Metall v0.30
A persistent memory allocator for data-centric analytics
No Matches
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size > Class Template Reference

A generalized Metall manager class. More...

#include </home/runner/work/metall/metall/include/metall/basic_manager.hpp>

Public Types

using manager_kernel_type = kernel::manager_kernel< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >
 Manager kernel type.
using void_pointer = typename manager_kernel_type::void_pointer
 Void pointer type.
using char_type = typename manager_kernel_type::char_type
 Char type.
using size_type = typename manager_kernel_type::size_type
 Size type.
using difference_type = typename manager_kernel_type::difference_type
 Difference type.
template<typename T >
using allocator_type = stl_allocator< T, manager_kernel_type >
 Allocator type.
template<typename OuterT , typename... InnerT>
using scoped_allocator_type = container::scoped_allocator_adaptor< allocator_type< OuterT >, allocator_type< InnerT >... >
 Allocator type wrapped by scoped_allocator_adaptor.
template<typename T >
using fallback_allocator = container::fallback_allocator_adaptor< allocator_type< T > >
 A STL compatible allocator which fallbacks to a heap allocator (e.g., malloc()) if no argument is provided to construct a allocator_type instance.
template<typename T >
using scoped_fallback_allocator_type = container::scoped_allocator_adaptor< fallback_allocator< T > >
 Fallback allocator type wrapped by scoped_allocator_adaptor.
template<typename T >
using construct_proxy = metall::mtlldetail::named_proxy< manager_kernel_type, T, false >
 Construct proxy.
template<typename T >
using construct_iter_proxy = metall::mtlldetail::named_proxy< manager_kernel_type, T, true >
 Construct iterator proxy.
using instance_kind = typename manager_kernel_type::instance_kind
 An value that describes the type of the instance constructed in memory.
using const_named_iterator = typename manager_kernel_type::const_named_iterator
 Const iterator for named objects.
using const_unique_iterator = typename manager_kernel_type::const_unique_iterator
 Const iterator for unique objects.
using const_anonymous_iterator = typename manager_kernel_type::const_anonymous_iterator
 Const iterator for anonymous objects.
using named_object_attribute_accessor_type = typename manager_kernel_type::named_object_attr_accessor_type
 Provides access to named object attribute.
using unique_object_attribute_accessor_type = typename manager_kernel_type::unique_object_attr_accessor_type
 Provides access to unique object attribute.
using anonymous_object_attribute_accessor_type = typename manager_kernel_type::anonymous_object_attr_accessor_type
 Provides access to anonymous object attribute.
using chunk_number_type = chunk_no_type
 Chunk number type (= chunk_no_type)
using path_type = typename manager_kernel_type::path_type
 Path type.

