Class BinaryData

Direct Known Subclasses:
DoubleBinaryData, FloatBinaryData, IntBinaryData

public abstract class BinaryData extends Object
Return type for the readData method of BinaryDataReader interface. Supports int, float, and double arrays currently. Can convert internal contents to desired format on demand.
  • Constructor Details

    • BinaryData

      public BinaryData()
  • Method Details

    • getIntData

      public abstract int[] getIntData()
      Returns an array of ints corresponding to the contents of this object. If the internal data are in float or double form a loss of precision may occur.
      The contents of this object as an array of ints.
    • getFloatData

      public abstract float[] getFloatData()
      Returns an array of floats corresponding to the contents of this object. If the internal data are in double form a loss of precision may occur. If the internal data are stored as ints with values that require more precision that can be represented by a float then a loss of precision will occur.
      The contents of this object as an array of floats.
    • getDoubleData

      public abstract double[] getDoubleData()
      Returns an array of doubles corresponding to the contents of this object. If the internal data are stored as ints with values that require more precision that can be represented by a double then a loss of precision will occur.
      The contents of this object as an array of doubles.
    • getInt

      public abstract int getInt(int i)
    • size

      public abstract int size()
    • setInt

      public abstract void setInt(int i, int value)
    • setFloat

      public abstract void setFloat(int i, float value)
    • setDouble

      public abstract void setDouble(int i, double value)
    • fillAsInts

      public void fillAsInts(byte[] in, boolean isLittleEndian)
    • fillAsFloats

      public void fillAsFloats(byte[] in, boolean swapBytes)
    • truncateTo

      public static BinaryData truncateTo(BinaryData source, int newLength)