GPU profiling

Caliper can profile CUDA and ROCm API functions and device-side activities like kernel executions and memory copies. This requires Caliper to be built with CUpti support (-DWITH_CUPTI=On, for CUDA devices) or roctracer support (-DWITH_ROCTRACER=On, for AMD devices).

Profiling host-side API functions

Use the profile.cuda or profile.hip options to report the time spent in host-side CUDA and HIP API functions, respectively. They are available for many ConfigManager configs like runtime-report, hatchet-region-profile, and spot. They intercept host-side CUDA API functions like cudaMemcpy and cudaDeviceSynchronize. The example below shows runtime-report output with the profile.cuda option enabled. We can see the time spent in CUDA functions like cudaMemcpy and cudaLaunchKernel:

$ CALI_CONFIG=runtime-report,profile.cuda lrun -n 4 ./tea_leaf
Path                        Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Time %
timestep_loop                    0.000175      0.000791      0.000345  0.002076
  summary                        0.000129      0.000153      0.000140  0.000846
    cudaMemcpy                   0.000414      0.000422      0.000418  0.002516
    cudaLaunchKernel             0.000247      0.000273      0.000256  0.001542
  total_solve                    0.000105      0.000689      0.000252  0.001516
    reset                        0.000160      0.000179      0.000169  0.001021
      internal_halo_update       0.000027      0.000029      0.000028  0.000167
      halo_update                0.000028      0.000031      0.000029  0.000176
      halo_exchange              0.000496      0.000812      0.000607  0.003654
        cudaMemcpy               0.001766      0.001792      0.001779  0.010713
        cudaLaunchKernel         0.000418      0.000450      0.000430  0.002588
      cudaLaunchKernel           0.000097      0.000126      0.000106  0.000640

Profiling device-side activities

Use the cuda.gputime (for NVidia) or rocm.gputime (for AMD) options to measure and report times spent in GPU activities, such as kernels or memory copies:

CALI_CONFIG=runtime-report,cuda.gputime lrun -n 4 ./tea_leaf
Path                       Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Time %    Avg GPU Time/rank Min GPU Time/rank Max GPU Time/rank
timestep_loop                  16.400791     16.402930     16.401392 99.340451         12.014107         11.990568         12.031210
  summary                       0.000743      0.000852      0.000772  0.004679          0.000420          0.000419          0.000421
  total_solve                  16.397178     16.398656     16.398176 99.320973         12.013687         11.990149         12.030790
    reset                       0.002924      0.004401      0.003682  0.022303          0.001463          0.001461          0.001465
      internal_halo_update      0.000031      0.000038      0.000033  0.000201
      halo_update               0.000033      0.000042      0.000036  0.000220
      halo_exchange             0.002589      0.004060      0.003304  0.020013          0.000223          0.000222          0.000223
    solve                      16.377495     16.377513     16.377504 99.195768         12.003737         11.980207         12.020827
      dot_product               0.001003      0.001339      0.001151  0.006971
      internal_halo_update      0.087994      0.094034      0.089777  0.543764
      halo_update               0.199130      0.199757      0.199502  1.208347
      halo_exchange            14.407030     14.427922     14.419671 87.337501          0.624949          0.619820          0.629013
  tea_init                      0.016205      0.016616      0.016506  0.099973          0.008487          0.008475          0.008501
    internal_halo_update        0.000096      0.000102      0.000100  0.000603
    halo_update                 0.000104      0.000113      0.000109  0.000660
    halo_exchange               0.009489      0.010272      0.009914  0.060046          0.001013          0.001007          0.001022
  timestep                      0.000311      0.002516      0.001355  0.008205

The GPU Time/rank metrics denote the number of seconds spent in GPU activities, such as kernel execution or memory copies. The GPU time values are inclusive, i.e. they represent the total amount of GPU time launched from a Caliper region and any region below. Thus, the GPU time values for “timestep_loop” in the example above represent the GPU activity time for the entire program.

