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Package color (in color.i) -

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT brighten, factor
      or brighten
  brighten the current palette by the specified FACTOR.
  The FACTOR is the slope of the transfer function for the color value
  (see to_hsv for a description of the hsv color system); a value of
  1.0 always remains 1.0, but values near 0.0 change by FACTOR.
  FACTOR= 1.0 is a no-op.  The default factor is 4.0.

SEE ALSO: dump_palette


DOCUMENT dump_palette, name
  dump the current palette under the NAME.  If NAME contains no
  slash characters, the palette_directory will be prepended to the
  name.  The name can be fed back to the palette command in order
  to reload the cumped palette.

SEE ALSO: brighten, palette, palette_directory


DOCUMENT palette_directory= "~/Gist/"
  holds the default directory for the dump_palette command.
  The directory name *must* end with "/"; the default is shown.

SEE ALSO: dump_palette


DOCUMENT hsv= to_hsv(rgb)
      or hsv= to_hsv([r,g,b])
  return the HSV representation of the n-by-3 array of RGB colors
  rgb: red, green, blue from 0 to 255
  hsv: h= hue in degrees, red=0, green=120, blue=240
       s= saturation from 0 (gray) to 1 (full hue)
       v= value from 0 (black) to 1 (full intensity)
       s= 1 - min(r,g,b)/max(r,g,b)
       v= max(r,g,b)

SEE ALSO: to_rgb


DOCUMENT rgb= to_rgb(hsv)
      or rgb= to_rgb([h,s,v])
  return the RGB representation of the n-by-3 array of HSV colors
  rgb: red, green, blue from 0 to 255
  hsv: h= hue in degrees, red=0, green=120, blue=240
       s= saturation from 0 (gray) to 1 (full hue)
       v= value from 0 (black) to 1 (full intensity)
       s= 1 - min(r,g,b)/max(r,g,b)
       v= max(r,g,b)/255

SEE ALSO: to_hsv