4. Setting up Benchpark

Select a benchmark experiment to run, along with the programming model to use, and a system to run them on. Also choose a directory for your experiment:

benchpark setup <Benchmark/ProgrammingModel> <System> </output/path/to/experiments_root>


  • <Benchmark/ProgrammingModel>: amg2023/openmp | amg2023/cuda | saxpy/openmp (available choices in benchpark/experiments)

  • <System>: use benchpark system init, or a predefined system in available-system-specs)

This command will assemble a Ramble workspace per experiment with a configuration for the specified benchmark and system with the following directory structure:

                    (everything from source/configs/<System>)
                    (everything from source/experiments/<Benchmark/ProgrammingModel>)

benchpark setup will output instructions to follow:

. <experiments_root>/setup.sh

The setup.sh script calls the Spack and Ramble setup scripts. It optionally accepts parameters to ramble workspace setup as documented in Ramble, including --dry-run and --phases make_experiments.

Now you are ready to compile your experiments as described in Building the experiment.