Public Member Functions

 basic_manager (open_only_t, const path_type &base_path) noexcept
 Opens an existing data store.
 basic_manager (open_read_only_t, const path_type &base_path) noexcept
 Opens an existing data store with the read only mode. Write accesses will cause segmentation fault.
 basic_manager (create_only_t, const path_type &base_path) noexcept
 Creates a new data store (an existing data store will be overwritten).
 basic_manager (create_only_t, const path_type &base_path, const size_type capacity) noexcept
 Creates a new data store (an existing data store will be overwritten).
 basic_manager ()=delete
 ~basic_manager () noexcept=default
 basic_manager (const basic_manager &)=delete
 basic_manager (basic_manager &&) noexcept=default
 Move constructor.
basic_manageroperator= (const basic_manager &)=delete
basic_manageroperator= (basic_manager &&) noexcept=default
 Move assignment operator.
template<typename T >
construct_proxy< T > construct (char_ptr_holder_type name)
 Allocates an object of type T.
template<typename T >
construct_proxy< T > find_or_construct (char_ptr_holder_type name)
 Tries to find an already constructed object. If not exist, constructs an object of type T.
template<typename T >
construct_iter_proxy< T > construct_it (char_ptr_holder_type name)
 Allocates an array of objects of type T, receiving arguments from iterators.
template<typename T >
construct_iter_proxy< T > find_or_construct_it (char_ptr_holder_type name)
 Tries to find an already constructed object. If not exist, constructs an array of objects of type T, receiving arguments from iterators.
template<typename T >
std::pair< T *, size_typefind (char_ptr_holder_type name) const noexcept
 Tries to find a previously created object.
template<typename T >
bool destroy (const char *name)
 Destroys a previously created object. Calls the destructor and frees the memory.
template<typename T >
bool destroy (const metall::mtlldetail::unique_instance_t *const)
 Destroys a unique object of type T. Calls the destructor and frees the memory.
template<class T >
bool destroy_ptr (const T *ptr)
 Destroys a object (named, unique, or anonymous) by its address. Calls the destructor and frees the memory. Cannot destroy an object not allocated by construct/find_or_construct functions.
template<class T >
const char_typeget_instance_name (const T *ptr) const noexcept
 Returns the name of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions.
template<class T >
instance_kind get_instance_kind (const T *ptr) const noexcept
 Returns the kind of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions.
template<class T >
size_type get_instance_length (const T *ptr) const noexcept
 Returns the length of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions (1 if is a single element, >=1 if it's an array).
template<class T >
bool is_instance_type (const void *const ptr) const noexcept
 Checks if the type of an object, which was created with construct/find_or_construct functions, is T.
template<class T >
bool get_instance_description (const T *ptr, std::string *description) const noexcept
 Gets the description of an object created with construct/find_or_construct.
template<class T >
bool set_instance_description (const T *ptr, const std::string &description) noexcept
 Sets a description to an object created with construct/find_or_construct.
size_type get_num_named_objects () const noexcept
 Returns Returns the number of named objects stored in the managed segment.
size_type get_num_unique_objects () const noexcept
 Returns Returns the number of unique objects stored in the managed segment.
size_type get_num_anonymous_objects () const noexcept
 Returns Returns the number of anonymous objects (objects constructed with metall::anonymous_instance) stored in the managed segment.
const_named_iterator named_begin () const noexcept
 Returns a constant iterator to the index storing the named objects.
const_named_iterator named_end () const noexcept
 Returns a constant iterator to the end of the index storing the named allocations.
const_unique_iterator unique_begin () const noexcept
 Returns a constant iterator to the index storing the unique objects.
const_unique_iterator unique_end () const noexcept
 Returns a constant iterator to the end of the index storing the unique allocations.
const_anonymous_iterator anonymous_begin () const noexcept
 Returns a constant iterator to the index storing the anonymous objects.
const_anonymous_iterator anonymous_end () const noexcept
 Returns a constant iterator to the end of the index storing the anonymous allocations.
void * allocate (size_type nbytes) noexcept
 Allocates nbytes bytes.
void * allocate_aligned (size_type nbytes, size_type alignment) noexcept
 Allocates nbytes bytes. The address of the allocated memory will be a multiple of alignment.
void deallocate (void *addr) noexcept
 Deallocates the allocated memory.
bool all_memory_deallocated () const noexcept
 Check if all allocated memory has been deallocated.
void flush (const bool synchronous=true) noexcept
 Flush data to persistent memory.
bool snapshot (const path_type &destination_path, const bool clone=true, const int num_max_copy_threads=0) noexcept
 Takes a snapshot of the current data. The snapshot has a new UUID.
std::string get_uuid () const noexcept
 Returns a UUID of the data store.
version_type get_version () const noexcept
 Gets the version of the Metall that created the backing data store.
bool set_description (const std::string &description) noexcept
 Sets a description to a Metall data store. An existing description is overwritten (only one description per data store).
bool get_description (std::string *description) const noexcept
 Gets a description. If there is no description, nothing to happen to the given description object.
template<typename T = std::byte>
allocator_type< T > get_allocator () const noexcept
 Returns a STL compatible allocator object.
const void * get_address () const noexcept
 Returns the address of the application data segment.
size_type get_size () const noexcept
 Returns the size (i.e., the maximum total allocation size) of the application data segment. This is a theoretical value. The actual total allocation size Metall can handle will be less than that.
bool read_only () const noexcept
 Returns if this manager was opened as read-only.
bool check_sanity () const noexcept
 Checks the sanity.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool copy (const path_type &source_path, const path_type &destination_path, const bool clone=true, const int num_max_copy_threads=0) noexcept
 Copies data store synchronously. The behavior of copying a data store that is open without the read-only mode is undefined.
static auto copy_async (const path_type source_path, const path_type destination_path, const bool clone=true, const int num_max_copy_threads=0) noexcept
 Copies data store asynchronously. The behavior of copying a data store that is open without the read-only mode is undefined.
static bool remove (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Removes data store synchronously.
static std::future< bool > remove_async (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Remove data store asynchronously.
static bool consistent (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Check if a data store exists and is consistent (i.e., it was closed properly in the previous run).
static std::string get_uuid (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Returns a UUID of the data store.
static version_type get_version (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Gets the version of the Metall that created the backing data store.
static bool set_description (const path_type &path, const std::string &description) noexcept
 Sets a description to a Metall data store. An existing description is overwritten (only one description per data store).
static bool get_description (const path_type &path, std::string *description) noexcept
 Gets a description. If there is no description, nothing to happen to the given description object.
static named_object_attribute_accessor_type access_named_object_attribute (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Returns an instance that provides access to the attribute of named objects.
static unique_object_attribute_accessor_type access_unique_object_attribute (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Returns an instance that provides access to the attribute of unique object.
static anonymous_object_attribute_accessor_type access_anonymous_object_attribute (const path_type &path) noexcept
 Returns an instance that provides access to the attribute of anonymous object.
static constexpr size_type chunk_size () noexcept
 Returns the internal chunk size.

