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Package std-system (in std.i) - interacting with system

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT after, secs, f
      or after, secs, f, arg
      of after, -, f, arg
      of after, -
  Execute yorick statement
    F, ARG;
  when yorick becomes idle, but at least SECS seconds from now.
  SECS may be type double to specify fractions of a second.
  With SECS = 0.0, this is the same as set_idler, except that
  while you may have only a single idler function, you may have
  many after functions.  F may be either a function (is_func(f)
  non-zero), or an oxy object (is_obj(f) non-zero).  For example,
    after, 0.1, include, ["fma; plg, y, x;"];
  can obviously be modified to do anything you want, although you
  are probably better off writing a function containing the
  executable line, rather than putting it into a string.
  As another example,
    after, 0.1, object, method;
  invokes the object method after a delay of a tenth of a second.
  (See help,oxy for more on objects.)  If F is an object, and method
  is a simple variable reference, the special semantics of object
  arguments apply; that is, only the name "method" is significant,
  not its value.
  In the third form, with the pseudo-index - as the first argument,
  cancels the specified after call(s).  The ARG, if specified, must
  be the same variable, not just the same value.  If no ARG is specified,
  all pending after callbacks with the given F are cancelled.  If
  neither ARG nor F is specified, all after callbacks are cancelled.

SEE ALSO: spawn, set_idler, after_error


DOCUMENT after_error = error_handler_func
  If the variable AFTER_ERROR is set to an interpreted function
  with no parameters, that function will be invoked after an error,
  before the next prompt, instead of entering or offering to enter
  debug mode.  The error message will be printed, and also will be
  stored in the catch_message variable.  A fault during the execution
  of the after_error function will not invoke after_error, but
  otherwise after_error is persistent (unlike set_idler).  An error
  resets any functions scheduled using after or set_idler, so the
  after_error function must reschedule these if necessary.
  The catch function is a more appropriate way to recover from
  some errors.

SEE ALSO: set_idler, catch, after


DOCUMENT batch, 1
         batch, 0
  turns on, turns off, or tests for batch mode, respectively.
  If yorick is started with the command line:
     yorick -batch batch_include.i ...
  then batch mode is turned on, the usual custom.i startup file is
  skipped, and the file batch_include.i is parsed and executed.  The
  -batch and batch_include.i command line arguments are removed from
  the list returned by get_argv().  These must be the first two
  arguments on the command line.

  In batch mode, any error will terminate Yorick (as by the quit
  function) rather than entering debug mode.  Also, any attempt to
  read from the keyboard is an error.

SEE ALSO: process_argv, get_argv, set_idler, after_error


DOCUMENT cd, directory_name
      or cd(directory_name)
  change current working directory to DIRECTORY_NAME, returning
  the expanded path name (i.e.- with leading environment variables,
  ., .., or ~ replaced by the actual pathname).  If called as a
  function, returns nil to indicate failure, otherwise failure
  causes a Yorick error.

SEE ALSO: lsdir, mkdir, rmdir, get_cwd, get_home, get_env, get_argv


DOCUMENT get_argv()
  returns string array containing the argv from the command line.
  The -batch and batch_include.i arguments are removed (not returned).

SEE ALSO: process_argv, cd, get_cwd, get_home, get_env, batch


DOCUMENT get_cwd()
      or get_home()
  returns the pathname of the current working directory or of your
  home directory.

SEE ALSO: cd, lsdir, get_env, get_argv


DOCUMENT get_env(environment_variable_name)
  returns the environment variable (a string) associated with
  ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME (calls ANSI getenv routine).

SEE ALSO: cd, get_cwd, get_home, get_env, get_argv


SEE: get_cwd


DOCUMENT get_path()
  returns the current include file search path.

SEE ALSO: set_path, get_pkgnames, split_path


DOCUMENT files = lsdir(directory_name)
      or files = lsdir(directory_name, subdirs)
  List DIRECTORY_NAME.  The return value FILES is an array of
  strings or nil; the order of the filenames is unspecified;
  it does not contain "." or "..".  If present, SUBDIRS must be
  a simple variable reference, and is set to a list of subdirectory
  names (or nil if none).  If SUBDIRS is not present (first form),
  the return value of lsdir includes both files and subdirectories.
  If DIRECTORY_NAME does not exist or is not a directory, the return
  value is the integer 0 rather than nil.  Hence:
    files = lsdir(dirname, subdirs);
    if (structof(files) == long) {
      directory does not exist
    } else {
      for (i=1 ; i<=numberof(files) ; ++i) {...use files(i)...}
      for (i=1 ; i<=numberof(subdirs) ; ++i) {...use subdirs(i)...}

SEE ALSO: cd, mkdir, rmdir, get_cwd, get_home, filepath


DOCUMENT maybe_prompt
  Issue prompt for keyboard input if appropriate.
  This command only makes sense (I think) as the final statement
  of a function invoked as an idler (via set_idler), when yorick is
  in a loop with an idler function that continuously re-installs
  itself.  Yorick ordinarily issues a prompt only just before it
  stops to wait for keyboard input, it will never prompt in this
  situation, even though it would accept keyboard input if it
  were typed.

