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Babel Users’ Guide (this document) | UCRL-SM-230026 |
Babel Source Code (associated software) | UCRL-CODE-2002-054 |
Babel is a tool that enables software written in different languages to communicate. It accomplishes this task by using an Interface Definition Language (IDL) similar to COM and CORBA. Babel relies on the Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) that is specifically tuned for scientific applications. By expressing software interfaces, or APIs1, in SIDL the appropriate glue code stubs and skeletons can be generated to facilitate language interoperability. Features unique to SIDL are:
Babel enables true object-oriented techniques even in non object-oriented languages. The object model that SIDL supports is similar to Java and Objective C where a class can extend at most one class, but implement many interfaces. In C++ speak, an interface is simply a class of all pure-virtual methods. Furthermore, if library developers want object-oriented features but are required to be 100% ANSI C compliant, Babel can meet those constraints. Although the Babel code generator is implemented in Java, the runtime libraries and generated files for C bindings are 100% ANSI C compliant.
Babel can be used as the basis for a component framework, but it is not a complete framework by itself. We’ve added a tiny CCA-compliant framework, called Decaf, in our examples/ directory. Decaf demonstrates how Babel can be used to implement a component framework.
SIDL is also a useful communications tool for code development teams since it only expresses the public API. That is, implementation details, which often prove distracting during collaborative design, can be safely avoided by restricting discussions to the interfaces described in SIDL. Furthermore, since SIDL is simple and clean it can be used by Computer Scientists, Math Programmers, and Application Scientists to debate APIs even using only email.
This document is intended as an introduction and tutorial on the use of Babel tools for the generation and use of component software. The Babel tools were designed specifically for scientific applications, therefore most of the examples and exercises here also deal with scientific applications.
This manual assumes the reader is a programmer who is proficient in two or more of the following languages: C, C++, fortran 77, Fortran 90/95, Fortran 2003/2003, Java, or Python. Furthermore, this manual assumes the reader is familiar with the SPMD2 programming model that pervades the scientific computing community. Knowledge of and experience with MPI programming is helpful, but not strictly required.
Babel source is available free of charge on the web. Developed by the Components Project at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC), it is licensed under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the source distribution for details.
The homepage for the Components Project is
The following typographic conventions are used throughout this manual.
Italic | is used for file and command names. It is also used to highlight comments in examples and to define terms the first time they appear in a document. |
Constant Width | is used in examples to show the text that is generated, and in regular text to show operators, variables, and the output from commands or programs. |
Constant Slanted | is used for displaying for SIDL source code. We use a separate font to distinguish SIDL code from generated code. |
Constant Bold | is used to show user’s modifications to generated code and in examples to show user’s actual input at a terminal. |
Sans Serif Slanted | is used in examples to show variables for which a context-specific substitution should be made. The variable filename, for example, would be replaced by the actual filename. |
Additionally, we may use specific blocks of text as sidebars to call the readers attention to particular information. Here’s one kind.
Rationale: Often when listing restrictions or requirements, we find it helpful to also explain and document the rationale behind a design decision. In time, the context in which the rationale was based may become irrelevant, making the rationale blocks very useful for understanding when to change a decision.
We have tested and verified the information in this manual. Nonetheless, features may have changed or oversights may exist. Please contact us with any issues, corrections, or suggestions for future versions of this manual through snail mail at:
Components Project
Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P. O. Box 808, L–561
Livermore, CA 94551
or through email to:
To find out more about Babel, feel free to subscribe to one or more of the associated distribution lists given below.
To subscribe, simply send email to majordomo@lists.llnl.gov with the appropriate line(s):
subscribe babel-announce [email-address]
subscribe babel-dev [email-address]
subscribe babel-users [email-address]
where you can explicitly state your email address in email-address or, if you leave email-address blank, majordomo will use your email ReplyTo: field.
Tom Epperly (Project Lead), Tamara Dahlgren, and Adrian Prantl.
Bill Bosl, Kevin Durrenberger, Nathan Dykman, Dietmar Ebner, Scott Kohn, Gary Kumfert, James Leek, Steve Smith, and Brent Smolinsky.
Irina Abramova, USC (Summer 2009), Jewel Watts, NCAT (Summer 2009), Monica Porsche, Central State University (Summer 2008), Nija Shi, UC Davis (Summer/Fall 2004), Kirk Kelsey, (Summer 2004), Sarah Knoop, UW Madison (Summer 2003), and Melvina Blackgoat, NAU (Summer 2001).
Andy Cleary, Jeff Painter, and Cal Ribbens
Rob Armstrong, Ben Allan, Wael Elwasif, Matt Knepley, Boyana Norris, Barry Smith, Jody Winston, and many more.
Babel development originally started as a Strategic Initiative (SI) in the LDRD (Lab Directed R&D) portfolio of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Follow-on funding comes through collaborations with the Common Component Architecture (CCA) Forum (http://www.cca-forum.org/wiki). Specifically, the U.S. Department of Energy (http://www.doe.gov/) supports the project through the Office of Science (http://sc.doe.gov/) SciDAC program (http://www.scidac.gov/). Initial follow-on SciDAC funding came as part of the Center for Common Component Technology for Terascale Scientific Simulation (CCTTSS). Current SciDAC II funding is part of the Center for Technology for Advanced Scientific Component Software (TASCS) (http://tascs-scidac.org/).
Babel depends on a great deal of third-party software.
or the author’s websitehttp://www.gnu.org/software/java/packages.html
The following is the copyright notice for gnu.getopt:http://www.urbanophile.com/arenn/hacking/download.html.
The text for the GNU Library GPL is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/library.html./************************************************************************** /* Getopt.java -- Java port of GNU getopt from glibc 2.0.6 /* /* Copyright (c) 1987-1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. /* Java Port Copyright (c) 1998 by Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com) /* /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify /* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published /* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or /* (at your option) any later version. /* /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but /* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the /* GNU Library General Public License for more details. /* /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License /* along with this program; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to /* the Free Software Foundation Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, /* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA /**************************************************************************/
Babel was conceived, designed, and built to solve a problem; namely, to make scientific software libraries equally accessible from all of the standard languages. Hence, its goal is language interoperability. The vision goes far beyond calling BLAS1 implemented in fortran 77 from a C program. At its heart, Babel lets programmers use their tool of choice in developing complete applications using components implemented in one or more distinct programming languages.
For instance, let us say that an application scientist is running a sophisticated C++ code from a Python scripting environment. This can already be easily accomplished with technologies like SWIG. Now let’s say that the simulation is showing some erratic behavior and the application scientist wants to extend the ConvergenceCheck class to also report some information to a log file. Let’s also assume that this application scientist doesn’t want to write a new C++ class much less rewrite the current application. What this individual wants to do is derive and utilize a new class in Python from the C++ ConvergenceCheck class. Thus, the C++ simulation code will now have to invoke a method on a class implemented in Python, which then dispatches back to the C++ base class after doing its additional logging. In Babel, this situation is normal and expected. In SWIG, one must use special settings to enable the director feature to have this level of flexibility, which increases the code size and complexity. Figure 2.1 shows a high level view of what Babel’s solution looks like. The developers write the application in Python, the library in C++, and the extended ConvergenceCheck in Python. All the glue code is generated by running Babel on a SIDL file.
Figure 2.2 lists many of the primary languages that are of interest to scientific simulation software developers and users. The good news is that there is a path from each language to every other; meaning that calling from one to another is possible. However, the technologies to get from one language to another vary widely, are fraught with pitfalls, and may require calling through a completely different language.
Babel works by providing the technology to define and support the multi-language interoperation of a common subset of functionality through programming language-neutral interface specifications. See Fig. 2.3 to see a graphical representation of the supported languages. It is important to note that this common functionality subset is far from a lowest common denominator solution in that Babel actually adds functionality when it is lacking in the host language.
In order to support multi-language interoperability, Babel relies on the specification of interfaces in the Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) (pronounced “SIGH-dull”). SIDL is similar to COM and CORBA IDLs, but was designed with an emphasis on scientific computing. Specifically, SIDL supports dynamic multi-dimensional arrays and has built-in complex numbers. SIDL also supports interface contracts, which define properties that must hold true during execution — before and/or after method invocation — when contract enforcement is enabled. It will acquire a set of directives to aid in the description of massively parallel distributed objects.
When it comes to deciding what programming idioms to support across all languages and which ones to reject, SIDL strikes a careful balance between minimalism and completeness. It is not a lowest common denominator solution. SIDL is minimal to keep the learning curve as low as possible. It is complete so developers do not feel constrained in how to express their solutions.
SIDL is object-oriented. Its object model closely resembles that of Java and Objective C. In this model there is single inheritance of implementation and multiple inheritance of interfaces. It supports the typical notions of virtual, static, and final methods. SIDL also provides a basic set of features by defining and implementing the basic types for interfaces, classes and exceptions. All types implicitly inherit from these basic types.
The most important concept to grasp about SIDL is that SIDL only defines a public interface that other programs may use to access your code. As a result, all methods defined as part of a SIDL file are public; if you do not want a method to be globally usable, simply do not define it in your SIDL file. Furthermore, all object and class data is implicitly private. There is no way to declare or define data in a SIDL file. Instead, any data required for your code should be declared in the implementation language files. This way, the languages that use your code through Babel may create your objects and pass them around just like any normal piece of data, but they may only access the data through the provided interface.
SIDL also has a complete set of fundamental data types, from booleans to double precision complex numbers. It also supports more sophisticated types such as enumerations, strings, objects, and dynamic multi-dimensional arrays.
SIDL is still a work in progress. Of particular research interest are directives that will be added for parallel distributed object interaction and features to specify computational quality of service semantics associated with the interfaces.
Babel has two types of customers: developer and user. The developer implements a library that will be used by one or more users, and the user uses libraries via their Babel generated interfaces. Babel provides value to developers by making their software accessible to a larger customer base because their software can be used from more different programming languages. Users, on the other hand, may not care or even know that they are interacting with a library through Babel. Babel provides value to users by making more software accessible to them.
Babel provides some features that benefits user and developer alike. The most important aspect to note here is that all Babel objects are reference counted. This feature is critical to encapsulate the memory allocation library (e. g. C’s malloc/free or C++’s new/delete) used in the implementation of the object. Users never need concern themselves with when to free up a resource, they only declare when they’re done with their reference to that resource. Developers are free to use different memory allocation subsystems in different parts of their code if need be.
Babel also provides a consistent type system. This is particularly important when you want to make object-oriented libraries written in C++, Python or Java accessible in procedural languages like fortran 77, Fortran 90/95 and C. Babel maps the object-oriented concepts like inheritance, polymorphism and object identity into all supported languages.
Interface contracts , which identify conditions that must hold at the interface boundary, can be used to improve the quality of software for both developers and users. Interface contracts consist of precondition, postcondition, and/or invariant clauses belonging to the interface, not the underlying implementation(s). Precondition clauses consist of assertions on properties which must hold prior to method execution. Postcondition clauses contain assertions which must hold upon method completion. Invariant clauses apply before and after method execution. Consequently, in addition to providing useful documentation, SIDL interface contracts are enforceable. So developers can enable contract enforcement as an aid to testing and debugging. Users can enable full or partial contract enforcement during deployment to gain confidence in unfamiliar software.
The language interoperability problem is a large one, and though the Babel tools address much of it, there is still a lot that is beyond the scope of our tool. Babel is at its heart a code generator and a runtime library. Consequently, the following features are currently limitations of the Babel tool kit:
Despite the aforementioned limitations, Babel does facilitate the development of language interoperable software. However, issues of robust packaging, building, and deployment of language interoperable software still loom on the horizon.
Babel consists of a set of tools intended to facilitate language interoperability in the scientific computing community. Using interfaces for libraries or components specified in Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) files, Babel can generate corresponding XML representations as well as the source code for the corresponding stubs, intermediate object representations, and implementation skeletons. The generated source code then becomes the foundation for the glue code used for language interoperability between callers of libraries and components.
In addition to providing generated code automatically handling mapping fundamental data type parameters between different languages, Babel has built-in support for complex numbers and multi-dimensional arrays. Additional benefits include object reference counting to facilitate memory management.
Optional SIDL interface contract features are also provided. Interface contracts aid in improving the quality of software. Contracts added to interfaces document constraints and can be used to enhance testing. When enabled at runtime, contracts can also be used to help users gain confidence in unfamiliar software.
Finally, Babel’s primary goal is to facilitate the development of language interoperable libraries and components. Hence, support for reverse engineering is not provided. Given that Babel has been developed by a research team, there are also limitations associated with shared library and programming language-specific compiler interoperability support that have been looked into but probably will not be addressed in the foreseeable future. Regardless, Babel has proved to be useful to its stakeholders to the point that it is becoming an integral part of the Common Component Architecture (CCA). Refer to papers and presentations on our web site for more information.
The remainder of this document is separated into two parts: foundations and supported language bindings. Part I is devoted to describing the SIDL and the Babel tools. It starts with a tutorial to gently introduce the reader to the development of glue code from both the implementation (or server) and user (or client) sides. The following chapter introduces SIDL and Babel basics. Finally, a chapter on advanced topics, such as linking options, is provided.
Part II describes the language bindings currently supported by Babel. Most of the bindings are programming languages. In which case, most have both client- and server-side bindings. However, Babel also supports textual language backends. At this time, Extensible Markup Language (XML), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) are the only textual backends.
Appendices are included to provide more information on topics such as acronyms, the SIDL Grammar, and SIDL XML. In addition, sections are included that provide advice and tips on troubleshooting.
Part I |
Ideally, Babel will configure and make “out-of-the-box” on most Unix-like machines. If the configuration process detects that certain resources are unavailable, it will correctly disable support for languages or features needing those resources. If this instance of correct behavior is not the intended behavior, then the installer is left to install the external resources and then re-configure, make, and install Babel. This chapter is intended to provide help and reassurance that Babel is indeed configured and installed correctly.
These instructions assume you have a “tarball” (e. g. *.tar.gz file). We have volunteers who put together and manage RedHat RPMs and Debian *.deb distributions of Babel. If you have one of these distros, read their documentation first as it may have details that supersede our own.
A typical build is a simple sequence of
% ./configure -C
# lots of stuff
Fortran77 enabled.
C++ enabled.
Java enabled.
Python enabled.
Fortran90 enabled.
% make
# lots more stuff
% make install
# not so much stuff
The -C tells configure to cache its results in a file. This improves the overall speed of configuration because the runtime configure script reuses the results of the top-level configure.
There are many circumstances where the configuration step will properly terminate with an error, but if the configuration works, the build and installation shouldn’t terminate abnormally. If you have problems or note bugs during configuration, installation or later Babel usage, please send an email to babel-bugs@cca-forum.org including the version of babel you are working with, if possible the output from babel-config --version-full, and the exact output that indicates the presence of a bug. babel-config is Bourne shell script that the configure creates in the bin directory. If your current directory is the top directory of the Babel distribution, normally you can invoke babel-config as follows:
% bin/babel-config --version-full
There are two main choices to be made at configure time: “Where does the software get built?” and “Where does the software get installed?”. The mechanisms for effecting these choices are quite different.
If you want to build software in a separate directory from where the tarball was untarred, this is called a “VPATH build”. VPATH builds are useful if you want to build Babel multiple times with various compilers, flags, or you have a shared filesystem across multiple platforms. It separates the code you generate from things that you were given. The downside is that it is more complex to remember where to edit what since original sources will be in the source directory tree and the generated sources and compiled assets will be in the build directory tree.
If you run configure in the directory it appears, (i. e. you typed ./configure) you are performing an “non-VPATH build”. To do a VPATH build, simply cd to the directory you want to be the build directory root, then launch configure from there. The following sequence demonstrates a vpath build
% tar zxvf babel-x.x.x.tar.gz
% mkdir babel-linux-build
% cd babel-linux-build
% ../babel-x.x.x/configure -C
Note that the directory where you build Babel should be different from the directory where you install Babel. The default install directory is /usr/local, but can be set to any directory that you have read/write access to. To change the install directory, run configure with the --prefix option. Since many people do not have root access on their machine (or prefer to install in a local directory when dealing with unfamiliar software), this option is probably the second most heavily used option for configure (first being --help, which is a good one to try also.)
At the time of this writing (1.1.0), there are two configure scripts in Babel, about 47K lines of shell script each. These configure scripts will then propagate the information they acquire to Makefiles by performing approximately 190 sed substitutions (per Makefile), to the source code by setting approximately 170 preprocessor macros in babel_config.h, and various bits of shell script in the build that do not get propagated to the install directory. The configure script does not modify any source code in Babel’s runtime system or code generator. This means that source code generated by a different Babel installation is usable as long as it gets compiled against the local babel_config.h and linked with the local Babel runtime libraries.
The makefiles are generated by the configure script from Makefile.in templates. The configure script is generated by a tool called autoconf. The Makefile.in’s are generated from Makefile.am files by a separate, related tool called automake. We also use a tool called libtool to help with libraries. Libtool is written in shell, automake in perl, and autoconf in m4.
After a successful configuration step, if your build fails it is most likely that there is a bug in Babel, autoconf, libtool, or a library of m4 macros from any of the above. It is less likely to be an issue with automake, but possible. Perl and m4 themselves are no longer involved in the process after the configure script is produced, so while there may be a nascent bug in the files they generated, it is unlikely.
This is an exhaustive check that can take hours to complete on an average workstation. The number of actual tests run depends on the number of languages that are enabled. In general a driver and an implementation of each test is generated in each enabled language. Then each combination of driver and implementation are run (both statically linked libraries and dynamically loaded libraries, as appropriate) and tested. A test script can actually launch multiple tests, and tests can have multiple parts. At the time of this writing (babel-0.9.3) there are over 13,000 parts tested when all languages are enabled.
This transfers built software to the final installation directory. Examples and tests are not installed, nor are Makefiles or dozens of other types of files. Make install also builds javadoc documentation for Babel’s code generator. Since some libraries are built with install paths in mind, libtool uses a lot of scripts to make things work in their build directory with binaries actually hidden in .lib subdirectories. Make install strips this extra scaffolding away as well.
This is the same test suite as with make check. The only difference is that it is run against the code in the install directories, not the build directories.
Babel builds on a lot of available software; some optional, some required. Some we ship in our tarball, some we require users to install separately.
One important gotcha is a special case where non-python applications create Babel objects implemented in python. In this case, the Babel runtime needs to dynamically load the python virtual machine (libpython.so). Unfortunately, python does not always build a dynamically loadable version of this library by default. If the Babel configure script cannot find a libpython.so, it will disable server-side Python support.
At the time of this writing, Python cannot be coerced to build a libpython.so on AIX.
These packages are used by Babel maintainers in the course of normal development. You’ll need these only if you start rewriting code in Babel’s distribution.
This chapter describes the Babel code generator and its command line options.
Babel is a compiler. It takes symbols and their interfaces as input and generates either code or a given textual representation. These interfaces may be specified in either Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) or Extensible Markup Language (XML). The form the output takes depends upon the options specified on the command line. Refer to the Section 4.2 for details on command line options. More information on the supported bindings can be found in Part II of this document.
The entire Babel code generator is written in Java and
compiled into a jar file. For convenience, a small script
called babel is provided that should
set the appropriate environment variables and invoke
the Java Virtual Machine on the jar file. To test that
the script and jar file are working together properly,
simply type babel --
Babel requires exactly one of the following
mutually exclusive arguments on the command line unless you use the
multi option.
help : Print options to stdout.
version : Print version of Babel.
text=form :
Generate text equivalent (“sidl” or “xml”) of associated
package(s) or generate interface documentation with “html”.
client=lang :
Generate client, or proxy, classes to access library.
server=lang :
Generate the server and client classes to implement the library.
parse-check :
Check the SIDL file only.
By far, the three most common uses of Babel will be to generate the Client-side proxies, Server-side implementations, and XML associated with the SIDL file. The last option is essentially used internally when the Babel runtime library is being developed.
The --
multi option lets you generate multiple
targets for a given set of files in a single run. Put it first on the
command line, each --
client or --
server can have a different set of settings.
Additionally, there are a few supplemental arguments that complete the picture.
output-directory=dir :
Specifies the root directory associated with the
generated files. The default setting is
the current working directory.
generate-hooks :
Generate additional methods in the implementation files that
allow developers to put additional code to be called before
and after the actual method call. These hooks are useful for
implementation-specific method invocation instrumentation.
Their execution can be disabled at run-time.
generate-subdirs :
Generates files in a directory tree
matching the packaging scope of the SIDL file. This
is on by default for languages that have this
requirement, such as Java and Python, but off
by default for languages that have no such
requirement. Hence, code generation for only the
latter languages (e. g. C, C++, F77, F90) is affected
by this option.
generate-subdirs-off :
Turn the --
feature off. This is useful with
multi option.
short-file-name :
When the --
generate-subdirs and
short-file-names options are
used simultaneously, the generated file names will not include
package names, just the class or interface symbol. Thus,
either long or short names must be used in all clients or
servers that have interdependencies; mixing short and long
names will result in compile and/or runtime errors.
repository-path=path :
Specifies a semicolon-separated list of directories,
or URLs1
to search for XML Type descriptions. The need for
these XML types is to resolve references in the
SIDL file.
This option can be used multiple times on the same
command line. If appropriate, the Babel script
adds the default repository path to the command line
before dispatching to the Java Virtual Machine.
no-default-repository :
Prohibits the use of the default repository
in resolving symbols.
rename-splicers :
To improve some of the Babel 1.0 splicer blocks names were changed
in Babel 1.4. This switch will automatically rename Babel 1.0
splicer blocks to their new Babel 1.4 names.
suppress-contracts :
Refrain from generating checks associated with contracts
specified in the SIDL file.
suppress-ior :
Refrain from generating IOR source and header files.
suppress-timestamp :
Suppresses the insertion of meta-information that
could result in generated files that would otherwise
not differ from prior executions on the same, unchanged
input file.
Typically Babel inserts meta-information such as
creation time into files it generates. Although
this information is useful, it does result in the
creation of excessive changes when using version control systems.
exclude=regex :
This options can be used multiple times. Each time you
add a regular expression that will be used to exclude
symbols from code generation. No code or XML will be
generated for any symbol matching the user provided
regular expression. This command line option requires
version 1.4.0 or later of the Java runtime environment.
cca-mode :
This flag changes the contents of splicer blocks to
match the requirements for the Common Component Architecture (CCA).
Unimplemented methods throw exceptions, and there are some
extra indications for Bocca about which sections still
require editing.
comment-local-only :
This option reduces the amount of comments in stub
C header files. It will only include the doc comments
for locally defined methods. It will not include doc
comments for inherited methods.
hide-glue :
This option causes all non-impl files to be generated
in a glue/ subdirectory. This reduces the
“clutter” in the current directory.
hide-glue-off :
Turn off the --
hide-glue setting.
language-subdir :
This options causes all generated files to be stored in a
language-dependent subdirectory; if the --
generate-subdirs option is also used, the language
directory will be at the bottom of the hierarchy.
language-subdir-off :
Turn the --
language-subdir setting
make-prefix=prefix :
The string prefix is prepended to the name of
babel.make and the symbols defined inside babel.make
to allow Babel to be run multiple times in a single directory without
overwriting files.
makefile :
This instructs Babel to generate a sample GNU Makefile named GNUmakefile.
The sample GNU Makefile uses babel-config to determine the appropriate build
flags. It’s meant to be a simple, example Makefile, and it will likely require
editing before incorporating it in a larger project build. It may not work
correctly with other options that change where files are
generated such as the --
hide-glue option.
exclude-external :
This option causes code to be generated only for the symbols
specified on the command line. If you list a SIDL file
on the command line, all the symbols it contains will be
included. No code is generated for symbols
on which the users symbols depend. This behavior is now the default
behavior, so this option is not usually required.
include-referenced :
This option causes code to be generated for symbols specified
on the command line and for all symbols referenced by symbols
on the command line. It is the opposite behavior to
cxx-ior-exception :
Earlier versions of the Babel C++ bindings checked the IOR
pointer in a given stub before making any calls on it. If the IOR was
null, a NullIORException was thrown. It was later found that in
certain cases these checks were taking an inordinent amount of time,
and since C++ does not normally check pointers before dereferencing
them, it was decided that this feature was out of line with the spirit
of C++. However, since some code had already been written that used
this feature, we could not completely eliminate the checks.
Therefore, this command line option was added. Calling babel
with it will generate C++ stubs with the
checks in them. This option has no effect on other languages.
vpath=dir : This
option sets the root directory Babel searches first when trying to
load implementation files to preserve splicer block contents in the hand
edited implementation files. If you are generating server-side C for
a concrete class x.y.z and you used --
vpath=/tmp, Babel would try to read splicer blocks from
/tmp/x_y_z_Impl.h and /tmp/x_y_z_Impl.c. If it does
not find either file in /tmp, it also checks the current
directory. If you are using --
generate-subdirs with --
vpath, the
vpath directory is the root of the tree, so for the example, Babel
would search for /tmp/x/y/z_Impl.h and
/tmp/x/y/z_Impl.c. When appropriate, Babel inserts
#line directives to refer debuggers to the original
file. As its name suggests, this option is useful when making vpath
builds using make. Some people also use it to avoid spurious changes
to the files managed by their revision control system.
Table 4.1: Command Line Arguments.
helpPrint options to stdout. -v --
versionPrint version of Babel. -tform --
text=formGenerate text. -clang --
client=langGenerate client classes. -slang --
server=langGenerate server and client classes. -p --
parse-checkOnly check parsing of the SIDL file. --
cca-modeNew splicer blocks get CCA-required content. -i --
generate-hooksGenerate pre-/post-method hooks. --
generate-sidl-stdlibRegenerate the Babel runtime library. -odir --
output-directory=dirRoot directory to contain generated files. -g --
generate-subdirsGenerate sources in directory tree matching SIDL packaging. --
generate-subdirs-offTurn off generate-subdirs. -m --
make-prefix=prefixPrepend prefix to names for babel.make. --
makefileGenerate a simple GNU Makefile. --
multiGenerate multiple targets in a single run. -Rpath --
repository-path=pathUse specified XML repository(ies) to resolve symbols. -eregex --
exclude=regexDo not generate output for matching symbol(s). --
no-default-repositoryDo not use the default repository to resolve symbols. --
rename-splicersRename Babel 1.0 splicer blocks to their 1.4 names. --
suppress-contractsDon’t generate contract checks in IOR files. --
suppress-iorDon’t generate IOR files. --
suppress-stubsDon’t generate client-side stub files. --
suppress-timestampSuppress time-related metadata generation. --
comment-local-onlyReduce doc comments in C stub header. -E --
exclude-externalDo not generate code for dependencies. --
include-referencedGenerate code for dependencies. -u --
hide-gluePut glue code in a subdirectory. --
hide-glue-offTurn off hide-glue. -l --
language-subdirPut code in a language dependent directory. --
language-subdir-offTurn off language-subdir. -x --
cxx-ior-exceptionInclude Null IOR checks in C++ Stubs. -V --
vpathSet the impl (splicer block) root directory.
So far, we’ve shown described the long forms of command line
arguments, starting with two hyphens “--
There are also short forms for many of the more frequently
used commands. See Table 4.1
for details.
To create a new XML version of a SIDL file, use the following command:
% babel -tXML -omydepot mystuff.sidl
To exclude code generation for types whose name begins with “MPI.”, use the following command:
% babel -sC++ –exclude=’^MPI\.’ mystuff.sidl
Now suppose a developer wants to implement a library in C++ that corresponds to these types in the SIDL file.
% babel -E -sC++ mystuff.sidl
Alternatively, the developer could also create C++ implementation files based on the XML repository. In this case, a list of symbols to be implemented would need to be specified. Assuming that all of the types are in a package called “mystuff”, the following command can be issued:
% babel -E -sC++ -Rmydepot mystuff
Now suppose a second developer wants to extend this software. A second SIDL file is created then the implementation files in Fortran 90/95 are generated with the following command:
% babel -E -sf90 -Rmydepot newstuff.sidl
A user now can download both SIDL files and create their Python bindings to use both libraries with the following command:
% babel -cPython -Rhttp://localhost/mystuff/mydepot;
http://www.otherhost.com/newstuff mystuff newstuff
Finally, to generate SIDL files for each package based on the XML stored in the repository, the following command is used:
% babel -tSIDL -Rhttp://localhost/mystuff/mydepot;
http://www.otherhost.com/newstuff mystuff newstuff
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.
— Aristotle (384 BCE – 322 BCE)
This tutorial guides you through the process of writing the classic “Hello World!” example using the Babel tools. In the process, you will learn that the most vexing problem is getting the compiler and linker flags set up properly. Closely followed by the hassles of encoding this information in portable Makefiles.
This section offers a spectrum of possible solutions, from the minimalist but not portable, to the very robust and portable but not trivial, and a few options in between. The following sections start from the simplest setup, and work up in terms of complexity and features.
Assuming Babel is built, installed and your PATH environment variable has been set, we need to set up a few directories for this exercise. One can verify it was built and installed properly by going to the directory where it was built and typing make installcheck. (Warning: It can take a few hours on a good workstation for Babel’s exhaustive tests to complete.) To verify Babel is in your path, simply try running it with the --version or --help option. Now pick a starting directory and issue the following commands to create some directories
% mkdir -p hello/minimal/libCxx
% mkdir -p hello/minimal/libF90
% cd hello
Now we write a SIDL file to describe the calling interface. It will be used by the Babel tools to generate glue code that hooks together different programming languages. A complete description of SIDL can be found in Chapter 6. We will use the same SIDL file for several different coding exercises and Makefile setups, so the SIDL file need not be large or complex for our purposes.
For this particular application, we will write a SIDL file that contains a class World in a package Hello. Method getMsg() in class World returns a string containing the traditional computer greeting. Using your favorite text editor, create a file called hello.sidl in the hello/ directory containing the following:
1 package Hello version 1.0 { 2 class World { 3 string getMsg(); 4 } 5 } |
The package statement provides a scope (or namespace) for class World, which contains only one method, getMsg(). The version clause of the statement identifies this as version 1.0 of the Hello package.
Babel has the ability to generate simple, minimal GNU Makefiles using the
makefile command-line option. The generated GNU Makefiles
require GNU make and are intended primarily as an aid to get you
started. They assume that babel and babel-config are in your
We will write the C++ implementation in the minimal/libCxx/ subdirectory of hello/. The first step is to run the Babel code generator on the SIDL file and have it generate the appropriate code. The simplified command to generate the Babel library code (assuming Babel is in your PATH) is 1:
% cd minimal/libCxx
% babel -sC++ –makefile ../../hello.sidl
In this Babel command, the “-sC++” flag, or its long form “--server=C++”, indicates that we wish to generate C++ bindings for an implementation2. This command will generate a large number of C and C++ header and source files. It is often surprising to newcomers just how much code is generated by Babel. Rest assured, each file has a purpose and there is a lot of important things being done as efficiently as possible under the hood.
Files are named after the fully-qualified class-name. For instance, a package Hello and class World would have a fully qualified name (in SIDL) as Hello.World. This corresponds to file names beginning with Hello_World3. For each class, there will be files with _IOR, _Skel, or _Impl appended after the fully qualified name. Stubs often go without the _Stub suffix. IOR files are always in ANSI C (source and headers), containing Babel’s Intermediate Object Representation. Impl files contain the actual implementation, and can be in any language that Babel supports, in this case, they’re C++ files. Impl files are the only files that a developer need look at or touch after generating code from the SIDL source. Skel files perform translations between the IORs and the Impls. In some cases (like Fortran) the Skels are split into a few files: some in C, some in the Impl language. In the case of C++, the Skels are pure C++ code wrapped in extern "C" {} declarations. If the file is neither an IOR, Skel, nor Impl, then it is likely a Stub. Stubs are the proxy classes of Babel, performing translations between the caller language and the IOR. Finally, the file babel.make is a Makefile fragment that is used by GNUmakefile or to simplify making your own custom build. You may ignore the babel.make file if you wish. There are also babel.make.depends and babel.make.package files. These were added by external contributors, and we will ignore them in this document.