Note that the cuda.gputime and rocm.gputime options are more expensive than regular host-side region profiling because they use tracing APIs to record each GPU activity. They are primarily intended for short, dedicated performance profiling experiments.

There are also dedicated configs for examining GPU activities: the cuda-activity-report, cuda-activity-profile, rocm-activity-report, and rocm-activity-profile configs record the time spent in CUDA activities (e.g. kernel executions or memory copies) on the device. The GPU times are mapped to the Caliper regions that launched those GPU activities. The …-report options print a human-readable table, while the …-profile options write a machine-readable .json or .cali file. Here is example output for cuda-activity-report:

$ CALI_CONFIG=cuda-activity-report lrun -n 4 ./tea_leaf
Path                        Avg Host Time Max Host Time Avg GPU Time Max GPU Time GPU %
timestep_loop                   17.052183     17.053008    12.020218    12.037409   70.490786
  total_solve                   17.048899     17.049464    12.019799    12.036989   70.501909
    solve                       17.026991     17.027000    12.009868    12.027047   70.534294
      dot_product                0.004557      0.006057
      cudaMalloc                 0.000050      0.000055
      internal_halo_update       0.051974      0.052401
      halo_update                0.110023      0.111015
      halo_exchange             15.154157     15.184635     0.621857     0.625657    4.103542
        cudaMemcpy              12.398854     12.422384     0.234947     0.235587    1.894913
        cudaLaunchKernel         1.426069      1.440035     0.386910     0.390767   27.131206
      cudaMemcpy                 0.497959      0.503879     0.003377     0.003433    0.678115
      cudaLaunchKernel           0.772027      0.793401    11.384634    11.402917 1474.641141

For each Caliper region, we now see the time spent on the CPU (“Avg/Max Host Time”) and the aggregate time on the GPU for activities launched from this region (“Avg/Max GPU Time”). Note how the cudaLaunchKernel call in the last row of the output has ~0.78 seconds of CPU time associated with it, but ~11.38 seconds of GPU time - these 11.38 seconds reflect the amount of GPU activities launched asynchronously from this region. Most CPU time in the example output is actually spent in cudaMemcpy under halo_exchange - we can deduce that much of this is actually synchronization time spent waiting until the GPU kernels are complete.

The “GPU %” metric shows the fraction of (wall-clock) CPU time in which there are GPU activities, and represents GPU utilization inside a Caliper region. The percentage is based on the total inclusive CPU time and GPU activities for the region and it sub-regions. The “GPU %” for the top-level region (timestep_loop) represents the GPU utilization of the entire program.

The definition of the reported metrics is as follows:

Avg Host Time

Inclusive time (seconds) in the Caliper region on the Host (CPU). Typically the wall-clock time. Average value across MPI ranks.

Max Host Time

Inclusive time (seconds) in the Caliper region on the Host (CPU). Typically the wall-clock time. Maximum value among all MPI ranks.

Avg GPU Time

Inclusive total time (seconds) of activities executing on the GPU launched from the Caliper region. Average across MPI ranks.

Max GPU Time

Inclusive total time (seconds) of activities executing on the GPU launched from the Caliper region. Maximum value among all MPI ranks.


Fraction of total inclusive GPU time vs. CPU time. Typically represents the GPU utilization in the Caliper region.

