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Appendix C  Extensible Markup Language (XML)

C.1  Introduction

This appendix describes the XML representation of SIDL interfaces. Since the format of an XML file is dictated by a Document Type Declaration (DTD) file, the description will focus on the DTD associated with SIDL.

C.2  SIDL Document Type Declaration (DTD)

Babel relies on several DTDs to describe and enforce the layout of conformant XML files. The DTD of primary importance for Babel is sidl.dtd because it describes the requisite tags and attributes corresponding to SIDL files. The contents of the DTD are given below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- File: sidl.dtd Package: SIDL XML Revision: @(#) $Id: sidl.dtd 6289 2008-01-11 15:59:07Z dahlgren $ Description: DTD for the SIDL XML database representation Copyright (c) 2000-2007, The Regents of the University of Calfornia. Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Written by the Components Team <> UCRL-CODE-2002-054 All rights reserved. This file is part of Babel. For more information, see Please read the COPYRIGHT file for Our Notice and the LICENSE file for the GNU Lesser General Public License. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have recieved a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA This file describes the DTD for a SIDL symbol represented in XML format. The root element is <Symbol>. PUBLIC ID "-//CCA//sidl Symbol DTD v1.3//EN" --> <!-- Symbol Element Symbol is the root element for all SIDL XML schema. The Symbol contains a SymbolName (fully qualified symbol name and version), Metadata, Comment, and one of Class, Enumeration, Interface, or Package. --> <!ENTITY % symbols "Class | Enumeration | Interface | Package | Struct"> <!ELEMENT Symbol (SymbolName, Metadata, Comment, (%symbols;))> <!-- SymbolName Element A SymbolName represents a fully qualified symbol name along with its version. It is of the form: <SymbolName name="sidl.SomeName" version="1.3.4"/> --> <!ELEMENT SymbolName EMPTY> <!ATTLIST SymbolName name CDATA #REQUIRED version CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Metadata Element The Metadata element contains any useful descriptive data about the symbol. The time and date of creation is required, but all other information is optional. The date and time must follow the ISO-8601 standard. The entries in the metadata element are (key,value) pairs. --> <!ELEMENT Metadata (MetadataEntry)*> <!ATTLIST Metadata date CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT MetadataEntry EMPTY> <!ATTLIST MetadataEntry key CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Comment Element Comment elements support a very simple HTML description using the html-lite.dtd HTML subset. See html-lite.dtd for more details. --> <!ENTITY % html-lite PUBLIC "-//CCA//sidl HTML DTD v1.0//EN" "html-lite.dtd"> %html-lite; <!ELEMENT Comment %html-block;> <!-- Package Element The Package element contains the symbols that exist within a package. In the PackageSymbol element, note that the name is relative to the package (thus, sidl.Class is represented by Class within package sidl). A true final attribute indicates that this package is not reentrant. It defaults to true to handle old XML files. In previous versions, all packages were non-reentrant. --> <!ELEMENT Package (Attributes?, PackageSymbol)*> <!ELEMENT Attributes (Attribute)* > <!ELEMENT Attribute EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Attribute name CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- If the version attribute isn't provided, the symbol has the same version as the containing package. This is to provide backward compatibility with previous released versions of the DTD. Someday the version may become REQUIRED, so always include it. --> <!ELEMENT PackageSymbol EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PackageSymbol name CDATA #REQUIRED type (class | enum| interface | package | struct) #REQUIRED version CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT Struct (Attributes?, StructItem*) > <!ELEMENT StructItem (Type) > <!ATTLIST StructItem name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Enumeration Element The Enumeration element consists of a collection of Enumerator elements that describe a relative symbol name, its integer value, and whether the value was assigned by the parser or in the SIDL input file. --> <!ELEMENT Enumeration (Attributes?, Enumerator+) > <!ELEMENT Enumerator (Comment)?> <!ATTLIST Enumerator name CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED fromuser (false | true) #REQUIRED> <!-- Class Element The Class element consists of a class extended by this class, a block of interfaces implemented by this class, and a block of methods declared or defined by this class. The methods block does not include methods declared or defined by parents. The elements AllParentInterfaces and AllParentClasses include all parents of this class. --> <!ELEMENT Class (Attributes?, Extends, ImplementsBlock, AllParentClasses, AllParentInterfaces, MethodsBlock, Contract?)> <!ELEMENT Extends (SymbolName)?> <!ELEMENT ImplementsBlock (SymbolName)*> <!-- Interface Element The Interface element consists of a block of interfaces that this interface extends (element ExtendsBlock) and a block of methods declared by this interface (element MethodsBlock). The methods block element contains only those methods declared or re-declared by this interface and does not include all those methods defined by the parent interfaces. The AllParentInterfaces element block includes all parent interfaces that this interface extends. --> <!ELEMENT Interface (Attributes?, ExtendsBlock, AllParentInterfaces, MethodsBlock, Contract?)