Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Abs< T >Template class for generic, type-inferred absolute value
counter_iterator< T >Counting output iterator that records how many times an output iterator was assigned to, but ignores the value stored
get_firstFunctor to get the first element of a pair. Use with STL functions like transform()
get_secondFunctor to get the second element of a pair. Use with STL functions like transform()
id_pair< T >MPI-packable struct for an MPI-packable type plus its object id
indexed_lt_functor< Indexable >
kmedoidsImplementations of the classic clustering algorithms PAM and CLARA, from Finding Groups in Data, by Kaufman and Rousseeuw
lazy_distance_functor< T, D >Functor for computing distance lazily from an object array and a distance metric
matrix_distanceAdaptor for passing a matrix by reference to template functions that take a callable distance function
partition::member_writerWritable structure returned by members() function
multi_gather< T >Asynchronous, some-to-some gather operation used by parallel clustering algorithms to simultaneously send members of sample sets to a set of distributed worker processes
par_kmedoidsThis class implements the CAPEK and XCAPEK scalable parallel clustering algorithms
par_partitionPar_partition represents a partitioning of a distributed data set
partitionThis represents a partitioning of a data set
sequenceGenerator object for a strided sequence of ints
counter_iterator< T >::targetStruct representation of a no-op. Makes assignment to target do nothing
trialThis struct represents parameters for a single trial run of kmedoids
trial_generatorClass to generate a set of trials for clustering
Muster. Copyright © 2010, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, LLNL-CODE-433662.
Distribution of Muster and its documentation is subject to terms of the Muster LICENSE.
Generated on Mon Dec 20 2010 using Doxygen 1.7.2