The only files that should be modified by the developer (that’s you since you’re implementing Hello World) are the “Impls”, which are in this case files ending with _Impl.hxx or _Impl.cxx Babel generates these implementation files as a starting point for developers. These files will contain the implementation of the Hello library. Every implementation file contains many pairs of comment “splicer” lines such lines 4 and 6 in the following sample:
1 ::std::string 2 Hello::World_impl::getMsg_impl () 3 { 4 // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Hello.World.getMsg) 5 // Insert-Code-Here {Hello.World.getMsg} (getMsg method) 6 // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Hello.World.getMsg) 7 } |
Any modifications between these splicer lines will be saved after subsequent invocations of the Babel tool. Any changes outside the splicer lines will be lost. This splicer feature was developed to make it easy to do incremental development using Babel. By keeping your edits within the splicer blocks, you can add new methods to the hello.sidl file and rerun Babel without the loss of your previous method implementations. You shouldn’t ever need to edit the file outside the splicer blocks.
For our hello application, the implementation is trivial. Add the following return statement between the splicer lines in the lib/Hello_World_Impl.cxx file:
::std::string Hello::World_impl::getMsg_impl () { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Hello.World.getMsg) return "Hello from C++!"; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Hello.World.getMsg) } |
The following is a listing of the generated GNUmakefile excluding the boilerplate copyright notice. It uses some of the tools installed along with Babel to automated generating a static and shared library provided that the machine supports both. The babel-config provides information about which compilers and compiler flags to use, and babel-libtool manages the building of object files and libraries.
1 include babel.make 2 # please name the server library here 3 LIBNAME=hello 4 # please name the SIDL file here 5 SIDLFILE=../../hello.sidl 6 # extra include/compile flags 7 EXTRAFLAGS= 8 # extra librarys that the implementation needs to link against 9 EXTRALIBS= 10 # library version number 11 VERSION=0.1.1 12 # PREFIX specifies the top of the installation directory 13 PREFIX=/usr/local 14 # the default installation installs the .la and .scl (if any) into the 15 # LIBDIR 16 LIBDIR=$(PREFIX)/lib 17 # the default installation installs the stub header and IOR header files 18 # in INCLDIR 19 INCLDIR=$(PREFIX)/include 20 21 # most of the rest of the file should not require editing 22 23 ifeq ($(IMPLSRCS),) 24 SCLFILE= 25 BABELFLAG=--client=cxx 26 MODFLAG= 27 else 28 SCLFILE=lib$(LIBNAME).scl 29 BABELFLAG=--server=cxx 30 MODFLAG=-module 31 endif 32 33 all : lib$(LIBNAME).la $(SCLFILE) 34 35 CC=`babel-config --query-var=CC` 36 CXX=`babel-config --query-var=CXX` 37 INCLUDES=`babel-config --includes-cxx` 38 CFLAGS=`babel-config --flags-c` 39 CXXFLAGS=`babel-config --flags-cxx` 40 LIBS=`babel-config --libs-cxx-client` 41 42 STUBOBJS=$(STUBSRCS:.cxx=.lo) 43 IOROBJS=$(IORSRCS:.c=.lo) 44 SKELOBJS=$(SKELSRCS:.cxx=.lo) 45 IMPLOBJS=$(IMPLSRCS:.cxx=.lo) 46 47 PUREBABELGEN=$(IORHDRS) $(IORSRCS) $(STUBSRCS) $(STUBHDRS) $(SKELSRCS) 48 BABELGEN=$(IMPLHDRS) $(IMPLSRCS) 49 50 $(IMPLOBJS) : $(STUBHDRS) $(IORHDRS) $(IMPLHDRS) 51 52 lib$(LIBNAME).la : $(STUBOBJS) $(IOROBJS) $(IMPLOBJS) $(SKELOBJS) 53 babel-libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX $(CXX) -o lib$(LIBNAME).la \ 54 -rpath $(LIBDIR) -release $(VERSION) \ 55 -no-undefined $(MODFLAG) \ 56 $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) \ 57 $(EXTRALIBS) 58 59 $(PUREBABELGEN) $(BABELGEN) : babel-stamp 60 @if test -f $@; then \ 61 touch $@; \ 62 else \ 63 rm -f babel-stamp ; \ 64 $(MAKE) babel-stamp; \ 65 fi 66 67 babel-stamp: $(SIDLFILE) 68 @rm -f babel-temp 69 @touch babel-temp 70 babel $(BABELFLAG) $(SIDLFILE) 71 @mv -f babel-temp $@ 72 73 lib$(LIBNAME).scl : $(IORSRCS) 74 ifeq ($(IORSRCS),) 75 echo "lib$(LIBNAME).scl is not needed for client-side C bindings." 76 else 77 -rm -f $@ 78 echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' > $@ 79 echo '<scl>' >> $@ 80 if test `uname` = "Darwin"; then scope="global"; else scope="local"; \ 81 fi ; \ 82 echo ' <library uri="'`pwd`/lib$(LIBNAME).la'" scope="'"$$scope"'" resolution="lazy" >' >> $@ 83 grep __set_epv $^ /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { print $$1}' | sort -u | sed -e 's/_IOR.c//g' -e 's/_/./g' | awk ' { printf " <class name=\"%s\" desc=\"ior/impl\" />\n", $$1 }' >>$@ 84 echo " </library>" >>$@ 85 echo "</scl>" >>$@ 86 endif 87 88 .SUFFIXES: .lo .cxx .c 89 90 .c.lo: 91 babel-libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< 92 93 .cxx.lo: 94 babel-libtool --mode=compile --tag=CXX $(CXX) $(INCLUDES) $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< 95 96 clean : 97 -rm -f $(PUREBABELGEN) babel-temp babel-stamp *.o *.lo 98 99 realclean : clean 100 -rm -f lib$(LIBNAME).la lib$(LIBNAME).scl 101 -rm -rf .libs 102 103 install : install-libs install-headers install-scl 104 105 106 install-libs : lib$(LIBNAME).la 107 -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR) 108 babel-libtool --mode=install install -c lib$(LIBNAME).la \ 109 $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).la 110 111 install-scl : $(SCLFILE) 112 ifneq ($(IORSRCS),) 113 -rm -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 114 -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR) 115 echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' > $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 116 echo '<scl>' >> $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 117 if test `uname` = "Darwin"; then scope="global"; else scope="local"; \ 118 fi ; \ 119 echo ' <library uri="'$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).la'" scope="'"$$scope"'" resolution="lazy" >' >> $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 120 grep __set_epv $^ /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { print $$1}' | sort -u | sed -e 's/_IOR.c//g' -e 's/_/./g' | awk ' { printf " <class name=\"%s\" desc=\"ior/impl\" />\n", $$1 }' >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 121 echo " </library>" >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 122 echo "</scl>" >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 123 endif 124 125 install-headers : $(IORHDRS) $(STUBHDRS) 126 -mkdir -p $(INCLDIR) 127 for i in $^ ; do \ 128 babel-libtool --mode=install cp $$i $(INCLDIR)/$$i ; \ 129 done 130 131 .PHONY: all clean realclean install install-libs install-headers install-scl |
The details of this makefile deserve careful explanation.
- line 1:
- babel.make is a file that Babel generates when it generates code. It defines some standard names so our makefiles don’t have to know every SIDL type declared in the file.
- line 3:
- LIBNAME defines the name of the library file that will be generated. This is the only line that I had to edit in the babel-generated GNUmakefile.
- line 7:
- Use EXTRAFLAGS to define additional compile flags to be used when compiling files. For this example, it should be empty.
- line 9:
- EXTRALIBS should hold any extra libraries needed for your application. For this example, it should be empty.
- line 11:
- The VERSION should be three numbers separated by periods.
- line 13:
- The PREFIX is for libraries that will be installed.
- line 21–end:
- This part of the GNUmakefile works from the definitions above and usually does not require changes unless you are incorporating it into a more complex build system.
- line 33:
- The first build target in a Makefile is also the default target. Common convention is to make this target’s name “all.”
- lines 35–40:
- Note that we use a script called babel-config to hand us some information. This tool is very useful for getting the same information that Babel’s configure script was given as Babel configuring itself. Increasingly, it is being used to also get information about tools and flags used in Babel’s makefiles, and its utility for getting at this level of information is limited…mostly because we rely on a multilayered stack of tools and some are less forthcoming than others.
- lines 42–45:
- Here you see some of the variables defined in babel.make and some fancy suffix substitution to define STUBOBJS, IOROBJS, SKELOBJS, and IMPLOBJS.
- lines 53:
- This is the rule to combine the .o files into a static and dynamic library using babel-libtool.
- line 88:
- This is a often misunderstood detail. To override the default suffix rules, one must give the list of new suffices to consider.
- line 90–94:
- Here we start to override make’s default suffix rules for converting C and C++ sourcecode into .o files.
- lines 96 & 99:
- How you go about various levels of cleanliness in your makefiles largely depends on matters of taste. The important point here is what is not removed. One thing not cleaned up is babel.make it is generated by Babel, but the makefile won’t work without the file present because of the include in line 5. Another important thing to not remove is the Impl files, since they have hand-edited regions in the generated file.
- line 103–129:
- Here we define some simple rules for installing libraries into standard system locations.
- line 131:
- Technically, any phony targets like “clean” and “new” are supposed to be listed in this variable. Many makefile implementations will work well if you skip this line, but.
With the GNUmakefile in place we can simply go to that directory and build everything by typing make.
Before writing the client, let’s generate a Fortran implementation as well. It is highly instructive to see how the makefiles differ between the different language bindings. From within the minimal/libCxx directory we do.
% cd ../libF90
% babel –makefile -sF90 ../../hello.sidl
This time there’s even more files generated (Fortran 90/95 bindings are harder after all), and we need to add our implementation to the Hello_World_Impl.F90 file. The modified code will look like this.
1 ! 2 ! Method: getMsg[] 3 ! 4 5 recursive subroutine Hello_World_getMsg_mi(self, retval, exception) 6 use sidl 7 use sidl_BaseInterface 8 use sidl_RuntimeException 9 use Hello_World 10 use Hello_World_impl 11 ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Hello.World.getMsg.use) 12 ! Insert-Code-Here {Hello.World.getMsg.use} (use statements) 13 ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Hello.World.getMsg.use) 14 implicit none 15 type(Hello_World_t) :: self ! in 16 character (len=*) :: retval ! out 17 type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out 18 19 ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Hello.World.getMsg) 20 retval='Hello from Fortran 90!' 21 ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Hello.World.getMsg) 22 end subroutine Hello_World_getMsg_mi |
Note that the C function appears as a subroutine in Fortran. What was the return value appears here as the argument retval (line 5). For Fortran 90/95 there are also two splicer blocks per subroutine, one for use statements (lines 11–13) and another for the actual implementation (lines 19–21). This is where we put our implementation by setting retval to the string we want.
There are important differences in this Makefile from the C++ implementation, so we reproduce it in its entirety here.
1 include babel.make 2 # please name the server library here 3 LIBNAME=hello 4 # please name the SIDL file here 5 SIDLFILE=../../hello.sidl 6 # extra include/compile flags 7 EXTRAFLAGS= 8 # extra librarys that the implementation needs to link against 9 EXTRALIBS= 10 # library version number 11 VERSION=0.1.1 12 # PREFIX specifies the top of the installation directory 13 PREFIX=/usr/local 14 # the default installation installs the .la and .scl (if any) into the 15 # LIBDIR 16 LIBDIR=$(PREFIX)/lib 17 # the default installation installs the stub header and IOR header files 18 # in INCLDIR 19 INCLDIR=$(PREFIX)/include 20 21 # most of the rest of the file should not require editing 22 23 ifeq ($(IMPLSRCS),) 24 SCLFILE= 25 BABELFLAG=--client=f90 26 MODFLAG= 27 else 28 SCLFILE=lib$(LIBNAME).scl 29 BABELFLAG=--server=f90 30 MODFLAG=-module 31 endif 32 33 all : lib$(LIBNAME).la $(SCLFILE) 34 35 CC=`babel-config --query-var=CC` 36 CPP=`babel-config --query-var=CPP` 37 FC=`babel-config --query-var=FC` 38 INCLUDES=`babel-config --includes` `babel-config --includes-f90` 39 CFLAGS=`babel-config --flags-c` 40 FCFLAGS=`babel-config --flags-f90` 41 MODINCLUDES=`babel-config --includes-f90-mod` 42 LIBS=`babel-config --libs-f90-client` 43 F90CPPSUFFIX=`babel-config --query-var=F90CPPSUFFIX` 44 45 STUBOBJS=$(STUBSRCS:.c=.lo) 46 STUBMODULEOBJS=$(STUBMODULESRCS:.F90=.lo) 47 TYPEMODULEOBJS=$(TYPEMODULESRCS:.F90=.lo) 48 IOROBJS=$(IORSRCS:.c=.lo) 49 SKELOBJS=$(SKELSRCS:.c=.lo) 50 IMPLOBJS=$(IMPLSRCS:.F90=.lo) 51 IMPLMODULEOBJS=$(IMPLMODULESRCS:.F90=.lo) 52 BASICMODULEOBJ=$(BASICMODULESRC:.F90=.lo) 53 ARRAYMODULEOBJS=$(ARRAYMODULESRCS:.F90=.lo) 54 ALLOBJS=$(STUBOBJS) $(STUBMODULEOBJS) $(TYPEMODULEOBJS) $(IOROBJS) \ 55 $(SKELOBJS) $(IMPLOBJS) $(IMPLMODULEOBJS) $(BASICMODULEOBJ) \ 56 $(ARRAYMODULEOBJS) 57 58 PUREBABELGEN=$(ARRAYMODULESRCS) $(BASICMODULESRC) $(STUBMODULESRCS) \ 59 $(TYPEMODULESRCS) \ 60 $(IORHDRS) $(IORSRCS) $(STUBSRCS) $(STUBHDRS) $(SKELSRCS) 61 BABELGEN=$(IMPLSRCS) $(IMPLMODULESRCS) 62 63 $(TYPEMODULEOBJS) : $(BASICMODULEOBJ) 64 $(ARRAYMODULEOBJS) : $(TYPEMODULEOBJS) 65 $(STUBMODULEOBJS) : $(ARRAYMODULEOBJS) $(TYPEMODULEOBJS) 66 $(IMPLMODULEOBJS) : $(STUBMODULEOBJS) 67 $(IMPLOBJS) : $(IMPLMODULEOBJS) $(STUBMODULEOBJS) \ 68 69 lib$(LIBNAME).la : $(ALLOBJS) 70 babel-libtool --mode=link --tag=FC $(FC) -o lib$(LIBNAME).la \ 71 -rpath $(LIBDIR) -release $(VERSION) \ 72 -no-undefined $(MODFLAG) \ 73 $(FCFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) \ 74 $(EXTRALIBS) 75 76 $(PUREBABELGEN) $(BABELGEN) : babel-stamp 77 @if test -f $@; then \ 78 touch $@; \ 79 else \ 80 rm -f babel-stamp ; \ 81 $(MAKE) babel-stamp; \ 82 fi 83 84 babel-stamp: $(SIDLFILE) 85 @rm -f babel-temp 86 @touch babel-temp 87 babel $(BABELFLAG) $(SIDLFILE) 88 @mv -f babel-temp $@ 89 90 lib$(LIBNAME).scl : $(IORSRCS) 91 ifeq ($(IORSRCS),) 92 echo "lib$(LIBNAME).scl is not needed for client-side C bindings." 93 else 94 -rm -f $@ 95 echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' > $@ 96 echo '<scl>' >> $@ 97 if test `uname` = "Darwin"; then scope="global"; else scope="local"; \ 98 fi ; \ 99 echo ' <library uri="'`pwd`/lib$(LIBNAME).la'" scope="'"$$scope"'" resolution="lazy" >' >> $@ 100 grep __set_epv $^ /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { print $$1}' | sort -u | sed -e 's/_IOR.c//g' -e 's/_/./g' | awk ' { printf " <class name=\"%s\" desc=\"ior/impl\" />\n", $$1 }' >>$@ 101 echo " </library>" >>$@ 102 echo "</scl>" >>$@ 103 endif 104 105 .SUFFIXES: .lo .F90 .c 106 107 .c.lo: 108 babel-libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< 109 110 .F90.lo: 111 $(CPP) -traditional $(INCLUDES) -P -o $(@:.lo=.tmp) -x c $< 112 sed -e 's/^#pragma.*$$//' < $(@:.lo=.tmp) > $(@:.lo=$(F90CPPSUFFIX)) 113 babel-libtool --mode=compile --tag=FC $(FC) $(MODINCLUDES) $(FCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(@:.lo=$(F90CPPSUFFIX)) 114 rm -f $(@:.lo=$(F90CPPSUFFIX)) $(@:.lo=.tmp) 115 116 clean : 117 -rm -f $(PUREBABELGEN) babel-temp babel-stamp *.o *.lo *.mod 118 119 realclean : clean 120 -rm -f lib$(LIBNAME).la lib$(LIBNAME).scl 121 -rm -rf .libs 122 123 install : install-libs install-headers install-scl 124 125 126 install-libs : lib$(LIBNAME).la 127 -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR) 128 babel-libtool --mode=install install -c lib$(LIBNAME).la \ 129 $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).la 130 131 install-scl : $(SCLFILE) 132 ifneq ($(IORSRCS),) 133 -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR) 134 -rm -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 135 echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' > $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 136 echo '<scl>' >> $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 137 if test `uname` = "Darwin"; then scope="global"; else scope="local"; \ 138 fi ; \ 139 echo ' <library uri="'$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).la'" scope="'"$$scope"'" resolution="lazy" >' >> $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 140 grep __set_epv $^ /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { print $$1}' | sort -u | sed -e 's/_IOR.c//g' -e 's/_/./g' | awk ' { printf " <class name=\"%s\" desc=\"ior/impl\" />\n", $$1 }' >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 141 echo " </library>" >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 142 echo "</scl>" >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 143 endif 144 145 install-headers : $(IORHDRS) $(STUBHDRS) $(STUBDOCS) 146 -mkdir -p $(INCLDIR) 147 for i in $^ ; do \ 148 babel-libtool --mode=install cp $$i $(INCLDIR)/$$i ; \ 149 done 150 151 .PHONY: all clean realclean install install-libs install-headers install-scl |
- line 1:
- Again Babel will generate a babel.make file, but we will see that its contents are different.
- line 3:
- The name of the library will be libhello.la again. This is the only line that I had to edit in the babel-generated GNUmakefile.
- lines 7–19:
- These variables have the same meanings as above. EXTRAFLAGS are extra compile flags, and EXTRALIBS defines extra libraries to list when linkings. PREFIX defines where the library should be installed.
- lines 35–43:
- Note that we use babel-config to generate the proper flag for the preprocessor to find the Babel Fortran headers, and the compiler to find the Babel MOD files.
- lines 45–56:
- Are building a $(OBJS) variable like before, but this time we see suffix substitutions for more kinds of files.
- lines 63–67:
- The order that files are compiled is important because Fortran 90/95’s use of MOD files4 makes the ordering of these items very important. (Not Babel’s fault, blame the Fortran 90/95 language designers.) C/C++ has no such constraint on the order that individual units of compilation are performed. As long as Fortran 90/95 programmers stick with the ordering shown in these lines, they should not encounter compiler complaints about dependent MOD files not found.
- lines 110–114:
- This bit of code admittedly looks very strange, but the explanation is simple. We preprocess our Fortran 90/95 source to workaround the 31 character limit specified in the language. Check out Chapter 11 for more details about this issue.
Again, we simply type make, and should end up with another libhello.la file.
Now, finally, we are ready to write a client. For this exercise, we wrote our driver in C and built two executables; each one linking in one of the two implementation libraries. We will put our driver in the minimal/ directory (which happens to be the parent directory of where the C++ and Fortran 90/95 implementations are, though this detail is only relevant to makefile construction). From our Fortran 90/95 subdirectory, we go up one and generate the client-side C bindings.
% cd ..
% babel –makefile -cC ../hello.sidl
The “-cC” flag, or its equivalent long-form “--client=C”, tells the Babel code generator to create only the C stub calling code, not the entire library implementation.
There are a few details worth noting here. The C bindings generate function names by combining packages, classes, and method names with underscores (e. g. Hello_World_getMsg(). Whenever you see double underscores in Babel generated symbols, they indicate something built-in to (and sometimes specific to) the language binding. The _create() method is built-in to every instantiatable class defined in SIDL, triggering the creation of Babel internal data structures as well as the constructor of the actual object implementation.
The code listing below shows a well crafted driver with full error checking. To try this example, use your favorite text editor to copy this text into a file named main.c.
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include "Hello_World.h" 3 #include "sidl_BaseInterface.h" 4 #include "sidl_Exception.h" 5 #include "sidl_String.h" 6 7 int main() { 8 Hello_World h; 9 sidl_BaseInterface ex; 10 char * msg; 11 12 /* create instance of Hello World */ 13 h = Hello_World__create(&ex); SIDL_CHECK(ex); 14 if ( h == NULL ) { 15 fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d Failed to create an instance of Hello_World!\n", 16 __FILE__,__LINE__); 17 return 2; 18 } 19 20 /* get the message from the object */ 21 msg = Hello_World_getMsg(h, &ex); SIDL_CHECK(ex); 22 if ( msg == NULL ) { 23 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d Hello_World_getMsg() returned a NULL instead " 24 "of a string!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); 25 return 3; 26 } 27 28 /* done with object so we can release it */ 29 Hello_World_deleteRef(h,&ex); SIDL_CHECK(ex); 30 31 /* print the string */ 32 printf("%s\n",msg); 33 34 /* release the string */ 35 sidl_String_free(msg); 36 37 return 0; 38 39 EXIT: /* this is error handling code for any exceptions that were thrown */ 40 { 41 fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Error, exception caught\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); 42 sidl_BaseInterface ignore = NULL; 43 sidl_BaseException be = sidl_BaseException__cast(ex,&ignore); 44 45 msg = sidl_BaseException_getNote(be, &ignore); 46 fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",msg); 47 sidl_String_free(msg); 48 49 msg = sidl_BaseException_getTrace(be, &ignore); 50 fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",msg); 51 sidl_String_free(msg); 52 53 sidl_BaseException_deleteRef(be, &ignore); 54 SIDL_CLEAR(ex); 55 return 1; 56 } 57 } |
As with other examples, we will go through this one line by line. It is important to note that nowhere in this file is any indication of what language the Babel object is implemented in. When you see the makefile, we will show that this code can be linked against multiple implementations in different languages.
- line 2:
- This line includes the C stub for the Hello.World type.
- line 3:
- We also include the C stub for the sidl.BaseInterface type which all classes and interfaces ultimately inherit from. In C, we often use this type to hold the exception argument.
- line 4:
- There is no sidl.Exception type. This header actually introduces some useful macros for dealing with exception handling in C.
- line 13:
- This is where the object is _create()’ed. Note that the creation may fail, so we use the SIDL_CHECK macro introduced from sidl_Exception.h to test the exception and goto EXIT (line 39), if necessary.
- line 21:
- With a live reference to the object, we now try to get the message out of it. Note that we check if the exception is thrown and if the string is NULL.
- line 29:
- Once we have the message, we can dispose of our reference to the object.
- line 32:
- Print the message
- line 35:
- Free the string. Return values have the same semantics as out parameters which is the caller always recieves a reference count and is obligied to dispose of it when done.
- line 37:
- Normal termination.
- lines 39–56:
- This is exception handling code. Its hard to imagine so many possibilities for failure in our little example, but it is useful to see how exception classes can be cast to appropriate types (line 43), and be queried for both original error message and the trace of the call stack from which it was thrown.
- line 42:
- Note that Babel generated methods always throw exceptions, but in exception handling code, we often ignore them. Do not call SIDL_CHECK after the EXIT as this can easily result in an infinite loop.
Now we need to edit the GNUmakefile that builds the code in this directory and links it with the C++ or Fortran 90/95 implementations in the two subdirectories. This case requires more editing that the previous two examples.
1 include babel.make 2 # please name the server library here 3 LIBNAME=client 4 # please name the SIDL file here 5 SIDLFILE=../hello.sidl 6 # extra include/compile flags 7 EXTRAFLAGS= 8 # extra libraries that the implementation needs to link against 9 EXTRALIBS= 10 # library version number 11 VERSION=0.1.1 12 # PREFIX specifies the top of the installation directory 13 PREFIX=/usr/local 14 # the default installation installs the .la and .scl (if any) into the 15 # LIBDIR 16 LIBDIR=$(PREFIX)/lib 17 # the default installation installs the stub header and IOR header files 18 # in INCLDIR 19 INCLDIR=$(PREFIX)/include 20 21 22 # most of the rest of the file should not require editing 23 24 ifeq ($(IMPLSRCS),) 25 SCLFILE= 26 BABELFLAG=--client=c 27 MODFLAG= 28 else 29 SCLFILE=lib$(LIBNAME).scl 30 BABELFLAG=--server=c 31 MODFLAG=-module 32 endif 33 34 all : lib$(LIBNAME).la $(SCLFILE) runC2Cxx runC2F90 35 36 CXX=`babel-config --query-var=CXX` 37 runC2Cxx: lib$(LIBNAME).la libCxx/libhello.la main.lo 38 babel-libtool --mode=link --tag=CXX $(CXX) -static main.lo \ 39 lib$(LIBNAME).la libCxx/libhello.la -o runC2Cxx 40 41 runC2F90: lib$(LIBNAME).la libF90/libhello.la main.lo 42 babel-libtool --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) -static main.lo \ 43 lib$(LIBNAME).la libF90/libhello.la -o runC2F90 44 45 CC=`babel-config --query-var=CC` 46 INCLUDES=`babel-config --includes` 47 CFLAGS=`babel-config --flags-c` 48 LIBS=`babel-config --libs-c-client` 49 50 STUBOBJS=$(STUBSRCS:.c=.lo) 51 IOROBJS=$(IORSRCS:.c=.lo) 52 SKELOBJS=$(SKELSRCS:.c=.lo) 53 IMPLOBJS=$(IMPLSRCS:.c=.lo) 54 55 PUREBABELGEN=$(IORHDRS) $(IORSRCS) $(STUBSRCS) $(STUBHDRS) $(SKELSRCS) 56 BABELGEN=$(IMPLHDRS) $(IMPLSRCS) 57 58 $(IMPLOBJS) : $(STUBHDRS) $(IORHDRS) $(IMPLHDRS) 59 60 lib$(LIBNAME).la : $(STUBOBJS) $(IOROBJS) $(IMPLOBJS) $(SKELOBJS) 61 babel-libtool --mode=link --tag=CC $(CC) -o lib$(LIBNAME).la \ 62 -rpath $(LIBDIR) -release $(VERSION) \ 63 -no-undefined $(MODFLAG) \ 64 $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) \ 65 $(EXTRALIBS) 66 67 $(PUREBABELGEN) $(BABELGEN) : babel-stamp 68 @if test -f $@; then \ 69 touch $@; \ 70 else \ 71 rm -f babel-stamp ; \ 72 $(MAKE) babel-stamp; \ 73 fi 74 75 babel-stamp: $(SIDLFILE) 76 @rm -f babel-temp 77 @touch babel-temp 78 babel $(BABELFLAG) $(SIDLFILE) 79 @mv -f babel-temp $@ 80 81 lib$(LIBNAME).scl : $(IORSRCS) 82 ifeq ($(IORSRCS),) 83 echo "lib$(LIBNAME).scl is not needed for client-side C bindings." 84 else 85 -rm -f $@ 86 echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' > $@ 87 echo '<scl>' >> $@ 88 if test `uname` = "Darwin"; then scope="global"; else scope="local"; \ 89 fi ; \ 90 echo ' <library uri="'`pwd`/lib$(LIBNAME).la'" scope="'"$$scope"'" resolution="lazy" >' >> $@ 91 grep __set_epv $^ /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { print $$1}' | sort -u | sed -e 's/_IOR.c//g' -e 's/_/./g' | awk ' { printf " <class name=\"%s\" desc=\"ior/impl\" />\n", $$1 }' >>$@ 92 echo " </library>" >>$@ 93 echo "</scl>" >>$@ 94 endif 95 96 .SUFFIXES: .lo 97 98 .c.lo: 99 babel-libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC $(CC) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRAFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< 100 101 clean : 102 -rm -f $(PUREBABELGEN) babel-temp babel-stamp *.o *.lo 103 104 realclean : clean 105 -rm -f lib$(LIBNAME).la lib$(LIBNAME).scl 106 -rm -rf .libs 107 108 install : install-libs install-headers install-scl 109 110 111 install-libs : lib$(LIBNAME).la 112 -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR) 113 babel-libtool --mode=install install -c lib$(LIBNAME).la \ 114 $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).la 115 116 install-scl : $(SCLFILE) 117 ifneq ($(IORSRCS),) 118 -rm -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 119 -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR) 120 echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' > $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 121 echo '<scl>' >> $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 122 if test `uname` = "Darwin"; then scope="global"; else scope="local"; \ 123 fi ; \ 124 echo ' <library uri="'$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).la'" scope="'"$$scope"'" resolution="lazy" >' >> $(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 125 grep __set_epv $^ /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} { print $$1}' | sort -u | sed -e 's/_IOR.c//g' -e 's/_/./g' | awk ' { printf " <class name=\"%s\" desc=\"ior/impl\" />\n", $$1 }' >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 126 echo " </library>" >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 127 echo "</scl>" >>$(LIBDIR)/lib$(LIBNAME).scl 128 endif 129 130 install-headers : $(IORHDRS) $(STUBHDRS) 131 -mkdir -p $(INCLDIR) 132 for i in $^ ; do \ 133 babel-libtool --mode=install cp $$i $(INCLDIR)/$$i ; \ 134 done 135 136 .PHONY: all clean realclean install install-libs install-headers install-scl |
- line 1:
- Again we include the Babel-generated makefile fragment. Again we see that its contents depend on the language being generated.
- line 3:
- Here we edit the name to be client.
- lines 5–19:
- These have the same meanings as in the examples above.
- lines 34–43:
- Here we must modify the all target definition and add lines to link runC2Cxx and runC2F90. Note that when linking C to C++, we must use the C++ compiler.
At last, we can make the two executables and run them.
% make all
% ./runC2Cxx
Hello from C++!
% ./runC2F90
Hello from Fortran 90/95!
Since Babelized software must be built the same way that Babel itself was configured, it seems reasonable to lean on babel-config quite heavily. By now you are probably wondering how many secrets babel-config holds and can provide on request. The simplest way to find out is to ask it. (Though you may get a slightly different result than what is shown here depending on the version of Babel.)
% babel-config --dump-vars | wc -l
babel-config can provide a wealth of information determined by Babel during its configuration and installation. Even if you do not use the GNUmakefile’s that Babel can generate, you will likely end up using babel-config to determine important information about Babel’s installation
Congratulations! You are now ready to develop a parallel scalable linear solver package.
The preceding process may seem to be the most complicated way to write the world’s simplest program but, of course, the same process will also work for significantly more complex applications. “Hello World” is small enough to experiment with in the language of your choice. Parallel, multithreaded, scientific simulation codes are another matter entirely.
This chapter describes the basics of the Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL). The goal is to provide sufficient information to enable most library and component developers to begin using SIDL to wrap their software. It begins with an overview of SIDL files followed by an introduction to the fundamental data types. More complex topics such as the object arrays, exceptions, objects, and the XML repository are then addressed.
SIDL files are human-readable, language- and platform- independent interface specifications for objects and their methods. SIDL allows you to specify classes, interfaces, and the methods therein. All methods defined in SIDL are public, since the developer is writing them as part of an interface description. Any data you wish a SIDL object to hold is not declared in the SIDL file, and is private. Data should be placed in the implementation skeleton files, and cannot be publicly exported.
Babel reads the SIDL files to generate the appropriate programming language bindings. These bindings, in the form of stub, intermediate object representation (IOR), and implementation skeleton sources, provide the basis for language interoperable software using Babel. In addition, SIDL files are used to populate the XML symbol repository that can serve as an alternate source of interface specifications during the generation of programming language bindings.
The basic structure of a SIDL file is illustrated below.
package <identifier> [version <version>] { interface <identifier> [ <inheritance> ] { [<type>] <identifier> ( [<parameters>] ) [throws <exception>]; [require <contract-clause>] [ensure <contract-clause>] . . . [<type>] <identifier> ( [<parameters>] ) [throws <exception>]; [require <contract-clause>] [ensure <contract-clause>] } class <identifier> [ <inheritance> ] { [<type>] <identifier> (<parameters>) [throws <exception>]; [require <contract-clause>] [ensure <contract-clause>] . . . [<type>] <identifier> ( [<parameters>] ) [throws <exception>]; [require <contract-clause>] [ensure <contract-clause>] } package <identifier> [version <version>] { . . . } } |
The main elements are packages, interfaces, classes, methods, types, and contract clauses. For a more detailed description, refer to Appendix B.