Detailed Description

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
class metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >

A generalized Metall manager class.

Template Parameters
storageStorage manager.
segment_storageSegment storage manager.
chunk_no_typeType of chunk number.
k_chunk_sizeSize of single chunk in byte.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ manager_kernel_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::manager_kernel_type = kernel::manager_kernel<storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size>

Manager kernel type.

◆ void_pointer

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::void_pointer = typename manager_kernel_type::void_pointer

Void pointer type.

◆ char_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::char_type = typename manager_kernel_type::char_type

Char type.

◆ size_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::size_type = typename manager_kernel_type::size_type

Size type.

◆ difference_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::difference_type = typename manager_kernel_type::difference_type

Difference type.

◆ allocator_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::allocator_type = stl_allocator<T, manager_kernel_type>

Allocator type.

◆ scoped_allocator_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename OuterT , typename... InnerT>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::scoped_allocator_type = container::scoped_allocator_adaptor<allocator_type<OuterT>, allocator_type<InnerT>...>

Allocator type wrapped by scoped_allocator_adaptor.

◆ fallback_allocator

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::fallback_allocator = container::fallback_allocator_adaptor<allocator_type<T> >

A STL compatible allocator which fallbacks to a heap allocator (e.g., malloc()) if no argument is provided to construct a allocator_type instance.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the object to allocate

This allocator enables the following code.

using alloc = fallback_allocator<int>;
// Allocate a vector object in a heap.
vector<int, alloc> vec;
// Allocate a vector object in a Metall space.
vector<int, alloc> vec2(manager.get_allocator());
container::fallback_allocator_adaptor< allocator_type< T > > fallback_allocator
A STL compatible allocator which fallbacks to a heap allocator (e.g., malloc()) if no argument is pro...
Definition basic_manager.hpp:98
basic_manager<> manager
Default Metall manager class which is an alias of basic_manager with the default template parameters.
Definition metall.hpp:34
One of the primary purposes of this allocator is to provide a way to temporarily allocate data structures that use Metall’s STL-allocator in a heap in addition to in Metall memory space. It is advised to use this allocator with caution as two memory spaces are used transparently by this allocator.

◆ scoped_fallback_allocator_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::scoped_fallback_allocator_type = container::scoped_allocator_adaptor<fallback_allocator<T> >

Fallback allocator type wrapped by scoped_allocator_adaptor.

◆ construct_proxy

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::construct_proxy = metall::mtlldetail::named_proxy<manager_kernel_type, T, false>

Construct proxy.

◆ construct_iter_proxy

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::construct_iter_proxy = metall::mtlldetail::named_proxy<manager_kernel_type, T, true>

Construct iterator proxy.

◆ instance_kind

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::instance_kind = typename manager_kernel_type::instance_kind

An value that describes the type of the instance constructed in memory.

