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Package graph-plothi (in graph.i) - higher level plotting functions
Index of documented functions or symbols:
DOCUMENT color_bar or color_bar, levs, colors Draw a color bar below the current coordinate system. If LEVS is not specified uses plfc_levs (set by previous call to plfc). If COLORS is specified, it should have one more value than LEVS, otherwise equally spaced colors are chosen, or plfc_colors if plfc_levs was used. With the vert=1 keyword the color bar appears to the left of the current coordinate system (vert=0 is default). By default, color_bar will attempt to label some of the color interfaces. With the labs= keyword, you can force the labelling algorithm as follows: labs=0 supresses all labels, labs=n forces a label at every nth interface, labs=[i,n] forces a label at every nth interface starting from interface i (0<=i<=numberof(LEVS)). You can use the adjust= keyword to move the bar closer to (adjust<0) or further from (adjust>0) the viewport, and the height= keyword to set the height of any labels (default 14 points).
SEE ALSO: plfc
DOCUMENT pleb, y, x, dx=dx, dy=dy plots Y vs. X with error bars. Uncertainty on X and/or Y are specified with the dx= and dy= keywords. X and Y must have same dimensions, dx= and dy= must be conformable with X (or Y). Either dx or dy may be nil for no error bar in that direction. Scalar dx or dy gives equal error bars at all points, dimsof(dx)==dimsof(X), etc., gives different error bar at each point. dx= and dy= may also have a trailing dimension of length 2 in order to get asymmetric error bars; dx(..,1) is the lower error bar length, and dx(..,2) is the upper error bar length in that case, etc. If marker=, msize=, or width= is specified, markers are positioned at X, Y using plmk. Use the mfill=1 keyword to get filled markers (width>=10. in plmk; width= refers to error bar width in pleb). EXAMPLE: x = [0, 1, 2, 3]; y = [0, 2, 4, 7]; pleb, y, x, dx=0.2, dy=[0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3], mfill=1; Uncertainties on dx are the same for all X, and those on Y are different for each value of Y. Filled markers will be displayed at (X, Y). KEYWORDS: color, width, marker, msize dx uncertainty on X dy uncertainty on Y
DOCUMENT plfc, z, y, x, levs=z_values or plfc, z, y, x, ireg, levs=z_values fills contours of Z on the mesh Y versus X. Y, X, and IREG are as for plm. The Z array must have the same shape as Y and X. The function being contoured takes the value Z at each point (X,Y) -- that is, the Z array is presumed to be point-centered. The LEVS keyword is a list of the values of Z at which you want contour curves. These curves divide the mesh into numberof(LEVS)+1 regions, each of which is filled with a solid color. If LEVS is nil, up to 19 "nice" equally spaced level values spanning the range of Z are selected. The level values actually used are always output to the external variable plfc_levs. If you specify levs=, you may also specify colors= a list of colors of length numberof(LEVS)+1. The colors should be indices into the current palette. If you do not specify them, equally spaced colors are chosen. The following keywords are legal (each has a separate help entry): KEYWORDS: triangle, region
SEE ALSO: plg, plm, plc, plv, plf, pli, plt, pldj, plfp, plmesh, color_bar, spann, contour, limits, logxy, range, fma, hcp
DOCUMENT plmk, y,x Make a scatter plot of the points Y versus X. If X is nil, it defaults to indgen(numberof(Y)). By default, the marker cycles through 7 predefined marker shapes. You may specify a shape using the marker= keyword, line width using the width= keyword (you get solid fills for width>=10), color using the color= keyword. You can also use the msize= keyword to scale the marker (default msize=1.0). You can change the default width, color, or msize using the plmk_default function. The predefined marker= values are: marker= 1 square 2 cross 3 triangle 4 circle 5 diamond 6 cross (rotated 45 degrees) 7 triangle (upside down) You may also put marker=[xm,ym] where xm and ym are vectors of NDC coordinates to design your own custom marker shapes.
SEE ALSO: plmk_default, plg, pleb
DOCUMENT plmk_default, color=color, msize=msize, width=width sets default color, msize, and width values for plmk. Use width=10 to get solid fills. With no parameters, plmk_default restores the initial default values.
SEE ALSO: plmk