SIDL has the same commenting style as C++/Java and even has a special documentation comment (so called doc-comment) similar to those used in Javadoc. One can embed comments anywhere in their SIDL file. Documentation comments should immediately precede the class, interface, or method with which they are associated. Babel replicates documentation comments in the files it generates. It does not replicate plain comments.
/* * 1. This is a multi-line comment. * */ // 2. This comment fits entirely on a single line. /* 3. This comment can fill less than a line. */ /** 4. This is a documentation comment. */ /** * 5. Documentation comments can span * multiple lines without the beginning * space-asterisk-space combinations * getting in the way. */ |
Consider the above SIDL file fragment.
SIDL has both a packaging and versioning mechanism built in. Packages are essentially named scopes, serving a similar function as Java packages or C++ namespaces. Versions are decimal separated integer values where it is assumed larger numbers imply more recent versions. All classes and interfaces in that package get that same version number. If subpackages are specified, they can have their own version number assigned. If a package is declared without a version, it can only contain other packages. If a package declares interfaces or classes, a version number for that package is required.
package mypkg { } |
This SIDL file represents the minimum needed for each and every SIDL file. The package statement defines a scope where all classes within the package must reside. Since no version clause is included, the version number defaults to 0.
Packages can be nested. This is shown in the example below. The version numbers assigned to all the types is determined by the package, or subpackage, in which it resides. In the design of the SIDL file, remember that some languages get very long function names from excessively nested packages or excessively long package names.
package mypkg version 1.0 { package thisIsAReallyLongPackageName { } package this version 0.6 { package is { package a { package really { package deeply version 0.4 { package nested { package packageName version 0.1 { } } } } } } } } |
In SIDL you can use as much or as little of a type name as necessary to uniquely identify it. If absolute specificity is required, a leading dot can be used to identify the global (top) package.
1 package foo { 2 class A {} 3 package foo { 4 class A { 5 foo.A bar(); //which foo.A? 6 .foo.A wuux(); //first foo.A. 7 .foo.foo.A wuxx(); //second foo.A. 8 } 9 } 10 } |
External types can be expressed in one of two ways. The fully scoped external type can be used anywhere in the class description. Alternatively, an import statement can be used to put the type in the local package-space. import statements can request a specific version of the package, if that version is not found, Babel will print an error. If no version is specified, Babel will take whatever version it is being run on. Babel can not be run on two versions of a given package at the same time, even if you only import or require one of them.
Another way to restrict the package version you use is the restrict statement. restrict does not import the package, but if you do later import the package or refer to something in that package by it’s fully scoped name, Babel will guarantee that the correct version of the package will be used. Also note that all restrict statements must come before the first import statement.
Below is a sample SIDL file, that should help bring all of these concepts together.
require pkgC version 2.0; // restrict pkgC to version 2.0, not imported import pkgA version 1.0; // restrict pkgA version 1.0. Includes class pkgA.A import pkgB; // import pkgB regaurdless of version. Includes class pkgB.B package mypkg version 2.0 { class foo { setA( A ); // imported from pkgA, must be pkgA.A-v1.0 setB( B ); // imported from pkgB, must be pkgB.B, no version restriction setC( pkgC.C ); // must be pkgC.C-v2.0 setD( pkgD.D ); // no version restriction } } |
By default, SIDL packages are re-entrant. This means that Babel allows sub-packages to be broken into separate files, but you’d still have to run Babel on all the files at the same time. Here’s how it works.
First define the outermost package in a file.
package mypkg version 2.0 { } |
Then define a sub-package in a second file.
package mypkg.subpkg version 2.0 { } |
Note that both files begin with the identical version statement. Now as long as you run Babel on both SIDL files at the same time (with the outermost one first on the commandline), all is fine.
This works because the package statement takes a scoped identifier as an argument. As long as Babel knows that a package mypkg exists, it can handle a new package called subpkg. (This would also work if subpkg were a class. Version statements require an identifier for the outermost package. Since packages cannot have dots “.” in their names, the only dots in version statements should appear at the numbers, not the package names.
Running the second file without the first will (and should) generate an error since the enclosing package was not declared. Re-entrance should be used judiciously. This feature may be disabled by labeling a given package as final.
The from clause is a special SIDL statement that allows an implementor of multiple interfaces to add or rename the extensions of conflicting methods from interfaces. However, only method extensions can be changed, and the methods must have different signatures. For example, one can change the name of conflicting methods from two interfaces:
interface A { void set(in int i); } interface B{ void set(in float i); } class C implements A, B { void set[Int](in int i) from A.set; void set[Float](in float i) from B.set; } |
Or change the name of an interface method that conflicts with your inherited class methods:
interface A { void set(in int i); } class B { void set(in float i); } class C extends B implements A { void set[Int](in int i) from A.set; void set(in float i); //Cannot use the from clause on class methods } |
But it doesn’t work for methods that have the same signature:
/* X THIS WILL NOT COMPILE X */ interface A { void set(in int i); } interface B{ void set(in int i); } class C implements A, B { void set[A](in int i) from A.set; //ERROR void set[B](in int i) from B.set; //signature conflict } /* X THIS WILL NOT COMPILE X */ |
Table 6.1: SIDL Types
SIDL TYPE SIZE (BITS) bool 1 char 8 int 32 long 64 float 32 double 64 fcomplex 64 dcomplex 128 opaque 64 string varies enum 32 interface varies class varies array<Type,Dim> varies array< > varies rarray<Type,Dim>(index variables) varies
Table 6.1 briefly shows the different data types that are supported in Babel. Refer to each chapter for the language specific bindings for each SIDL type. The “S” in SIDL stands for “Scientific.” This emphasis is reflected in the fundamental support for complex numbers (fcomplex and dcomplex) and dynamic multidimensional arrays (array<Type,Dim>).
C++ developers looking at the SIDL syntax for arrays, might think that SIDL is a templated IDL, but this is not so. Although the syntax for SIDL arrays looks like a template, it is specific only to the array type. Developers cannot create templated classes or methods in SIDL.
Rationale: Although C++ templates are a very powerful programming mechanism, they apply only to C++. For Babel to implement similar hashing routines, method names in languages other than C++ would become prohibitively (thousands of characters) long. Moreover, this C++ template hashing mechanism is compiler specific so while C++ is very good at hiding the expanded template names (unless there is an error to report) we would have to add babel C++ bindings on a compiler by compiler basis.
Discussion of the various types is broken up into sections. Numeric types such as bool, char, int, long, float, double, fcomplex, dcomplex, strings, as well as information about enumerated types and the opaque type are all covered in this Subsection 6.3.
Information about extended types such as Interfaces and Classes along with the methods they contain are described in Section 6.7, and Section 6.4 covers Array.
The SIDL types bool, char, int, long, float, double, fcomplex, and dcomplex are the smallest and easiest data types to transfer between languages transparently. They all have a fixed size and can just as reasonably be copied as passed by reference.
Most languages natively support all of these data types (though perhaps less so with complex types). There are a few notable exceptions that may be of interest.
ANSI C does not define the size of int and long, only that the latter be at least as big as the former. As of the C99 standard, there are types int32_t and int64_t that are signed integers that explicitly support a fixed number of bits. Most compilers already have these symbols defined appropriately in sys/types.h (pre C99 standard) or inttypes.h.
Python defines its int and long to be equivalent to C, and therefore suffers the same platform dependent integer size problem with less flexibility for a workaround. It is not uncommon for regression tests involving longs and Python to fail on certain platforms. Python 2.2 has a patch to make SIDL long support better.
Strings are an interesting datatype because they are fundamental to many pieces of software, but represented differently by practically every single programming language. Strings can have a high overhead to support language interoperability because there is invariably so much copying involved.
fortran 77 and Fortran 90/95 support for strings is limited to a predetermined buffer size. Since the results of a string assignment into that buffer in Fortran does not propagate the length of the string, trailing whitespace is always trimmed for any string begin passed out from a Fortran implementation.
The opaque type is dangerous and rarely useful. However, there are particular times when an opaque type is the only way to solve a problem; for example, it is one of the few portable ways to implement an object with state in fortran 77. When a SIDL file uses an opaque type, Babel guarantees only bits will be relayed exactly between caller and callee. If there is a need to pass more information than an opaque provides, than the developer can simply pass a pointer to that information.
Use of a opaque carries a heavy penalty. Method calls with opaque types in the argument list (or return type) are restricted to in-process calls only.
Rationale: Since opaque is typically used for a pointer to memory, this sequence of bits has no meaning outside of its own process space.
An enumeration is typically used in programming languages to specify a limited range of states to enable dealing with them by names instead of hard-coded values. For language interoperability purposes — especially to support this concept on languages with no native support — we’ve had to create specific rules for the integer values associated with enumerated types.
package enumSample version 1.0 { // undefined integer values enum color { red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet }; // completely defined integer values enum car { /** * A sports car. */ porsche = 911, /** * A family car. */ ford = 150, /** * A luxury car. */ mercedes = 550 }; // partially defined integer value enum number { notZero, // This non-doc comment will not be retained. notOne, zero=0, one=1, negOne=-1, notNeg }; } |
Above is a sample of enumerations taken directly from our regression tests. It defines a package enumSample that contains three enumerations. C/C++ developers will find the syntax very familiar. When defining an enumeration, the actual integer values assigned can be undefined, completely defined, or partially defined.
SIDL defines the following rules for adding integer values to enumerated states that don’t have a value explicitly defined.
To verify the application of these rules, the enumSample.number enumeration will have the following values assigned to its states: NotZero=2, NotOne=3, zero=0; one=1, negOne=-1, notNeg=4.
Support for multi-dimensional arrays is one of the features that separates SIDL/Babel language interoperability from Microsoft’s COM/DCOM and the OMG’s CORBA. SIDL supports two kinds of arrays: normal and raw. Normal SIDL arrays provide all the features of a normal SIDL type, while raw SIDL arrays, called r-arrays, exist to provide more efficient, lower level access to numeric arrays. For example, a one-dimensional r-array in C appears as a double pointer and a length parameter. To highlight the contrast, normal SIDL arrays appear as a struct in C, a template class in C++, an 64-bit integer in fortran 77, and a derived type in Fortran 90/95.
The SIDL array API and data structure can be used in client code to prepare arguments for passing to a SIDL method. It is used inside the implementation code to get data and meta-data from incoming array arguments. The remainder of this section will focus on the C API for arrays because it is the basis for the other language APIs.
Normal SIDL arrays provide all the features of a normal SIDL type. They are meant to generalize the array types built into many languages. They are not parallel array classes or particularly sophisticated, but are very, very general. It is expected that developers requiring parallel array libraries build them on top of the SIDL array type.
Characteristics of normal SIDL arrays are:
The design of the (normal) array data structure enables the concept of a generic array, an array whose data type and dimension are unspecified. In SIDL, a generic array is indicated with the type array< >. There is no type or dimension information between the < and >.
Generic arrays are useful for making interfaces that are very flexible without requiring numerous methods to be defined. For example, if you were writing an interface to serialize an array, you could write one method void serialize(in array< > array); to handle an array of any type or dimension. Without generic arrays, you would have to define 77 different serialize methods to handle each possible array type and dimension.
In C, you can use the macro API to determine the dimension, bounds on each dimension and stride for a generic array. All other languages except Python provide a function API to determine the same information for a generic array.
Starting with Babel 1.1.0, Babel’s Python binding now uses either the Python NumPy or Numeric Python array API. This switch in Babel follows a switch in the Python community where the Python community has deprecated Numeric Python and appointed NumPy as its successor. If you need examples about how to write code that can work with either Python array API look at Babel’s array regression tests, arrays and ordering.
The function API for generic arrays includes the following methods: addRef, smartCopy, deleteRef, dimen, lower, upper, length, stride, isColumnOrder, isRowOrder, and type. With the exception of type, these methods have all been presented above. The name of the method has the type left empty. Where the name for addRef in C on a double array is sidl_double_array_addRef, its name is sidl__array_addRef for a generic array. Note, there are two underscores between sidl and array in the generic array case.
The type method is defined as follows in the case of C.
/** * Return an integer indicating the type of elements held by the * array. Zero is returned if array is NULL. */ int32_t sidl__array_type(const struct sidl__array* array); |
It returns a value that indicates what the underlying type of the array actually is. The return value is either zero or one of the values in sidl_array_type.
enum sidl_array_type { /* these values must match values used in F77 & F90 too */ sidl_bool_array = 1, sidl_char_array = 2, sidl_dcomplex_array = 3, sidl_double_array = 4, sidl_fcomplex_array = 5, sidl_float_array = 6, sidl_int_array = 7, sidl_long_array = 8, sidl_opaque_array = 9, sidl_string_array = 10, sidl_interface_array = 11 /* an array of sidl.BaseInterface's */ }; |
Once you’ve discovered the underlying type of the generic array, you can safely cast its pointer to the actual pointer type (in languages like C). Each language binding provides a way to cast generic array pointers to specific types and vice versa.
In the case of a sidl_interface_array, you can case the array to an array of sidl.BaseInterface interface references. Your code should treat it as such. You can downcast individual elements of the array as you need. Your code should consider the possibility that downcasting may fail. Babel can only guarantee that the elements of the array are sidl.BaseInterface’s.
Since SIDL was designed to serve the high performance computing community, both SIDL object developers and clients may require direct access to the underlying array data structure for optimization purposes, such as instruction pipelining or cache performance. Hence, support for raw SIDL arrays was introduced for low level access to numeric arrays. At present, they are available in C, C++, fortran 77, Fortran 90/95 and Fortran 2003/2008. In all other languages R-arrays are implemented as regular SIDL arrays with no particular performance advantage.
Unlike normal SIDL arrays, the use of r-arrays are more restricted. More specifically, they have the following constraints:
Rationale: The way r-arrays are passed to the server-side code, particularly fortran 77, makes it impossible for them to be allocated or deallocated. This makes out and return values impossible. Because the data has to be accessible directly from fortran 77 without any additional meta-data, the array data must be in column-major order.Arrays of char are not currently supported for r-arrays because in some languages characters are treated as 16-bit Unicode characters.
The advantages of r-arrays include:
When you declare an r-array, you also declare the index variables that will hold the size of the array in each dimension. For example, here is a method to solve one of the fundamental problems of linear algebra, A x = b:
void solve(in rarray<double,2> A(m,n), inout rarray<double> x(n), in rarray<double> b(m), in int m, in int n); |
In this example, A is a 2-D array of doubles with m rows and n columns. x is a 1-D array of doubles of length n, and b is a 1-D array of doubles of length m. Note that by explicitly declaring the index variables, SIDL takes avoid using extra array size parameters by taking advantage of the fact that the sizes of A, x and b are all inter-related. The explicit declaration also allows the developer to control where the index parameters appear in the argument list. In many cases, the argument types and order can match existing APIs.
The mapping for the solve method will be shown for C, C++, fortran 77 and Fortran 90/95 in the following chapters. In languages that do not support low level access such as Python and Java, r-arrays are treated just like normal SIDL arrays, and the redundant index arguments are dropped from the argument list. The indexing information is available from the SIDL array data structure.
As of release 0.6.5, interface definitions can specify that an array argument or return value must have a particular ordering for a method. The type array<int, 2, row-major> indicates a dense, 1 two-dimensional array of 32 bit integers in row-major order; and likewise, the type array<int, 2, column-major> indicates an dense array in column-major order. Some numerical routines can only provide high performance with a particular type of array. The ordering is part of the interface definition to give clients the information they need to use the underlying code efficiently. The ordering specification is optional.
For one-dimensional arrays, specifying row-major or column-major allows you to specify that the array must be dense, that is stride 1. Otherwise, for one-dimensional arrays row-major and column-major are identical.
If you pass an array into a method and the array does not have the specified ordering, the skeleton code will make a copy of the array with the required ordering and pass the copy to the method. This copying is necessary for correctness, but it will cause a decrease in performance. The implementor of the method can count on an incoming array to have the required ordering.
For out parameters and return values, an ordering specification means that the method promises to return an array with the specified ordering. The implementation should create the out arrays with the proper ordering; because if it does not, the skeleton code will have to copy the outgoing array into a new array with the required ordering.
For inout parameters, an ordering specification means the ordering specification will be enforced by the skeleton code for the incoming and outgoing array value.
At the time of writing this, the ordering constraints are enforced for Python implementation because Python uses NumPy or Numeric Python arrays, so Babel cannot control the array ordering as fully. The Python skeletons do force outgoing arrays (i. e., arrays passed back from Python) to have the required ordering.
From a memory perspective, there are two main kinds of arrays: independent and borrowed. The independent arrays owns and manages its data. It allocates space for the array elements when the array is created, and it deallocates that space when the array is finally destroyed.
The borrowed array does not own or manage its data. It borrows its array element data from another source that it cannot manage, and it only allocates space for the index bounds and stride information. The rationale for borrowed arrays is to allow data from another source to temporarily appear as a SIDL array without requiring data be copied.
If you slice an independent array, the resulting array is also considered independent even though it borrows data from the original independent array. The resulting array can still manage its data by retaining a reference to the original array; hence, its element data cannot disappear until the resulting array is destroyed. If you slice a borrowed array, the resulting array is also borrowed because like its original array, it doesn’t manage the underlying data.
In the Babel generated code, r-arrays are converted to borrowed arrays. These borrowed arrays are allocated on the stack rather than on the heap to improve performance of r-arrays.
The existence of borrowed arrays causes the arrays to deviate from the normal reference counting pattern. You may recall that all arrays are reference counted, and an array’s resources are reclaimed when the reference count goes to zero. However, a borrowed array’s array element data will disappear whenever the source of the borrowed data determines that it should regardless of the reference count in corresponding the SIDL array. This behavior means that developers should consider any SIDL array that they did not create themselves, for example incoming arguments to methods, as potential borrowed arrays. When a method wants to keep a copy of an array that might be a borrowed array, it should use the smartCopy method documented below.
Here are some rules of thumb about the use of borrowed arrays:
NULL is a special array reference value that refers to no array. It’s used to indicate that an array reference currently points to nothing. The way you refer to NULL varies from language to language, but the concept is the same. In C++ and fortran 77, 0 (numeral zero) is the value of the NULL array. In C, the preprocessor symbol NULL is the value for the NULL array. In Python, it’s the special constant None, and in Java it’s null. In Fortran 90/95, there is a function set_null, to initialize a pointer to the NULL value, and there is a logical function is_null to test whether an array is equal to NULL.
The C++ binding for array provides access to the C API in case you need to take the gloves off and revel in the data directly. But the C++ binding also provides a templated wrapper class to provide a more natural look and feel for C++ programmers.
In some cases, the Python binding for arrays must copy SIDL arrays to/from NumPy or Numeric Python arrays; it should not happen for normally strided arrays except when an ordering constraint requires it. Arrays in Python don’t have the SIDL methods available. They just have the NumPy or Numeric Python API available.
The fortran 77 API mimics the C API; all the C functions have been Fortran’ified and have _f appended to their names. The Fortran 90/95 API uses function overloading to allow programmers to use the short array method names.
In the following presentation, we use the SIDL double type; however, everything in this section applies to all types except where noted. The basic types are in the SIDL namespace. Table 6.2 shows the prefix for SIDL base types and the actual value type held by the array...
Table 6.2: SIDL types to array function prefixes
SIDL TYPE ARRAY FUNCTION PREFIX VALUE TYPE bool sidl_bool sidl_bool char sidl_char char dcomplex sidl_dcomplex struct sidl_dcomplex double sidl_double double fcomplex sidl_fcomplex struct sidl_fcomplex float sidl_float float int sidl_int int32_t long sidl_long int64_t opaque sidl_opaque void * string sidl_string char *
For arrays of interfaces or classes, the name of the array function prefix is derived from the fully qualified type name. For example, for the type sidl.BaseClass, the array functions all begin with sidl_BaseClass. For sidl.BaseInterface, they all begin with sidl_BaseInterface.
When you add an object or interface to an array, the reference count of the element being overwritten is decremented, and the reference count of the element being added is incremented. When you get an object or interface from an array, the caller owns the returned reference.
For arrays of strings when you add a string to any array, the array will store a copy of the string. When you retrieve a string from an array, you will receive a copy of the string. You should sidl_String_free the returned string when you are done with it.
When you create an array of interfaces, classes, or strings, all elements of the array are initialized to NULL. Other arrays are not initialized. When an array of interfaces, classes, or strings is destroyed, it releases any held references in the case of objects or interfaces. In the case of strings, it frees any non-NULL pointers.
The name of the data structure that holds the array if double is struct sidl_double__array. For some types, the data structure is an opaque type, and for others, it is defined in a public C header file.
Table 6.3: SIDL Array Functions
The functions are listed succinctly in Table 6.3 as well as in detail over the next few pages.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array* sidl_double__array_createCol(int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[]); // // C++ static sidl::array<double> sidl::array<double>::createCol(int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[]); C C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_createCol_f(dimen, lower, upper, result) integer*4 dimen integer*4 lower(dimen), upper(dimen) integer*8 result ! ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine createCol(lower, upper, result) integer (selected_int_kind(9)), dimension(:), intent(in) :: lower, upper type (sidl_double_3d), intent(out) :: result ! type depends on dimension ! dimension of result is inferred from the size of lower // Java // (isRow should be false to get a column order array) public Array(int dim, int[] lower, int[] upper, boolean isRow); |
This method creates a column-major, multi-dimensional array in a contiguous block of memory. dimen should be strictly greater than zero, and lower and upper should have dimen elements. lower[i] must be less than or equal to upper[i]-1 for i ≥ 0 and i < dimen. If this function fails for some reason, it returns NULL. lower[i] specifies the smallest valid index for dimension i, and upper[i] specifies the largest. Note this definition is somewhat un-C like where the upper bound is often one past the end. In SIDL, the size of dimension i is 1 + upper[i] - lower[i].
The function makes copies of the information provided by dimen, lower, and upper, so the caller is not obliged to maintain those values after the function call.
For Fortran, the new array is returned in the last parameter, result. A zero value in result indicates that the operation failed. For Fortran 90/95, you can use the function not_null to verify that result is a valid array.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array* sidl_double__array_createRow(int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[]); // // C++ static sidl::array<double> sidl::array<double>::createRow(int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[]); C C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_createRow_f(dimen, lower, upper, result) integer*4 dimen integer*4 lower(dimen), upper(dimen) integer*8 result ! ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine createRow(lower, upper, result) integer (selected_int_kind(9)), dimension(:), intent(in) :: lower, upper type(sidl_double_3d), intent(out) :: result ! type depends on dimension ! dimension of result is inferred from the size of lower // Java // (isRow should be true to get a row order array) public Array(int dim, int[] lower, int[] upper, boolean isRow); |
This method creates a row-major, multi-dimensional array in a contiguous block of memory. Other than the difference in the ordering of the array elements, this method is identical to createCol.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array* sidl_double__array_create1d(int32_t len); // C++ static sidl::array<double> sidl::array<double>::create1d(int32_t len); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_create1d_f(len, result) integer*4 len integer*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine create1d(len, result) integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: len type(sidl_double_1d), intent(out) :: result // Java public Array1(int s0, boolean isRow); |
This method creates a dense, one-dimensional vector of ints with a lower index of 0 and an upper index of len − 1. This is defined primarily as a convenience for C and C++ programmers; Fortran programmers should note that this subroutine creates arrays whose lower index is 0 not like standard Fortran arrays whose lower index is 1. If len ≤ 0, this routine returns NULL.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array* sidl_double__array_create2dCol(int32_t m, int32_t n); // C++ static sidl::array<double> sidl::array<double>::create2dCol(int32_t m, int32_t n); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_create2dCol_f(m, n, result) integer*4 m, n integer*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine create2dCol(m, n, result) integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: m, n type(sidl_double_2d), intent(out) :: result // Java // isRow should be false to get a column order array public Array2(int s0, int s1, boolean isRow); |
This method creates a dense, column-major, two-dimensional array of ints with a lower index of (0, 0) and an upper index of (m − 1, n − 1). If m ≤ 0 or n ≤ 0, this method returns NULL. This is defined primarily as a convenience for C and C++ programmers; Fortran programmers should note that this subroutine creates arrays whose lower index is 0 not like standard Fortran arrays whose lower index is 1.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array* sidl_double__array_create2dRow(int32_t m, int32_t n); // C++ static sidl::array<double> sidl::array<double>::create2dRow(int32_t m, int32_t n); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_create2dRow_f(m, n, result) integer*4 m, n integer*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine create2dRow(m, n, result) integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: m, n type(sidl_double_2d), intent(out) :: result // Java // isRow should be false to get a column order array public Array2(int s0, int s1, boolean isRow); |
This method creates a dense, row-major, two-dimensional array of ints with a lower index of (0, 0) and an upper index of (m − 1, n − 1). If m ≤ 0 or n ≤ 0, this method returns NULL. This is defined primarily as a convenience for C and C++ programmers; Fortran programmers should note that this subroutine creates arrays whose lower index is 0 not like standard Fortran arrays whose lower index is 1.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array * sidl_double__array_slice(struct sidl_double__array *src, int32_t dimen, const int32_t numElem[], const int32_t *srcStart, const int32_t *srcStride, const int32_t *newStart); // // C++ array<double> sidl::array<double>::slice(int dimen, const int32_t numElem[], const int32_t *srcStart = 0, const int32_t *srcStride = 0, const int32_t *newStart = 0); C C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_slice_f(src, dimen, numElem, srcStart, $ srcStride, newStart, result) integer*8 src, result integer*4 dimen integer*4 numElem(srcDimen), srcStart(srcDimen) integer*4 srcStride(srcDimen), newStart(dimen) ! ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine slice(src, dimen, numElem, srcStart, srcStride, newStart, result) type(sidl_double_3d), intent(in) :: src ! type depends on dimension type(sidl_double_2d), intent(out) :: result ! type depends on dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: dimen integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in), dimension(:) :: & numElem, srcStart, srcStride, newStart // Java public native Array _slice(int dimen, int[] numElem, int[] srcStart, int[] srcStride, int[] newStart); |
This method will create a sub-array of another array. The resulting array shares data with the original array. The new array can be of the same dimension or potentially less than the original array. If you are removing a dimension, indicate the dimensions to remove by setting numElem[i] to zero for any dimension i that should go away in the new array. The meaning of each argument is covered below.
srcStart[i] + numElem[i] * srcStride[i] | > | upper[i], or |
srcStart[i] + numElem[i] * srcStride[i] | < | lower[i] |
Assuming the method is successful and the return value is named newArray, src[srcStart] refers to the same underlying element as newArray[newStart].
If src is not a borrowed array (i. e., it manages its own data), the returned array can manage its by keeping a reference to src. It is not considered a borrowed array for purposes of smartCopy.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array* sidl_double__array_borrow(double* firstElement, int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[], const int32_t stride[]); // // C++ void sidl::array<double>::borrow(double* firstElement, int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[], const int32_t stride[]); C C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_borrow_f(firstElement, dimen, lower, $ upper, stride, result) real*8 firstElement() integer*4 dimen, lower(dimen), upper(dimen), stride(dimen) integer*8 result ! ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine borrow(firstElement, dimen, lower, upper, stride, & result) real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(in) :: firstElement integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: dimen integer (selected_int_kind(9)), dimension(:), intent(in) :: lower, upper,& stride type(sidl_double_1d), intent(out) :: result ! type depends on array dimension |
This method creates a proxy SIDL multi-dimensional array using data provided by a third party. In some cases, this routine can be used to avoid making a copy of the array data. dimen, lower, and upper have the same meaning and constraints as in SIDL_double__array_createCol. The firstElement argument should be a pointer to the first element of the array; in this context, the first element is the one whose index is lower.
stride[i] specifies the signed offset from one element in dimension i to the next element in dimension i. For a one dimensional array, the first element has the address firstElement, the second element has the address firstElement + stride[0], the third element has the address firstElement + 2 * stride[0], etc. The algorithm for determining the address of the element in a multi-dimensional array whose index is in array ind[] is as follows:
int32_t* addr = firstElement; for(int i = 0; i < dimen; ++i) { addr += (ind[i] - lower[i])*stride[i]; } /* now addr is the address of element ind */ |
Note elements of stride need not be positive.
The function makes copies of the information provided by dimen, lower, upper, and stride. The type of firstElement is changed depending on the array value type (see Table 6.2).
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array* sidl_double__array_smartCopy(struct sidl_double__array *array); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::smartCopy(); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_smartCopy_f(array, result) integer*8 array, result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine smartCopy(array, result) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension type(sidl_double_1d), intent(out) :: result ! type depends on dimension // Java public native Array _smartCopy(); |
This method will copy a borrowed array or increment the reference count of an array that is able to manage its own data. This method is useful when you want to keep a copy of an incoming array. The C++ method operates on this.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_addRef(struct sidl_double__array* array); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::addRef() throw ( NullIORException ); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_addRef_f(array) integer*8 array ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine addRef(array) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on array dimension |
This increments the reference count by one. In C++, this method should be avoided because the C++ wrapper class manages the reference count for you.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_deleteRef(struct sidl_double__array* array); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::deleteRef() throw ( NullIORException ); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_deleteRef_f(array) integer*8 array ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine deleteRef(array) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(out) :: array ! type depends on dimension |
This decreases the reference count by one. If this reduces the reference count to zero, the resources associated with the array are reclaimed. In C++, this method should be avoided because the C++ wrapper class manages the reference count for you.
/* C */ double sidl_double__array_get1(const struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1); // C++ double sidl::array<double>::get(int32_t i1); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_get1_f(array, i1, result) integer*8 array integer*4 i1 real*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine get(array, i1, result) type(sidl_int_1d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1 real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(out) :: result // Java public double get(int i); |
This method returns the element with index i1 for a one dimensional array. The return type of this method is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see Table 6.2). This method must only be called for one dimensional arrays. For objects and interfaces, the client owns the returned reference (i. e., the client is obliged to call deleteRef() when they are done with the reference unless it is NULL). For arrays of strings, the client owns the returned string (i. e., the client is obliged to call free on the returned pointer unless it is NULL). There is no reliable way to determine from the return value cases when i1 is out of bounds.
/* C */ double sidl_double__array_get2(const struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1, int32_t i2); // C++ double sidl::array<double>::get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_int__array_get2_f(array, i1, i2, result) integer*8 array integer*4 i1, i2 real*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine get(array, i1, i2, result) type(sidl_int_2d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1, i2 real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(out) :: result // Java public double get(int i, int j); |
This method returns the element with indices (i1, i2) for a two dimensional array. The return type of this method is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see Table 6.2. This method must only be called for two dimensional arrays. For objects and interfaces, the client owns the returned reference (i. e., the client is obliged to call deleteRef when they are done with the reference unless it is NULL). For arrays of strings, the client owns the returned string (i. e., the client is obliged to call free on the returned pointer unless it is NULL). There is no reliable way to determine from the return value cases when i1, i2 are out of bounds.
/* C */ double sidl_double__array_get3(const struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3); // C++ double sidl::array<double>::get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_get3_f(array, i1, i2, i3, result) integer*8 array integer*4 i1, i2, i3 real*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine get(array, i1, i2, i3, result) type(sidl_double_3d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1, i2, i3 real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(out) :: result // Java public double get(int i, int j, int k); |
This method returns the element with indices (i1, i2, i3) for a three dimensional array. The return type of this method is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see Table 6.2). This method must only be called for three dimensional arrays. For objects and interfaces, the client owns the returned reference (i. e., the client is obliged to call deleteRef() when they are done with the reference unless it is NULL). For arrays of strings, the client owns the returned string (i. e., the client is obliged to call free() on the returned pointer unless it is NULL). There is no reliable way to determine from the return value cases when i1, i2, i3 are out of bounds.