◆ const_named_iterator

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::const_named_iterator = typename manager_kernel_type::const_named_iterator

Const iterator for named objects.

◆ const_unique_iterator

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::const_unique_iterator = typename manager_kernel_type::const_unique_iterator

Const iterator for unique objects.

◆ const_anonymous_iterator

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::const_anonymous_iterator = typename manager_kernel_type::const_anonymous_iterator

Const iterator for anonymous objects.

◆ named_object_attribute_accessor_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::named_object_attribute_accessor_type = typename manager_kernel_type::named_object_attr_accessor_type

Provides access to named object attribute.

◆ unique_object_attribute_accessor_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::unique_object_attribute_accessor_type = typename manager_kernel_type::unique_object_attr_accessor_type

Provides access to unique object attribute.

◆ anonymous_object_attribute_accessor_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::anonymous_object_attribute_accessor_type = typename manager_kernel_type::anonymous_object_attr_accessor_type

Provides access to anonymous object attribute.

◆ chunk_number_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::chunk_number_type = chunk_no_type

Chunk number type (= chunk_no_type)

◆ path_type

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
using metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::path_type = typename manager_kernel_type::path_type

Path type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ basic_manager() [1/7]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::basic_manager ( open_only_t  ,
const path_type base_path 

Opens an existing data store.

base_pathPath to a data store.

◆ basic_manager() [2/7]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::basic_manager ( open_read_only_t  ,
const path_type base_path 

Opens an existing data store with the read only mode. Write accesses will cause segmentation fault.

base_pathPath to a data store.

◆ basic_manager() [3/7]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::basic_manager ( create_only_t  ,
const path_type base_path 

Creates a new data store (an existing data store will be overwritten).

base_pathPath to create a data store.

◆ basic_manager() [4/7]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::basic_manager ( create_only_t  ,
const path_type base_path,
const size_type  capacity 

Creates a new data store (an existing data store will be overwritten).

base_pathPath to create a data store.
capacityTotal allocation size. Metall uses this value as a hint.

◆ basic_manager() [5/7]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::basic_manager ( )


◆ ~basic_manager()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::~basic_manager ( )


◆ basic_manager() [6/7]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::basic_manager ( const basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size > &  )


◆ basic_manager() [7/7]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::basic_manager ( basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size > &&  )

Move constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
basic_manager & metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::operator= ( const basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size > &  )



◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
basic_manager & metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::operator= ( basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size > &&  )

Move assignment operator.

An reference to the object.

◆ construct()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
construct_proxy< T > metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::construct ( char_ptr_holder_type  name)

Allocates an object of type T.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

If T's constructor throws, the function throws that exception. Memory is freed automatically if T's constructor throws and if an array was being constructed, destructors of created objects are called before freeing the memory.


T *ptr = basic_manager.construct<T>("Name")(arg1, arg2...);
T *ptr = basic_manager.construct<T>("Name")[count](arg1, arg2...);
A generalized Metall manager class.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:40
construct_proxy< T > construct(char_ptr_holder_type name)
Allocates an object of type T.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:316

Where, 'arg1, arg2...' are the arguments passed to T's constructor via a proxy object. One can also construct an array using '[ ]' operator. When an array is constructed, each object receives the same arguments.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
nameA unique name of the object.
A proxy object that constructs the object on the allocated space. Returns nullptr if the name was used or it failed to allocate memory.

◆ find_or_construct()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
construct_proxy< T > metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::find_or_construct ( char_ptr_holder_type  name)

Tries to find an already constructed object. If not exist, constructs an object of type T.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

If T's constructor throws, the function throws that exception. Memory is freed automatically if T's constructor throws and if an array was being constructed, destructors of created objects are called before freeing the memory.


T *ptr = basic_manager.find_or_construct<T>("Name")(arg1, arg2...);
T *ptr = basic_manager.find_or_construct<T>("Name")[count](arg1, arg2...);
construct_proxy< T > find_or_construct(char_ptr_holder_type name)
Tries to find an already constructed object. If not exist, constructs an object of type T.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:345

Where, 'arg1, arg2...' are the arguments passed to T's constructor via a proxy object. One can also construct an array using '[ ]' operator. When an array is constructed, each object receives the same arguments.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
nameThe name of the object.
A proxy object that holds a pointer of an already constructed object or an object newly constructed.

