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Package levmar (in levmar.i) -

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT a = levmar(y, x, f, a0, avar, acovar)
  perform a Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear least squares fit
  to data values Y, which are functions of X.  The dimensions
  of X need bear no particular relationship to the dimensions
  of Y, but Y must be a 1D array.  The function F maps X into Y,
  as a function of some additional parameters A, according to
    Y = F(X, A)
  Again, the dimensions of A bear no particular relation to
  the dimensions of either X or Y.  The input A0 is the initial
  estimate of the parameter values, which must be made with some
  care for the algorithm to converge.  Note that it may not converge
  to the expected relative minimum in many situations.

  The parameters Y and A must be 1D arrays, X can be anything.

  AVAR and ACOVAR are return arguments; ACOVAR is the covariance
  matrix of the fit parameters A, and AVAR is its diagonal.  Hence
  AVAR has the same dimensions as A0, while ACOVAR is a 2D symmetric
  matrix, whose diagonal is AVAR.  Multiply AVAR or ACOVAR by
  levmar_chi2 if you did not use wgt= and want to use the quality
  of the fit to estimate the variances of the parameters.
  ACOVAR is what is returned by regress_cov, see help,regress_cov.

  You may be able to improve the performance of levmar by supplying
  analytic derivatives.  To support this improvement, levmar permits
  three different "prototypes" for the function F:
    func F(x, a)
      if you cannot compute analytic dfda
      approximate dfda will be computed by levmar_partial (see help)
    func F(x, a, &dfda)
      if you can return analytic dfda
      if levmar will use dfda, dfda=1 on input
      if levmar will not use dfda, dfda=[] on input
    func F(x, a, &dfda, deriv=)
      if levmar will use dfda, it sets deriv=1, else deriv=0
      (this form is for backward compatibility with original lmfit)
  The levmar function automatically detects the prototype of F. (!!)
  In all cases, dfda is defined as:
    dfda(i,j) = partial[Y(i)] / partial[A(j)]
  Note that the external variable fit (the fit= keyword to levmar)
  is available to F, indicating that only a subset of the partial
  derivatives must be computed.  Set unused j indices to zero.

   levmar_chi2             final value of chi2
   levmar_chi20            initial value of chi2 (for a0)
   levmar_lambda           final value of lambda
   levmar_neval            number of calls to F
   levmar_itmax = 100      maximum number of gradient recalculations
   levmar_tol = 1.e-7      stop when chi2 changes by less than this
   levmar_lambda0 = 0.001  initial value of lambda
   levmar_lambda1 = 1.e12  maximum permitted value of lambda
   levmar_gain = 10.       factor by which to change lambda
   levmar_aabs, levmar_arel, levmar_ada -- see levmar_partial

   fit=   index list into a0 of parameters to be varied
     the returned model will equal a0 for parameters not varied,
     avar and acovar will be 0.0 for parameters not varied
   amin=  minimum values for parameters, same size as a0
   amax=  maximum parameter values, same size as a0
     the function F will not be called with parameters outside
     these specified ranges
   wgt=   same size as Y, weightings for each point
     if sigma_y(i) is standard deviation of i-th point, then
     wgt=1./sigma_y^2 is the appropriate weight.
   lu=    set non-zero to use LUsolve instead of SVsolve
     LUsolve will be faster, which will only be an issue if the
     number of parameters is large

SEE ALSO: regress, levmar_partial


DOCUMENT y = levmar_partial(f, x, a, dfda)
  return y=F(X,A) and DFDA(i,j) = partial[F(X,A)(i)] / partial[A(j)]
  by finite differences.  Accepts fit=, amin=, amax= keywords with
  same meaning as levmar.  DFDA is only computed if DFDA=1 on input;
  if DFDA=[] or 0, the (expensive) DFDA calculation is skipped.

  Uses levmar_arel and levmar_aabs to compute the step sizes
  use to compute the patial derivatives as follows:
    da = levmar_aabs + levmar_arel*abs(A)
  (Hence levmar_aabs, levmar_arel can be arrays with the same length
  as the parameter array A.)  By default, levmar_arel = 1.e-6, and
  levmar_aabs = 0.  If levmar_aabs = 0 and A(i)=0, then da(i)=1.e-9.
  You can also supply a function, levmar_ada(A) returning da>0 by
  whatever formula you wish.

SEE ALSO: levmar