/* C */ double sidl_double__array_get4(const struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4); // C++ double sidl::array<double>::get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_get4_f(array, i1, i2, i3, i4, result) integer*8 array integer*4 i1, i2, i3, i4 real*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine get(array, i1, i2, i3, i4, result) type(sidl_double_4d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1, i2, i3, i4 real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(out) :: result // Java public double get(int i, int j, int k, int l); |
This method returns the element with indices(i1, i2, i3, i4) for a four dimensional array. The return type of this method is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see Table 6.2). This method must only be called for four dimensional arrays. For objects and interfaces, the client owns the returned reference (i. e., the client is obliged to call deleteRef() when they are done with the reference unless it is NULL). For arrays of strings, the client owns the returned string (i. e., the client is obliged to call free() on the returned pointer unless it is NULL). There is no reliable way to determine from the return value cases when i1, i2, i3, or i4 are out of bounds.
Methods get5–get7 are defined in an analogous way.
/* C */ double sidl_double__array_get(const struct sidl_double__array* array, const int32_t indices[]); // C++ double sidl::array<double>::get(const int32_t indices[]); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_get_f(array, indices, result) integer*8 array integer*4 indices() real*8 result ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine get(array, indices, result) type(sidl_real_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)), dimension(:), intent(in) ::indices real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(out) :: result // Java public native double _get(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, int o); |
This method returns the element whose index is indices for an array of any dimension. The return type of this method is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see Table 6.2). This method can be called for any positively dimensioned array. For objects and interfaces, the client owns the returned reference (i. e., the client is obliged to call deleteRef() when they are done with the reference unless it is NULL). For arrays of strings, the client owns the returned string (i. e., the client is obliged to call free() on the returned pointer unless it is NULL). There is no reliable way to determine from the return value cases when indices has an element out of bounds.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_set1(struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1, double value)); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::set(int32_t i1, double value); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_set1_f(array, i1, value) integer*8 array integer*4 i1 real*8 value ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine set(array, i1, value) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1, real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(in) :: value // Java public void set(int i, double value) { |
This method sets the value in index i1 of a one dimensional array to value. The type of the argument value is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see Table 6.2). This method must only be called for one dimensional arrays. For arrays of objects and interfaces, the array will make its own reference by calling addRef() on value, so the client retains its reference to value. For arrays of strings, the array will make a copy of the string, so the client retains ownership of the value pointer.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_set2(struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1, int32_t i2, double value)); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, double value); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_set2_f(array, i1, i2, value) integer*8 array integer*4 i1, i2 real*8 value ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine set(array, i1, i2, value) type(sidl_int_2d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1, i2 real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(in) :: value // Java public void set(int i, int j, double value) { |
This method sets the value in index (i1, i2) of a two dimensional array to value. The type of the argument value is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see table 6.2). This method must only be called for two dimensional arrays. For arrays of objects and interfaces, the array will make its own reference by calling addRef() on value, so the client retains its reference to value. For arrays of strings, the array will make a copy of the string, so the client retains ownership of the value pointer.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_set3(struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, double value)); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, double value); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_set3_f(array, i1, i2, i3, value) integer*8 array integer*4 i1, i2, i3 real*8 value ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine set(array, i1, i2, i3, value) type(sidl_double_3d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1, i2, i3 real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(in) :: value // Java public void set(int i, int j, int k, double value) { |
This method sets the value in index (i1, i2, i3) of a three dimensional array to value. The type of the argument value is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see table 6.2). This method must only be called for three dimensional arrays. For arrays of objects and interfaces, the array will make its own reference by calling addRef() on value, so the client retains its reference to value. For arrays of strings, the array will make a copy of the string, so the client retains ownership of the value pointer.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_set4(struct sidl_double__array* array, int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, double value)); // // C++ void sidl::array<double>::set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, double value); C C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_set4_f(array, i1, i2, i3, i4, value) integer*8 array integer*4 i1, i2, i3, i4 real*8 value ! ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine set(array, i1, i2, i3, i4, value) type(sidl_double_4d), intent(in) :: array integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: i1, i2, i3, i4 real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(in) :: value // Java public void set(int i, int j, int k, int l, double value) { |
This method sets the value in index (i1, i2, i3, i4) of a four dimensional array to value. The type of the argument value is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see table 6.2). This method must only be called for four dimensional arrays. For arrays of objects and interfaces, the array will make its own reference by calling addRef() on value, so the client retains its reference to value. For arrays of strings, the array will make a copy of the string, so the client retains ownership of the value pointer.
Methods set5–set7 are defined in an analogous way.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_set(struct sidl_double__array* array, const int32_t indices[], double value); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::set(const int32_t indices[], double value); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_set_f(array, indices, value) integer*8 array integer*4 indices() real*8 value ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine set(array, indices, value) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in), dimension(:) :: indices real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), intent(in) :: value // Java public native void _set(int i, int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, int o, double value); |
This method sets the value in index indices for an array of any dimension to value. The type of the argument value is the value type for the SIDL type being held (see table 6.2). For arrays of objects and interfaces, the array will make its own reference by calling addRef() on value, so the client retains its reference to value. For arrays of strings, the array will make a copy of the string, so the client retains ownership of the value pointer.
/* C */ int32_t sidl_double__array_dimen(const struct sidl_double__array *array); // C++ int32_t sidl::array<double>::dimen() const; C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_dimen_f(array, result) integer*8 array integer*4 result ! FORTRAN 90 integer (selected_int_kind(9)) dimen(array) type(sidl_double_1d) :: array ! type depends on dimension // Java public native int _dim(); |
This method returns the dimension of the array.
/* C */ int32_t sidl_double__array_lower(const struct sidl_double__array *array, int32_t ind); // C++ int32_t sidl::array<double>::lower(int32_t ind) const; C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_lower_f(array, ind, result) integer*8 array integer*4 ind, result ! FORTRAN 90 integer (selected_int_kind(9)) function lower(array, ind) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)) :: ind // Java public native int _lower(int dim); |
This method returns the lower bound on the index for dimension ind of array.
/* C */ int32_t sidl_double__array_upper(const struct sidl_double__array *array, int32_t ind); // C++ int32_t sidl::array<double>::upper(int32_t ind) const; C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_upper_f(array, ind, result) integer*8 array integer*4 ind, result ! FORTRAN 90 integer (selected_int_kind(9)) function upper(array, ind) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)), intent(in) :: ind // Java public native int _upper(int dim); |
This method returns the upper bound on the index for dimension ind of array. If the upper bound is greater than or equal to the lower bound, the upper bound is a valid index (i. e., it is not one past the end).
/* C */ int32_t sidl_double__array_stride(const struct sidl_double__array *array, int32_t ind); // C++ int32_t sidl::array<double>::stride(int32_t ind) const; C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_stride_f(array, ind, result) integer*8 array integer*4 ind, result ! FORTRAN 90 integer (selected_int_kind(9)) function stride(array, ind) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)) :: ind // Java public native int _stride(int dim); |
This method returns the stride for a particular dimension. This stride indicates how much to add to a pointer to get for the current element this the particular dimension to the next.
/* C */ int32_t sidl_double__array_length(const struct sidl_double__array *array, int32_t ind); // C++ Default dimension is 1. int32_t sidl::array<int32_t>::length(int32_t ind = 0) const; C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_length_f(array, ind, result) integer*8 array integer*4 ind, result ! FORTRAN 90 integer (selected_int_kind(9)) function length(array, ind) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)) :: ind // Java public native int _length(int dim); // For one dimensional Java arrays. Array1: public int lenth(); |
This method returns the length for a particular dimension. It is equivalent to the statement upper(dim) - lower(dim) + 1.
There is also a shortcut for one-dimensional arrays available in C++ and Java. In C++, if length is called with no arguments, it defaults to the first dimension. In Java Array1 one-dimensional Java arrays have a length function that takes no arguments.
/* C */ sidl_bool sidl_double__array_isColumnOrder(const struct sidl_double__array *array); // C++ bool sidl::array<double>::isColumnOrder() const; C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_isColumnOrder_f(array, result) integer*8 array logical result ! FORTRAN 90 logical function isColumnOrder(array) type(sidl_double_2d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on dimension // Java public native boolean _isColumnOrder(); |
This method returns a true value if and only if array is dense, column-major ordered array. It does not modify the array at all.
/* C */ sidl_bool sidl_double__array_isRowOrder(const struct sidl_double__array *array); // C++ bool sidl::array<double>::isRowOrder() const; C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_isRowOrder_f(array, result) integer*8 array logical result ! FORTRAN 90 logical function isRowOrder(array) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(int) :: array ! type depends on dimension // Java public native boolean _isRowOrder(); |
This method returns a true value if and only if array is dense, row-major ordered array. It does not modify the array at all.
/* C */ void sidl_double__array_copy(const struct sidl_double__array *src struct sidl_double__array *dest); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::copy(const sidl::array<double> &src); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_copy_f(array, dest) integer*8 array, dest ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine copy(array, dest) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: array ! type depends on array dimension type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: dest ! type depends on array dimension // Java public void _copy(sidl.Double.Array dest); |
This method copies the contents of src to dest. For the copy to take place, both arrays must exist and be of the same dimension. This method will not modify dest’s size, index bounds, or stride; only the array element values of dest may be changed by this function. No part of src is changed by this method.
If dest has different index bounds than src, this method only copies the elements where the two arrays overlap. If dest and src have no indices in common, nothing is copied. For example, if src is a 1-d array with elements 0-5 and dest is a 1-d array with element 2-3, this function will copy element 2 and 3 from src to dest. If dest had elements 4-10, this method could copy elements 4 and 5.
/* C */ struct sidl_double__array * sidl_double__array_ensure(const struct sidl_double__array *src, int32_t dimen, int ordering); // C++ void sidl::array<double>::ensure(int32_t dimen, int ordering); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_ensure_f(src, dimen, ordering, result) integer*8 src, result integer*4 dimen, ordering ! FORTRAN 90 subroutine ensure(src, dimen, ordering, result) type(sidl_double_1d), intent(in) :: src ! type depends on array dimension type(sidl_double_1d), intent(out) :: result! type depends on array dimension integer (selected_int_kind(9)) :: dimen, ordering |
This method is used to obtain a matrix with a guaranteed ordering and dimension from an array with uncertain properties. If the incoming array has the required ordering and dimension, its reference count is incremented, and it is returned. If it doesn’t, a copy with the correct ordering is created and returned. In either case, the caller knows that the returned matrix (if not NULL) has the desired properties.
This method is used internally to enforce the array ordering constraints in SIDL. Clients can use it in similar ways. However, because the method was intended as an internal Babel feature, is not available in Java or Python.
The ordering parameter should be one of the constants defined in
enum sidl_array_ordering (e. g.
sidl_column_major_order, or sidl_row_major_order). If
you pass in
sidl_general_order, this routine will only check
the dimension of the matrix.
/* C */ double * sidl_double__array_first(const struct sidl_double__array *src); // C++ double* first() throw(); C FORTRAN 77 subroutine sidl_double__array_access_f(array, ref, lower, upper, $ stride, index) integer*8 array, index integer*4 lower(), upper(), stride() integer*4 ref() |
This method provides direct access to the element data. Using this pointer and the stride information, you can perform your own array accesses without function calls. This method isn’t available for arrays of strings, interface and objects because of memory/reference management issues. There is no equivalent of this function in Java or Python. To see how to get direct array access in Fortran 90/95, see Chapter 11.
The Fortran versions of the method return the lower, upper and stride information in three arrays, each with enough elements to hold an entry for each dimension of array. Because fortran 77 does not have pointers, you must pass in a reference array, array. Upon exit, ref(index) is the first element of the array. The type of ref depends on the type of the array.
WARNING:While calling the Fortran direct access routines, there is a possibility of an alignment error between your reference pointer, ref, and the pointer to the first element of the array data. The problem is more likely with arrays of double or dcomplex; although, it could occur with any type on some future platform. If index is zero on return, an alignment error occurred. If an alignment error occurs, you may be able to solve it by recompiling your Fortran files with flags to force doubles to be aligned on 8 byte boundaries. For example, the -malign-double flag for g77 forces doubles to be aligned on 64-bit boundaries. An alignment error occurs when (char *)ref minus (char *)sidl_double__array_first(array) is not integer divisible by sizeof(datatype) where ref refers to the address of the reference array.
Here is an example fortran 77 subroutine to output each element of
1-dimensional array of doubles using the direct access
routine. Fortran 90/95 has a pointer in the array derived type when
direct access is possible.
C This subroutine will print each element of an array of doubles subroutine print_array(dblarray) implicit none integer*8 dblarray, index real*8 refarray(1) integer*4 lower(1), upper(1), stride(1), dimen, i if (dblarray .ne. 0) then call sidl_double__array_dimen_f(dblarray, dimen) if (dimen .eq. 1) then call sidl_double__array_access_f(dblarray, refarray, $ lower, upper, stride, index) if (index .ne. 0) then do i = lower(1), upper(1) write(*,*) refarray(index + (i-lower(1))*stride(1)) enddo else write(*,*) 'Alignment error occured' endif endif endif end |
For a 2-dimensional array, the loop and array access is
do i = lower(1), upper(1) do j = lower(2), upper(2) write(*,*) refarray(index+(i-lower(1))*stride(1)+ $ (j - lower(2))*stride(2)) enddo enddo |
Suppose you are wrapping a legacy Fortran application and you need to pass a SIDL array to a Fortran subroutine. Further suppose there is a fortran 77 and Fortran 90/95 version of the subroutine. For example, the fortran 77 subroutine has a signature such as:
subroutine TriedAndTrue(x, n) integer n real*8 x(n) C insert wonderful, efficient, debugged code here end |
The Fortran 90/95 subroutine has basically the same signature as follows:
subroutine TriedAndTrue(x, n) integer (selected_int_kind(9)) :: n real (selected_real_kind(17, 308)) :: x(n) ! insert wonderful, efficient, debugged code here end subroutine TriedAndTrue |
Here is one way to wrap this method using SIDL. First of all, the SIDL method definition specifies that the array must be a 1-dimensional, column-major ordered array. This forces the incoming array to be a dense column.
static void TriedAndTrue(inout array<double,1,column-major> arg); |
Given that method definition in a class named Class and a package named Pkg, the implementation of the wrapper should look something like the following for fortran 77:
subroutine Pkg_Class_TriedAndTrue_fi(arg) implicit none integer*8 arg C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Pkg.Class.TriedAndTrue) real*8 refarray(1) integer*4 lower(1), upper(1), stride(1) integer*8 index integer n call sidl_double__array_access_f(arg, refarray, $ lower, upper, stride, index) if (index .ne. 0) then c we can assume stride(1) = 1 because of column-major specification n = 1 + upper(1) - lower(1) call TriedAndTrue(refarray(index), n) else write(*,*) 'ERROR: array alignment' endif C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Pkg.Class.TriedAndTrue) end |
Similarly, it should look something like the following for Fortran 90/95, where the include statements are required at the top of the “Impl” file to ensure proper handling of subroutine names that have automatically been mangled by the Babel compiler:
#include "Pkg_Class_fAbbrev.h" #include "sidl_BaseClass_fAbbrev.h" #include "sidl_BaseInterface_fAbbrev.h" ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(_miscellaneous_code_start) #include "sidl_double_fAbbrev.h" ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(_miscellaneous_code_start) . . . subroutine Pkg_Class_TriedAndTrue_mi(arg) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Pkg.Class.TriedAndTrue.use) use SIDL_double_array ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Pkg.Class.TriedAndTrue.use) implicit none type(sidl_double_a) :: arg ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Pkg.Class.TriedAndTrue) real (selected_real_kind(17,308)), dimension(1) :: refarray integer (selected_int_kind(8)), dimension(1) :: low, up, str integer (selected_int_kind(8)) :: index, n call access(arg, refarray, low, up, str, index) if (index .ne. 0) then ! We can assume stride(1) = 1 because of column-major specification n = 1 + upper(1) - lower(1) call TriedAndTrue(refarray(index), n) else write(*,*) 'ERROR: array alignment' endif ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Pkg.Class.TriedAndTrue) end subroutine Pkg_Class_TriedAndTrue_mi |
Many of the SIDL array access functions have a corresponding C macro API for those who fear the function overhead of the C function API. When efficiency is not a concern, we recommend using the function API, but the C macro API is preferable to the direct access to the data structure. Parts of the macro API are not available for arrays of strings, interfaces or objects because the issues associated with memory and object reference management.
The macro API is very similar to the function API; however, a single set of macros applies to all the supported array types. The macro names are independent of the type of array you’re accessing.
sidlArrayDim(array) |
Return the dimension of array.
sidlLower(array,ind) |
Return the lower bound on dimension ind.
sidlUpper(array,ind) |
Return the upper bound on dimension ind.
sidlLength(array,ind) |
Return the extent on dimension ind. The extent is equal to sidlUpper(array,ind) - sidlLower(array,ind) + 1.
sidlStride(array,ind) |
Return the stride for dimension ind. The stride is the offset between elements in a particular dimension. It can be positive or negative. It is in terms of number of value types (i. e., it’s 1 means contiguous regardless of what data type).
The macros to access array elements of array elements are unavailable for arrays of strings, classes and interfaces.
sidlArrayElem1(array, ind1) sidlArrayElem2(array, ind1, ind2) sidlArrayElem3(array, ind1, ind2, ind3) sidlArrayElem4(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4) sidlArrayElem5(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5) sidlArrayElem6(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6) sidlArrayElem7(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7) |
Provide access to array elements to arrays of dimension 1–7. This macro can appear on the left hand side of an assignment or on the right hand side in an expression. These macros blindly assume that the dimension and indices are correct.
The macros to access the address of array elements are unavailable for arrays of strings, classes, and interfaces.
sidlArrayAddr1(array, ind1) sidlArrayAddr2(array, ind1, ind2) sidlArrayAddr3(array, ind1, ind2, ind3) sidlArrayAddr4(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4) sidlArrayAddr5(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5) sidlArrayAddr6(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6) sidlArrayAddr7(array, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, ind7) |
Return the address of elements in arrays of dimension 1–7. This macro can appear on the left hand side of an assignment or on the right hand side in an expression. These macros blindly assume that the dimension and indices are correct.
If even the macro interface is not fast enough for you, you can access the internal data structure for all the basic types except string. You cannot access the internal data structure for arrays of strings, interfaces and objects.
The basic form of the C data structure for type XXXX is:
struct sidl__array_vtable { /* Release resources associted with the array (refcount at zero) */ void (*d_destroy)(struct sidl__array *); /* Clone or addRef depending on whether data is borrowed */ struct sidl__array *(*d_smartcopy)(struct sidl__array *); /* Return the type of the array. */ int32_t (*d_arraytype)(void); }; struct sidl__array { int32_t *d_lower; int32_t *d_upper; int32_t *d_stride; const struct sidl__array_vtable *d_vtable; int32_t d_dimen; int32_t d_refcount; }; struct sidl_XXXX__array { struct sidl__array d_metadata; <value type for XXXX> *d_firstElement; }; |
The string “<value type for XXXX>” should be replaced by something like sidl_boolfor an array of bool, int32_t for any array of int, double for an array of double, int64_t for an array of long, etc. (See Table 6.2)
Clients should not modify d_lower, d_upper, d_stride, d_dimen, d_borrowed or (in the case of pointers) the values to which they point.
The data structure was inspired by the data structure used by Numeric Python; although, in Numeric Python, the stride is in terms of bytes. In SIDL, the stride is in terms of number of objects. One can convert to the Numeric Python view of things by multiplying the stride by the sizeof the value type.
Interface contracts define behaviors expected of callers (or clients) and callees (or servers) of methods. These behaviors are specified within clauses of SIDL interfaces and classes and may be checked at runtime through options used to establish an enforcement policy. Executable interface contracts thereby provide a mechanism for helping ensure software is implemented and used correctly. This section focuses on specification basics and traditional interface contract enforcement options.
Contract clauses define constraints on properties of methods (including argument and return values)2 and objects. Babel supports three types of clauses using SIDL syntax borrowed from Eiffel []. Those clauses are: preconditions, postconditions, and class invariants.
Each clause corresponds to a different set of enforcement points. Precondition and postcondition clauses are specified on a method basis. A precondition declares constraints on invocation of a method while a postcondition constrains its effects. In some cases, there may be properties needing to hold throughout the life of an instance of a class. Rather than require the assertions be specified in the precondition and postcondition clauses of every method, the class invariant clause, which can also be specified on interfaces, should be used.
The general structure of a SIDL method specification is provided below. The specification defines the method signature; that is, it provides the name, parameter list, return type, and any exceptions thrown (or raised) by the method. The SIDL specification can also include the definition of preconditions in the require clause and postconditions in the ensure clause.
[<type>] <identifier> ( [<parameters>] ) [throws <exception>]; [require <contract-clause-expressions>] [ensure <contract-clause-expressions>] |
When contract clauses are added to the specification, each method’s throws clause must explicitly list the appropriate contract clause violation exception. The exceptions, as defined in sidl.sidl, are shown below. The need for explicitly declaring the exceptions is based on Babel’s current SIDL-to-C++ exceptions mapping in the generated middleware.
/** * <code>PreViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a precondition * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class PreViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException {} /** * <code>PostViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a postcondition * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class PostViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException {} /** * <code>InvViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a invariant * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class InvViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } |
The basic structure of a contract clause, including the clause type (i. e., require, ensure, or invariants), is provided below. Each clause, when present, contains a list of assertions. Each assertion may be preceded by a label. The label serves two purposes. First, if thoughtfully written, it provides a succinct “description” of the purpose of the assertion in the specification. Second, through its automatic inclusion in the exception message of a violated contract, the label helps identify the offended assertion.
<clause-type> [label-1:] <assertion-expression-1>; [[label-2:] <assertion-expression-2>; ... [label-n:] <assertion-expression-n>;] |
For example, the SIDL specification of a vector dot product method with a contract is:
/** * Return the dot (, inner, or scalar) product of the specified vectors. */ double vuDot(in array<double> u, in array<double> v, in double tol) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u : u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v : v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size : size(u) == size(v); non_neg_tolerance : tol >= 0.0; ensure no_side_effects : is pure; vuAreEqual(u, v, tol) implies (result >= 0.0); (vuIsZero(u, tol) and vuIsZero(v, tol)) implies nearEqual(result, 0.0, tol); |
This specification includes both precondition and postcondition clauses. The precondition clause, identified by require, contains six executable assertions. The first five assertions require the two normal SIDL arrays, u and v, be non-null, one-dimensional arrays of the same size. The fifth assertion requires the tolerance argument, tol, be non-negative. The postconditions clause, identified by ensure, contains three assertions. The is pure assertion indicates implementations should be side-effect free3. This allows the method to be included in the contract of another method. The remaining assertions indicate all implementations of the method must ensure the following, assuming the preconditions are satisfied:
The tolerance argument, tol, was only added here to support assertions in the postconditions clause. That is, the argument is not expected to be needed or used by any implementation of the method.
It is important to keep in mind that the assertions within interface contracts only need to hold at the method call boundary. The implementations of some methods may have to temporarily violate the contract during processing. However, as long as the corresponding assertions hold at the call boundary, the contract is not actually violated.
Optional interface contracts consist of clauses defining obligations on callers and callees. Clauses, when specified, must contain assertions required to hold at the appropriate point(s) during execution. Assertions within precondition (and invariant) clauses must hold immediately before the method is executed; whereas, postcondition (and invariant) clause assertions must hold immediately after control returns from the method. More information on SIDL specifications, including supported operators and built-in functions, can be found in Chapter 21.
The options used to establish an interface contract enforcement policy should be based on the goals of a particular application run. During testing and debugging, contract enforcement tends to focus on determining whether the caller and callee conform to the specification. Historically, contract enforcement is disabled during deployment. Consequently, traditional interface contract enforcement tends to be all-or-nothing for one or more type of contract clause.
The simplest approach is to always enforce all contract clauses. SIDL provides the setEnforceAll helper method, whose specification is provided below, for setting the associated enforcement options. While this strategy makes testing straightforward, it is important to keep in mind that it carries the risk of not fully testing the compliance of the codes. For example, if the test suite is not sufficiently thorough, there is a risk of not exposing non-compliance of contract clauses in downstream methods when there can be dependencies involving sequences of method calls.
/** * <code>EnfPolicy</code> maintains the current interface * contract enforcement policy. */ class EnfPolicy { /** * Sets the enforcement policy to always check the specified * type(s) of contracts. This is equivalent to calling * setPolicy() with ALWAYS as the enforcement frequency * and the specified (or default) contract class. * * @param contractClass Contract classification * [Default = ALLCLASSES] * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setEnforceAll(in ContractClass contractClass, in bool clearStats); /* ... */ } |
A traditional alternative for test suites singling out callers from callees involves separately enforcing precondition and postcondition clauses. For example, when testing whether one or more implementations of an interface comply with their specification, enforcement is generally limited to postconditions (with test codes satisfying the preconditions). Once confidence is gained in the implementation, the callers may be tested with only precondition enforcement enabled (with test codes violating the preconditions). The full range of clause type-based ContractClass options are provided below. Separating clause enforcement in this manner therefore allows test suites to distinguish between caller and callee contract compliance.
/** * Contract classification. The classification is used to filter * contract clauses by the corresponding characteristic(s). */ enum ContractClass { /** * All classifications of interface contract clauses. */ ALLCLASSES, /* ... */ /** * Only invariant clauses. */ INVARIANTS, /** * Invariant plus postcondition clauses. */ INVPOST, /** * Invariant plus precondition clauses. */ INVPRE, /* ... */ /** * Only postcondition clauses. */ POSTCONDS, /** * Only precondition clauses. */ PRECONDS, /** * Precondition plus postcondition clauses. */ PREPOST, /* ... */ }; |
Assertion enforcement has historically been considered to be too time consuming to allow during deployment. So the traditional approach has been to disable their enforcement. SIDL provides the setEnforceNone helper method, whose specification is shown below, for disabling contract enforcement at runtime.
/** * <code>EnfPolicy</code> maintains the current interface * contract enforcement policy. */ class EnfPolicy { /* ... */ /** * Sets the policy options to disable all contract enforcement. * This is equivalent to calling setPolicy() with NEVER as the * enforcement frequency. * * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setEnforceNone(in bool clearStats); /* ... */ } |
Enforcement policies in affect should be based on the goals of a given execution. Testing and debugging with contracts tend to focus on caller and callee compliance; therefore, enforcement can involve checking all or type-specific subsets of contract clauses. Contract enforcement is traditionally disabled during deployment, however. All of these strategies are supported through two SIDL helper methods. Language-specific examples of the use of these methods are provided in Part II. Additional information, including advanced and experimental enforcement capabilities, can be found in Chapter 21.
The runtime library supports a collection of interfaces and classes, some of which form the basis of the SIDL object model while, as discussed in other sections of this chapter, others provide enhanced capabilities.
The object model core consists of base interfaces, classes, and exceptions. All interfaces implicitly inherit from sidl.BaseInterface. Classes implicitly inherit from sidl.BaseClass, which implements sidl.BaseInterface. Hence, all objects can be cast to sidl.BaseInterface and sidl.BaseClass. Exceptions must explicitly implement the interfaces in sidl.BaseException. The easiest way to do this is to extend sidl.SIDLException, which the basic Exception functionality, including getNote and setNote. One or more of these functions can also be overriden. If a method in SIDL claims to throw an object that does not inherit from sidl.BaseException, Babel will report it as an error.
The SIDL runtime library supports the six interface categories described below.