◆ construct_it()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
construct_iter_proxy< T > metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::construct_it ( char_ptr_holder_type  name)

Allocates an array of objects of type T, receiving arguments from iterators.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

If T's constructor throws, the function throws that exception. Memory is freed automatically if T's constructor throws and if an array was being constructed, destructors of created objects are called before freeing the memory.


T *ptr = basic_manager.construct_it<T>("Name")[count](it1, it2...);
construct_iter_proxy< T > construct_it(char_ptr_holder_type name)
Allocates an array of objects of type T, receiving arguments from iterators.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:371

Each object receives parameters returned with the expression (*it1++, *it2++,... ).

Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
nameA unique name of the object.
A proxy object to construct an array of objects.

◆ find_or_construct_it()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
construct_iter_proxy< T > metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::find_or_construct_it ( char_ptr_holder_type  name)

Tries to find an already constructed object. If not exist, constructs an array of objects of type T, receiving arguments from iterators.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

If T's constructor throws, the function throws that exception. Memory is freed automatically if T's constructor throws and if an array was being constructed, destructors of created objects are called before freeing the memory.


T *ptr = basic_manager.find_or_construct_it<T>("Name")[count](it1,
construct_iter_proxy< T > find_or_construct_it(char_ptr_holder_type name)
Tries to find an already constructed object. If not exist, constructs an array of objects of type T,...
Definition basic_manager.hpp:398

Each object receives parameters returned with the expression (*it1++, *it2++,... ).

Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
nameA unique name of the object.
A proxy object that holds a pointer to the already constructed object or constructs an array of objects or just holds an pointer.

◆ find()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
std::pair< T *, size_type > metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::find ( char_ptr_holder_type  name) const

Tries to find a previously created object.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.


std::pair<T *, std::size_t> ret = basic_manager.find<T>("Name");
std::pair< T *, size_type > find(char_ptr_holder_type name) const noexcept
Tries to find a previously created object.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:417
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
nameThe name of the object.
Returns a pointer to the object and the count (if it is not an array, returns 1). If not present, nullptr is returned.

◆ destroy() [1/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::destroy ( const char *  name)

Destroys a previously created object. Calls the destructor and frees the memory.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

If T's destructor throws: 1) the exception will be thrown (propagated); 2) the memory will won't be freed; 3) the object entry will be still removed from the attributed object directory. Therefore, it is not recommended to throw exception in a destructor.


bool destroyed = basic_manager.destroy<T>("Name");
bool destroy(const char *name)
Destroys a previously created object. Calls the destructor and frees the memory.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:456
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
nameThe name of the object.
Returns false if the object was not destroyed.

◆ destroy() [2/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T >
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::destroy ( const metall::mtlldetail::unique_instance_t * const  )

Destroys a unique object of type T. Calls the destructor and frees the memory.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

If T's destructor throws: 1) the exception will be thrown (propagated); 2) the memory will won't be freed; 3) the object entry will be still removed from the attributed object directory. Therefore, it is not recommended to throw exception in a destructor.


bool destroyed = basic_manager.destroy<T>(metall::unique_instance);
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
Returns false if the object was not destroyed.

◆ destroy_ptr()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<class T >
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::destroy_ptr ( const T *  ptr)

Destroys a object (named, unique, or anonymous) by its address. Calls the destructor and frees the memory. Cannot destroy an object not allocated by construct/find_or_construct functions.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

If T's destructor throws: 1) the exception will be thrown (propagated); 2) the memory will won't be freed; 3) the object entry will be still removed from the attributed object directory. Therefore, it is not recommended to throw exception in a destructor.


bool destroyed = basic_manager.destroy_ptr<T>(ptr);
bool destroy_ptr(const T *ptr)
Destroys a object (named, unique, or anonymous) by its address. Calls the destructor and frees the me...
Definition basic_manager.hpp:521
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
ptrA pointer to the object.
Returns false if the object was not destroyed. Note that the original API developed by Boost.Interprocess library does not return value.

