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Package std-include (in std.i) - including files and parsing strings

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT autoload, ifile, var1, var2, ...
      or autoload, ifile
  causes IFILE to be included when any of the variables VAR1, VAR2, ...
  is referenced as a function or subroutine.  Multiple autoload
  calls may refer to a single IFILE; the effect is cumulative.  Note
  that any reference to a single one of the VARi causes all of them
  to be replaced (when IFILE is included).
  The semantics of this process are complicated, but should work
  as expected in most cases: After the call to autoload, the VARi
  may not be redefined (e.g.- VARi=something or func VARi) without
  generating a warning message, and causing all the VARi for the
  same IFILE to become undefined.  The semantic subtlety arises
  from the yorick variable scoping rules; if any of the VARi has local
  scope for any function in the calling chain when the inclusion of
  IFILE is actually triggered, only those local values will be
  replaced.  (The autoload function is no different than the require
  or include functions in this regard.)
  The second form, with no VARi, cancels the autoload, without giving
  any warning; all the VARi become undefined.

  Before IFILE is included, the VARi behave like [] (nil) variables
  as far as their response to the is_void function, and the ! and ?
  operators.  (You can use is_func to discover whether a variable is
  an autoload.)  Only their actual use in a function or subroutine call
  will trigger the autoload.  While the IFILE may define the VARi
  as any type of object, the autoload feature only works as intended
  if the VARi are defined as interpreted or built-in functions.  The
  only way it makes sense for a VARi to be a built-in function, is
  if the IFILE executes a plug_in command to dynamically load an
  associated compiled library.

  If IFILE (or a file with the same name) has already been included,
  autoload is a silent no-op.  This is exactly analogous to the
  behavior of the require function; it does not harm to call either
  require or autoload if the IFILE has already been included.  Note
  that you may want to place a require at the beginning of a file
  you expect to be autoloaded, in preference to providing separate
  autoloads for the second file.

SEE ALSO: include, require, plug_in, is_func


DOCUMENT current_include()
  If Yorick is parsing a file, this function returns the absolute path
  of this file; otherwise, this function returns nil.

SEE ALSO: include, require.


DOCUMENT function = funcdef(command_line)
  creates an anonymous interpreted function from the input
  COMMAND_LINE, equivalent to
func function
  The COMMAND_LINE string is restricted to the following
    "funcname arg1 arg2 ..."
  where each of the arguments is one of
  (a) a symbol (that is, a yorick variable name)
  (b) a decimal integer
  (c) a real number
  (d) a quoted string
  The quoted string is enclosed in double quotes, and a
  backslash can be used to escape a double quote or a
  backslash (but the other backslash escape sequences are
  not recognized and unnecessary - just insert the ascii code).

  Note that funcdef merely creates the function; if you want
  to execute it and discard it, use the following statement:

  The huge advantage of funcdef over the full yorick parser
  is that it is stateless, which means you can invoke it to
  generate actions for event callbacks.  The extreme simplicity
  of the permitted COMMAND_LINE is not a limitation for this
  application, because you are free to invoke an arbitrarily
  complex "funcname", and to provide it with arbitrary inputs.

  The intent with funcdef is not to permit you to create an
  arbitrary toolkit of interpreted functions, but merely to
  allow you to invoke such a toolkit; the toolkit itself is
  supposed to be parsed by the ordinary include, require, or
  autoload mechanisms.  Generally, you will have to design
  an interpreted toolkit somewhat differently if it is to be
  invoked by funcdef.  For example, funcdef does not allow
  you to set variables as in x=value, but you can use the
  funcset (or similarly designed) function to set variables
  like this:
    funcdef("funcset x value")

  Do not attempt to use funcdef to input vast amounts of data.
  As a rule of thumb, if your funcdef strings have more than a
  couple of dozen tokens, you probably haven't thought hard
  enough about what you are doing.

SEE ALSO: include, spawn, funcset


DOCUMENT funcset var1 val1 var2 val2 ...

  Equivalent to
    var1=val1; var2=val2; ...

  This function it is not useful for yorick programs.  It is intended
  to be used to create functions with funcdef that set variable values.

  Handles at most 8 var/val pairs.
  As a special case, if given an odd number of arguments, funcset
  sets the final var to [], e.g.-
    funcset var1 12.34 var2
  is equivalent to
    var1=12.34; var2=[];

SEE ALSO: funcdef


DOCUMENT get_includes()
  Returns an array of strings with the names of all included files so

SEE ALSO: set_path, current_include, include, require.


DOCUMENT #include "yorick_source.i"
         require, source
         include, source
      or include, source, now

  The SOURCE argument can be a scalar string, interpreted as a
  filename like "yorick_source.i", the text in a char array, or
  the text in a 1D array of strings (as returned by a two argument
  call to rdline).

  #include is a parser directive, not a Yorick statement.  Use it
  to read Yorick source code which you have saved in a file; the
  file yorick_source.i will be read one line at a time, exactly as
  if you had typed those lines at the keyboard.  The following
  directories are searched (in this order) to find yorick_source.i:

     .               (current working directory)
     ~/yorick        (your personal directory of Yorick functions)
     ~/Yorick        (your personal directory of Yorick functions)
     Y_SITE/i        (Yorick distribution library)
     Y_SITE/contrib  (contributed source at your site)
     Y_SITE/i0       (Yorick startup and package include files)
     Y_HOME/lib      (Yorick architecture dependent include files)

  To find out what is available in the Y_SITE/i directory,
  You can also type
  to find the name of the site directory at your site, go to the
  include or contrib subdirectory, and browse through the *.i files.
  This is a good way to learn how to write a Yorick program.  Be
  alert for files like README as well.

  The require function checks to see whether FILENAME has already
  been included (actually whether any file with the same final
  path component has been included).  If so, require is a no-op,
  otherwise, the action is the same as the include function with
  NOW == 1.

  The include function causes Yorick to parse and execute FILENAME
  immediately.  The effect is similar to the #include parser
  directive, except the finding, parsing, and execution of FILENAME
  occurs at runtime.  The NOW argument has the following meanings:
    NOW == -1   filename pushed onto stack, popped and parsed
                when all pending input is exhausted
    NOW == 0    (or nil, default) parsed just before next input
                line would be parsed
    NOW == 1    parsed immediately, resuming current interpreted
                program when finished (like require)
    NOW == 2    like 0, except no error if filename does not exist
    NOW == 3    like 1, except no error if filename does not exist

  Unless you are writing a startup file, or have some truly bizarre
  technical reason for using the include function, use #include
  instead.  The functional form of include may involve recursive
  parsing, which you will not be able to understand without deep
  study.  Stick with #include.

SEE ALSO: set_path, Y_SITE, plug_in, autoload, include_all, funcdef, include1


DOCUMENT function = include1(source)
  is similar to include, but parses SOURCE only until the first
  executable *main* program, which it returns as an interpreted
  function rather than executing immediately.

  The SOURCE argument can be a scalar string, interpreted as a
  filename like "yorick_source.i", the text in a char array, or
  the text in a 1D array of strings (as returned by a two argument
  call to rdline).

SEE ALSO: include, funcdef


DOCUMENT include_all, dir1, dir2, ...
  include all files in directories DIR1, DIR2, ..., with names
  ending in the ".i" extension.  (This is mostly for use to load
  the i-start directories when yorick starts; see i0/stdx.i.)
  If any of the DIRi do not exist, or are empty, they are
  silently skipped.  Filenames beginning with "." are also skipped,
  even if they end in ".i".  The files are included in alphabetical
  order, DIR1 first, then DIR2, and so on.

SEE ALSO: include, include1, autoload


SEE: include