The associated capabilities, as defined in sidl.sidl, are:
// // File: sidl.sidl // Revision: @(#) $Revision$ // Date: $Date$ // Description: sidl interface description for the basic sidl run-time library // // Copyright (c) 2001-2007, The Regents of the University of Calfornia. // Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. // Written by the Components Team <components@llnl.gov> // UCRL-CODE-2002-054 // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of Babel. For more information, see // http://www.llnl.gov/CASC/components/. Please read the COPYRIGHT file // for Our Notice and the LICENSE file for the GNU Lesser General Public // License. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as published by // the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and // conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have recieved a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA /** * The <code>sidl</code> package contains the fundamental type and interface * definitions for the <code>sidl</code> interface definition language. It * defines common run-time libraries and common base classes and interfaces. * Every interface implicitly inherits from <code>sidl.BaseInterface</code> * and every class implicitly inherits from <code>sidl.BaseClass</code>. * */ final package sidl version 0.9.17 { /** * Every interface in <code>sidl</code> implicitly inherits * from <code>BaseInterface</code>, and it is implemented * by <code>BaseClass</code> below. */ interface BaseInterface { /** * <p> * Add one to the intrinsic reference count in the underlying object. * Object in <code>sidl</code> have an intrinsic reference count. * Objects continue to exist as long as the reference count is * positive. Clients should call this method whenever they * create another ongoing reference to an object or interface. * </p> * <p> * This does not have a return value because there is no language * independent type that can refer to an interface or a * class. * </p> */ void addRef(); /** * Decrease by one the intrinsic reference count in the underlying * object, and delete the object if the reference is non-positive. * Objects in <code>sidl</code> have an intrinsic reference count. * Clients should call this method whenever they remove a * reference to an object or interface. */ void deleteRef(); /** * Return true if and only if <code>obj</code> refers to the same * object as this object. */ bool isSame(in BaseInterface iobj); /** * Return whether this object is an instance of the specified type. * The string name must be the <code>sidl</code> type name. This * routine will return <code>true</code> if and only if a cast to * the string type name would succeed. */ bool isType(in string name); /** * Return the meta-data about the class implementing this interface. */ ClassInfo getClassInfo(); } /** * Every class implicitly inherits from <code>BaseClass</code>. This * class implements the methods in <code>BaseInterface</code>. */ class BaseClass implements BaseInterface { /** * <p> * Add one to the intrinsic reference count in the underlying object. * Object in <code>sidl</code> have an intrinsic reference count. * Objects continue to exist as long as the reference count is * positive. Clients should call this method whenever they * create another ongoing reference to an object or interface. * </p> * <p> * This does not have a return value because there is no language * independent type that can refer to an interface or a * class. * </p> */ final void addRef(); /** * Decrease by one the intrinsic reference count in the underlying * object, and delete the object if the reference is non-positive. * Objects in <code>sidl</code> have an intrinsic reference count. * Clients should call this method whenever they remove a * reference to an object or interface. */ final void deleteRef(); /** * Return true if and only if <code>obj</code> refers to the same * object as this object. */ final bool isSame(in BaseInterface iobj); /** * Return whether this object is an instance of the specified type. * The string name must be the <code>sidl</code> type name. This * routine will return <code>true</code> if and only if a cast to * the string type name would succeed. */ bool isType(in string name); /** * Return the meta-data about the class implementing this interface. */ final ClassInfo getClassInfo(); } /** * This package has some I/O capability that's not core to the * SIDL object model, but still needed by parts of the generated code */ package io { /** * Objects that implement Serializable will be serializable (copyable) * over RMI, or storable to streams. Classes that can pack or unpack * themselves should implement this interface */ interface Serializable { void packObj( in Serializer ser ); void unpackObj( in Deserializer des ); } } /** * Every exception implements <code>BaseException</code>. This interface * declares the basic functionality to get and set error messages and stack * traces. */ interface BaseException extends sidl.io.Serializable{ /** * Return the message associated with the exception. */ string getNote(); /** * Set the message associated with the exception. */ void setNote(in string message); /** * Returns formatted string containing the concatenation of all * tracelines. */ string getTrace(); /** * Adds a stringified entry/line to the stack trace. */ void add[Line](in string traceline); /** * Formats and adds an entry to the stack trace based on the * file name, line number, and method name. */ void add(in string filename, in int lineno, in string methodname); } /** * This exception type is the default exception for every method. * */ interface RuntimeException extends BaseException {} /** * <code>SIDLException</code> provides the basic functionality of the * <code>BaseException</code> interface for getting and setting error * messages and stack traces. */ class SIDLException implements-all BaseException { } /** * <code>PreViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a precondition * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class PreViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } /** * <code>PostViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a postcondition * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class PostViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } /** * <code>InvViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a invariant * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class InvViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } /** * Contract clause types. */ enum ClauseType { INVARIANT, PRECONDITION, POSTCONDITION, }; /** * Contract classification. The classification is used to filter * contract clauses by the corresponding characteristic(s). */ enum ContractClass { /** * All classifications of interface contract clauses. */ ALLCLASSES, /** * Only constant-time complexity, or O(1), clauses. */ CONSTANT, /** * Only cubic-time complexity, or O(n^3), clauses. */ CUBIC, /** * Only invariant clauses. */ INVARIANTS, /** * Invariant plus postcondition clauses. */ INVPOST, /** * Invariant plus precondition clauses. */ INVPRE, /** * Only linear-time complexity, or O(n), clauses. */ LINEAR, /** * Method calls. Only clauses containing at least one method call. */ METHODCALLS, /** * Only postcondition clauses. */ POSTCONDS, /** * Only precondition clauses. */ PRECONDS, /** * Precondition plus postcondition clauses. */ PREPOST, /** * Only quadratic-time complexity, or O(n^2), clauses. */ QUADRATIC, /** * Only quartic-time complexity, or O(n^4), clauses. */ QUARTIC, /** * Only quintic-time complexity, or O(n^5), clauses. */ QUINTIC, /** * Results. Only clauses containing at least one assertion on an * out, inout, or result argument. */ RESULTS, /** * Only septic-time complexity, or O(n^7), clauses. */ SEPTIC, /** * Only sextic-time complexity, or O(n^6), clauses. */ SEXTIC, /** * Simple expressions. Only clauses consisting solely of * simple expressions (i.e., no method calls). */ SIMPLEEXPRS, }; /** * Contract clause enforcement frequency. */ enum EnforceFreq { /** * Never. Disable enforcement by completely by-passing checks * regardless of the selected contract classification. */ NEVER, /** * Always. Every clause of the selected contract classification * is enforced. */ ALWAYS, /** * Adaptive fit. Check clauses of the selected contract classification * only if they will not result in exceeding the overhead limit based * on accumulations of estimated execution times. */ ADAPTFIT, /** * Adaptive timing. Check clauses of the selected contract classification * only if their estimated execution time is within the overhead limit * applied to the estimated time of the corresponding method. */ ADAPTTIMING, /** * Periodic. Check clauses of the selected contract classification * at the specified interval. */ PERIODIC, /** * Random. Check clauses of the selected contract classifcation on a * random basis using the specified maximum. */ RANDOM, /** * Simulated Annealing. Essentially Adaptive fit but checks are * allowed to randomly exceed the overhead limit with decreasing * probability over time. */ SIMANNEAL, }; /** * Contract enforcement tracing levels. Enforcement traces rely on * runtime timing automatically inserted within the middleware. */ enum EnfTraceLevel { /** * None. No tracing is to be performed. */ NONE, /** * Core. Time trace start and end only. This can be useful for * simple program timing. */ CORE, /** * Basic enforcement tracing. CORE plus interface contract clause timing. */ BASIC, /** * Overhead of enforcement decisions. BASIC plus timing of * enforcement decisions. (Experimental feature.) */ OVERHEAD, }; /** * <code>EnfPolicy</code> maintains the current interface * contract enforcement policy. */ class EnfPolicy { /** * Sets the enforcement policy to always check the specified * type(s) of contracts. This is equivalent to calling * setPolicy() with ALWAYS as the enforcement frequency * and the specified (or default) contract class. * * @param contractClass Contract classification * [Default = ALLCLASSES] * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setEnforceAll(in ContractClass contractClass, in bool clearStats); /** * Sets the policy options to disable all contract enforcement. * This is equivalent to calling setPolicy() with NEVER as the * enforcement frequency. * * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setEnforceNone(in bool clearStats); /** * Sets enforcement policy and options. This method should be * invoked directly to avoid the default enforcement behavior. * * @param contractClass Contract classification * [Default = ALLCLASSES] * @param enforceFreq Enforcement frequency * [Default = ALWAYS] * @param interval Sampling interval representing the * period (for PERIODIC) or maximum * random number/window (for RANDOM) * [Default = 0 if negative specified] * @param overheadLimit Limit on performance overhead [0.0 .. 1.0) * [Default = 0.0 (or 0%) if negative] * @param appAvgPerCall Average extra, application-specific * execution time, normalized by calls * to annotated methods * [Default = 0.0 if negative] * @param annealLimit Limit on simulated annealing function * to ensure its termination * (0.0 .. 2.72] * [Default = 2.72 if negative specified] * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setPolicy(in ContractClass contractClass, in EnforceFreq enforceFreq, in int interval, in double overheadLimit, in double appAvgPerCall, in double annealLimit, in bool clearStats); /** * Returns TRUE if contract enforcement is enabled; FALSE otherwise. */ static bool areEnforcing(); /** * Returns the contract classification policy option. */ static ContractClass getContractClass(); /** * Returns the enforcement frequency policy option. */ static EnforceFreq getEnforceFreq(); /** * Returns the interval for PERIODIC (i.e., the interval) or * RANDOM (i.e., the maximum random number). Returns 0 by default. */ static int getSamplingInterval(); /** * Returns the desired enforcement overhead limit for * performance-driven frequency options (i.e., ADAPTFIT, * ADAPTTIMING, and SIMANNEAL). Returns 0.0 by default. */ static double getOverheadLimit(); /** * Returns the average assumed execution time associated * with the program or application. Returns 0.0 by default. */ static double getAppAvgPerCall(); /** * Returns the annealing limit for SIMANNEAL enforcement * frequency option. Returns 0.0 by default. */ static double getAnnealLimit(); /** * Returns the name, or description, of the enforcement policy. * The caller is responsible for calling sidl_String_free() * on the name when done with it. * * @param useAbbrev TRUE if the abbreviated name is to be * returned. */ static string getPolicyName(in bool useAbbrev); /** * Prints statistics data to the file with the specified name. * The file is opened (for append) and closed on each call. * * @param filename Name of the file to which the statistics * data should be written. * @param header TRUE if the header line is to be printed * prior to the statistics line (for compressed * output only). * @param prefix String description for identifying information, * if any, intended to preceed the statistics * data. Useful for distinguishing between * different objects, for example. * @param compressed TRUE if the enforcer state is to be dumped * on a single line with semi-colon separators * between fields. */ static void dumpStats(in string filename, in bool header, in string prefix, in bool compressed); /** * Starts enforcement trace file generation. * * @param filename Name of the destination trace file. * @param traceLevel Level of trace timing and reporting required. * [Default = NONE] */ static void startTrace(in string filename, in EnfTraceLevel traceLevel); /** * Returns TRUE if contract enforcement tracing is enabled; * FALSE otherwise. */ static bool areTracing(); /** * Returns the name of the trace file. If one was not provided, * the default name is returned. */ static string getTraceFilename(); /** * Returns the level of enforcement tracing. */ static EnfTraceLevel getTraceLevel(); /** * Terminates enforcement trace file generation. Takes a final * timestamp and logs the remaining trace information. */ static void endTrace(); } /** * When loading a dynamically linked library, there are three * settings: LOCAL, GLOBAL and SCLSCOPE. */ enum Scope { /** Attempt to load the symbols into a local namespace. */ LOCAL, /** Attempt to load the symbols into the global namespace. */ GLOBAL, /** Use the scope setting from the SCL file. */ SCLSCOPE } /** * When loading a dynmaically linked library, there are three * settings: LAZY, NOW, SCLRESOLVE */ enum Resolve { /** Resolve symbols on an as needed basis. */ LAZY, /** Resolve all symbols at load time. */ NOW, /** Use the resolve setting from the SCL file. */ SCLRESOLVE } /** * The <code>DLL</code> class encapsulates access to a single * dynamically linked library. DLLs are loaded at run-time using * the <code>loadLibrary</code> method and later unloaded using * <code>unloadLibrary</code>. Symbols in a loaded library are * resolved to an opaque pointer by method <code>lookupSymbol</code>. * Class instances are created by <code>createClass</code>. */ class DLL { /** * Load a dynamic link library using the specified URI. The * URI may be of the form "main:", "lib:", "file:", "ftp:", or * "http:". A URI that starts with any other protocol string * is assumed to be a file name. The "main:" URI creates a * library that allows access to global symbols in the running * program's main address space. The "lib:X" URI converts the * library "X" into a platform-specific name (e.g., libX.so) and * loads that library. The "file:" URI opens the DLL from the * specified file path. The "ftp:" and "http:" URIs copy the * specified library from the remote site into a local temporary * file and open that file. This method returns true if the * DLL was loaded successfully and false otherwise. Note that * the "ftp:" and "http:" protocols are valid only if the W3C * WWW library is available. * * @param uri the URI to load. This can be a .la file * (a metadata file produced by libtool) or * a shared library binary (i.e., .so, * .dll or whatever is appropriate for your * OS) * @param loadGlobally <code>true</code> means that the shared * library symbols will be loaded into the * global namespace; <code>false</code> * means they will be loaded into a * private namespace. Some operating systems * may not be able to honor the value presented * here. * @param loadLazy <code>true</code> instructs the loader to * that symbols can be resolved as needed (lazy) * instead of requiring everything to be resolved * now (at load time). */ bool loadLibrary(in string uri, in bool loadGlobally, in bool loadLazy); /** * Get the library name. This is the name used to load the * library in <code>loadLibrary</code> except that all file names * contain the "file:" protocol. */ string getName(); /** * Return true if the library was loaded into the global namespace. */ bool isGlobal(); /** * Return true if the library was loaded using lazy symbol resolution. */ bool isLazy(); /** * Unload the dynamic link library. The library may no longer * be used to access symbol names. When the library is actually * unloaded from the memory image depends on details of the operating * system. */ void unloadLibrary(); /** * Lookup a symbol from the DLL and return the associated pointer. * A null value is returned if the name does not exist. */ opaque lookupSymbol(in string linker_name); /** * Create an instance of the sidl class. If the class constructor * is not defined in this DLL, then return null. */ BaseClass createClass(in string sidl_name); } /** * Interface <code>Finder</code> is an interface for classes that resolve * dynamic libraries. * Class <code>Loader</code> takes one of these interfaces through the * method <code>setFinder</code>. If NULL is passed to setFinder, the * class <code>DefaultFinder</code> is used. */ interface Finder { /** * Find a DLL containing the specified information for a sidl * class. This method searches through the files in set set path * looking for a shared library that contains the client-side or IOR * for a particular sidl class. * * @param sidl_name the fully qualified (long) name of the * class/interface to be found. Package names * are separated by period characters from each * other and the class/interface name. * @param target to find a client-side binding, this is * normally the name of the language. * To find the implementation of a class * in order to make one, you should pass * the string "ior/impl" here. * @param lScope this specifies whether the symbols should * be loaded into the global scope, a local * scope, or use the setting in the file. * @param lResolve this specifies whether symbols should be * resolved as needed (LAZY), completely * resolved at load time (NOW), or use the * setting from the file. * @return a non-NULL object means the search was successful. * The DLL has already been added. */ DLL findLibrary(in string sidl_name, in string target, in Scope lScope, in Resolve lResolve); /** * Set the search path, which is a semi-colon separated sequence of * URIs as described in class <code>DLL</code>. This method will * invalidate any existing search path. */ void setSearchPath(in string path_name); /** * Return the current search path. If the search path has not been * set, then the search path will be taken from environment variable * SIDL_DLL_PATH. */ string getSearchPath(); /** * Append the specified path fragment to the beginning of the * current search path. If the search path has not yet been set * by a call to <code>setSearchPath</code>, then this fragment will * be appended to the path in environment variable SIDL_DLL_PATH. */ void addSearchPath(in string path_fragment); } /** * This class is the Default Finder. If no Finder is set in class Loader, * this finder is used. It uses SCL files from the filesystem to * resolve dynamic libraries. * * The initial search path is taken from the SIDL_DLL_PATH * environment variable. */ class DFinder implements-all Finder { } /** * Class <code>Loader</code> manages dyanamic loading and symbol name * resolution for the sidl runtime system. The <code>Loader</code> class * manages a library search path and keeps a record of all libraries * loaded through this interface, including the initial "global" symbols * in the main program. * * Unless explicitly set, the <code>Loader</code> uses the default * <code>sidl.Finder</code> implemented in <code>sidl.DFinder</code>. * This class searches the filesystem for <code>.scl</code> files when * trying to find a class. The initial path is taken from the * environment variable SIDL_DLL_PATH, which is a semi-colon * separated sequence of URIs as described in class <code>DLL</code>. */ class Loader { /** * Load the specified library if it has not already been loaded. * The URI format is defined in class <code>DLL</code>. The search * path is not searched to resolve the library name. * * @param uri the URI to load. This can be a .la file * (a metadata file produced by libtool) or * a shared library binary (i.e., .so, * .dll or whatever is appropriate for your * OS) * @param loadGlobally <code>true</code> means that the shared * library symbols will be loaded into the * global namespace; <code>false</code> * means they will be loaded into a * private namespace. Some operating systems * may not be able to honor the value presented * here. * @param loadLazy <code>true</code> instructs the loader to * that symbols can be resolved as needed (lazy) * instead of requiring everything to be resolved * now. * @return if the load was successful, a non-NULL DLL object is returned. */ static DLL loadLibrary(in string uri, in bool loadGlobally, in bool loadLazy); /** * Append the specified DLL to the beginning of the list of already * loaded DLLs. */ static void addDLL(in DLL dll); /** * Unload all dynamic link libraries. The library may no longer * be used to access symbol names. When the library is actually * unloaded from the memory image depends on details of the operating * system. */ static void unloadLibraries(); /** * Find a DLL containing the specified information for a sidl * class. This method searches SCL files in the search path looking * for a shared library that contains the client-side or IOR * for a particular sidl class. * * This call is implemented by calling the current * <code>Finder</code>. The default finder searches the local * file system for <code>.scl</code> files to locate the * target class/interface. * * @param sidl_name the fully qualified (long) name of the * class/interface to be found. Package names * are separated by period characters from each * other and the class/interface name. * @param target to find a client-side binding, this is * normally the name of the language. * To find the implementation of a class * in order to make one, you should pass * the string "ior/impl" here. * @param lScope this specifies whether the symbols should * be loaded into the global scope, a local * scope, or use the setting in the SCL file. * @param lResolve this specifies whether symbols should be * resolved as needed (LAZY), completely * resolved at load time (NOW), or use the * setting from the SCL file. * @return a non-NULL object means the search was successful. * The DLL has already been added. */ static DLL findLibrary(in string sidl_name, in string target, in Scope lScope, in Resolve lResolve); /** * Set the search path, which is a semi-colon separated sequence of * URIs as described in class <code>DLL</code>. This method will * invalidate any existing search path. * * This updates the search path in the current <code>Finder</code>. */ static void setSearchPath(in string path_name); /** * Return the current search path. The default * <code>Finder</code> initializes the search path * from environment variable SIDL_DLL_PATH. * */ static string getSearchPath(); /** * Append the specified path fragment to the beginning of the * current search path. This method operates on the Loader's * current <code>Finder</code>. This will add a path to the * current search path. Normally, the search path is initialized * from the SIDL_DLL_PATH environment variable. */ static void addSearchPath(in string path_fragment); /** * This method sets the <code>Finder</code> that * <code>Loader</code> will use to find DLLs. If no * <code>Finder</code> is set or if NULL is passed in, the Default * Finder <code>DFinder</code> will be used. * * Future calls to <code>findLibrary</code>, * <code>addSearchPath</code>, <code>getSearchPath</code>, and * <code>setSearchPath</code> are deligated to the * <code>Finder</code> set here. */ static void setFinder(in Finder f); /** * This method gets the <code>Finder</code> that <code>Loader</code> * uses to find DLLs. */ static Finder getFinder(); } /** * This provides an interface to the meta-data available on the * class. */ interface ClassInfo { /** * Return the name of the class. */ string getName(); /** * Return the version number of the class. This should be a string * with a sequence of numbers separated by periods. */ string getVersion(); /** * Get the version of the intermediate object representation. * This will be in the form of major_version.minor_version. */ string getIORVersion(); } /** * An implementation of the <code>ClassInfo</code> interface. This * provides methods to set all the attributes that are read-only in * the <code>ClassInfo</code> interface. */ class ClassInfoI implements-all ClassInfo { /** * Set the name of the class. */ final void setName(in string name); /** * Set the version number of the class. */ final void setVersion(in string ver); /** * Set the IOR major and minor version numbers. */ final void setIORVersion(in int major, in int minor); } /** * Exception thrown from Babel internals when memory allocation * fails. This exception is special in that it avoids any memory * allocation. For this reason, the trace or note may be truncated * to fit in the preallocated buffers. */ class MemAllocException extends sidl.SIDLException implements RuntimeException { /** * Returns the preallocated copy of this exception. Any * failure of memory allocation should throw the exception returned * by this method to avoid further allocation failures. */ static MemAllocException getSingletonException(); /** * Return the message associated with the exception. */ string getNote(); /** * Set the message associated with the exception. */ void setNote(in string message); /** * Returns formatted string containing the concatenation of all * tracelines. */ string getTrace(); /** * Adds a stringified entry/line to the stack trace. */ void add[Line](in string traceline); /** * Formats and adds an entry to the stack trace based on the * file name, line number, and method name. */ void add(in string filename, in int lineno, in string methodname); } /** * Exception is thrown when a cast fails and the failure needs to * be communicated up the call stack. (Note: babel _cast does NOT * throw this exception) */ class CastException extends sidl.SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } /** * This Exception is thrown by the Babel runtime when a non SIDL * exception is thrown from an exception throwing language such as * C++ or Java. */ class LangSpecificException extends sidl.SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } /** * This Exception is thrown when a method is called that an * implmentation has not been written for yet. The throw code is * placed into the _Impl files automatically when they are generated. */ class NotImplementedException extends sidl.SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } /** * This package has some I/O capability that's not core to the SIDL * object model, but still needed by parts of the generated code */ package io { /** generic exception for I/O issues */ class IOException extends sidl.SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } /** * Standard interface for packing Babel types */ interface Serializer { void packBool( in string key, in bool value ) ; void packChar( in string key, in char value ) ; void packInt( in string key, in int value ) ; void packLong( in string key, in long value ) ; void packOpaque( in string key, in opaque value ) ; void packFloat( in string key, in float value ) ; void packDouble( in string key, in double value ) ; void packFcomplex( in string key, in fcomplex value ) ; void packDcomplex( in string key, in dcomplex value ) ; void packString( in string key, in string value ) ; void packSerializable( in string key, in Serializable value ) ; /** * pack arrays of values. It is possible to ensure an array is * in a certain order by passing in ordering and dimension * requirements. ordering should represent a value in the * sidl_array_ordering enumeration in sidlArray.h If either * argument is 0, it means there is no restriction on that * aspect. The boolean reuse_array flag is set to true if the * remote unserializer should try to reuse the array that is * passed into it or not. */ void packBoolArray( in string key, in array<bool> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packCharArray( in string key, in array<char> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packIntArray( in string key, in array<int> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packLongArray( in string key, in array<long> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packOpaqueArray( in string key, in array<opaque> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packFloatArray( in string key, in array<float> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packDoubleArray( in string key, in array<double> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packFcomplexArray( in string key, in array<fcomplex> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packDcomplexArray( in string key, in array<dcomplex> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packStringArray( in string key, in array<string> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); void packGenericArray( in string key, in array<> value, in bool reuse_array ); void packSerializableArray( in string key, in array<Serializable> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool reuse_array ); } /** * Standard interface for unpacking Babel types */ interface Deserializer { /* unpack values */ void unpackBool( in string key, inout bool value ); void unpackChar( in string key, inout char value ); void unpackInt( in string key, inout int value ); void unpackLong( in string key, inout long value ); void unpackOpaque( in string key, inout opaque value ); void unpackFloat( in string key, inout float value ); void unpackDouble( in string key, inout double value ); void unpackFcomplex( in string key, inout fcomplex value ); void unpackDcomplex( in string key, inout dcomplex value ); void unpackString( in string key, inout string value ); void unpackSerializable( in string key, inout Serializable value ); /** unpack arrays of values * It is possible to ensure an array is * in a certain order by passing in ordering and dimension * requirements. ordering should represent a value in the * sidl_array_ordering enumeration in sidlArray.h If either * argument is 0, it means there is no restriction on that * aspect. The rarray flag should be set if the array being * passed in is actually an rarray. The semantics are slightly * different for rarrays. The passed in array MUST be reused, * even if the array has changed bounds. */ void unpackBoolArray( in string key, inout array<bool> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackCharArray( in string key, inout array<char> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackIntArray( in string key, inout array<int> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackLongArray( in string key, inout array<long> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackOpaqueArray( in string key, inout array<opaque> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackFloatArray( in string key, inout array<float> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackDoubleArray( in string key, inout array<double> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackFcomplexArray( in string key, inout array<fcomplex> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackDcomplexArray( in string key, inout array<dcomplex> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackStringArray( in string key, inout array<string> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); void unpackGenericArray( in string key, inout array<> value); void unpackSerializableArray( in string key, inout array<Serializable> value, in int ordering, in int dimen, in bool isRarray ); } } //end package io /** * This package contains necessary interfaces for RMI protocols to * hook into Babel, plus a Protocol Factory class. The intention is * that authors of new protocols will create classes that implement * InstanceHandle, Invocation and Response (they could even have one * object that implements all three interfaces). */ package rmi { /** * Generic Network Exception */ class NetworkException extends sidl.io.IOException { int getHopCount(); void packObj( in sidl.io.Serializer ser ); void unpackObj( in sidl.io.Deserializer des ); void setErrno(in int err); int getErrno(); } /** * This exception is thrown by the RMI library when a * host can not be found by a DNS lookup. */ class UnknownHostException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception is normally thrown by the RMI library when the * server is started up and the port it is assigned to use is * already in use. */ class BindException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception is thrown by the RMI library when an * attempt to connect to a remote host fails. */ class ConnectException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception is thrown by the RMI library when a host * can be found by DNS, but is not reachable. It usually means * a router is down. */ class NoRouteToHostException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception is thrown by the RMI library when a request * times out. */ class TimeOutException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception is thrown by the RMI library when the network * unexpected loses it's connection. Can be caused by reset, * software connection abort, connection reset by peer, etc. */ class UnexpectedCloseException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception is thrown by a server when a passed in object * id does not match any known object. */ class ObjectDoesNotExistException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception is thrown by the RMI library when a passed in URL * is malformed. */ class MalformedURLException extends NetworkException {} /** * This is a base class for all protocol specific exceptions. */ class ProtocolException extends NetworkException {} /** * This exception thrown when one attempts to pass a local object remotely but * there is no local server running to serve the object */ class NoServerException extends NetworkException {} /** * This singleton class keeps a table of string prefixes * (e.g. "babel" or "proteus") to protocol implementations. The * intent is to parse a URL (e.g. "babel://server:port/class") and * create classes that implement * <code>sidl.rmi.InstanceHandle</code>. */ class ProtocolFactory { /** * Associate a particular prefix in the URL to a typeName * <code>sidl.Loader</code> can find. The actual type is * expected to implement <code>sidl.rmi.InstanceHandle</code> * Return true iff the addition is successful. (no collisions * allowed) */ static bool addProtocol( in string prefix, in string typeName ); /** * Return the typeName associated with a particular prefix. * Return empty string if the prefix */ static string getProtocol( in string prefix ); /** * Remove a protocol from the active list. */ static bool deleteProtocol( in string prefix ); /** * Create a new remote object and return an instance handle for that * object. * The server and port number are in the url. Return nil * if protocol unknown or InstanceHandle.init() failed. */ static InstanceHandle createInstance( in string url, in string typeName ); /** * Create an new connection linked to an already existing * object on a remote server. The server and port number are in * the url, the objectID is the unique ID of the remote object * in the remote instance registry. Return null if protocol * unknown or InstanceHandle.init() failed. The boolean addRef * should be true if connect should remotely addRef */ static InstanceHandle connectInstance( in string url, in string typeName, in bool ar); /** * Request that a remote object be serialized to you. The server * and port number are in the url, the objectID is the unique ID * of the remote object in the remote instance registry. Return * null if protocol unknown or InstanceHandle.init() failed. */ static sidl.io.Serializable unserializeInstance( in string url); } /** * This interface holds the state information for handles to * remote objects. Client-side messaging libraries are expected * to implement <code>sidl.rmi.InstanceHandle</code>, * <code>sidl.rmi.Invocation</code> and * <code>sidl.rmi.Response</code>. * * Every stub with a connection to a remote object holds a pointer * to an InstanceHandle that manages the connection. Multiple * stubs may point to the same InstanceHandle, however. Babel * takes care of the reference counting, but the developer should * keep concurrency issues in mind. * * When a new remote object is created: * sidl_rmi_InstanceHandle c = * sidl_rmi_ProtocolFactory_createInstance( url, typeName, * _ex ); * * When a new stub is created to connect to an existing remote * instance: * sidl_rmi_InstanceHandle c = * sidl_rmi_ProtocolFactory_connectInstance( url, _ex ); * * When a method is invoked: * sidl_rmi_Invocation i = * sidl_rmi_InstanceHandle_createInvocation( methodname ); * sidl_rmi_Invocation_packDouble( i, "input_val" , 2.0 ); * sidl_rmi_Invocation_packString( i, "input_str", "Hello" ); * ... * sidl_rmi_Response r = sidl_rmi_Invocation_invokeMethod( i ); * sidl_rmi_Response_unpackBool( i, "_retval", &succeeded ); * sidl_rmi_Response_unpackFloat( i, "output_val", &f ); * */ interface InstanceHandle { /** initialize a connection (intended for use by the * ProtocolFactory, (see above). This should parse the url and * do everything necessary to create the remote object. */ bool initCreate( in string url, in string typeName ); /** * initialize a connection (intended for use by the ProtocolFactory) * This should parse the url and do everything necessary to connect * to a remote object. */ bool initConnect( in string url, in string typeName, in bool ar); /** Get a connection specifically for the purpose for requesting a * serialization of a remote object (intended for use by the * ProtocolFactory, (see above). This should parse the url and * request the object. It should return a deserializer.. */ sidl.io.Serializable initUnserialize( in string url); /** return the short name of the protocol */ string getProtocol(); /** return the object ID for the remote object*/ string getObjectID(); /** * return the full URL for this object, takes the form: * protocol://serviceID/objectID (where serviceID would = server:port * on TCP/IP) * So usually, like this: protocol://server:port/objectID */ string getObjectURL(); /** create a serializer handle to invoke the named method */ Invocation createInvocation( in string methodName ); /** * closes the connection (called by the destructor, if not done * explicitly) returns true if successful, false otherwise * (including subsequent calls) */ bool close(); } /** * This type is used to pack arguments and make the Client->Server * method invocation. */ interface Invocation extends sidl.io.Serializer { /** * this method is one of a triad. Only one of which * may be called, and it must the the last method called * in the object's lifetime. */ Response invokeMethod(); /** * This method is second of the triad. It returns * a Ticket, from which a Response is later extracted. */ Ticket invokeNonblocking(); /** * This method is third of the triad. It returns * and exception iff the invocation cannot be delivered * reliably. It does not wait for the invocation to * be acted upon and returns no values from the invocation. */ void invokeOneWay(); } /** * This type is created when an invokeMethod is called on an * Invocation. It encapsulates all the results that users will * want to pull out of a remote method invocation. */ interface Response extends sidl.io.Deserializer { /** * May return a communication exception or an execption thrown * from the remote server. If it returns null, then it's safe * to unpack arguments */ sidl.BaseException getExceptionThrown(); } /** * This interface is implemented by the Server side deserializer. * Deserializes method arguments in preperation for the method * call. */ interface Call extends sidl.io.Deserializer { } /** * This interface is implemented by the Server side serializer. * Serializes method arguments after the return from the method * call. */ interface Return extends sidl.io.Serializer { /** * This method serialized exceptions thrown on the server side * that should be returned to the client. Assumed to invalidate * in previously serialized arguments. (Also assumed that no * more arguments will be serialized.) */ void throwException(in sidl.BaseException ex_to_throw); } /** * Used in lieu of a Response in nonblocking calls */ interface Ticket { /** blocks until the Response is recieved */ void block(); /** * returns immediately: true iff the Response is already * received */ bool test(); /** creates an empty container specialized for Tickets */ TicketBook createEmptyTicketBook(); /** returns immediately: returns Response or null * (NOTE: needed for implementors of communication * libraries, not expected for general use). */ Response getResponse(); } /** * This is a collection of Tickets that itself can be viewed * as a ticket. */ interface TicketBook extends Ticket { /** insert a ticket with a user-specified ID */ void insertWithID( in Ticket t, in int id ); /** insert a ticket and issue a unique ID */ int insert( in Ticket t ); /** remove a ready ticket from the TicketBook * returns 0 (and null) on an empty TicketBook */ int removeReady( out Ticket t ); /** * immediate, returns the number of Tickets in the book. */ bool isEmpty(); } /** * This singleton class is implemented by Babel's runtime for RMI * libraries to invoke methods on server objects. It maps * objectID strings to sidl_BaseClass objects and vice-versa. * * The InstanceRegistry creates and returns a unique string when a * new object is added to the registry. When an object's refcount * reaches 0 and it is collected, it is removed from the Instance * Registry. * * Objects are added to the registry in 3 ways: * 1) Added to the server's registry when an object is * create[Remote]'d. * 2) Implicity added to the local registry when an object is * passed as an argument in a remote call. * 3) A user may manually add a reference to the local registry * for publishing purposes. The user hsould keep a reference * to the object. Currently, the user cannot provide their own * objectID, this capability should probably be added. */ class InstanceRegistry { /** * Register an instance of a class. * * the registry will return an objectID string guaranteed to be * unique for the lifetime of the process */ static string registerInstance( in sidl.BaseClass instance ); /** * Register an instance of a class with the given instanceID * * If a different object already exists in registry under * the supplied name, a false is returned, if the object was * successfully registered, true is returned. */ static string registerInstance[ByString]( in sidl.BaseClass instance, in string instanceID); /** * returns a handle to the class based on the unique objectID * string, (null if the handle isn't in the table) */ static sidl.BaseClass getInstance[ByString]( in string instanceID ); /** * takes a class and returns the objectID string associated * with it. (null if the handle isn't in the table) */ static string getInstance[ByClass]( in sidl.BaseClass instance ); /** * removes an instance from the table based on its objectID * string.. returns a pointer to the object, which must be * destroyed. */ static sidl.BaseClass removeInstance[ByString]( in string instanceID ); /** * removes an instance from the table based on its BaseClass * pointer. returns the objectID string, which much be freed. */ static string removeInstance[ByClass]( in sidl.BaseClass instance ); } /** * This singleton class is implemented by Babel's runtime for to * allow RMI downcasting of objects. When we downcast an RMI * object, we may be required to create a new derived class object * with a connect function. We store all the connect functions in * this table for easy access. * * This Class is for Babel internal use only. */ class ConnectRegistry { /** * The key is the SIDL classname the registered connect belongs * to. Multiple registrations under the same key are possible, * this must be protected against in the user code. Babel does * this internally with a static boolean. */ static void registerConnect( in string key, in opaque func); /** * Returns the connect method for the class named in the key */ static opaque getConnect( in string key ); /** * Returns the connect method for the class named in the key, * and removes it from the table. */ static opaque removeConnect( in string key ); } /** * ServerInfo is an interface (possibly implemented by the ORB * itself) that provides functions to deal with the problems * associated with passing local object remotely. It should be * registered with the ServerRegistry for general use. */ interface ServerInfo { string getServerURL(in string objID); /** * For internal Babel use ONLY. Needed by Babel to determine if * a url points to a local or remote object. Returns the * objectID if is local, Null otherwise. */ string isLocalObject(in string url); /** * This gets an array of logged exceptions. If an exception * can not be thrown back to the caller, we log it with the * Server. This gets the array of all those exceptions. THIS * IS SOMETHING OF A TEST! THIS MAY CHANGE! */ array<sidl.io.Serializable,1> getExceptions(); } /** * This singleton class is simply a place to register a * ServerInfo interface for general access. This ServerInfo * should give info about the ORB being used to export RMI objects * for the current Babel process. * * This Registry provides two important functions, a way to get * the URL for local object we wish to expose over RMI, and a way * to tell if an object passed to this process via RMI is actually * a local object. This abilities are protocol specific, the * ServerInfo interface must by implemented by the protocol * writer. * * THIS CLASS IS NOT DESIGNED FOR CONCURRENT WRITE ACCESS. (Only * one server is assumed per Babel process) */ class ServerRegistry { /** * Register the server with the ServerRegistry. */ static void registerServer(in sidl.rmi.ServerInfo si); /** * Get the registered server from the Server Registery. */ static sidl.rmi.ServerInfo getServer(); /** * Perhaps this should take BaseClass and look the objectID up in * the Instance Registry */ static string getServerURL(in string objID); /** * For internal Babel use ONLY. Needed by Babel to determine if a * url points to a local or remote object. Returns the objectID * if is local, Null otherwise. */ static string isLocalObject(in string url); /** * This gets an array of logged exceptions. If an exception * can not be thrown back to the caller, we log it with the * Server. This gets the array of all those exceptions. THIS * IS SOMETHING OF A TEST! THIS MAY CHANGE! */ static array<sidl.io.Serializable,1> getExceptions(); } } //end package rmi } |
One of the strategies that SIDL uses to enforce language interoperability is to define an object model that it supports across all language bindings. This enables real object-oriented programming in non-OO languages such as C and fortran 77. This also means that the inheritance mechanisms inside real OO languages may be circumvented.