◆ get_instance_name()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<class T >
const char_type * metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_instance_name ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns the name of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.


typename manager_kernel_type::char_type char_type
Char type.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:55
const char_type * get_instance_name(const T *ptr) const noexcept
Returns the name of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:546
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
ptrA pointer to the object.
The name of the object. If ptr points to an unique instance, typeid(T).name() is returned. If ptr points to an anonymous instance or memory not allocated by construct/find_or_construct functions, nullptr is returned.

◆ get_instance_kind()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<class T >
instance_kind metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_instance_kind ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns the kind of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.


typename manager_kernel_type::instance_kind instance_kind
An value that describes the type of the instance constructed in memory.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:117
instance_kind get_instance_kind(const T *ptr) const noexcept
Returns the kind of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:574
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
ptrA pointer to the object.
The type of the object.

◆ get_instance_length()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<class T >
size_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_instance_length ( const T *  ptr) const

Returns the length of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions (1 if is a single element, >=1 if it's an array).

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.


size_type get_instance_length(const T *ptr) const noexcept
Returns the length of an object created with construct/find_or_construct functions (1 if is a single ...
Definition basic_manager.hpp:603
typename manager_kernel_type::size_type size_type
Size type.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:58
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
ptrA pointer to the object.
The type of the object.

◆ is_instance_type()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<class T >
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::is_instance_type ( const void *const  ptr) const

Checks if the type of an object, which was created with construct/find_or_construct functions, is T.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.


const bool correct_type = basic_manager.type<T>(ptr);
Template Parameters
TA expected type of the object.
ptrA pointer to the object.
Returns true if T is correct; otherwise false.

◆ get_instance_description()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<class T >
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_instance_description ( const T *  ptr,
std::string *  description 
) const

Gets the description of an object created with construct/find_or_construct.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.


std::string description;
bool get_instance_description(const T *ptr, std::string *description) const noexcept
Gets the description of an object created with construct/find_or_construct.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:659
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
ptrA pointer to the object.
descriptionA pointer to a string buffer.
Returns false on error.

◆ set_instance_description()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<class T >
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::set_instance_description ( const T *  ptr,
const std::string &  description 

Sets a description to an object created with construct/find_or_construct.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.


std::string description;
bool set_instance_description(const T *ptr, const std::string &description) noexcept
Sets a description to an object created with construct/find_or_construct.
Definition basic_manager.hpp:689
Template Parameters
TThe type of the object.
ptrA pointer to the object.
descriptionA description to set.
Returns false on error.

◆ get_num_named_objects()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
size_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_num_named_objects ( ) const

Returns Returns the number of named objects stored in the managed segment.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
The number of named objects stored in the managed segment.

◆ get_num_unique_objects()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
size_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_num_unique_objects ( ) const

Returns Returns the number of unique objects stored in the managed segment.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
The number of unique objects stored in the managed segment.

◆ get_num_anonymous_objects()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
size_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_num_anonymous_objects ( ) const

Returns Returns the number of anonymous objects (objects constructed with metall::anonymous_instance) stored in the managed segment.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
The number of anonymous objects stored in the managed segment.

◆ named_begin()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
const_named_iterator metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::named_begin ( ) const

Returns a constant iterator to the index storing the named objects.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
A constant iterator to the index storing the named objects.

◆ named_end()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
const_named_iterator metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::named_end ( ) const

Returns a constant iterator to the end of the index storing the named allocations.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
A constant iterator.

◆ unique_begin()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
const_unique_iterator metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::unique_begin ( ) const

Returns a constant iterator to the index storing the unique objects.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
A constant iterator to the index storing the unique objects.

◆ unique_end()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
const_unique_iterator metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::unique_end ( ) const

Returns a constant iterator to the end of the index storing the unique allocations.

Attributed object construction family API developed by Boost.Interprocess (see details).

A named object must be associated with non-empty name. The name of an unique object is typeid(T).name(). An anonymous object has no name.

Constructing or destroying attributed objects breaks attributed object iterators.
This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
A constant iterator.

◆ anonymous_begin()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
const_anonymous_iterator metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::anonymous_begin ( ) const

Returns a constant iterator to the index storing the anonymous objects.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
A constant iterator to the index storing the anonymous objects.

◆ anonymous_end()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
const_anonymous_iterator metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::anonymous_end ( ) const

Returns a constant iterator to the end of the index storing the anonymous allocations.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
A constant iterator.

