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Package pl3d (in pl3d.i) -

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT aim3, xa,ya,za
  move the current 3D plot to put the point (XA,YA,ZA) in object
  coordinates at the point (0,0,0) -- the aim point -- in the
  viewer's coordinates.  If any of XA, YA, or ZA is nil, it defaults
  to zero.

SEE ALSO: mov3, rot3, orient3, setz3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3


      or cage3, onoff
  Toggle the cage display.  If ONOFF is non-nil and non-zero,
  turn on the cage.  If ONOFF is zero, turn off the cage.

  The cage draws a rectangular box "behind" the 3D object and
  attempts to put ticks and labels around the edge of the box.

SEE ALSO: limit3, plwf,


  Clear the current 3D display list.


  Draw the current 3D display list.
  (Ordinarily triggered automatically when the drawing changes.)


DOCUMENT get3_centroid(xyz, nxyz)
      or get3_centroid(xyz)

  return 3D centroids for polygons with vertices XYZ.  If NXYZ is
  specified, XYZ should be 3-by-sum(nxyz), with NXYZ being the
  list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp
  function).  If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral
  mesh, 3-by-ni-by-nj (as for the plf function).  In the first case,
  the return value is 3-by-numberof(NXYZ); in the second case, the
  return value is 3-by-(ni-1)-by-(nj-1).

  The centroids are constructed as the mean value of all vertices
  of each polygon.

SEE ALSO: get3_normal, get3_light


DOCUMENT get3_light(xyz, nxyz)
      or get3_light(xyz)

  return 3D lighting for polygons with vertices XYZ.  If NXYZ is
  specified, XYZ should be 3-by-sum(nxyz), with NXYZ being the
  list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp
  function).  If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral
  mesh, 3-by-ni-by-nj (as for the plf function).  In the first case,
  the return value is numberof(NXYZ); in the second case, the
  return value is (ni-1)-by-(nj-1).

  The parameters of the lighting calculation are set by the
  light3 function.

SEE ALSO: light3, set3_object, get3_normal, get3_centroid


DOCUMENT get3_normal(xyz, nxyz)
      or get3_normal(xyz)

  return 3D normals for polygons with vertices XYZ.  If NXYZ is
  specified, XYZ should be 3-by-sum(nxyz), with NXYZ being the
  list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp
  function).  If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral
  mesh, 3-by-ni-by-nj (as for the plf function).  In the first case,
  the return value is 3-by-numberof(NXYZ); in the second case, the
  return value is 3-by-(ni-1)-by-(nj-1).

  The normals are constructed from the cross product of the lines
  joining the midpoints of two edges which as nearly quarter the
  polygon as possible (the medians for a quadrilateral).  No check
  is made that these not be parallel; the returned "normal" is
  [0,0,0] in that case.  Also, if the polygon vertices are not
  coplanar, the "normal" has no precisely definable meaning.

SEE ALSO: get3_centroid, get3_light


DOCUMENT get3_xy, xyz, x, y
      or get3_xy, xyz, x, y, z, 1

  Given 3-by-anything coordinates XYZ, return X and Y in viewer's
  coordinate system (set by rot3, mov3, orient3, etc.).  If the
  fifth argument is present and non-zero, also return Z (for use
  in sort3d or get3_light, for example).  If the camera position
  has been set to a finite distance with setz3, the returned
  coordinates will be tangents of angles for a perspective
  drawing (and Z will be scaled by 1/zc).

SEE ALSO: sort3d, get3_light, rot3, setz3, set3_object


      or gnomon, onoff
  Toggle the gnomon display.  If ONOFF is non-nil and non-zero,
  turn on the gnomon.  If ONOFF is zero, turn off the gnomon.

  The gnomon shows the X, Y, and Z axis directions in the
  object coordinate system.  The directions are labeled.
  The gnomon is always infinitely far behind the object
  (away from the camera).

  There is a mirror-through-the-screen-plane ambiguity in the
  display which is resolved in two ways: (1) The (X,Y,Z)
  coordinate system is right-handed, and (2) If the tip of an
  axis projects into the screen, it's label is drawn in opposite
  polarity to the other text on the screen.


DOCUMENT light3, ambient=a_level,
  Sets lighting properties for 3D shading effects.
  A surface will be shaded according to its to its orientation
  relative to the viewing direction.

  The ambient level A_LEVEL is a light level (arbitrary units)
  that is added to every surface independent of its orientation.

  The diffuse level D_LEVEL is a light level which is proportional
  to cos(theta), where theta is the angle between the surface
  normal and the viewing direction, so that surfaces directly
  facing the viewer are bright, while surfaces viewed edge on are
  unlit (and surfaces facing away, if drawn, are shaded as if they
  faced the viewer).

  The specular level S_LEVEL is a light level proportional to a high
  power spower=N of 1+cos(alpha), where alpha is the angle between
  the specular reflection angle and the viewing direction.  The light
  source for the calculation of alpha lies in the direction XYZ (a
  3 element vector) in the viewer's coordinate system at infinite
  distance.  You can have ns light sources by making S_LEVEL, N, and
  XYZ (or any combination) be vectors of length ns (3-by-ns in the
  case of XYZ).  (See source code for specular_hook function
  definition if powers of 1+cos(alpha) aren't good enough for you.)

