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Package std-fileio (in std.i) - generic file i/o

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT close, f
  closes the I/O stream F (returned earlier by the open function).
  If F is a simple variable reference (as opposed to an expression),
  the close function will set F to nil.  If F is the only reference
  to the I/O stream, then "close, f" is equivalent to "f= []".
  Otherwise, "close, f" will close the file (so that subsequent
  I/O operations will fail) and print a warning message about the
  outstanding ("stale") references.

SEE ALSO: open, read, write, rdline, bookmark, backup, save, restore, rename, remove


DOCUMENT f= create(filename)
  is a synonym for       f= open(filename, "w")
  Creates a new text file FILENAME, destroying any existing file of
  that name.  Use the write function to write into the file F.

SEE ALSO: write, close, open


DOCUMENT fflush, file
  flush the I/O buffers for the text file FILE.  (Binary files are
  flushed at the proper times automatically.)  You should only need
  this after a write, especially to a pipe.

SEE ALSO: write, popen


DOCUMENT filepath(file);
  Return full path name of file(s).  Argument FILE can be either an open
  binary/text file or an array of file names (in the latter case tilde
  expansion is performed and the result will have the same shape as the

SEE ALSO: cd, lsdir, mkdir, open.


DOCUMENT f= open(filename)
      or f= open(filename, filemode)
      or f= open(filename, filemode, errmode)
  opens the file FILENAME according to FILEMODE (both are strings).
  If ERRMODE is non-nil and non-zero, fail by returning nil F,
  otherwise failure to open or create the file is a runtime error.

  To use ERRMODE to check for the existence of a file:
     if (open(filename,"r",1)) file_exists;
     else file_does_not_exist;

  The return value F is an IOStream (or just stream for short).  When
  the last reference to this return value is discarded, the file will
  be closed.  The file can also be explicitly closed with the close
  function.  The FILEMODE determines whether the file is to be
  opened in read, write, or update mode, and whether writes are
  restricted to the end-of-file (append mode).  FILEMODE also
  determines whether the file is opened as a text file or as a
  binary file.  FILEMODE can have the following values, which are
  the same as for the ANSI standard fopen function:
     "r"     - read only
     "w"     - write only, random access, existing file overwritten
     "a"     - write only, forced to end-of-file,
             existing file preserved
     "r+"    - read/write, random access, existing file preserved
     "w+"    - read/write, random access, existing file overwritten
     "a+"    - read/write, reads random access,
             writes forced to end-of-file, existing file preserved
     "rb"  "wb"  "ab"  "r+b"  "rb+"  "w+b"  "wb+"  "a+b"  "ab+"
             without b means text file, with b means binary file
  The default FILEMODE is "r" -- open an existing text file for

  The read and write functions perform I/O on text files.
  I/O to binary files may be performed explicitly using the save
  and restore functions, or implicitly by using the stream variable
  F as if it were a data structure instance (e.g.- f.x refers to
  variable x in the binary file f).

SEE ALSO: create, close, read, write, rdline, bookmark, backup, popen, vopen, rename, remove, save, restore


DOCUMENT f= popen(command, mode)
  opens a pipe to COMMAND, which is executed as with the system
  function.  If MODE is 0, the returned file handle is open for
  reading, and you are reading the stdout produced by COMMAND.
  If MODE is 1, f is opened for writing and you are writing to
  the stdin read by COMMAND.

SEE ALSO: open, system


SEE: rename


DOCUMENT rename, old_filename, new_filename
         remove filename
  rename or remove a file.

SEE ALSO: open, close, openb


DOCUMENT contents = vclose(handle)
  closes a file handle opened with vopen, returning the contents as
  an array.  As a side effect, the handle is set to nil [], as in
  close.  For a read-only handle, the contents will be the same as
  the array passed to the vopen call which returned the handle.
  For a read-write handle, vclose is the only way to get back what
  you have written to the file; if you close such a file using the
  ordinary close function, you will lose what you have written.