◆ allocate()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
void * metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::allocate ( size_type  nbytes)

Allocates nbytes bytes.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

nbytesNumber of bytes to allocate.
Returns a pointer to the allocated memory.

◆ allocate_aligned()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
void * metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::allocate_aligned ( size_type  nbytes,
size_type  alignment 

Allocates nbytes bytes. The address of the allocated memory will be a multiple of alignment.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

nbytesNumber of bytes to allocate. Must be a multiple alignment.
alignmentAlignment size. Alignment must be a power of two and satisfy [min allocation size, system page size].
Returns a pointer to the allocated memory.

◆ deallocate()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
void metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::deallocate ( void *  addr)

Deallocates the allocated memory.

This function is thread-safe. Other threads can also call the attributed object construction functions and allocate functions simultaneously.

addrA pointer to the allocated memory to be deallocated.

◆ all_memory_deallocated()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::all_memory_deallocated ( ) const

Check if all allocated memory has been deallocated.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads allocate or deallocates memory at the same time.

This function is not cheap if many objects has not been deallocated.

Returns true if all allocated memory has been deallocated; otherwise, false.

◆ flush()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
void metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::flush ( const bool  synchronous = true)

Flush data to persistent memory.

This function is not thread-safe and must be called by a single thread at a time.
synchronousIf true, performs synchronous operation; otherwise, performs asynchronous operation.

◆ snapshot()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::snapshot ( const path_type destination_path,
const bool  clone = true,
const int  num_max_copy_threads = 0 

Takes a snapshot of the current data. The snapshot has a new UUID.

This function is not thread-safe and must be called by a single thread at a time.
destination_pathPath to store a snapshot.
cloneUse the file clone mechanism (reflink) instead of normal copy if it is available.
num_max_copy_threadsThe maximum number of copy threads to use. If <= 0 is given, the value is automatically determined.
Returns true on success; other false.

◆ copy()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::copy ( const path_type source_path,
const path_type destination_path,
const bool  clone = true,
const int  num_max_copy_threads = 0 

Copies data store synchronously. The behavior of copying a data store that is open without the read-only mode is undefined.

This function is thread-safe.

Copying to the same path simultaneously is prohibited.

source_pathSource data store path.
destination_pathDestination data store path.
cloneUse the file clone mechanism (reflink) instead of normal copy if it is available.
num_max_copy_threadsThe maximum number of copy threads to use. If <= 0 is given, the value is automatically determined.
If succeeded, returns true; other false.

◆ copy_async()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static auto metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::copy_async ( const path_type  source_path,
const path_type  destination_path,
const bool  clone = true,
const int  num_max_copy_threads = 0 

Copies data store asynchronously. The behavior of copying a data store that is open without the read-only mode is undefined.

This function is thread-safe.

Copying to the same path simultaneously is prohibited.

source_pathSource data store path.
destination_pathDestination data store path.
cloneUse the file clone mechanism (reflink) instead of normal copy if it is available.
num_max_copy_threadsThe maximum number of copy threads to use. If <= 0 is given, the value is automatically determined.
Returns an object of std::future. If succeeded, its get() returns true; other false.

◆ remove()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::remove ( const path_type path)

Removes data store synchronously.

This function is thread-safe.

Must not remove the same data store simultaneously.

pathPath to a data store to remove.
If succeeded, returns true; other false.

◆ remove_async()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static std::future< bool > metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::remove_async ( const path_type path)

Remove data store asynchronously.

This function is thread-safe.

Must not remove the same data store simultaneously.

pathPath to the data store to remove.
Returns an object of std::future. If succeeded, its get() returns true; other false

◆ consistent()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::consistent ( const path_type path)

Check if a data store exists and is consistent (i.e., it was closed properly in the previous run).

This function is thread-safe.

Calling this function against a data store that is open without the read-only mode is undefined. If the data store is not consistent, it is recommended to remove the data store and create a new one.

pathPath to a data store.
Returns true if it exists and is consistent; otherwise, returns false.

◆ get_uuid() [1/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
std::string metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_uuid ( ) const

Returns a UUID of the data store.

This function is thread-safe.