Contrary to newer scripting languages such as Python and Ruby, not everything in SIDL is an object. Only classes (abstract or not) and interfaces are objects. Everything else (e. g. arrays, enums, strings, ints) is something other than an object and therefore outside the scope of this section.
SIDL defines three types of objects: interfaces, classes, and abstract classes. A SIDL interface is akin to a Java interface or a C++ pure abstract base class. It is an object that defines methods (aka member functions), but carries no implementation of those methods. A class by comparison is always concrete; meaning that there is an implementation for each of its methods and it can be instantiated. An abstract class falls somewhere between an interface and a class. It has at least one method unimplemented, so it cannot be instantiated, but it also may have several methods that are implemented and these implementations can be inherited.
SIDL supports multiple inheritance of interfaces and single inheritance of implementation. This is a strategy found in other OO languages such as Java and ObjectiveC. The words to distinguish these two forms of inheritance are extends and implements. Interfaces can extend multiple interfaces, but they cannot implement anything. Classes can extend at most one other class (abstract or not), but can implement multiple interfaces.
Furthermore, any inherited abstract methods (inherited from either and abstract parent class or and implemented interface) will default to abstract unless they are re-declared in the current class. If a concrete class implements many large interfaces, this can result in a fairly large list of redeclared functions in the class definition. As a shortcut, we included the implements-all directive, a short hand that states explicitly that we intend to implement every method in the named interface concretely. That’s why, in the following example, class B must be declared abstract, but class D is concrete. Class B does not redeclare the printMe function, but class D implements-all. There is no similar directive for inheritance from abstract classes.
We display a small SIDL file below and finish this subsection with a discussion of its details.
package object version 1.0 { interface A { void display(); void printMe(); } abstract class B implements A { void display(); } class C extends B { void printMe(); } class D implements-all A { } } |
object.A is an interface that has two methods display() and print(). Both of these methods take no arguments and return no value. (We will discuss arguments and return values in the next section.) Since object.A is an interface, there is no implementation associated with it, and Babel will not generate any implementation code associated with it.
object.B is an abstract class that inherits from object.A. Since it redeclares the display() method, Babel will generate the appropriate code for an implementation of this method only. It will not generate code for the other inherited method print() (since it wasn’t declared in the SIDL file) and it will not generate constructors/destructors since the class is abstract.
object.C is a concrete class that extends the abstract class object.B it then lists only the unimplemented method print(), implying that it will use the implementation of display() it inherited from its parent.
object.D is also a concrete class that uses the implements-all
directive. This is identical to using implements and then listing all the methods declared in the interface. The implements-all directive was added to SIDL as a convenience construct and to save excessive typing in the SIDL file. By virtue of the implements-all directive, object.D will provide its own implementation of all of object.A’s methods, namely display() and print().
Methods in SIDL are virtual by default. This means that the actual binding of a method invocation to an actual implementation is determined at runtime, based on the concrete type of the object.
SIDL currently defines three modifiers to methods that change their default behavior.
Starting with Babel 0.11.0, all SIDL methods implicitly throw sidl.RuntimeException. A sidl.RuntimeException can be generated by the Babel generated glue code. For example, if the code is making a call across the network using remote method invocation and the network goes down, Babel’s glue code would generate a RuntimeException. In cases where the implementation throws an unexpected exception (i. e., not one that is declared in the method’s SIDL declaration), the glue code can generate a RuntimeException.
Each parameter in a method call obeys the following syntax
[ (modifier) ] (mode) (type) (name)
Where (mode) is one of in, out, or inout; (type) is any SIDL recognized type; and (name) is any non-reserved word4. The (modifier) is optional, and currently unimplemented. SIDL currently reserves the word copy for future use as an parameter modifier, and may add others in the future5.
For new users, the parameter’s mode (e. g. in, out, or inout) is perhaps the most troublesome. On the surface, it’s easy to explain that in parameters are passed into the code, out parameters come out, and inout parameters do both. More specifically the rules are:
When an exception is thrown, the value of out parameters is undefined. Thus, the client code should not attempt to free out string values or decrement reference counts for objects or arrays when an exception has been thrown. Some bindings may initialize point types to a NULL value, but the client should not depend on this behavior.
For strings and reference counted objects (i. e., objects, interfaces, and arrays) called a resource here, these rules can be confusing. It is useful to think about who retains ownership of the resource and the phases of method call.
Method overloading is the object-oriented practice of defining more than one method with the same name in a class. Doing so allows the convenient reuse of a method name when, for example, the underlying implementations differ based on the types of the arguments. Actually, support for overloaded methods typically relies on the signature of each method to ensure uniqueness. In this case, the signature consists of the method name along with the number, types, and ordering of its arguments.
Since Babel supports languages that do not support method overloading, a mechanism for generating unique names was needed. These are typically generated by compilers based on hashing the argument types into the method name. However, developers often manually address this with far fewer characters than would be used by a compiler. Consequently, it was determined it would be more efficient to leave the task of identifying the unique name to the developer. Therefore, Babel allows the specification of the base, or short, method name along with an optional method name extension as illustrated in the SIDL file below for the getValue method.
package Overload version 1.0 { class Sample { int getValue ( ); int getValue[Int]( in int v ); double getValue[Double]( in double v ); } } |
Thus, the full method name is the concatenation of the short name followed by the name extension. When generating code for supported languages, Babel makes use of either the short or full method name as appropriate for the language(s) involved. For those that support method overloading, such as C++ and Java, Babel relies only on the short method name, thus ignoring the extension. For the rest, like C, Fortran, and Python, Babel must make use of the full name to ensure methods are uniquely identified.
In the example above, the first method specification takes no arguments so has no name extension. This is acceptable because there are no potentially conflicting methods at this point for any programming language supported by Babel. The second method, with the user-defined name extension of Int, takes a single int argument, resulting in the unique method name getValueInt. The last method, with a user-defined name extension of Double, takes a single double argument, resulting in the unique method name of getValueDouble. Examples of calling overloaded methods from Babel-supported languages can be found in the respective language binding chapters.
Even though SIDL is currently the primary input format for Babel, it is not the only format Babel understands. For type repositories (similar in function to include directories for C/C++ headers) the preferred language to articulate types is XML.
Babel has the capabilities to convert SIDL files into XML files adhering to the sidl.dtd. This capability is explained further in Chapter 16. The XML files in these repositories can be included in subsequent runs quickly since all the external references were resolved by Babel during their creation. A SIDL file may refer to unresolved types.
This section covers some of the important changes for users upgrading from Babel 1.0 to Babel 1.4. Users who are new to Babel 1.4 should skip this chapter because it gets into details that only experienced Babel users will understand.
There are two major changes for users upgrading. The first involves renaming certain splicer blocks in the C and C++ bindings, and the second involves the extra comments needed for the CCA’s Bocca IDE. Both these changes require new command line options.
Some splicer blocks have been renamed from what they were in Babel 1.0. The _misc and _includes in a C or C++ implementation header file have been renamed to _hmisc and _hincludes. The goal of this change has to give each splicer block a unique name across the implementation header and implementation source files. In Babel 1.0, the header and source both have a splicer blocks named _misc and _includes. This made things confusing for Bocca users.
To help users upgrading from Babel 1.0 to 1.4, Babel 1.4 has a --rename-splicers command line option that will automatically rename the header splicer blocks whose names have changed. Once you’ve generated new implementation header files, you do not need to keep using --rename-splicers.
To support CCA’s Bocca, Babel 1.0 introduced extra comments to guide the Bocca IDE to blocks of text that need to be edited. In Babel 1.4, you need to specifically request these extra comments with --cca-mode.
Part II |
This chapter gives an overview of the C bindings for SIDL. Common aspects of the bindings, such as the mapping of SIDL data types to their C representatives, are presented in Section 8.2. Issues of concern to callers written in C are addressed in the client-side bindings discussion in Section 8.3, while callees written in C would benefit from a review of implementation-side issues in Section 8.4. Although it would defeat the multilingual interoperability goals of Babel, programs can be written solely with a C compiler since Babel’s Intermediate Object Representation (IOR) and all objects in the sidl name space (e. g. sidl.BaseClass, etc.) are implemented in C.
As with any programming language-neutral technology, translations must be made between abstract constructs supported by the technology and the corresponding concrete constructs in the native programming language. Due to the need to identify types in a global context, Subsection 8.2.1 describes the convention used to establish name spaces. Conventions for generating language-specific method signatures are given in Subsection 8.2.2. The mapping of SIDL fundamental types is given in Subsection 8.2.3. Finally, the process of casting between different types is described in Subsection 8.2.4.
Since C does not have built-in mechanisms for protecting the global name space, generated bindings avoid name space collisions by using struct and method names that incorporate all relevant naming information. Without this approach, there would be multiple structures or routines with the same name. For a type Z in package X.Y, for example, the name of the type that C clients use for an object reference is X_Y_Z. The name is defined as follows in the X_Y_Z.h header file:
struct X_Y_Z__object; struct X_Y_Z__array; typedef struct X_Y_Z__object* X_Y_Z; |
Method names, as discussed in Subsection 8.2.2, are built in a similar manner.
The name of a C routine used to call a SIDL method is a concatenation of the package, class (or interface), and method name, with period characters replaced with underscores. If the method is specified as overloaded (i. e., has a name extension), the extension is appended. The object (or interface) pointer is automatically inserted as the first parameter in the signature of non-static methods. This parameter operates like an in parameter. With the addition of remote method invocation (RMI) support, all methods now implicitly throw exceptions. Hence, an extra out parameter for the exception is added as the last parameter of the signature.
The following SIDL method — taken from the Babel regression tests — is an example of a method that can throw multiple exception types:
int getFib(in int n, in int max_depth, in int max_value, in int depth) throws NegativeValueException, FibException; |
The corresponding C API is:
int32_t ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib( ExceptionTest_Fib self, int32_t n, int32_t max_depth, int32_t max_value, int32_t depth, sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); |
Note the addition of the object pointer (i. e., self) and exception (i. e., _ex) parameters.
Table 8.1: SIDL to C Type Mappings
Basic SIDL types are mapped into C according to Table 8.1. The remainder of this subsection illustrates use of enumerations and arrays.
Since SIDL enumerations map to C enumerations, their use is fairly straight-forward. The appropriate header file must be included. The naming convention for enumerations is enums followed by the specified enumeration type and enumeration value name, where an underscore is used to separate each part. For example, a variable can be assigned the blue constant for the color enumeration of the sample in Subsection 6.3 as follows:
#include "enums_color.h" /* ...deleted lines... */ enum enums_color__enum myColor = enums_color_blue; |
As discussed in Section 6.4, SIDL supports both normal and raw arrays (i. e., r-arrays). Normal SIDL arrays can be used by any supported language; whereas, r-arrays are restricted to numeric types and use in languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. This subsection discusses both within the context of C bindings. More information on the C version of the SIDL array API can be found in Subsection 6.4.
In addition to defining the object structure and associated type for user-defined interfaces and classes, Babel also defines a corresponding array structure for normal SIDL arrays. The C mappings for the SIDL base interface and class are:
/** * Symbol "sidl.BaseInterface" (version 0.9.12) * * Every interface in <code>SIDL</code> implicitly inherits * from <code>BaseInterface</code>, which is implemented * by <code>BaseClass</code> below. */ struct sidl_BaseInterface__object; struct sidl_BaseInterface__array; typedef struct sidl_BaseInterface__object* sidl_BaseInterface; /** * Symbol "sidl.BaseClass" (version 0.9.12) * * Every class implicitly inherits from <code>BaseClass</code>. This * class implements the methods in <code>BaseInterface</code>. */ struct sidl_BaseClass__object; struct sidl_BaseClass__array; typedef struct sidl_BaseClass__object* sidl_BaseClass; |
Given the package num and class Linsol with the solve method specified in Subsection 6.4, the corresponding generated C API is:
/** C client-side API for solve method */ void num_Linsol_solve(/* in */ num_Linsol self, /* in rarray[m,n] */ double* A, /* inout rarray[n] */ double* x, /* in */ int32_t m, /* in */ int32_t n, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); |
In this example, data for each array is passed as a double pointer with the index parameters being normal in integers. The one catch for C programmers is that A is in column-major order — not the typical row-major ordering used in C.
Access to the element in row i and column j can be facilitated using RarrayElem2(A,i,j,m). RarrayElem2, defined in sidlArray.h, is a convenience macro — for C and C++ programmers — supplied to facilitate accessing r-arrays in column-major order. Access to memory by stride one involves making the first index argument to RarrayElem2, i, the inner loop. Since valid pointers are always required for raw arrays, passing NULL for A, x, or b is not allowed.
C bindings for interfaces and classes include two implicitly defined methods for performing type casts. The methods are: _cast and _cast2. The _cast method casts a SIDL interface or object pointer to a sidl.BaseClass pointer. The _cast2 method casts a SIDL interface or object pointer to a named type pointer. In the latter case, the client is responsible for casting the return value into the proper pointer type. Using sidl.BaseClass as an example, signatures of the two methods are:
sidl_BaseClass sidl_BaseClass__cast(void* obj, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); void* sidl_BaseClass__cast2(void* obj, const char* type, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); |
Using either method results in the reference count of the underlying object being increased if the cast succeeded. Success can be determined by checking the return value for a non-NULL result. That is, if a NULL value is returned from either method, then the cast failed or obj was NULL.
NOTE: These methods did not increment the reference count in Babel releases prior to 0.11.0.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and using the C bindings associated with software wrapped with Babel’s language interoperability middleware. The bindings generation process is presented before the conventions used to name C header files are described. Object management and invocation of static and overloaded methods are also summarized. The process of catching exceptions is then discussed. Finally, the processes for enabling and disabling implementation-specific pre- and post-method instrumentation — referred to as “hooks” — are illustrated.
C stubs (i. e. code to support C clients for a set of SIDL-specified classes or interfaces), are created by invoking Babel as follows1:
% babel --exclude-external --client=C file.sidl
or more cryptically
% babel -E -cC file.sidl
Using the --
exclude-external flag avoids generation
of files for symbols referenced (but not specified) in file.sidl;
reducing the total number of generated files. Of the files generated, those
ending in _IOR.h and _IOR.c contain the Intermediate Object
Representation (IOR). Files ending with _Stub.c are the C stubs
— the interface between C clients and the IOR. The remaining header
files contain the C client API.
To use the bindings, you must compile and link the stub files against the SIDL runtime library and an implementation of the API.
The hierarchical nature of SIDL packages lends itself to multiple options for including enumerations, interfaces, and classes. The naming convention for associated header files uses underscore-separated parts corresponding to the package hierarchy. That is, type X.Y.Z — where X is the name of the package, Y the subpackage, and Z the class — is included with #include "X_Y_Z.h". The header files for the whole subpackage, X.Y, are included with #include "X_Y.h". For instance, all types in the sidl name space are included in #include "sidl.h".
Babel ensures each generated client-side header file automatically includes sidl_header.h, which defines:
SIDL-specified objects are managed through explicit creation and reference counting. An additional implicit method, called _create, must be invoked to create new instances of a concrete class. The _create method returns a new reference that must be managed by the client. The following is an example of its signature:
/** * Constructor function for the class. */ sidl_BaseClass sidl_BaseClass__create(/* out */sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); |
References are then managed through methods inherited from sidl.BaseInterface. The methods are addRef and deleteRef, where addRef is used to increment the reference counter while deleteRef decrements it and, if the count reaches zero, frees any associated memory — assuming the developer properly implemented the destructor. Their C APIs for sidl.BaseInterface are:
void sidl_BaseInterface_addRef(/* in */ sidl_BaseInterface self, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); void sidl_BaseInterface_deleteRef(/* in */ sidl_BaseInterface self, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); |
These same methods can be called from the sidl.BaseClass bindings. In fact, since all SIDL-specified interfaces inherit from sidl.BaseInterface and all classes from sidl.BaseClass, every C binding for an interface or class will inherit addRef and deleteRef methods. Their C APIs for sidl.BaseClass are:
void sidl_BaseClass_addRef(/* in */ sidl_BaseClass self, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); void sidl_BaseClass_deleteRef(/* in */ sidl_BaseClass self, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex); |
Static methods are class-wide so not associated with an object. As a result, self is not automatically added as the first argument to the method signature in the bindings.
Using the overload_sample.sidl file from Section 6.7 as an example, recall that three versions of the getValue method are specified. The first signature takes no arguments, the second takes an integer, and the third a boolean. The code snippet below illustrates object creation, method invocation for each of the overloaded methods, and exception handling.
int32_t b1, i1, iresult, nresult; sidl_BaseInterface ex; Overload_Sample t = Overload_Sample__create (&ex); SIDL_CHECK(ex); nresult = Overload_Sample_getValue(t, &ex); SIDL_CHECK(ex); iresult = Overload_Sample_getValueInt(t, i1, &ex); SIDL_CHECK(ex); bresult = Overload_Sample_getValueBool(t, b1, &ex); SIDL_CHECK(ex); |
SIDL_CHECK is used to check if an exception has been thrown. If so, control jumps to the code after the EXIT label, which is not illustrated here but is in the example presented in Subsection 8.3.6.
Since all methods can now throw sidl.RuntimeException , Babel ensures there is an out argument to hold an exception. If not explicitly specified, Babel will automatically add the argument. For maximum backward compatibility and consistency, the argument is of type sidl.BaseInterface. When the exception parameter value is not NULL, an exception has been thrown. In that case, the caller should ignore the value of the other out parameters as well as any return value.
To facilitate exception management, sidl_Exception.h provides several helper utilities. Chief among them are: SIDL_CHECK, SIDL_CATCH, and SIDL_CLEAR. Their use follows from their names. Their signatures are:
/* Macros to facilitate managing exceptions */ SIDL_CHECK(EX_VAR) SIDL_CLEAR(EX_VAR) /* Helper function to facilitate catching exceptions of a specific type */ int SIDL_CATCH(struct sidl_BaseInterface__object *ex_var, const char *sidl_Name); |
EX_VAR (or ex_var) is the exception object itself and sidl_NAME is the string name of the exception type expected to be caught.
The following example, based on the getFib method from Subsection 8.2.2, illustrates not only catching an exception but determining whether it is one of the types identified in the specification:
#include "sidl_Exception.h" /* ...numerous lines deleted... */ int x; sidl_BaseInterface _ex = NULL; x = ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib(f, 10, 1, 100, 0, &_ex); if (SIDL_CATCH(_ex, "ExceptionTest.TooDeepException")) { traceback(_ex); SIDL_CLEAR(_ex); } else if (SIDL_CATCH(_ex, "ExceptionTest.TooBigException")) { traceback(_ex); SIDL_CLEAR(_ex); } else if (_ex == NULL) { return FALSE; } SIDL_CHECK(_ex); return TRUE; EXIT:; traceback(_ex); SIDL_CLEAR(_ex); return FALSE; |
As an alternative to using SIDL_CHECK, _ex can be compared to NULL directly. Similarly, instead of using SIDL_CATCH, type casting can be used to determine which of the potential exception types was actually thrown.
If a given component supports pre- and post-method invocation instrumentation, also known as “hooks”, their execution can be enabled or disabled at runtime through the built-in _set_hooks method. For example, given the following SIDL specification:
package hooks version 1.0 { class Basics { /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ static int aStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ int aNonStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); } } |
which has a single static function and a member function for the Basics class, the processes for enabling and disabling execution of the implementation-specific hooks are:
hooks_Basics obj; sidl_BaseInterface _ex = NULL; obj = hooks_Basics__create(&exception); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* Enable hooks execution (enabled by default if hooks generated) */ /* ... for static methods */ hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static(TRUE, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* ... for non-static methods */ hooks_Basics__set_hooks(obj, TRUE, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* ...do something meaningful... */ /* Disable hooks execution */ /* ... for static methods */ hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static(FALSE, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* ... for non-static methods */ hooks_Basics__set_hooks(obj, FALSE, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* ...do something meaningful... */ |
It is important to keep in mind that the _set_hooks_static method must be used to enable/disable invocation of hooks for static methods and the _set_hooks method must be used for those of non-static methods. Also, Babel does not provide client access to the _pre and _post methods; therefore, they cannot be invoked directly. More information on the instrumentation process is provided in Subsection 8.4.5.
Interface contracts specify the expected behaviors of callers (or clients) and callees (or servers) of methods defined for interfaces and classes. Once specified, contracts are optionally enforced at runtime, through checks automatically integrated into the middleware generated by the Babel compiler. This section provides an example of a specification and code snippets for performing basic, traditional contract enforcement — introduced in Section 6.5 — in a C client.
A SIDL specification, including preconditions and postconditions, for calculating the sum of two vectors is given below. (Refer to Section 6.5 for an introduction to the contract syntax.) According to the preconditions, all callers are expected to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size as arguments. The postconditions specify that all implementations are expected to return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array), assuming the preconditions are satisfied.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
An example of a C client using the method is given below. The code snippet illustrates declaring and creating the arrays; enabling full contract enforcement (i. e., checking all contract clauses); executing vuSum; handling contract violation exceptions; and cleaning up references is given below.
#include "sidl_EnfPolicy.h" #include "sidl_Exception.h" /* ... */ { sidl_BaseInterface exception = NULL; struct sidl_double__array* x = NULL; struct sidl_double__array *u = NULL; struct sidl_double__array *v = NULL; sidl_BaseInterface _ex = NULL; u = sidl_double__array_create1d(max_size); v = sidl_double__array_create1d(max_size); /* Initialize u and v IF they are non-NULL. */ /* Enable FULL contract enforcement. */ sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll(sidl_ContractClass_ALLCLASSES, TRUE, &exception); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* Do something meaningful before execute method. */ x = vect_Utils_vuSum(u, v, (sidl_BaseInterface*)(&_ex)); if (_ex != NULL) { if (SIDL_CATCH(_ex, "sidl.PreViolation")) { /* Precondition violated. Do something meaningful. */ } else if (SIDL_CATCH(_ex, "sidl.PostViolation")) { /* Postcondition violated. Do something meaningful. */ } else { /* Unrecognized or unhandled exception. Do something meaningful. */ goto EXIT; } } /* Do something meaningful with the result, x. */ /* ... */ if (x != NULL) sidl_double__array_deleteRef(x); sidl__array_deleteRef((struct sidl__array*)u); sidl__array_deleteRef((struct sidl__array*)v); return 0; EXIT:; if (x != NULL) sidl_double__array_deleteRef(x); if (_ex !=NULL) { sidl_BaseInterface _tae = NULL; sidl_SIDLException _cue = sidl_SIDLException__cast(_ex, &_tae); if (_cue != NULL) { printExceptionNote(_cue); sidl_SIDLException_deleteRef(_cue, &_tae); } sidl_BaseInterface_deleteRef((sidl_BaseInterface)_ex, &_tae); _ex = NULL; } return -1; } |
Alternative enforcement options can be set, as described in Section 6.5, through the two basic helper methods: setEnforceAll and setEnforceNone. The code snippet below shows the C calls associated with the traditional options of enabling only precondition enforcement, enabling postcondition enforcement, or completely disabling contract enforcement.
#include "sidl_EnfPolicy.h" #include "sidl_Exception.h" { /* ... */ /* * Enable only precondition contract enforcement. * (Useful when only need to ensure callers comply with contract.) */ sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll(sidl_ContractClass_PRECONDS, FALSE, &exception); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* * Enable only postcondition contract enforcement. * (Useful when only need to ensure implementation(s) comply with contract.) */ sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll(sidl_ContractClass_POSTCONDS, FALSE, &exception); SIDL_CHECK(exception); /* * Disable contract enforcement. * (Should only be used when have confidence in caller AND implementation.) */ sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceNone(FALSE, &exception); SIDL_CHECK(exception); EXIT: /* Do something with exception */ } |
This section illustrates the basic interfaces and processes for traditional interface contract enforcement for a C client. Additional enforcement policy options and methods as well as more information regarding the specification and enforcement of contracts can be found in Chapter 21.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and wrapping software written in C. The bindings generation and basic implementation processes are presented first. Since access to private data requires special steps in C, the process for defining and managing that data is discussed. Throwing exceptions in the implementation is then illustrated. Finally, the results of generating implementations with pre- and post-method “hooks” are shown.
To create the C implementation bindings for a set of SIDL classes, Babel should be invoked as follows:
% babel --exclude-external --server=C file.sidl
or use the short form
% babel -E -sC file.sidl
The command creates a number of files. Specifically, a Makefile fragment, called babel.make, headers, and source files are generated. The only files needing hand-editing are the C “Impl” files — which are header and source files whose names end in _Impl.h or _Impl.c, respectively. More on this in Subsection 8.4.2.
Implementation details must be added to the “Impl” files generated in Subsection 8.4.1. Changes to these files must be made between code splicer pairs to ensure their retention in subsequent invocations of Babel. The following is an example of a code splicer pair in C:
/* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(num.Linsol._includes) */ /* Insert-Code-Here {num.Linsol._includes} (includes and arbitrary code) */ /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(num.Linsol._includes) */ |
A snippet from the Babel-generated implementation file for the solve example from Subsection 6.4 is given below, wherein r-array data are presented as double pointers, and index variables are normal integers.
void impl_num_Linsol_solve(/* in */ num_Linsol self, /* in rarray[m,n] */ double* A, /* inout rarray[n] */ double* x, /* in */ int32_t m, /* in */ int32_t n, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex) { *_ex = 0; /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(num.Linsol.solve) */ /* Insert-Code-Here {num.Linsol.solve} (solve method) */ /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(num.Linsol.solve) */ } |
Data for the 2-D array, A, is in column-major order. The RarrayElem2 helper macro, described in Subsection 8.2.3, can be used to access A.
Any variables declared in the implementation source file will, by virtue of Babel’s encapsulation, be private. The data can be global to the class — as in static variables declared within the _includes splicer block at the top of the class’s _Impl.c file — or local to an instance — as in variables declared through the private data structure automatically generated in the class’s _Impl.h file. In the former case, special initialization procedures can be added to the built-in _load() method that is guaranteed to be called exactly once per class — before any user-defined methods can even be invoked. The latter case relies on the class-specific data structure automatically generated in the implementation’s header file. As illustrated in the foo.bar example below, the implementer is free to define suitable contents.
/* * Private data for class foo.bar */ struct foo_bar__data { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(foo.bar._data) */ int d_my_int_array[MY_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE]; double d_my_double; /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(foo.bar._data) */ } |
Upon instantiation, the object’s data structure is automatically initialized to NULL before the built-in _ctor() method is invoked. Initialization of private data first requires sufficient memory be allocated, as follows:
void impl_foo_bar__ctor( /* in */ foo_bar self) { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(foo.bar._ctor) */ int i; struct foo_bar__data *dataPtr = malloc(sizeof(struct foo_bar__data)); TSTT_Triangle_Mesh__set_data(self, dataPtr); if (dataPtr) { for (i=0; i<MY_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { dataPtr->d_my_int_array[i] = i; } dataPtr->d_my_double = 0.0; } /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(foo.bar._ctor) */ } |
To avoid leaking memory, allocated private data must be released during instance destruction. This is accomplished through the built-in _dtor() method. Continuing with the foo.bar example, the memory is freed as follows:
void impl_foo_bar__dtor( /* in */ foo_bar self) { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(foo.bar._dtor) */ struct foo_bar__data *dataPtr = foo_bar__get_data(self); if (dataPtr) { memset(dataPtr, 0, sizeof(struct foo_bar__data)); free((void*)dataPtr); } foo_bar__set_data(self, NULL); /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(foo.bar._dtor) */ } |
Notice all memory locations are initialized to zero before being freed and the internal data pointer set to NULL. These practices are recommended.
Hence, Babel supports the declaration and maintenance of private data on class and instance basis.
In addition to the helpers discussed in Subsection 8.3.6, sidl_Exception.h provides the following SIDL_THROW macro for throwing exceptions:
The first argument to the macro is the exception output parameter; the second is the type of exception being thrown; and the third provides a textual description of the exception. The following code snippet, which is an extension of the Subsection 8.3.6 example, illustrates the process of using the macro to throw an exception:
#include "sidl_Exception.h" /* ...numerous lines deleted... */ int32_t impl_ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib( ExceptionTest_Fib self, int32_t n, int32_t max_depth, int32_t max_value, int32_t depth, sidl_BaseInterface* _ex) { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) */ if (n < 0) { SIDL_THROW(*_ex, ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException, "called with negative n"); } /* ...lines deleted... */ EXIT:; /* SIDL_THROW macro will jump here. */ /* Clean up code should be here. */ return theValue; /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) */ } |
EX_VAR is the exception object itself; EX_CLS is the string containing the name of the desired SIDL exception type; and MSG is the string containing the message to be included with the exception. As with the other helpers, the presence of the EXIT label is assumed in the macro. Statements following EXIT should be used to conduct clean up operations, such as deleting any references that were to be returned to the caller.
A good practice we recommend is to set all inout and out array, interface or class pointers to NULL. This makes things work out better for clients who forget to check if an exception occurred or willfully choose to ignore it.
As discussed in Subsection 8.3.7, when hooks execution
is enabled, implementation-specific instrumentation is executed. Using
the --
generate-hooks option on the Babel
command line when generating implementation-side bindings results
in the automatic generation of a _pre and _post
method for every static and non-static method associated with each class
in the specification. For the aStaticMethod specified in
Subsection 8.3.7, the generated _pre method
implementation is:
void impl_hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_pre(int32_t i, int32_t io, sidl_BaseInterface *_ex) { *_ex = 0; { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) */ /* * Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately prior * to dispatch to aStaticMeth(). */ /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) */ } } |
while that of the _post method is:
void impl_hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_post(int32_t i, int32_t o, int32_t io, int32_t _retval, sidl_BaseInterface *_ex) { *_ex = 0; { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) */ /* * Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately after * return from dispatch to aStaticMeth(). */ /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) */ } } |
Per the normal implementation process, the desired instrumentation should be added within the splicer blocks of aStaticMethod_pre and aStaticMethod_post. As stated in the comments within those blocks, aStaticMethod_pre will be executed immediately prior to dispatch to aStaticMethod when the latter is invoked by a client. Assuming no exceptions are encountered, aStaticMethod_post is executed immediately upon return from aStaticMethod.
This chapter gives an overview of the C++ bindings for SIDL as of Babel 1.0. The original C++ bindings, available in the first public release (0.5.0 in July 2001), underwent a significant redesign thanks to Steve Parker at the University of Utah. The result became known as the Utah C++ (i. e., initially tagged UCxx) alternative to the original bindings (0.10.0 January 2005). As of 1.0.0, the Utah version is the only binding released for C++.
Common aspects of those bindings, such as the mapping of SIDL data types to their C++ counterparts, are presented in Section 9.2. Issues of concern to callers written in C++ are addressed in the client-side discussion in Section 9.3, while issues for callees appear in the implementation-side discussion in Section 9.4.
This section summarizes basic features that are common to both client and implementation bindings. Subsection 9.2.1 describes conventions used to establish name spaces, while those associated with the generation of subroutines from methods are given in Subsection 9.2.2. The mapping of fundamental and key SIDL types is given in Subsection 9.2.3. Finally, casting between different types is discussed in Subsection 9.2.4.
The C++ bindings take advantage of language features to protect the global name space. In particular, SIDL packages are mapped to C++ name spaces. Interfaces and classes are mapped to proxy classes, called “stubs”, which serve as the firewall between the application in C++ and Babel’s internal workings. Static SIDL methods are translated into static C++ member functions, while non-static methods are mapped to non-static C++ member functions.