SEE ALSO: set_idler


DOCUMENT mkdir, directory_name
      or rmdir, directory_name 
  Create DIRECTORY_NAME with mkdir, or remove it with rmdir.  The rmdir
  function only works if the directory is empty.  An error is raised if
  DIRECTORY_NAME is not a non-nil scalar string.  If mkdir or rmdir are
  called as subroutines and the operation fails, no error is raised
  (so you can use this form even when the directory already exists for
  mkdir, or already is missing for rmdir).  Otherwise, if
  DIRECTORY_NAME is a non-nil scalar string and if mkdir and rmdir are
  called as a function, they return an integer: 0 to indicate success and
  -1 to indicate failure.

SEE ALSO: mkdirp, cd, lsdir, get_cwd, get_home, filepath


DOCUMENT mkdirp, directory_name
  Create DIRECTORY_NAME, creating any missing parent directories
  (like UNIX utility mkdir -p).  Unlike mkdir, signals error if
  the creation is unsuccessful.  If DIRECTORY_NAME already exists
  and is a directory, mkdirp is a no-op.

SEE ALSO: mkdir


DOCUMENT remaining= process_argv()
      or remaining= process_argv("your startup message")
  Performs standard command line processing.  This function is
  invoked by the default custom.i file (in $Y_SITE/i); you
  can also invoke it from your personal ~/yorick/custom.i file.
  The process_argv calls get_argv, removes any arguments of
  the form "-ifilename" or "-i filename" (the latter is a pair of
  arguments.  It returns any arguments not of this form as its
  result, after including any filenames it found in the order
  they appeared on the command line.
  The optional string argument may be an array of strings to print
  a multi-line message.

  A Yorick package may define the function get_command_line in
  order to feed process_argv something other than get_argv.

SEE ALSO: batch


  Exit YMainLoop when current task finishes.
  Normally this terminates the program.


SEE: suspend


SEE: mkdir


DOCUMENT set_idler, idler_function
      or set_idler, idler_function, errflags
  sets the idler function to IDLER_FUNCTION.  Instead of waiting
  for keyboard input when all its tasks are finished, the interpreter
  will invoke IDLER_FUNCTION with no arguments.  The idler function
  is normally invoked only once, so input from the keyboard resumes
  after one call to the idler.  Of course, an idler is free to call
  set_idler again before it returns, which will have the effect of
  calling that function in a loop.
  If present, the ERRFLAGS argument changes the way errors are processed:
    0  - default processing, add any combination of:
    1  - suppress printing error messages
    2  - append [pc] relative program counter to function name in error
         message (use disassemble to find corresponding instruction)
    4  - call any after_error function in dbug mode (rather than clearing
         stack), so it is responsible for calling dbexit

SEE ALSO: batch, maybe_prompt, after, after_error


DOCUMENT set_path, "dir1:dir2:dir3:..."
      or set_path
  sets the include file search path to the specified list of
  directories.  The specified directories are searched left to
  right for include files specified as relative file names in
  #include directives, or to the include or require functions.
  If the argument is omitted, restores the default search path,
  where y_site is the main Yorick directory for this site.
  The Y_LAUNCH directory is the directory which contains the
  executable; this directory is omitted if it is the same as

  Only the "end user" should ever call set_path, and then only in
  his or her custom.i file, for the purpose of placing a more
  elaborate set of personal directories containing Yorick procedures.
  For example, if someone else maintains Yorick code you use, you
  might put their ~/yorick on your include path.

SEE ALSO: Y_LAUNCH, Y_SITE, include, require, get_path


DOCUMENT process = spawn(argv, on_stdout)
      or process = spawn(argv, on_stdout, on_stderr)
  starts the process named in ARGV(1) with additional arguments
  in any subsequent elements of ARGV (which is a scalar or 1D
  array of strings).  The ON_STDOUT and optional ON_STDERR
  are interpreted functions declared like this:
      commands to process msg on stdout from process

  Yorick will invoke ON_STDOUT asynchronously if process
  emits text to its stdout.  Yorick includes the process in
  the list of event sources, which it polls whenever it waits
  for input.  If the optional ON_STDERR is provided, it is
  called asynchronously whenever process emits a line to stderr;
  with no ON_STDERR, the process will share yorick's stderr,
  which generally means the process stderr prints at the terminal.
  (Note that you can make the third argument the same as the second
  if you want to use the same function to handle stdout and stderr.)
  When the process terminates, ON_STDOUT is invoked with
  string(0) and the process object becomes inactive.  Note that
  ON_STDOUT and ON_STDERR are invoked via the name they were
  originally defined with (in the func or extern statement for
  interpreted and compiled functions, respectively).

