6. Running an Experiment in Benchpark

To run all of the experiments in the workspace:

ramble -P -D . on

An output file is generated for each experiment in its unique directory:

| └── experiments
|    └── amg2023
|        └── problem1
|            ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_10_10_10
|            │   ├── execute_experiment
|            │   ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_10_10_10.out
|            │   └── ...
|            ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_10_10_10
|            │   ├── execute_experiment
|            │   ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_10_10_10.out
|            │   └── ...
|            ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_20_20_20
|            │   ├── execute_experiment
|            │   ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_20_20_20.out
|            │   └── ...
|            └── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_20_20_20
|                ├── execute_experiment
|                ├── amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_2_4_2_2_2_20_20_20.out
|                └── ...

An experiment instance can also be executed individually by directly invoking its execute_experiment script (e.g., $workspace/experiments/amg2023/problem1/amg2023_cuda11.8.0_problem1_1_8_2_2_2_10_10_10/execute_experiment).

Note that re-running the experiment may overwrite any existing output files in the directory. Further, if the benchmark has restart capability, existing output may alter the experiments benchpark would run in the second run. Generally, we would advise the user to remove the $workspace/experiments directory before re-running the experiments using ramble -P -D . on.