NOTE: For backward compatibility, as of the 1.0 release, the SIDL_USE_UCXX, UCXX, and UCXX_LOCAL preprocessor macros are undefined. SIDL_USE_UCXX is used in #ifdef SIDL_USE_CXX/#endif blocks to specify the ucxx name space. Hence, UCXX was to be used where ::ucxx would normally appear and UCXX_LOCAL where ucxx:: would appear.
Since the bindings are able to map well into C++ language constructs, C++ method signatures correspond very closely to those in the specification. Adapted from the Babel regression tests, the following is an example of a package called ExceptionTest that has a class named Fib with a method, getFib, declared in SIDL as follows:
int getFib(in int n, in int max_depth, in int max_value, in int depth) throws NegativeValueException, FibException; |
The corresponding C++ method signature is:
int32_t getFib (/* in */int32_t n, /* in */int32_t max_depth, /* in */int32_t max_value, /* in */int32_t depth ) // throws: // ::ExceptionTest::FibException // ::ExceptionTest::NegativeValueException // ::sidl::RuntimeException ; |
Table 9.1: SIDL to C++ Type Mappings
Basic SIDL types are mapped into C++ according to Table 9.1. The remainder of this subsection illustrates the use of enumerations and arrays.
Since SIDL enumerations map to C++ enumerations, their use is fairly straight-forward. The appropriate header file must be included. The naming convention for enumerations is for enums to be the name space followed by the specified enumeration type as the name of the enumeration. A given enumeration value name starts with the enumeration type and the name of the constant, with an underscore as the separator. For example, a variable can be assigned the blue constant for the color enumeration of the sample in Subsection 6.3 as follows:
#include "enums_color.hxx" /* ...deleted lines... */ enums::color myColor = enums::color_blue; |
As discussed in Section 6.4, SIDL supports both normal and raw arrays (i. e., r-arrays). Normal SIDL arrays can be used by any supported language; whereas, r-arrays are restricted to numeric types. This subsection discusses both within the context of C++ bindings.
Although it is feasible to expose the underlying C array API to create, destroy and access normal array elements and meta-data, the C++ bindings provide a sidl::array<T> template mechanism that is more in keeping with C++ idioms. For SIDL built-in types, template specializations of sidl::array<T> are defined in sidl_ucxx.hxx. The array template is specialized in the corresponding stub header for SIDL interfaces and classes. The extensive use of template specialization is used in an effort to hide details that the array implementation shifts between the C++ type externally, and the C-based types stored in the IOR. (See basearray in sidl_ucxx.hxx for the traits classes and grungy implementation details.) For example, the process to create a one-dimensional SIDL array of prime numbers is:
int32_t len = 10; // array length=10 int32_t dim = 1; // one dimensional int32_t lower[1] = {0}; // zero offset int32_t upper[1] = {len-1}; int32_t prime = nextPrime(0); // create a SIDL array of primes. sidl::array<int32_t> a = sidl::array<int32_t>::createRow(dim, lower, upper); for( int i=0; i<len; ++i ) { prime = nextPrime( prime ); a.set(i, v); } |
Of course, the example above is only one way to create an array. The list of member functions for all C++ array classes is:
// constructors array ( ior_array_t * src ); // internal array ( const array & src ); // copy constructor // destructor ~array() ; // create row-size of 1 to 7 dimensions static array<T> createRow( int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[]); // create column-wise of 1 to 7 dimensions static array<T> createCol( int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[]); // create 1-D array of specified length static array<T> create1d( int32_t len ); // create 1-D array of specified length and init static array<T> create1d(int32_t len, ior_item_internal_t data) // create 2-D array of specified extents static array<T> create2dCol( int32_t m, int32_t n); // create 2-D array of specified extents static array<T> create2dRow( int32_t m, int32_t n); // get a slice of the array array<T> slice( int32_t dimen, const int32_t numElem[], const int32_t *srcStart = 0, const int32_t *srcStride = 0, const int32_t *newStart = 0); void borrow( item_ior_t * first_element, int32_t dimen, const int32_t lower[], const int32_t upper[], const int32_t stride[]); void ensure( int32_t dimen, array_ordering ordering ); void addRef(); void deleteRef(); // get/set cxx_item_t get(int32_t i); cxx_item_t get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2); cxx_item_t get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3); cxx_item_t get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4); cxx_item_t get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, int32_t i5); cxx_item_t get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, int32_t i5, int32_t i6); cxx_item_t get(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, int32_t i5, int32_t i6, int32_t i7); cxx_item_t get(const int32_t *indices); void set(int32_t i, cxx_item_t elem); void set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, cxx_item_t elem); void set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, cxx_item_t elem); void set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, cxx_item_t elem); void set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, int32_t i5, cxx_item_t elem); void set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, int32_t i5, int32_t i6, cxx_item_t elem); void set(int32_t i1, int32_t i2, int32_t i3, int32_t i4, int32_t i5, int32_t i6, int32_t i7, cxx_item_t elem); void set(const int32_t *indices, cxx_item_t elem); // [] overloaded to be same as get(i) cxx_item_t operator[](int32_t i) const ; bool is1dPacked() const; // returns STL forward iterator iff 1DPacked, else null iterator begin(); // returns STL forward iterator iff 1DPacked, else null const_iterator begin(); // returns STL forward iterator iff 1DPacked, else null iterator end(); // returns STL forward iterator iff 1DPacked, else null const_iterator end(); const int32_t* first() const; int32_t* first(); void copy( const array< T >& src ); // other accessors int32_t dimen() const; int32_t lower( int32_t dim ) const; int32_t upper( int32_t dim ) const; int32_t stride( int32_t dim ) const; bool _is_nil() const; bool _not_nil() const; // get a const pointer to the actual array ior const array_ior_t* _get_ior() const; // get a non-const pointer to the actual array ior array_ior_t* _get_ior(); void _set_ior( ior_array_t * s); array& operator =(const array &rhs); array& operator =(const basearray &rhs); |
pointer, and
value_type are all public typedefs in the array class.
Table 6.3 provides a brief description of each
function in the array API.
The values of these typedefs are determined by traits classes, which are a fairly standard, albeit advanced, C++ templating idiom. Refer to any advanced C++ text for a detailed explanation. Both the array_traits<> and array<> template specializations for int32_t are reproduced below. More built-in types and the UCxx stubs for user-defined types can be found in sidl_ucxx.hxx.
// template specialization for array_traits<int32_t> template<> struct array_traits<int32_t> { typedef array<int32_t> cxx_array_t; typedef int32_t cxx_item_t; typedef struct sidl_int__array ior_array_t; typedef int32_t ior_item_t; typedef const int32_t* ior_item_internal_t; typedef cxx_item_t value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef const value_type* const_pointer; }; template<> class array< int32_t > : public basearray { public: typedef basearray Base; typedef array_traits<int32_t>::cxx_array_t cxx_array_t; typedef array_traits<int32_t>::cxx_item_t cxx_item_t; typedef array_traits<int32_t>::ior_array_t ior_array_t; typedef array_traits<int32_t>::ior_item_t ior_item_t; typedef array_traits<int32_t>::ior_item_internal_t ior_item_internal_t; typedef array_iter< array_traits<int32_t> > iterator; typedef const_array_iter< array_traits<int32_t> > const_iterator; typedef array_traits< int32_t > ::pointer pointer; typedef array_traits< int32_t > ::value_type value_type; // lots of methods to follow } |
The C++ mapping for r-arrays is essentially identical to the mapping for C (see Section 8.2.3). The only difference is that the C++ client header provides an overloaded version of each method containing an r-array taking normal SIDL arrays instead of raw data. For example, the solve method from Section 6.4 produces the following code in the header file.
void solve (/*in*/ double* A, /*inout*/ double* x, /*in*/ double* b, /*in*/ int32_t m, /*in*/ int32_t n) throw (); void solve (/*in*/ ::sidl::array<double> A, /*inout*/ ::sidl::array<double>& x, /*in*/ ::sidl::array<double> b) throw(); |
Multi-dimensional arrays, such as A in the above example, are stored in column-major order. Babel provides macros to access r-array data correctly. In this case, for example, RarrayElem2(A, i, j, m) can be used to access the element in row i and column j. In addition, memory can be accessed by stride one by making the row index the inner loop and the column index the outer. Similar macros are available in sidlArray.h for arrays of dimension 1 through 7.
There are two forms of type casting: upcasting and downcasting. Upcasting involves casting from a derived, or subclass, to a more general base class. As a result, it is safely handled with simple assignment. Downcasting works in the other direction; that is, it involves casting an instance of a base class to a more specific subclass. It should be done with sidl::babel_cast<>(). Downcasts are successful if the resulting pointer is non-NULL. This can be checked by a call using either _is_nil() — for determining cast failure — or _not_nil() — for success.
NOTE: Never use dynamic_cast<>() on a SIDL object since Babel’s runtime system needs to be involved in verifying the legality of the downcast.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and using the C++ bindings associated with software wrapped with Babel’s language interoperability middleware. The bindings generation process is presented before the convention used to name C++ header files is described. Object management and invocation of static and overloaded methods are also summarized. The process of catching exceptions is then discussed. Finally, the processes for enabling and disabling implementation-specific pre- and post-method instrumentation — referred to as “hooks” — are illustrated.
To create the C++ stubs from a SIDL file, invoke Babel as follows1:
% babel --exclude-external --client=C++ file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -cC++ file.sidl
This will create a babel.make file, some C headers and sources, and many C++ headers and sources. Files ending in “.c” or “.h” are in C, files ending in “.cxx” or “.hxx” are the C++ binding. The files will need to be compiled and linked together to use the C++ stubs.
There is one command line option particular to this language binding. Using the option --cxx-ior-exception (or it’s short form -x) will generate C++ Babel stubs that check for a null IOR whenever a method is called on them. If a method is called on a stub holding a null IOR, it will throw a NullIORException. If this option is not passed to Babel, the program will simply crash, as C++ would do normally with a null pointer.
All C++ code generated by Babel #include’s a file called "sidl_ucxx.hh". This file includes babel_config.h, the C header file that defines configuration information. Finally, sidl_ucxx.hh defines some C++ classes in the SIDL name space, such as:
NOTE: C++ headers have a ".hh" or a “.hxx” suffix to distinguish them from C header files. In pre-Babel 0.11, all C++ bindings used the “.hh” suffix. Since Babel 0.11, the “.hh” suffix was exclusively for the original, deprecated binding, while “.hxx” was introduced for the current, UCxx binding.
SIDL-specified objects are managed through explicit creation with explicit reference counting basically unnecessary. Babel automatically generates a static method called _create that must be invoked to instantiate a concrete class. The default constructor creates the equivalent of a NULL pointer. Below is an example, using standard Babel classes, that creates an object of the base class then upcasts it to its parent interface.
#ifdef SIDL_USE_UCXX using namespace ucxx; #endif sidl::BaseClass object = sidl::BaseClass::_create(); sidl::BaseInterface interface = object; |
SIDL C++ stubs can be treated as smart-pointers. Constructors, destructors, and operators are overloaded making explicit calls to addRef() or deleteRef() rarely needed.
As one would expect, proxy (or “stub”) classes maintain minimal state so that, unlike C or fortran 77, there is no special context argument added to non-static member functions. An example call to the static addSearchPath method of the sidl.Loader class is:
#ifdef SIDL_USE_UCXX using namespace ucxx; #endif std::string s("/try/looking/here"); sidl::Loader::addSearchPath( s ); |
Note the function is invoked directly, through the use of its class name, rather than through an instance.
Since C++ is an object-oriented language, the language is much more amenable to the SIDL programming model and less demanding of the programmer than bindings to non-OO languages, such as C and fortran 77.
The basic process of invoking overloaded methods is illustrated below based on the overload_sample.sidl file shown in Section 6.7. Recall that the file describes three versions of the getValue method. The first takes no arguments, the second an integer, and the third a boolean.
#ifdef SIDL_USE_UCXX using namespace ucxx; #endif bool b1, bresult; int i1, iresult, nresult; Overload::Sample t = Overload::Sample::_create(); nresult = t.getValue(); bresult = t.getValue(b1); iresult = t.getValue(i1); |
Since all methods can now throw sidl.RuntimeException, Babel ensures there is an out argument to hold an exception. If not explicitly specified, Babel will automatically add the argument. Using the example shown in Subsection 9.2.2, a C++ code fragment (from the regression tests) that utilizes the getFib method is:
#ifdef SIDL_USE_UCXX using namespace ucxx; #endif /* ...lines deleted... */ ExceptionTest::Fib fib = ExceptionTest::Fib::_create(); try { int result = fib.getFib( 4, 100, 32000, 0 ); cout << "Result of fib.getFib() = " << result << endl; } catch ( ExceptionTest::NegativeValueException e ) { // ... } catch ( ExceptionTest::FibException e ) { // ... } /* ...lines deleted... */ |
Note that SIDL exceptions map well into C++ exceptions allowing native exception mechanisms to be employed.
If a given component supports pre- and post-method invocation instrumentation, also known as “hooks”, their execution can be enabled or disabled at runtime through the built-in _set_hooks method. For example, given the following SIDL specification:
package hooks version 1.0 { class Basics { /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ static int aStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ int aNonStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); } } |
which has a single static function and a member function for the Basics class, the processes for enabling and disabling execution of the implementation-specific hooks are:
#ifdef SIDL_USE_UCXX using namespace ucxx; #endif try { hooks::Basics obj = hooks::Basics::_create(); /* Enable hooks execution (enabled by default) */ /* ... for static methods */ hooks::Basics::_set_hooks_static(TRUE); /* ... for non-static methods */ obj._set_hooks(TRUE); /* ...do something meaningful... */ /* Disable hooks execution (on by default) */ /* ... for static methods */ hooks::Basics::_set_hooks_static(FALSE); /* ... for non-static methods */ obj._set_hooks(FALSE); /* ...do something meaningful... */ } catch (::sidl::RuntimeException e) { cout << e.getNote() << endl; } |
It is important to keep in mind that the _set_hooks_static method must be used to enable/disable invocation of hooks for static methods and the _set_hooks method must be used for those of non-static methods. Also, Babel does not provide client access to the _pre and _post methods; therefore, they cannot be invoked directly. More information on the instrumentation process is provided in Subsection 9.4.5.
Interface contracts specify the expected behaviors of clients and servers of interface and class methods. Once specified, contracts can automatically be enforced at runtime. This section provides an example of a specification and associated code snippets for performing basic, traditional contract enforcement — introduced in Section 6.5 — within a C++ client.
A SIDL specification, including preconditions and postconditions, for calculating the sum of two vectors is given below. (Refer to Section 6.5 for an introduction to the contract syntax.) According to the preconditions, all callers are expected to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size as arguments. The postconditions specify that all implementations are expected to return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array), assuming the preconditions are satisfied.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
An example of a C++ client calling the method is given below. The code snippet illustrates declaring and creating the arrays; enabling full contract enforcement (i. e., checking all contract clauses); executing vuSum; handling contract violation exceptions; and cleaning up references is given below.
#include "sidl_EnfPolicy.hxx" /* ... */ { ::sidl::array<double> u = ::sidl::array<double>::create1d(max_size); ::sidl::array<double> v = ::sidl::array<double>::create1d(max_size); ::sidl::array<double> x; /* Initialize u and v. */ /* Enable FULL contract enforcement. */ ::sidl::EnfPolicy::setEnforceAll(::sidl::ContractClass_ALLCLASSES, true); /* Do something meaningful before execute method. */ try { x = vect::Utils::vuSum(u, v); if (x) { /* Do something useful with the result, x. */ } } catch ( ::sidl::PreViolation preExc ) { std::cerr<preExc.getNote()<<std::endl; } catch ( ::sidl::PostViolation postExc ) { std::cerr<postExc.getNote()<<std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cerr<"Caught unexpected exception."<<std::endl; /* Do something meaningful. */ } if (x) { x.deleteRef(); } u.deleteRef(); v.deleteRef(); return 0; } |
Alternative enforcement options can be set, as described in Section 6.5, through the two basic helper methods: setEnforceAll and setEnforceNone. The code snippet below shows the C++ calls associated with the traditional options of enabling only precondition enforcement, enabling postcondition enforcement, or completely disabling contract enforcement.
#include "sidl_EnfPolicy.hxx" /* ... */ /* * Enable only precondition contract enforcement. * (Useful when only need to ensure callers comply with contract.) */ ::sidl::EnfPolicy::setEnforceAll(::sidl::ContractClass_PRECONDS, false); /* * Enable only postcondition contract enforcement. * (Useful when only need to ensure implementation(s) comply with contract.) */ ::sidl::EnfPolicy::setEnforceAll(::sidl::ContractClass_POSTCONDS, false); /* * Disable contract enforcement. * (Should only be used when have confidence in caller AND implementation.) */ ::sidl::EnfPolicy::setEnforceNone(false); |
This section illustrates the basic interfaces and processes for traditional interface contract enforcement for a C++ client. Additional enforcement policy options and methods as well as more information regarding the specification and enforcement of contracts can be found in Chapter 21.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and wrapping software written in C++. The bindings generation and basic implementation processes are presented first. Accessing private data is then discussed before illustrating the process of throwing exceptions. Finally, the results of generating implementations with pre- and post-method “hooks” are illustrated.
Much of the information for generating client-side bindings is pertinent to implementing a SIDL class in C++. SIDL type mappings are listed in Table 9.1. An implementation can call other SIDL methods, in which case the rules for client calls must be followed.
To create the implementation, a valid SIDL file must be generated by invoking Babel as follows:
% babel --exclude-external --server=C++ file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -sC++ file.sidl
As a result, a makefile fragment called babel.make, several C header and source files, and numerous C++ header and source files are created. The only files that need to be hand-edited are the C++ “Impl” files (i. e., header and source files that end in _Impl.hxx or _Impl.cxx). More on this in Subsection 9.4.2.
Implementation details must be added to the “Impl” files generated in Subsection 9.4.1. Changes to these files must be made between code splicer pairs to ensure their retention in subsequent invocations of Babel. Below is an example of a code splicer pair in C++. The actual implementation needs to replace the “// Insert code here...” line.
void MyPackage::MyClass_impl::myMethod_impl() { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(MyPackage.MyClass.myMethod) // Insert code here... // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(MyPackage.MyClass.myMethod) } |
It is important to understand where and why splicer blocks occur. Splicer blocks appear at the beginning and end of each “Impl” header and source file to allow developers to add #include’s and other miscellaneous items, respectively. In the headers, there is a splicer block that allows a user to make the “Impl” class inherit from some other class. From SIDL’s point of view this is private inheritance — meaning that it is useful for inheriting implementation details — since they cannot be automatically exposed to the SIDL method dispatch mechanism. There is a splicer block inside the class definition for developers to add any desired data members. In the source files, splicer blocks appear in each method implementation. Examples of filling in these splicer blocks are provided in the subsections to follow.
Any variables declared in the implementation source file will, by virtue of Babel’s encapsulation, be private. The data can be global to the class — as in static variables declared within the _includes splicer block at the top of the class’s _Impl.cxx file — or “local” to an instance. In the former case, special initialization procedures can be added to the built-in _load() method that is guaranteed to be called exactly once per class — before any user-defined methods can even be invoked. The latter case relies on the class-specific name space automatically generated in the implementation’s header file. As illustrated in the foo.bar example below, the implementor is free to define suitable contents.
namespace foo { /** * Symbol "foo.bar" (version 0.1) */ class bar_impl : public virtual ::foo::bar // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(foo.bar._inherits) // Put additional inheritance here... // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(foo.bar._inherits) { // All data marked protected will be accessable by // descendant Impl classes protected: bool _wrapped; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(foo.bar._implementation) char* d_timestamp; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(foo.bar._implementation) public: /* ...lines deleted... */ } } |
If the object has no state, these functions are typically empty. The built-in _ctor() method is invoked upon instantiation. Hence, private data should be initialized in the method. For example:
void foo::bar_impl::_ctor() { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(foo.bar._ctor) time_t currTime = time(NULL); sidl_String_strdup(d_timestamp, ctime(&currTime)); // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(foo.bar._ctor) } |
To avoid leaking memory, private data must be released during instance destruction. This is accomplished through the built-in _dtor() method. The memory is then freed as follows:
void foo::bar_impl::_dtor() { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(foo.bar._dtor) sidl_String_free(d_timestamp); // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(foo.bar._dtor) } |
Hence, Babel supports the declaration and maintenance of private data on class and instance basis.
The example below shows the standard way to throw an exception in C++. Use of setNote and add methods is not strictly required; however, they do provide information that may be helpful in debugging or error reporting.
int32_t ExceptionTest::Fib_impl::getFib_impl ( /*in*/ int32_t n, /*in*/ int32_t max_depth, /*in*/ int32_t max_value, /*in*/ int32_t depth ) // throws: // ::ExceptionTest::FibException // ::ExceptionTest::NegativeValueException // ::sidl::RuntimeException { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) if (n < 0) { UCXX ::ExceptionTest::NegativeValueException ex = UCXX ::ExceptionTest::NegativeValueException::_create(); ex.setNote("n negative"); ex.add(__FILE__, __LINE__, "ExceptionTest::Fib_impl::getFib"); throw ex; } else if (depth > max_depth) { UCXX ::ExceptionTest::TooDeepException ex = UCXX ::ExceptionTest::TooDeepException::_create(); ex.setNote("too deep"); ex.add(__FILE__, __LINE__, "ExceptionTest::Fib_impl::getFib"); throw ex; } else if (n == 0) { return 1; } else if (n == 1) { return 1; } else { int32_t a = getFib(n-1, max_depth, max_value, depth+1); int32_t b = getFib(n-2, max_depth, max_value, depth+1); if (a + b > max_value) { UCXX ::ExceptionTest::TooBigException ex = UCXX ::ExceptionTest::TooBigException::_create(); ex.setNote("too big"); ex.add(__FILE__, __LINE__, "ExceptionTest::Fib_impl::getFib"); throw ex; } return a + b; } // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) } |
As discussed in Subsection 9.3.7, when hooks execution
is enabled, implementation-specific instrumentation is executed. Using
the --
generate-hooks option on the Babel
command line when generating implementation-side bindings results
in the automatic generation of a _pre and _post
method for every static and non-static method associated with each class
in the specification. For the aStaticMethod specified in
Subsection 9.3.7, the generated _pre method
implementation is:
void hooks::Basics_impl::aStaticMeth_pre_impl(int32_t i, int32_t io ) { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) /* * Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately prior * to dispatch to aStaticMeth(). */ // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) } |
while that of the _post method is:
void hooks::Basics_impl::aStaticMeth_post_impl(int32_t i, int32_t o, int32_t io, int32_t _retval) { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) /* * Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately after * return from dispatch to aStaticMeth(). */ // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) } |
Per the normal implementation process, the desired instrumentation should be added within the splicer blocks of aStaticMethod_pre and aStaticMethod_post. As stated in the comments within those blocks, aStaticMethod_pre will be executed immediately prior to dispatch to aStaticMethod when the latter is invoked by a client. Assuming no exceptions are encountered, aStaticMethod_post is executed immediately upon return from aStaticMethod.
This chapter provides an overview of the fortran 77 bindings for SIDL. Common aspects of the bindings, such as the mapping of SIDL data types to their native fortran 77 representatives, are presented in Section 10.2. Issues of concern to fortran 77 callers are addressed in the client-side bindings discussion in Section 10.3, while fortran 77 callees would benefit from a review of implementation-side issues in Section 10.4.
This section summarizes basic features that are common to both client and implementation bindings. Conventions used to protect the global name space are described in Subsection 10.2.1, while those associated with the generation of subroutines from methods are given in Subsection 10.2.2. Translations between SIDL and native fortran 77 constructs are described in Subsection 10.2.3. Finally, the process of casting between different types is illustrated in Subsection 10.2.4.
As with C bindings, the language does not have built-in mechanisms for protecting the global name space. As a result, fortran 77 bindings also attempt to avoid collisions by incorporating relevant naming information from the package and class. Since interfaces and classes map to INTEGER*8, there are no naming issues associated with these SIDL types. However, as discussed in Subsection 10.2.2, name space issues do arise for methods.
All SIDL methods are implemented as fortran 77 subroutines regardless of whether they have return values. The name of a subroutine used to call a SIDL method is a concatenation of the package, class (or interface), and method name, where each part is separated by an underscore. If the method is specified as overloaded (i. e., has a name extension), the extension is appended to the name part. An additional string is appended to further distinguish between client-side methods (to be invoked) and the implementation-side, where the former end in “_f” while the latter end in “_fi”.
As for arguments, the object (or interface) pointer is automatically inserted as the first parameter in the signature of non-static methods. This parameter operates like an in parameter. When a method has a return value, a variable to hold the return value should be passed as an argument following the formally declared arguments. This extra argument behaves like an out parameter. With the addition of remote method invocation (RMI) support, all methods now implicitly throw exceptions. Hence, an extra out parameter for the exception is automatically added at the end of the signature.
The following SIDL method — taken from regression tests — is an example of a method that can throw multiple exception types:
int getFib(in int n, in int max_depth, in int max_value, in int depth) throws NegativeValueException, FibException; |
The corresponding fortran 77 API is:
subroutine ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib_f(self, n, max_depth, & max_value, depth, retval, exception) implicit none C in ExceptionTest.Fib self integer*8 self C in int n integer*4 n C in int max_depth integer*4 max_depth C in int max_value integer*4 max_value C in int depth integer*4 depth C out int retval integer*4 retval C out sidl.BaseInterface exception integer*8 exception end |
Note the addition of the object (i. e., self), return (i. e., retval), and exception (i. e., exception) parameters.
Table 10.1: SIDL to fortran 77 Type Mappings
Basic SIDL types are mapped into fortran 77 according to Table 10.1. The remainder of this subsection elaborates on mappings of strings, pointers, enumerations, and arrays.
When mapping the SIDL string type into fortran 77, some capability was sacrificed to make it possible to use normal looking fortran 77 string handling. One difference is that all fortran 77 strings have a limited fixed size. Specifically, out string parameters are automatically limited to 512 characters each.
NOTE: Modification of the value of SIDL_F77_STR_MINSIZE in runtime/sidl/babel_config.h prior to configuring Babel can be used to change the string size limitation.
Pointer types, such as opaque, interface, class, and array, translate into 64-bit integers to enable fortran 77 code portability between systems with 32-bit and 64-bit address spaces. On a 32-bit system, the upper 32 bits of these quantities are ignored. Systems with more than 64-bit pointers aren’t currently supported.
Generally, clients should treat opaque, interface, class, and array values as black boxes. However, there is one value that is special. A value of zero for any of these quantities indicates the pointer does not refer to an object, thus making zero the fortran 77 equivalent of NULL. Any nonzero value is or should be a valid object reference. Developers should initialize values to be passed as in or inout parameters to zero or a valid object reference.
SIDL enumerations map to integer values. For compilers that support some form of inclusion, constants are defined in an inclusion file. Specifically, Babel will generate fortran 77 include files in the style of DEC FORTRAN (Compaq FORTRAN? (now HP FORTRAN???)) %INCLUDE. These files are named by taking the fully qualified name of the enum, changing the periods to underscores, and appending .inc.
Given the specification of a car enumeration type from Section 6.3, the corresponding include file is:
C File: enums_car.inc C Symbol: enums.car-v1.0 C Symbol Type: enumeration C Babel Version: 0.5.0 C Description: Automatically generated; changes will be lost C C babel-version = 0.5.0 C source-line = 25 C integer porsche parameter (porsche = 911) integer ford parameter (ford = 150) integer mercedes parameter (mercedes = 550) |
The following snippet illustrates the inclusion of the file and an assignment of the mercedes constant:
integer*4 myCar C include the enumeration constants file include 'enums_car.inc' myCar = mercedes |
As discussed in Section 6.4, SIDL supports both normal and raw arrays (i. e., r-arrays). Normal SIDL arrays can be used by any supported language; whereas, r-arrays are restricted to numeric types and use in languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. This subsection discusses both within the context of fortran 77 bindings. More information on the FORTRAN 77 version of the SIDL array API can be found in Subsection 6.4.
The difference in how normal SIDL arrays and r-arrays are accessed is profound. A normal SIDL array is passed as an integer*8, and accessed using an API or by converting the array data to an index into a known array. R-arrays appear like normal fortran 77 arrays, so there is a big incentive to use r-arrays for performance purposes, when appropriate.
The client-side interface for the solve example introduced in Section 6.4 behaves as if it is a fortran 77 function with the following declarations:
subroutine num_Linsol_solve_f(self, A, x, m, n, exception) implicit none C in num.Linsol self integer*8 self C in int m, n integer*4 m, n C out sidl.BaseInterface exception integer*8 exception C in rarray<double,2> A(m,n) double precision A(0:m-1, 0:n-1) C inout rarray<double> x(n) double precision x(0:n-1) end |
NOTE: Array indices go from 0 to m−1 instead of the normal 1 to m. This was a concession to the C/C++ programmers who have to deal with the fact that A is stored in column-major order.
The remainder of this section is dedicated to describing how normal SIDL arrays are accessed. The normal SIDL C function API is available to create, destroy, and access array elements and meta-data — with _f appended to subroutine names but no extra exception arguments.
For dcomplex, double, fcomplex, float, int, and long SIDL types, a method is provided to get direct access to array elements. For other types, you must use the array API to access elements. For SIDL type X, a fortran 77 function called sidl_X__array_access_f provides direct access, as illustrated below. This will not work if your fortran 77 compiler does array bounds checking, however.
integer*4 lower(1), upper(1), stride(1), i, index(1) integer*4 value, refarray(1), modval integer*8 nextprime, refindex, tmp lower(1) = 0 value = 0 upper(1) = len - 1 call sidl_int__array_create_f(1, lower, upper, retval) call sidl_int__array_access_f(retval, refarray, lower, $ upper, stride, refindex) do i = 0, len - 1 tmp = value value = nextprime(tmp) modval = mod(i, 3) if (modval .eq. 0) then call sidl_int__array_set1_f(retval, i, value) else if (modval .eq. 1) then index(1) = i call sidl_int__array_set_f(retval, index, value) else C this is equivalent to the sidl_int__array_set_f(retval, index, value) refarray(refindex + stride(1)*(i - lower(1))) = $ value endif endif enddo |
To access a two-dimensional array, the expression referring to element i, j is:
refarray(refindex + stride(1) * (i - lower(1)) + stride(2) * $ (j - lower(2)) |
The expression referring to element i, j, k of a three-dimensional array is:
refarray(refindex + stride(1) * (i - lower(1)) + stride(2) * $ (j - lower(2)) + stride(3) * (k - lower(3)) |
Software packages such as LINPACK or BLAS can be called, but the stride should be checked to make sure the array is suitably packed. stride(i) indicates the distance between elements in dimension i, where a value of 1 means elements are packed densely in dimension i. Negative stride values are possible and, when an array is a slice of another array, there may be no dimension with a stride of 1.
NOTE: For a dcomplex array, the reference array should be a Fortran array of REAL*8 instead of a Fortran array of double complex to avoid potential alignment problems. For a fcomplex array, the reference array is a COMPLEX*8 because we don’t anticipate an alignment problem in this case.
Babel automatically generates two methods for casting between interfaces and classes: _cast() and _cast2(). The _cast() method, which tries to convert its opaque argument to the type of the class indicated by the method name, is static. Similarly, the non-static _cast2() method attempts to convert an object pointer to the named type — specified as a string. For example, the following code snippet creates an instance of sidl.BaseClass then casts it to sidl.BaseInterface using each of the two methods:
integer*8 object, interface, except call sidl_BaseClass__create_f(object, except) call sidl_BaseInterface__cast_f(object, interface, except) c the following call to _cast2 is equivalent to the previous _cast call call sidl_BaseClass__cast2_f(object, 'sidl.BaseInterface', $ interface, except) |
In either case, a zero except means the cast was successful and the returned reference (i. e., interface) should be non-zero. Since Babel 0.11.0, both methods increment the reference count when they are able to successfully cast the object. The caller then owns the returned reference.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and using the fortran 77 bindings associated with software wrapped with Babel’s language interoperability middleware. The bindings generation process is presented before summarizing object management and invocation of static and overloaded methods. The process of catching exceptions is then discussed. Finally, the processes for enabling and disabling implementation-specific pre- and post-method instrumentation — referred to as “hooks” — are illustrated.