Show GPU kernels

Use the show_kernels option in cuda-activity-report to distinguish individual CUDA kernels:

 $ CALI_CONFIG=cuda-activity-report,show_kernels lrun -n 4 ./tea_leaf
 Path                        Kernel                                           Avg Host Time Max Host Time Avg GPU Time Max GPU Time GPU %
  |-                                                                              17.068956     17.069917     0.239392     0.240725 1.402501
  |-                         device_unpack_top_buffe~~le*, double*, int, int)                                 0.091051     0.092734
  |-                         device_tea_leaf_ppcg_so~~ const*, double const*)                                 5.409844     5.419096
  |-                         device_tea_leaf_ppcg_so~~t*, double const*, int)                                 5.316101     5.320777
  |-                         device_pack_right_buffe~~le*, double*, int, int)                                 0.112455     0.113198
  |-                         device_pack_top_buffer(~~le*, double*, int, int)                                 0.092634     0.092820
  |-                         device_pack_bottom_buff~~le*, double*, int, int)                                 0.098929     0.099095
    |-                                                                             0.000881      0.000964     0.000010     0.000011 1.179024
    |-                       device_field_summary_ke~~ble*, double*, double*)                                 0.000325     0.000326
    |-                       void reduction<double, ~~N_TYPE)0>(int, double*)                                 0.000083     0.000084
     cudaMemcpy                                                                    0.000437      0.000457     0.000010     0.000011 2.376874
      |-                                                                           0.000324      0.000392
      |-                     device_field_summary_ke~~ble*, double*, double*)                                 0.000325     0.000326
      |-                     void reduction<double, ~~N_TYPE)0>(int, double*)                                 0.000083     0.000084

We now see the GPU time in each kernel. The display is “inclusive”, that is, for each Caliper region, we see kernels launched from this region as well as all regions below it. Under the top-level region (timestep_loop), we see the total time spent in each CUDA kernel in the program.

Profiling memory copies

The cuda.memcpy option shows the amount of data copied between CPU and GPU memory:

$ CALI_CONFIG=cuda-activity-report,cuda.memcpy lrun -n 4 ./tea_leaf
Path                        Avg Host Time Max Host Time Avg GPU Time Max GPU Time GPU %       Copy CPU->GPU (avg) Copy CPU->GPU (max) Copy GPU->CPU (avg) Copy GPU->CPU (max)
timestep_loop                   17.098644     17.100283    12.020492    12.040316   70.300846
  total_solve                   17.094882     17.095510    12.020072    12.039896   70.313864
    solve                       17.072250     17.072253    12.010138    12.029962   70.348891
      dot_product                0.001489      0.001684
      cudaMalloc                 0.000050      0.000054
      internal_halo_update       0.052739      0.053484
      halo_update                0.110009      0.111008
      halo_exchange             15.194774     15.220273     0.622893     0.629519    4.099388
        cudaMemcpy              12.405958     12.430534     0.234917     0.235315    1.893578          902.517616          902.517616          902.469568          902.469568
        cudaLaunchKernel         1.431387      1.463419     0.387976     0.394445   27.104925
      cudaMemcpy                 0.493047      0.494699     0.003369     0.003393    0.683394            0.040320            0.040320            0.019232            0.019232

In the example, there were about 902 Megabytes copied from CPU to GPU memory and back. There are four new metrics:

Copy CPU->GPU (avg)

Data copied (Megabytes) from CPU to GPU memory. Average across MPI ranks.

Copy CPU->GPU (max)

Data copied (Megabytes) from CPU to GPU memory. Maximum among MPI ranks.

Copy GPU->CPU (avg)

Data copied (Megabytes) from GPU to CPU memory. Average across MPI ranks.

Copy GPU->CPU (max)

Data copied (Megabytes) from GPU to CPU memory. Maximum among MPI ranks.

Profiles in JSON or CALI format

The cuda-activity-profile and rocm-activity-profile configs record GPU activities data similar to the corresponding …-report options, but write it in machine-readable JSON or Caliper’s “.cali” format for processing with cali-query. By default, it writes the json-split format that can be read by Hatchet:

$ CALI_CONFIG=cuda-activity-profile lrun -n 4 ./tea_leaf
$ ls *.json

Other formats can be selected with the output.format option. Possible values:


The Caliper profile/trace format for processing with cali-query.


JSON format readable by Hatchet. See Json-split.


Easy-to-parse list-of-dicts style JSON. See Json.