Metall  v0.28
A persistent memory allocator for data-centric analytics
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cadjacency_list< vid_t, allocator_t >Simple adjacency-list graph data structure that can take a custom C++ allocator and be stored in persistent memory
 Ccsr< index_t, vid_t, allocator_t >Simple CSR graph data structure that can take a custom C++ allocator and be stored in persistent memory
 Ccsr_using_vector< index_t, vid_t, allocator_t >Simple CSR graph data structure that can take a custom C++ allocator and be stored in persistent memory This class uses vector containers to allocate internal arrays
 Cmetall::json::object< allocator_type >JSON object. An object is a table key and value pairs. The order of key-value pairs depends on the implementation
 Cmetall::anonymous_object_attr_accessor< _offset_type, _size_type >
 Cmetall::attraccs_detail::general_named_object_attr_accessor< _offset_type, _size_type >
 Cmetall::named_object_attr_accessor< _offset_type, _size_type >Objet attribute accessor for named object
 Cmetall::unique_object_attr_accessor< _offset_type, _size_type >Objet attribute accessor for unique object
 Cmetall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >A generalized Metall manager class
 Cmetall::container::concurrent_map< _key_type, _mapped_type, _compare, _bank_no_hasher, _allocator, k_num_banks >A concurrent map container which can be stored in persistent memory. This container does not allocate mutex objects internally, but allocates them as static objects. To achieve high concurrency, this container allocates multiple banks, where a bank consists of an actual STL map object and a mutex object
 Cmetall::container::experimental::jgraph::jgdtl::edge_iterator_impl< adj_list_edge_list_iterator_type, storage_pointer_type >
 Cmetall::container::experimental::jgraph::jgdtl::vertex_iterator_impl< storage_iterator_type >
 Cmetall::container::experimental::jgraph::jgraph< _allocator_type >
 Cmetall::container::fallback_allocator_adaptor< stateful_allocator >A STL compatible allocator which fallbacks to a heap allocator (e.g., malloc()) if its constructor receives no argument to construct the stateful allocator instance
 Cmetall::container::fallback_allocator_adaptor< stateful_allocator >::rebind< T2 >Makes another allocator type for type T2
 Cmetall::container::string_key_store< _value_type, allocator_type >A ke-value store that uses string for its key
 Cmetall::container::string_key_store_locator< iterator_type >
 Cmetall::create_only_tTag type to create the segment always. The existing segment with the same name is over written
 Cmetall::json::array< Alloc >JSON array. An array is an ordered collection of values
 Cmetall::json::key_value_pair< char_type, char_traits, Alloc >A class for holding a pair of JSON string (as its key) and JSON value (as its value)
 Cmetall::json::value< Alloc >JSON value. A container that holds a single bool, int64, uint64, double, JSON string, JSON array, or JSON object
 Cmetall::logger::level_filterDetermines the minimum level of messages that should be loggged
 Cmetall::open_only_tTag type to open an already created segment
 Cmetall::open_read_only_tTag type to open an already created segment as read only
 Cmetall::stl_allocator< T, metall_manager_kernel_type >A STL compatible allocator
 Cmetall::stl_allocator< T, metall_manager_kernel_type >::rebind< T2 >Makes another allocator type for type T2
 Cmetall::utility::container_of_containers_iterator_adaptor< outer_iterator_type, inner_iterator_type >Utility class that provides an iterator for a container of containers, e.g., map of vectors This is an experimental implementation and only support forward iterator for now
 Cmetall::utility::metall_mpi_adaptorA utility class for using Metall with MPI This is an experimental implementation
 Cmetall::stl_allocator< T, metall_manager_kernel_type >::rebind< manager_kernel_type *const >
 Cmetall::json::value< allocator_type >