  With no arguments, return to the default lighting.

  light3, diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=[0,0,-1]
    (dramatic "tail lighting" effect)
  light3, diffuse=.5, specular=1., sdir=[1,.5,1]
    (classic "over your right shoulder" lighting)
  light3, ambient=.1,diffuse=.1,specular=1.,
    (two light sources combining previous effects)

SEE ALSO: rot3, save3, restore3


DOCUMENT limit3, xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax
      or limit3, xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax, zmin,zmax
  Set the 3D axis limits for use with the cage.
  Use keyword aspect=[ax,ay,az] to set the aspect ratios of the
  cage to ax:ay:az -- that is, the ratios of the lengths of the
  cage axes will become ax:ay:az.

SEE ALSO: cage3, range3, plwf, orient3


DOCUMENT mov3, xa,ya,za
  move the current 3D plot by XA along viewer's x-axis,
  YA along viewer's y-axis, and ZA along viewer's z-axis.

SEE ALSO: rot3, orient3, setz3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3


DOCUMENT orient3, phi, theta
      or orient3, phi
      or orient3, , theta
      or orient3
  Set the "orientation" of the object to (PHI,THETA).  "Orientations"
  are a subset of the possible rotation matrices in which the z-axis
  of the object appears vertical on the screen (that is, the object
  z-axis projects onto the viewer y-axis).  The THETA angle is the
  angle from the viewer y-axis to the object z-axis, positive if
  the object z-axis is tilted toward you (toward viewer +z).  PHI is
  zero when the object x-axis coincides with the viewer x-axis.  If
  neither PHI nor THETA is specified, PHI defaults to -pi/4 and
  THETA defaults to pi/6.  If only one of PHI or THETA is specified,
  the other remains unchanged, unless the current THETA is near pi/2,
  in which case THETA returns to pi/6, or unless the current
  orientation does not have a vertical z-axis, in which case the
  unspecified value returns to its default.

  Unlike rot3, orient3 is not a cumulative operation.

SEE ALSO: rot3, mov3, aim3, save3, restore3, light3, limit3


DOCUMENT range3, zmin,zmax
  Set the 3D axis z limits for use with the cage.
  Use keyword aspect=[ax,ay,az] to set the aspect ratios of the
  cage to ax:ay:az -- that is, the ratios of the lengths of the
  cage axes will become ax:ay:az.

SEE ALSO: cage3, limit3, plwf, orient3


DOCUMENT restore3, view
  Restore a previously saved 3D viewing transformation and lighting.
  If VIEW is nil, rotate object to viewer's coordinate system.

SEE ALSO: restore3, rot3, mov3, aim3, light3


DOCUMENT rot3, xa,ya,za
  rotate the current 3D plot by XA about viewer's x-axis,
  YA about viewer's y-axis, and ZA about viewer's z-axis.

SEE ALSO: orient3, mov3, aim3, setz3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3


DOCUMENT view= save3()
  Save the current 3D viewing transformation and lighting.

SEE ALSO: restore3, rot3, mov3, aim3, light3


DOCUMENT set3_object, drawing_function, _lst(arg1,arg2,...)

  set up to trigger a call to draw3, adding a call to the
  3D display list of the form:

     DRAWING_FUNCTION, _lst(ARG1, ARG2, ...)

  When draw3 calls DRAWING_FUNCTION, the external variable _draw3
  will be non-zero, so DRAWING_FUNCTION can be written like this:

func drawing_function
    require, "pl3d.i";
    if (_draw3) {
      list= arg1;
      arg1= _nxt(list);
      arg2= _nxt(list);
    set3_object, drawing_function, _lst(arg1,arg2,...);

SEE ALSO: get3_xy, get3_light, sort3d


DOCUMENT setz3, zc
  Set the camera position to z=ZC (x=y=0) in the viewer's coordinate
  system.  If ZC is nil, set the camera to infinity (default).

SEE ALSO: rot3, orient3, undo3, save3, restore3, light3


DOCUMENT sort3d(z, npolys, &list, &vlist)

  given Z and NPOLYS, with numberof(Z)==sum(npolys), return
  LIST and VLIST such that Z(VLIST) and NPOLYS(LIST) are
  sorted from smallest average Z to largest average Z, where
  the averages are taken over the clusters of length NPOLYS.
  Within each cluster (polygon), the cyclic order of Z(VLIST)
  remains unchanged, but the absolute order may change.

  This sorting order produces correct or nearly correct order
  for a plfp command to make a plot involving hidden or partially
  hidden surfaces in three dimensions.  It works best when the
  polys form a set of disjoint closed, convex surfaces, and when
  the surface normal changes only very little between neighboring
  polys.  (If the latter condition holds, then even if sort3d
  mis-orders two neighboring polys, their colors will be very
  nearly the same, and the mistake won't be noticeable.)  A truly
  correct 3D sorting routine is impossible, since there may be no
  rendering order which produces correct surface hiding (some polys
  may need to be split into pieces in order to do that).  There
  are more nearly correct algorithms than this, but they are much

SEE ALSO: get3_xy


      or spin3, nframes
      or spin3, nframes, axis
  Spin the current 3D display list about AXIS over NFRAMES.  Keywords
  tlimit= the total time allowed for the movie in seconds (default 60),
  dtmin= the minimum allowed interframe time in seconds (default 0.0),
  bracket_time= (as for movie function in movie.i)

  The default AXIS is [-1,1,0] and the default NFRAMES is 30.

SEE ALSO: rot3


      or undo3, n
  Undo the effects of the last N (default 1) rot3, orient3, mov3, aim3,
  setz3, or light3 commands.


DOCUMENT window3
      or window3, n
  initialize style="" window for 3D graphics