  The object returned by spawn, process, can be used to send input
  or signals to the process:
    process, msg;
  where msg is a string, sends msg to the process's stdin.
    process, signum;
  sends process the specified signal (e.g.- signum=2 sends SIGINT,
  like hitting control-C, while signum=9 kills the process), if
  signum is an integer (as opposed to a string).  (Normally you
  should not send signals to a process.)  If you redefine the
  final reference to process, for example by
    process = [];
  yorick will disconnect from the process, closing its end of
  the stdin, stdout, and, optionally, stderr pipes.  For many
  programs, this will stop the program, but if the program can
  continue running without stdin and stdout, it will continue
  running.  (If yorick were a shell, the process would be running
  in the background; if the process would live beyond the shell
  which created it, it will also survive its process variable
  being freed.)

  Note: funcdef may be extremely useful for writing ON_STDOUT.

SEE ALSO: popen, system, suspend, funcdef, after, spawn_callback


DOCUMENT spawn_callback -->
func on_stdout
           extern fragment; 
           lines = spawn_callback(fragment, msg);
           for (i=1 ; i<=numberof(lines) ; i++) {
             line = lines(i);
             if (!line) {
             } else {
  Here is a template for a callback function to be passed to spawn.
  The spawn_callback function buffers any fragmentary lines,
  delivering only complete lines as output.  Note that FRAGMENT
  must somehow be managed between calls to on_stdout; it should
  be intialized to [] before calling spawn.

SEE ALSO: spawn


DOCUMENT suspend
  Stop execution of the current interpreted program with suspend.
  It resumes at the instruction following suspend when yorick
  becomes idle after another interpreted task has called resume.
  Note that the task which calls resume must be triggered by an
  input stream other than stdin, such as the on_stdout or on_stderr
  function of a spawned process or the on_elapse of an after.
  Use control-c to escape from a hung suspend state.

SEE ALSO: spawn, funcdef, after


DOCUMENT system, "shell command line"
  Passes the command line string to a shell for execution.
  If the string is constant, you may use the special syntax:
      $shell command line
  (A long command line may be continued by ending the line with \
  as usual.)  The system function syntax allows Yorick to compute
  parts of the command line string, while the simple $ escape
  syntax does not.  In either case, the only way to get output
  back from such a command is to redirect it to a file, then
  read the file.  Note that Yorick does not regain control
  until the subordinate shell finishes.  (Yorick will get control
  back if the command line backgrounds the job.)
  WARNING: If Yorick has grown to a large size, this may crash
  your operating system, since the underlying POSIX fork function
  first copies all of the running Yorick process before the exec
  function can start the shell.  See Y_SITE/sysafe.i for a fix.

SEE ALSO: popen


DOCUMENT timer, elapsed
      or timer, elapsed, split
  updates the ELAPSED and optionally SPLIT timing arrays.  These
  arrays must each be of type array(double,3); the layout is
  [cpu, system, wall], with all three times measured in seconds.
  ELAPSED is updated to the total times elapsed since this copy
  of Yorick started.  SPLIT is incremented by the difference between
  the new values of ELAPSED and the values of ELAPSED on entry.
  This feature allows for primitive code profiling by keeping
  separate accounting of time usage in several categories, e.g.--
     elapsed= total= cat1= cat2= cat3= array(double, 3);
     timer, elapsed0;
     elasped= elapsed0;
     ... category 1 code ...
     timer, elapsed, cat1;
     ... category 2 code ...
     timer, elapsed, cat2;
     ... category 3 code ...
     timer, elapsed, cat3;
     ... more category 2 code ...
     timer, elapsed, cat2;
     timer, elapsed0, total;
  The wall time is not absolutely reliable, owning to possible
  rollover at midnight.

SEE ALSO: timestamp, timer_print


DOCUMENT timer_print, label1, split1, label2, split2, ...
      or timer_print
      or timer_print, label_total
  prints out a timing summary for splits accumulated by timer.
     timer_print, "category 1", cat1, "category 2", cat2,
                  "category 3", cat3, "total", total;

SEE ALSO: timer


DOCUMENT timestamp()
      or timestamp(utime)
      or timestamp, utime
  returns string of the form "Sun Jan  3 15:14:13 1988" -- always
  has 24 characters.  If a simple variable reference UTIME is supplied,
  it will be set to the number of seconds since 1970 Jan 1 0000 UT.

SEE ALSO: timer


DOCUMENT yorick_stats
  returns an array of longs describing Yorick memory usage.
  For debugging.  See ydata.c source code.