SEE ALSO: vsave, vopen, close


DOCUMENT f = vopen(source)
      or f = vopen(source, 1)
  opens SOURCE, which can be a string or char array, as if it were a
  file, returning a file handle.  The file handle will be a text file
  unless the optional second argument is non-nil and non-zero, as in
  the second form.  For the case of a binary file, SOURCE must be a
  char array.  Any dimensions of a char array are ignored in either
  case.  For a text file, if SOURCE is a string array, each array element
  is treated as one line of text.  For a text file char array, "\n",
  "\r", "\r\n", or "\0" are all recognized as newline markers.  These
  are read only files.

  If SOURCE is nil, the file handle will be read-write.  After writing
  the in-memory file, you can retrieve the finished array with the
  vclose function.  If the file is text, the array will be an array of
  strings, one per line.  If the file is binary, the array will be an
  array of char.

SEE ALSO: vsave, vclose, open, system


DOCUMENT bytes = vpack(var1, var2, ...);
      or vfile = vopen(,1);
         vpack, vfile, var1, var2, ...;
         vpack, vfile, var3, var4, ...;
         bytes = vpack(vfile);
  pack variables into a byte stream, preserving data types and dimensions.
  If the first argument is an in-memory file created by vopen(,1), then
  vpack appends the variables to the file; to close the file, supply
  no new variables to pack.  The VARi must be arrays, and may not be
  pointers or struct instances.  If you want to store pointers or struct
  instances and preserve variable names, use vsave.
  The returned byte stream contains the primitive data formats (as
  returned by get_primitives), so it can be used on a platform other
  than the one on which vpack was run.

SEE ALSO: vunpack, vsave


DOCUMENT c = vsave(var1, var2, ...);
      or c = vsave(var1, ..., string(namea), vara, ...);
      or vfile = createb(char);
         vsave, vfile, var1, var2, ...;
         vsave, vfile, var3, var4, ...;
         c = vsave(vfile);
  save the array variables VAR1, VAR2, ..., in the char array that is
  returned.  Any of the variables may instead be a string expression
  NAMEA followed by the value VARA of the variable.  The NAMEA argument
  is recognized as the name of the following argument by being an
  expression; arguments that are to be stored in f must be simple
  variable references.  You can achieve this as shown by placing the
  argument inside a call to string(), or by adding "", or simply by
  passing a constant string value like "myvarname".

  If you wish to build up a char array over several calls to vsave,
  pass the first argument VFILE, which you create with createb(char).
  A final call with no variables returns the char array and closes

  You can pass the returned char array to openb, f=openb(c), to get
  an in-memory file handle f like any other binary file handle,
  allowing you to use the restore function, or the f.var1 syntax,
  or the get_member function.

  You can set the internal primitives using the prims= keyword; see
  createb for details.

SEE ALSO: openb, vopen, vpack, restore, get_member, wrap_args


DOCUMENT eof = vunpack(bytes, var1, var2, ...);
      or nextvar = vunpack(bytes,-);
      or vunpack, bytes;
  unpack variables VAR1, VAR2, ... from a byte stream BYTES created
  with vpack.  The vunpack call modifies BYTES to save the number of
  variables which have already been unpacked, so you can perform the
  unpack operation with multiple calls.  Calling vunpack as a
  subroutine with no VARi arguments resets this information, restoring
  BYTES to its original value (that is, as vpack returned it).
  Called as a function, vunpack returns 1 if more variables remain
  to be unpacked, or 0 if no more variables remain.
  For example, if BYTES contains 5 variables:
    bytes = vpack(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5);
  You can retrieve the variables by a single call to vunpack:
    vunpack, bytes, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5;
  Or by a sequence of calls to vunpack:
    vunpack, bytes, var1, var2;
    vunpack, bytes, var3, var4, var5;

SEE ALSO: vunpack, vsave