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Package style (in style.i) -

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT get_style, landscape, systems, legends, clegends

  get the detailed style of the current drawing.  The arguments
  are all outputs:

  landscape: 1 if drawing is landscape orientation, 0 if portrait
  system:    an array of GfakeSystem struct instances, one per
             coordinate system in this drawing (ordinarily just one).
  legends:   a GeLegendBox structure instance describing the layout
             of the plot legends
  clegends:  a GeLegendBox structure instance describing the layout
             of the contour legends

  See the help for the GeLegendBox and GpTextAttribs structs for
  the details of the legends and clegends arguments.  Basically,
  you can adjust the location of the legends on the page, the
  font and height of the characters used to render legends, and
  whether the legends are split into two columns.

  The coordinate systems are the systems accessible via the
  plsys command.  The index of the system in the system array is
  the index you use to switch to it in the plsys command.  Simple
  styles have only one coordinate system, and you should carefully
  consider whether you should design a graphic style with multiple
  coordinate systems -- most likely, you can do a better job by
  combining several separate Yorick pictures with some sort of
  page layout program, rather than trying to do this work within
  Yorick itself.

  See the help for the GfakeSystem struct for complete details of
  what you can adjust.  The most interesting features you can
  control are the location and aspect ratio of the viewport, and
  the details of the axis ticks and labels.  The gridxy function
  provides a simpler interface for fiddling with ticks and labels
  if that is all you need.  The system.viewport member is the
  [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] of the rectangle on the page where your
  plots will appear, expressed in NDC coordinates (0.0013 NDC units
  equals one point, and there are 72.27 points per inch, and 2.54
  cm per inch; the NDC origin is always at the lower left hand
  corner of the paper, with x increasing leftward and y increasing
  upward).  If you change the size of the viewport, you will also
  need to change the parameters of the tick-generating model; like
  other problems in typography and page layout, this is harder
  than you might think.

SEE ALSO: set_style, read_style, write_style


DOCUMENT read_style, file, landscape, systems, legends, clegends

  read a Gist style sheet (.gs file), and return the data
  structures as described in the get_style function.  The FILE
  can be a filename or a text file stream.

SEE ALSO: get_style, set_style, write_style


DOCUMENT set_style, landscape, systems, legends, clegends

  set the detailed style of the current drawing.  The arguments
  are all inputs, having the same meanings as for get_style (which
  see).  All arguments are required, so you may need to call
  get_style as a starting point, if you only want to make a few
  changes.  See the Y_SITE/g/ and the other .gs files for
  examples of reasonable values to choose.

  Calling set_style destroys anything that was plotted in the
  window, like the style= keyword of the window command.

SEE ALSO: get_style, read_style, write_style


DOCUMENT write_style, file, landscape, systems, legends, clegends

  write a Gist style sheet (.gs file), using the data structures
  as described in the get_style function.  The FILE can be a
  filename or a text file stream.

SEE ALSO: get_style, set_style, read_style