20
|            │   ├── execute_experiment
|            │   ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_20_20_20.out
|            │   └── ...
|            └── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_20_20_20
|                ├── execute_experiment
|                ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_20_20_20.out
|                └── ...

An experiment instance can also be executed individually by directly invoking its execute_experiment script (e.g., $workspace/experiments/amg2023/problem1/amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_10_10_10/execute_experiment).

Note that re-running the experiment may overwrite any existing output files in the directory. Further, if the benchmark has restart capability, existing output may alter the experiments benchpark would run in the second run. Generally, we would advise the user to remove the $workspace/experiments directory before re-running the experiments using ramble --disable-progress-bar --workspace-dir . on.

Analyzing Experiments in Benchpark

Once the experiments completed running, the command:

ramble --disable-progress-bar --workspace-dir . workspace analyze

can be used to analyze figures of merit and evaluate success/failure of the experiments. Ramble generates a file with summary of the results in $workspace.