> <!ELEMENT ExtendsBlock (SymbolName)*> <!-- AllParentClasses and AllParentInterfaces Elements These elements define a collection of zero or more SymbolName elements that are the parent classes and parent interfaces of a class or interface. --> <!ELEMENT AllParentClasses (SymbolName)*> <!ELEMENT AllParentInterfaces (SymbolName)*> <!-- MethodsBlock Element The MethodsBlock element defines a collection of zero or more methods that belong to a SIDL interface or class. --> <!ELEMENT MethodsBlock (Method)*> <!-- Method Element The Method element defines the signature for a single method in a class or interface. The name of the method is obtained from the shortname. If method name overloading is not supported, the extension is appended to the short name to build the method name. --> <!ELEMENT Method (Attributes?, Comment, Type, ArgumentList, ThrowsList, ImplicitThrowsList, From?, Contract?)> <!ATTLIST Method shortname CDATA #REQUIRED extension CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT ArgumentList (Argument)*> <!ELEMENT ThrowsList (SymbolName)*> <!ELEMENT ImplicitThrowsList (SymbolName)*> <!ELEMENT From EMPTY > <!ATTLIST From parentname CDATA #REQUIRED parentversion CDATA #REQUIRED shortname CDATA #REQUIRED extension CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT Contract (Assertion)*> <!-- Argument Element The SIDL Argument element defines a SIDL method argument. --> <!ELEMENT Argument (Attributes?, Type)> <!ATTLIST Argument mode (in | inout | out) #REQUIRED name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Type Element The Type element describes a SIDL type, which may be a built-in type such as boolean or int, an array, or a user-defined symbol. If the type description is a primitive type, then no sub-elements are allowed. If the type is a symbol, then the single sub-element must be a symbol name. If the type is an array, then the single sub-element must be an array element --> <!ENTITY % simpletypes "boolean | char | double | float | integer | long | string" > <!ELEMENT Type (SymbolName | Array)?> <!ATTLIST Type type (void | %simpletypes; | fcomplex | dcomplex | opaque | symbol | array ) #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Index (Expression)+> <!ELEMENT Array (Type?,Index?)> <!ATTLIST Array order (unspecified | column-major | row-major) #REQUIRED dim CDATA "0" > <!-- Assertion Element The SIDL Assertion element defines a SIDL assertion. --> <!ELEMENT Assertion (Comment, Expression)> <!ATTLIST Assertion tag CDATA #REQUIRED type ( invariant | require | require_else | ensure | ensure_then ) #REQUIRED> <!-- Expression Element The SIDL Assertion Expression element defines a valid assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT Expression ( BinaryExpression | ComplexNumber | MethodCall | Terminal | UnaryExpression)> <!ATTLIST Expression parens (true | false) "false"> <!-- BinaryExpression Element The SIDL Binary Expression element defines a binary assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT BinaryExpression (Expression, Expression)> <!ATTLIST BinaryExpression op ( and | divide | equals | expon | greater_than | greater_equal | iff | implies | less_equal | less_greater | less_than | minus | modulus | multiply | not_equal | or | plus | power | remainder | shift_left | shift_right | xor | bit-and | bit-or | bit-xor ) #REQUIRED> <!-- ComplexNumber Element The Complex Number element defines a complex number assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT ComplexNumber EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ComplexNumber type (float | double) #REQUIRED real CDATA #REQUIRED imaginary CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- MethodCall Element The SIDL Method Call element defines a method call assertion expression. Note that any arguments must be within the scope of the assertion. For invariants, expressions can only contain literals (i.e., NO state or attributes). For methods, expressions can also contain any arguments that are being passed to the method. --> <!ELEMENT MethodCall (Expression*)> <!ATTLIST MethodCall name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Terminal Element The Simple Expression element defines expressions that do not have operators; namely, identifiers and literals. Note the only valid literals are boolean, character, double, float, integer, and string and identifiers are symbols. --> <!ELEMENT Terminal EMPTY > <!ATTLIST Terminal etype ( identifier | %simpletypes; ) #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- UnaryExpression Element The SIDL Unary Expression element defines a unary assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT UnaryExpression (Expression)> <!ATTLIST UnaryExpression op (complement | is | minus | not | plus ) #REQUIRED>

Babel assumes that comments will conform to the HTML-lite comment format. So, Babel relies on comment.dtd to validate whether SIDL documentation comments follow the HTML-lite comment format, which is described in html-lite.dtd. The most current versions of all of these DTDs can also be found in the source distribution in the babel/compiler/gov/llnl/babel/dtds directory.

NOTE: Any XML interface description that complies with the SIDL DTD can be used as input to Babel.

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