UUID in the std::string format; returns an empty string on error.

◆ get_uuid() [2/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static std::string metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_uuid ( const path_type path)

Returns a UUID of the data store.

This function is thread-safe.

pathPath to a data store.
UUID in the std::string format; returns an empty string on error.

◆ get_version() [1/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
version_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_version ( ) const

Gets the version of the Metall that created the backing data store.

This function is thread-safe.

Returns a version number; returns 0 on error.

◆ get_version() [2/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static version_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_version ( const path_type path)

Gets the version of the Metall that created the backing data store.

This function is thread-safe.

pathPath to a data store.
Returns a version number; returns 0 on error.

◆ set_description() [1/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::set_description ( const std::string &  description)

Sets a description to a Metall data store. An existing description is overwritten (only one description per data store).

This function is not thread-safe and must be called by a single thread at a time.
This function is not thread-safe and must be called by a single thread at a time.
descriptionAn std::string object that holds a description.
Returns true on success; otherwise, false.

◆ set_description() [2/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::set_description ( const path_type path,
const std::string &  description 

Sets a description to a Metall data store. An existing description is overwritten (only one description per data store).

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads modify the same datastore simultaneously.
pathPath to a data store.
descriptionAn std::string object that holds a description.
Returns true on success; otherwise, false.

◆ get_description() [1/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_description ( std::string *  description) const

Gets a description. If there is no description, nothing to happen to the given description object.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads modify the same datastore simultaneously.
descriptionA pointer to an std::string object to store a description if it exists.
Returns true on success; returns false on error. Trying to get a non-existent description is not considered as an error.

◆ get_description() [2/2]

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_description ( const path_type path,
std::string *  description 

Gets a description. If there is no description, nothing to happen to the given description object.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads modify the same datastore simultaneously.
pathPath to a data store.
descriptionA pointer to an std::string object to store a description if it exists.
Returns true on success; returns false on error. Trying to get a non-existent description is not considered as an error.

◆ access_named_object_attribute()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static named_object_attribute_accessor_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::access_named_object_attribute ( const path_type path)

Returns an instance that provides access to the attribute of named objects.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
pathPath to a data store.
Returns an instance of named_object_attribute_accessor_type.

◆ access_unique_object_attribute()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static unique_object_attribute_accessor_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::access_unique_object_attribute ( const path_type path)

Returns an instance that provides access to the attribute of unique object.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
pathPath to a data store.
Returns an instance of unique_object_attribute_accessor_type.

◆ access_anonymous_object_attribute()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static anonymous_object_attribute_accessor_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::access_anonymous_object_attribute ( const path_type path)

Returns an instance that provides access to the attribute of anonymous object.

This function is thread-safe as long as no other threads call non-const attributed object construction functions simultaneously.
pathPath to a data store.
Returns an instance of anonymous_object_attribute_accessor_type.

◆ get_allocator()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
template<typename T = std::byte>
allocator_type< T > metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_allocator ( ) const

Returns a STL compatible allocator object.

This function is thread-safe.

Template Parameters
TType of the object.
Returns a STL compatible allocator object.

◆ chunk_size()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
static constexpr size_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::chunk_size ( )

Returns the internal chunk size.

This function is thread-safe.

The size of internal chunk size.

◆ get_address()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
const void * metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_address ( ) const

Returns the address of the application data segment.

This function is thread-safe.

The address of the application data segment.

◆ get_size()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
size_type metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::get_size ( ) const

Returns the size (i.e., the maximum total allocation size) of the application data segment. This is a theoretical value. The actual total allocation size Metall can handle will be less than that.

This function is thread-safe.

The size of the application data segment.

◆ read_only()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::read_only ( ) const

Returns if this manager was opened as read-only.

This function is thread-safe.

whether or not this manager was opened as read-only

◆ check_sanity()

template<typename storage = kernel::storage, typename segment_storage = kernel::segment_storage, typename chunk_no_type = uint32_t, std::size_t k_chunk_size = (1ULL << 21ULL)>
bool metall::basic_manager< storage, segment_storage, chunk_no_type, k_chunk_size >::check_sanity ( ) const

Checks the sanity.

This function is thread-safe.

Returns true if there is no issue; otherwise, returns false.

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