The basic command line for creating the fortran 77 stubs for a SIDL file (called “file.sidl”) is 1:
% babel --exclude-external --client=f77 file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -c=f77 file.sidl
The command results in the creation of a makefile fragment, called babel.make, numerous C header and source files, and some FORTRAN 77 files. Files ending in _fStub.c are the fortran 77 stubs that allow fortran 77 to call a SIDL method. These files (i. e. those listed in STUBSRCS in babel.make), need to be compiled and linked into the application.
Normally, IOR files (i. e., those ending in _IOR.c) are linked together with the implementation file, so do not need to be compiled. Files with the .fif extension are documentation for fortran 77 programmers showing how the class and interface would have been defined if they were implemented in FORTRAN 77. Consequently, .fif files are only for reference, so should not be compiled.
SIDL-specified objects are managed through explicit creation and reference counting. Babel automatically generates an _create method for concrete classes. The method is used to instantiate the class and return the associated reference. The owner of the instance is responsible for its proper disposal. In other words, when processing with the object is done, the owner must invoke deleteRef on it. Similarly, any object references returned by a subroutine call must be deleted or given to another part of the code that will take ownership of and, therefore, responsibility for deleteRef’ing it.
For example, the following calls deleteRef() using the sidl.BaseInterface version of the method:
integer*8 interface1, except C code to initialize interface1 here call sidl_BaseInterface_deleteRef_f(interface1, except) |
When it is necessary to determine if two references point to the same object, the built-in isSame method can be used. For example, the following attempts to determine if interface1 and interface2 point to the same object:
integer*8 interface1, interface2, except logical areSame C code to initialize interface1 and interface2 here call sidl_BaseInterface_isSame_f(interface1, $ interface2, areSame, except) C now areSame holds the return value |
Similarly, it is sometimes necessary to find out if a given method is of a specific type. One case in point is when trying to determine if an exception is of a given type. The built-in isType method is provided for that purpose. For example, the following tries to determin if interface1 is of type x.y.z:
integer*8 interface1, except logical typeMatch C code to initialize interface1 here call sidl_BaseInterface_isType_f(interface1, 'x.y.z', $ typeMatch, except) |
Along those same lines, it is possible to find the name of a SIDL class that implements a particular interface. Using a sequence of calls with sidl.BaseInterface interface, this can be accomplished as follows:
integer*8 interface1, classinfo, except character*256 className C code to initialize interface1 here call sidl_BaseInterface_getClassInfo_f(interface1, $ classinfo, except) call sidl_ClassInfo_getName_f(classinfo, className, except) call sidl_BaseInterface_deleteRef_f(classinfo, except) |
Below is an example illustrating a call to addSearchPath(), which is a static method in the sidl.Loader class.
integer*8 except call sidl_Loader_addSearchPath_f('/try/looking/here', except) |
Note the function is invoked directly, without an object reference argument.
Examples of calls to SIDL overloaded methods are based on the overload_sample.sidl file shown in Section 6.7. Recall that the file describes three versions of the getValue method. The first takes no arguments, the second takes an integer, and the third a boolean. Each is called in the code snippet below:
integer*8 t, except logical b1, bretval integer*4 i1, iretval call Overload_Sample__create_f (t, except) call Overload_Sample_getValue_f (t, iretval, except) call Overload_Sample_getValueInt_f (t, i1, iretval, except) call Overload_Sample_getValueBool_f (t, b1, bretval, except) |
Since all methods can now throw sidl.RuntimeException , Babel ensures there is an out argument to hold an exception. If not explicitly specified, Babel will automatically add the argument. For maximum backward compatibility, the base exception argument type is sidl.BaseInterface, while the base exception class is sidl.SIDLException. The exception argument appears after the return value when both occur in a method.
After the call, the client should test this argument. If a function does not test the exception argument, thrown exceptions will be utterly ignored — not propagated to higher level functions. If the exception parameter is non-zero, an exception was thrown by the method, and the caller should respond appropriately. When an exception is thrown, the value of all other arguments is undefined (so should be ignored).
One approach to exception handling is to pass the exception on to the caller. In this case, sidl.BaseException.add should be called to add another line in the stack trace for the exception. sidl.BaseException defines two methods that can be helpful when reporting exceptions to end users: getNote and getTrace. getNote often provides some indication of what went wrong. Its contents are provided by the implementor of the called function, so it can be empty. Similarly, getTrace provides a summary of the call stack. Again, implementors are responsible for providing the information.
Alternatively, the caller could try to determine which exception was thrown through casting the argument. A successful cast indicates the type of exception that has occurred. An example of this process is illustrated below, though not all exceptions associated with the method are checked. The SIDL specification and corresponding fortran 77 API are given in Section 10.2.2.
integer*8 fib, except, except2, except3 integer*4 index, maxdepth, maxval, depth, result call ExceptionTest_Fib__create_f(fib, except) if (except .ne. 0) then C do something with a runtime exception endif index = 4 maxdepth = 100 maxvalue = 32000 depth = 0 call ExceptionTest_getFib_f(fib, index, maxdepth, $ maxvalue, depth, result, except) if (except .ne. 0) then call ExceptionTest_FibException__cast_f(except, except2, except3) if (except2 .ne. 0) then c do something here with the FibException call ExceptionTest_FibException_deleteRef_f(except2, except3) else call ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException__cast_f $ (exception, except2, except3) c do something here with the NegativeValueException call ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException_ $ deleteRef_f(except2, except3) endif call sidl_BaseException_deleteRef_f(except, except3) else write (*,*) 'getFib for ', index, ' returned ', result endif call ExceptionTest_Fib_deleteRef_f(fib, except) |
If one of the possible exception types is a subclass of another, casting to the subclass should be attempted before casting to the superclass — assuming that the distinction between the two exception types results in different exception recovery behavior.
If a given component supports pre- and post-method invocation instrumentation, also known as “hooks”, their execution can be enabled or disabled at runtime through the built-in _set_hooks method. For example, given the following SIDL specification:
package hooks version 1.0 { class Basics { /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ static int aStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ int aNonStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); } } |
which has a single static function and a member function for the Basics class, the processes for enabling and disabling execution of the implementation-specific hooks are:
integer*8 obj, except call hooks_Basics__create_f (obj, except) c c Enable hooks execution (enabled by default) c ...for static methods c call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static_f (1, except) c c ...for non-static methods c call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_f (obj, 1, except) c c ...do something meaningful... c c c Disable hooks execution c ...for static methods c call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static_f (0, except) c c ...for non-static methods c call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_f (obj, 0, except) c c ...do something meaningful... c |
It is important to keep in mind that the _set_hooks_static method must be used to enable/disable invocation of hooks for static methods and the _set_hooks method must be used for those of non-static methods. Also, Babel does not provide client access to the _pre and _post methods; therefore, they cannot be invoked directly. More information on the instrumentation process is provided in Subsection 10.4.5.
Interface contracts specify the expected behaviors of callers (or clients) and callees (or servers) of methods defined for interfaces and classes. Once specified, contracts are optionally enforced at runtime, through checks automatically integrated into the middleware generated by the Babel compiler. This section provides an example of a specification and code snippets for performing basic, traditional contract enforcement — introduced in Section 6.5 — in a fortran 77 client.
A SIDL specification, including preconditions and postconditions, for calculating the sum of two vectors is given below. (Refer to Section 6.5 for an introduction to the contract syntax.) According to the preconditions, all callers are expected to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size as arguments. The postconditions specify that all implementations are expected to return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array), assuming the preconditions are satisfied.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
An example of a fortran 77 client invoking the method is given below. The code snippet illustrates declaring and creating the arrays; enabling full contract enforcement (i. e., checking all contract clauses); executing vuSum; handling contract violation exceptions; and cleaning up references is given below.
integer*8 exc, tae integer*8 u, v, x include 'sidl_ContractClass.inc' call createDouble(MAX_SIZE, u) call createDouble(MAX_SIZE, v) C Initialize u and v. C Enable FULL contract enforcement. call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_f(ALLCLASSES, .true., $ exc) if (exc .ne. 0) then C Handle the exception endif C Do something meaningful before executing the method. call vect_Utils_vuSum_f(u, v, x, exc) if (exc .ne. 0) then C Handle the exception endif C Do something meaningful with the result, x. call sidl_double__array_deleteRef_f(u, tae) call sidl_double__array_deleteRef_f(v, tae) if (x .ne. 0) then call sidl_double__array_deleteRef_f(x, tae) endif end |
Alternative enforcement options can be set, as described in Section 6.5, through the two basic helper methods: setEnforceAll and setEnforceNone. The code snippet below shows the fortran 77 calls associated with the traditional options of enabling only precondition enforcement, enabling postcondition enforcement, or completely disabling contract enforcement.
include 'sidl_ContractClass.inc' C C Enable only precondition contract enforcement. C (Useful when only need to ensure callers comply with contract.) C call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_f(PRECONDS, .false., exception) if (exception .ne. 0) C Handle the exception endif C C Enable only postcondition contract enforcement. C (Useful when only need to ensure implementation(s) comply with contract.) C call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_f(POSTCONDS, .false., exception) if (exception .ne. 0) C Handle the exception endif C C Disable contract enforcement. C (Should only be used when have confidence in caller AND implementation.) C call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceNone_f(.false., exception) if (exception .ne. 0) C Handle the exception endif |
This section illustrates the basic interfaces and processes for traditional interface contract enforcement for a fortran 77 client. Additional enforcement policy options and methods as well as more information regarding the specification and enforcement of contracts can be found in Chapter 21.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and wrapping software written in fortran 77. The bindings generation and basic implementation processes are presented first. Since access to object state requires special steps in fortran 77, the process for defining and managing that data is discussed. Throwing exceptions in the implementation is then illustrated. Finally, the results of generating implementations with pre- and post-method “hooks” are shown.
Much of the information associated with generating client-side bindings is pertinent to implementing a SIDL class in fortran 77. (Recall Table 10.1 listed the type mappings.) If the implementation calls other SIDL methods, client-side caller rules must be followed.
Implementation-side bindings are generated by the following call to Babel:
% babel --exclude-external --server=f77 file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -s=f77 file.sidl
As a result, a makefile fragment called babel.make, numerous C header and source files, and some fortran 77 source files are created. Implementation details must be added to the fortran 77 “Impl” files, whose names end with _Impl.f. More on this matter is provided in Subsection 10.4.2.
Implementation details must be added to the “Impl” files generated in Subsection 10.4.1. Changes to these files must be made between code splicer pairs to ensure their retention in subsequent invocations of Babel. Below is an example of a code splicer pair.
C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(_miscellaneous_code_start) C Insert-Code-Here {_miscellaneous_code_start} (extra code) C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(_miscellaneous_code_start) |
where the “C Insert-Code-Here...” line should be replaced with the implementation. Examples of filling in these splicer blocks are provided in the subsections to follow.
Any variables declared in the implementation source file will, by virtue of Babel’s encapsulation, be private. Special initialization procedures can be added to the built-in _load() method that is guaranteed to be called exactly once per class to set global class data — before any user-defined methods can even be invoked. Alternatively, if private data (sometimes referred to as state) needs to be added to a fortran 77 class, SIDL arrays can be used to store the data. This is certainly not the only way to implement a fortran 77 class with state, but it’s one that will work wherever Babel works.
The SIDL IOR keeps a pointer (i. e., a C void *) for each object in order to support private data. Like their C equivalents, each fortran 77 skeleton provides two functions for accessing the private pointer. Although the pointer arguments to the methods are 64-bit integers in fortran 77, the number of bits actually stored by the IOR is determined by sizeof(void *). Babel/SIDL does not provide a low level mechanism for fortran 77 to allocate memory to use for the private data pointer.
The following example illustrates the process of managing private data using the automatically generated constructor subroutine, _ctor:
subroutine example_withState__ctor_fi(self, exception) implicit none integer*8 self, exception C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(example.withState._ctor) integer*8 statearray, logarray, dblarray call sidl_opaque__array_create1d_f(2, statearray) call sidl_bool__array_create1d_f(3, logarray) call sidl_double__array_create1d_f(2, dblarray) if ((statearray .ne. 0) .and. (logarray .ne. 0) .and. $ (dblarray .ne. 0)) then call sidl_opaque__array_set1_f(statearray, 0, logarray) call sidl_opaque__array_set1_f(statearray, 1, dblarray) else C a real implementation would not leak memory like this one statearray = 0 endif call example_withState__set_data_f(self, statearray) C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(example.withState._ctor) end |
Of course, it is up to the implementation to associate elements of the arrays with particular state variables. For example, element 0 of the double array could be the kinematic viscosity and element 1 the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. Element 0 of the boolean array could specify African (true) or European (false). The destructor implementation for this class could look something like:
subroutine example_withState__dtor_fi(self, exception) implicit none integer*8 self, exception C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(example.withState._dtor) integer*8 statearray, logarray, dblarray call example_withState__get_data_f(self, statearray) if (statearray .ne. 0) then call sidl_opaque__array_get1_f(statearray, 0, logarray) call sidl_opaque__array_get1_f(statearray, 1, dblarray) call sidl_bool__array_deleteRef_f(logarray) call sidl_double__array_deleteRef_f(dblarray) call sidl_opaque__array_deleteRef_f(statearray) C the following two lines are not strictly necessary statearray = 0 call example_withState__set_data_f(self, statearray) endif C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(example.withState._dtor) end |
Continuing with this example, an accessor function for the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow could be implemented as follows:
subroutine example_withState_getAirspeedVelocity_fi( $ self, velocity, exception) implicit none integer*8 self, exception real*8 velocity C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(example.withState.getAirspeedVelocity) integer*8 statearray, dblarray call example_withState__get_data_f(self, statearray) if (statearray .ne. 0) then call sidl_opaque__array_get1_f(statearray, 1, dblarray) call sidl_double__array_get1_f(dblarray, 1, velocity) endif C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(example.withState.getAirspeedVelocity) end |
Continuing with the Fibonocci example used in Subsections 10.2.2 and 10.3.5, the fortran 77 code that throws the exceptions is:
subroutine ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib_fi(self, n, max_depth, & max_value, depth, retval, exception) implicit none integer*8 self, exception, ignored integer*4 n, max_depth, max_value, depth, retval C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) character*(*) myfilename parameter(myfilename='ExceptionTest_Fib_Impl.f') C ...lines of code deleted... if (n .lt. 0) then call ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException__create_f(exception $ ,ignored) if (exception .ne. 0) then call ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException_setNote_f( $ exception, $ 'called with negative n', ignored) call ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException_add_f( $ exception, $ myfilename, $ 57, $ 'ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib_impl', ignored) return endif C ...lines of code deleted... C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) end |
Not all exceptions are thrown in this example in order to keep its length down. The interested reader is encouraged to refer to the corresponding regression tests for the complete routine.
When an exception is thrown, the implementation should deleteRef any references it was planning to return to the caller because the caller is instructed to ignore any returned values under those circumstances. In general, when throwing an exception, it is good practice to set all out and inout array, class, and interface arguments to zero before returning. This makes things work out better for clients who forget to check if an exception occurred or willfully choose to ignore it.
NOTE: It is typically safe to assume that calling deleteRef, _cast or _cast2 on an exception will never cause an exception to be thrown because returned exceptions are always local.
As discussed in Subsection 10.3.6, when hooks execution
is enabled, implementation-specific instrumentation is executed. Using
the --
generate-hooks option on the Babel
command line when generating implementation-side bindings results
in the automatic generation of a _pre and _post
method for every static and non-static method associated with each class
in the specification. For the aStaticMethod specified in
Subsection 10.3.6, the generated _pre method
implementation is:
subroutine hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_pre_fi(i, io, exception) implicit none C in int i integer*4 i C in int io integer*4 io C out sidl.BaseInterface exception integer*8 exception C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) C C Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately prior C to dispatch to aStaticMeth(). C C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) end |
while that of the _post method is:
subroutine hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_post_fi(i, o, io, retval, & exception) implicit none C in int i integer*4 i C in int o integer*4 o C in int io integer*4 io C in int retval integer*4 retval C out sidl.BaseInterface exception integer*8 exception C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) C C Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately after C return from dispatch to aStaticMeth(). C return C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) end |
Per the normal implementation process, the desired instrumentation should be added within the splicer blocks of aStaticMethod_pre and aStaticMethod_post. As stated in the comments within those blocks, aStaticMethod_pre will be executed immediately prior to dispatch to aStaticMethod when the latter is invoked by a client. Assuming no exceptions are encountered, aStaticMethod_post is executed immediately upon return from aStaticMethod.
This chapter provides an overview of the Fortran 90/95 bindings for SIDL. Common aspects of the bindings, such as the mapping of SIDL data types to their native Fortran 90/95 representatives, are presented in Section 11.2. Issues of concern to Fortran 90/95 callers are addressed in the client-side bindings discussion in Section 11.3, while issues of interest to callees of Fortran 90/95 appear in the implementation-side discussion in Section 11.4.
This section summarizes basic features that are common to both client and implementation bindings. Conventions used to protect the global name space are described in Subsection 11.2.1, while those associated with the generation of subroutines from methods are given in Subsection 11.2.2. Translations between SIDL and native Fortran 90/95 constructs are described in Subsection 11.2.3. Finally, the process of casting between different types is illustrated in Subsection 11.2.4.
The name of the module that holds method definitions is derived from the fully qualified name of the class or interface. Module names are essentially formed by replacing all periods in the fully qualified name with underscores. The name of the module holding the derived type of the class or interface is the same as the one holding the methods with the exception of having _type appended. For example, the methods for sidl.SIDLException are defined in a module named sidl_SIDLException in the file sidl_SIDLException.F90. Defined in the file sidl_SIDLException_type.F90, the types for sidl.SIDLException are called sidl_SIDLException_t and, for the array, sidl_SIDLException_a.
All SIDL methods are implemented as Fortran 90/95 subroutines regardless of whether they have a return value. The name of a subroutine that clients invoke is the method’s full name from the SIDL description. Hence, in cases where the method has a name extension (so is overloaded), the full name is the concatenation of the specified short name and extension. On the implementation-side, the name is formed as the concatenation of the package, class (or interface), full method name, and “mi”, with each part separated by an underscore and name mangling used to ensure uniqueness if the resulting name exceeds the character limit.
The same process used for fortran 77, described in Subsection 10.2.2, is used to build up the parameters for generated methods. That is, object (or interface) pointers, return values, and exception pointers are added, as needed. More specifically, the object (or interface) pointer is automatically inserted as the first parameter in the signature of non-static methods. This parameter operates like an in parameter. When a method has a return value, a parameter to hold the return value is also added after all of the formally declared arguments. This extra argument behaves like an out parameter. With the addition of remote method invocation (RMI) support, all methods now implicitly throw exceptions. Hence, an extra out parameter for the exception is automatically added as the last parameter of the signature. An example that illustrates the SIDL specification and corresponding routines can be found in Subsections 11.3.5 and 11.4.4.
Table 11.1: SIDL to Fortran 90/95 Type Mappings
The mapping for simple SIDL types to Fortran 90/95 is given in Table 11.1. The kind parameters, given in the sidl F90 module, define integer parameters for sidl_int, sidl_long, sidl_float, sidl_double, sidl_fcomplex, sidl_dcomplex, sidl_enum and sidl_opaque to give sizes that match the corresponding SIDL types. The remainder of this subsection elaborates on mappings of strings, pointers, enumerations, and arrays.
The SIDL string type mapping is currently identical to that of the fortran 77 mapping. That is, all Fortran 90/95 strings have a limited fixed size. When implementing a subroutine with an out parameter, the size of the string is restricted to 512 characters.
NOTE: Modification of the value of SIDL_F90_STR_MINSIZE in runtime/sidl/babel_config.h prior to configuring Babel can be used to change the string size limitation.
Pointer types are: opaque, interface, class, and array. This subsection elaborates on each within the context of the Fortran 90/95 language bindings. Opaque pointers are mapped to the equivalent of SIDL double. That is, the intermediate object reference (IOR) assumes a 64-bit integer is used to enable portability between systems with 32-bit and 64-bit address spaces. On a 32-bit system, the upper 32 bits of these quantities are ignored. Systems with more than 64-bit pointers aren’t currently supported. A derived type is used to hold opaque pointers for interfaces, classes, and arrays. The derived type for arrays of numeric types also has a pointer to an array to provide native access without function calls. For each interface and class, there are two modules created. In the first module, the derived type for the object and array are defined. In the second, methods for the object (or interface) and arrays of the object (or interface) are defined. Clients of a class (or interface), typically use the module containing the methods. It, in turn, uses the module containing the types.
Generally, clients should treat opaque, interface, class, and array values as black boxes. However, the value zero is special since it is the equivalent of NULL. Hence, any non-zero value is or should be a valid object reference. The method module provides built-in functions to test whether an interface, class, or array value is_null or is not_null. There is also a subroutine to initialize the value to set_null. Clients should generally initialize new class (or interface) pointers to NULL.
SIDL enumerations map to integer values, which are defined in a module. Given the specification from Section 6.3 for an enumeration type called car, Babel will produce the following enumerated type:
! File: enums_car.F90 ! Symbol: enums.car-v1.0 ! Symbol Type: enumeration ! Babel Version: 0.8.2 ! Description: Client-side module for enums.car module enums_car ! Symbol "enums.car" (version 1.0) use sidl integer (kind=sidl_enum), parameter :: porsche = 911 integer (kind=sidl_enum), parameter :: ford = 150 integer (kind=sidl_enum), parameter :: mercedes = 550 end module enums_car |
As discussed in Section 6.4, SIDL supports both normal and raw arrays (i. e., r-arrays). Normal SIDL arrays can be used by any supported language; whereas, r-arrays are restricted to numeric types and use in languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. This subsection starts with a discussion normal and generic arrays before proceeding with an example of the interfaces for r-arrays.
The normal SIDL array API is available in a module for creating, destroying, and accessing array elements and meta-data for normal arrays. More information on the API can be found in Subsection 6.4. For sidl.SIDLException, the array module — called sidl_SIDLException_array — is defined in sidl_SIDLException_array.F90. The derived type for a SIDL array is named after the class, interface, or basic type that it holds and the dimension of the array. For sidl.SIDLException, the array derived types are named sidl_SIDLException_1d, sidl_SIDLException_2d, sidl_SIDLException_3d, … up to sidl_SIDLException_7d. For basic types, they are treated as sidl.dcomplex, sidl.double, sidl.fcomplex, etc. Each of these derived types has a 64-bit integer to hold an opaque pointer.
NOTE: Normal Fortran 90/95 arrays or normal SIDL arrays can be used when calling a Fortran 90/95 method, but they cannot be mixed.
Derived types for SIDL types dcomplex, double, fcomplex, float, int, and long have pointers to arrays of the appropriate type and dimension that facilitate direct access to array elements. For example, the derived type for 2d and 3d arrays of doubles is:
use sidl type sidl_double_2d sequence integer (kind=sidl_arrayptr) :: d_array real (kind=sidl_double), pointer, & dimension(:,:) :: d_data end type sidl_double_2d type sidl_double_3d sequence integer (kind=sidl_arrayptr) :: d_array real (kind=sidl_double), pointer, & dimension(:,:,:) :: d_data end type sidl_double_3d |
For the other types, the array API must be used to access elements. In this case, the array can be accessed with the F90 array pointer d_data just like any other F90 array. However, the F90 built-in methods allocate or deallocate on d_data must not be used. Instead, SIDL functions, createCol, createRow, create1d, create2dRow, or create2dCol, must be used to create a new array. These SIDL routines initialize d_data to refer to the data allocated in d_array.
NOTE: create1d, create2dRow, and create2dCol create arrays whose lower index is 0 not 1. To create arrays with a lower index of 1, createCol or createRow must be used.
Software packages like LINPACK or BLAS can be called, but the stride should be checked to make sure the array is suitably packed. Using stride(i) will provide the distance between elements in dimension i. A value of 1 means elements are packed densely. Negative stride values are possible and, when an array is sliced, the resulting array might not even have one densely packed dimension.
As discussed in Section 6.4, the type of a generic array is not specified. As a result, Fortran 90/95 represents generic arrays as the derived type sidl__array as defined in the sidl_array_type module. (Note the use of a two underscore separator.) The following subroutines, defined in the sidl_array_array module, apply to generic arrays: addRef, deleteRef, dimen, type, isColumnOrder, isRowOrder, is_null, no_null, set_null, lower, upper, length, stride, and smartCopy.
Finally, SIDL r-arrays are passed to and from methods as normal Fortran 90/95 arrays. Index variables do not need to be included because the values are determined from the Fortran 90/95 array extents in each dimension. For example, the client-side interface for solve — introduced in Section 6.4 — behaves as if it is a Fortran 90/95 function with the following overloaded interface:
private :: solve_1s, solve_2s interface solve module procedure solve_1s, solve_2s end interface recursive subroutine solve_1s(self, A, x, exception) implicit none ! in num.Linsol self type(num_Linsol_t) , intent(in) :: self ! in array<double,2,column-major> A type(sidl_double_2d) , intent(in) :: A ! inout array<double,column-major> x type(sidl_double_1d) , intent(inout) :: x ! out sidl.BaseInterface exception type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) , intent(out) :: exception end subroutine solve_1s recursive subroutine solve_2s(self, A, x, exception) implicit none ! in num.Linsol self type(num_Linsol_t) , intent(in) :: self ! in rarray<double,2> A(m,n) real (kind=sidl_double) , intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: A ! inout rarray<double> x(n) real (kind=sidl_double) , intent(inout), dimension(:) :: x ! out sidl.BaseInterface exception type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) , intent(out) :: exception ! in int m integer (kind=sidl_int) :: m ! in int n integer (kind=sidl_int) :: n end subroutine solve_2s |
The server-side interface, shown below, is similar.
recursive subroutine num_Linsol_solve_mi(self, A, x, m, n, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use num_Linsol use sidl_double_array use num_Linsol_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(num.Linsol.solve.use) ! Insert-Code-Here {num.Linsol.solve.use} (use statements) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(num.Linsol.solve.use) implicit none type(num_Linsol_t) :: self ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: m ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: n ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out real (kind=sidl_double), dimension(0:m-1, 0:n-1) :: A ! in real (kind=sidl_double), dimension(0:n-1) :: x ! inout ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(num.Linsol.solve) ! Insert-Code-Here {num.Linsol.solve} (solve method) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(num.Linsol.solve) end subroutine num_Linsol_solve_mi |
NOTE: The lower index of each dimension of every incoming array is always zero.
Babel automatically generates the cast() method for casting between different interface and class types. Actually, a set of overloaded methods support every allowable cast between a type and all its parent types (both objects and interfaces). The first argument is the object (or interface) to be cast, and the second is a variable of the desired type. The cast is successful if, after the call to cast(), the value of the second argument is not_null. The caller then owns (and is responsible for) the returned reference. Examples of type casting can be found in Subsections 11.3.5 and 11.4.4.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and using the Fortran 90/95 bindings associated with software wrapped with Babel’s language interoperability middleware. The bindings generation process is presented first. Object management and invocation of static and overloaded methods are also summarized. The process of catching exceptions is then discussed. Finally, the processes for enabling and disabling implementation-specific pre- and post-method instrumentation — referred to as “hooks” — are illustrated.
The following is an example of invoking Babel to create the Fortran 90/95 stubs for a SIDL file1:
% babel --exclude-external --client=f90 file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -c=f90 file.sidl
As a result, a makefile fragment called babel.make, numerous C header and source files, and some Fortran 90/95 files will be created. Files ending in _fStub.c (i. e., STUBSRCS in babel.make) are called by the Fortran 90/95 module which in turn allow Fortran 90/95 to call SIDL methods. Files ending in _type.F90 (i. e., STUBMODULESRCS in babel.make) contain derived type definitions for classes and interfaces. The remaining files ending in .F90 (i. e., TYPEMODULESRCS in babel.make) are Fortran 90/95 modules containing methods. All of these files need to be compiled and linked into the application.
Normally, IOR files (i. e., those ending in _IOR.c) are linked together with the implementation file, so probably don’t need to be compiled.
SIDL-specified objects are managed through explicit creation and reference counting. Babel automatically generates a new() method for concrete classes. The method is used to instantiate the class and return the associated reference. The following example illustrates the instantiation and casting of an object to an interface:
use sidl_BaseClass use sidl_BaseInterface type(sidl_BaseClass_t) :: object type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: interface type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! perhaps other code here call new(object, exception) call cast(object, interface, exception) |
The owner of the instance is responsible for its proper disposal. In other words, when processing with the object is done, the owner must invoke deleteRef() on it. Similarly, any object references returned by a subroutine call must be deleted or given to another part of the code that will take ownership of and, therefore, responsibility for deleteRef’ing it. The following example illustrates calling deleteRef() using the sidl.BaseInterface method:
use sidl_BaseInterface type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: interface1, interface2 type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception logical :: areSame ! ! code to initialize interface1 & interface 2 here ! call deleteRef(interface1, exception) |
When it is necessary to determine if two references point to the same object, the built-in isSame method can be used. For example, the following attempts to determine if interface1 and interface2 point to the same object:
use sidl_BaseInterface ! later in the code call isSame(interface1, interface2, areSame, exception) ! areSame holds the return value |
Below is an example illustrating a call to addSearchPath(), which is a static method in the sidl.Loader class.
use sidl_Loader use sidl_BaseInterface type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! later call addSearchPath('/try/looking/here', exception) |
Note the function is invoked directly, without an object reference argument.
Examples of calls to SIDL overloaded methods are based on the overload_sample.sidl file shown in Section 6.7. Recall that the file describes three versions of the getValue method. The first takes no arguments, the second takes an integer argument, and the third takes a boolean. Each is called in the following code snippet:
use sidl use Overload_Sample type(Overload_Sample_t) :: t type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception logical :: b1, bretval integer (kind=sidl_int) :: i1, iretval call new(t, exception) call getValue (t, iretval, exception) call getValueInt (t, i1, iretval, exception) call getValueBool (t, b1, bretval, exception) |
Since all methods can now throw sidl.RuntimeException , Babel ensures there is an out argument to hold an exception. If not explicitly specified, Babel will automatically add the argument. For maximum backward compatibility, the exception argument type is sidl.BaseInterface, while the base exception class is sidl.SIDLException. The exception argument, which behaves like an out parameter, will appear after the return value when both occur in a method. After the call, the client should test this argument using is_null or not_null. If it is not_null_null, an exception was thrown by the method so the caller should respond appropriately. When an exception is thrown, the values of all other arguments are undefined. So the best course of action is to ignore them. If the code does not check the exception argument after each call (that can throw one), any exceptions that are thrown will be utterly ignored as a result of not being automatically propagated to higher level routines.
It is possible to determine which exception was thrown through casting the argument. A successful cast indicates the type of exception that occurred. An example of this process is illustrated below. Package ExceptionTest has a class named Fib with a getFib method declared in SIDL as follows:
int getFib(in int n, in int max_depth, in int max_value, in int depth) throws NegativeValueException, FibException; |
The code to catch specified exception types is:
use sidl use ExceptionTest_Fib use ExceptionTest_FibException use ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException use sidl_BaseInterface type(ExceptionTest_Fib_t) :: fib type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: except, except2 type(ExceptionTest_FibException_t) :: fibexcept type(ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException_t) :: nvexcept integer (kind=sidl_int) :: index, maxdepth, maxval, depth, result call new(fib, except) index = 4 maxdepth = 100 maxvalue = 32000 depth = 0 call getFib(fib, index, maxdepth, maxvalue, depth, result, except) if (not_null(except)) then call cast(except, fibexcept, except2) if (not_null(fibexcept)) then ! do something here with the FibException call deleteRef(fibexcept, except2) else call cast(except, nvexcept, except2) ! do something here with the NegativeValueException call deleteRef(nvexcept, except2) endif call deleteRef(except, except2) else write (*,*) 'getFib for ', index, ' returned ', result endif call deleteRef(fib, except2) |
NOTE: Any caller of a method that returns an exception should ignore the values of out and inout parameters. Anything not freed becomes a reference and memory leak.
If a given component supports pre- and post-method invocation instrumentation, also known as “hooks”, their execution can be enabled or disabled at runtime through the built-in set_hooks method. For example, given the following SIDL specification:
package hooks version 1.0 { class Basics { /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ static int aStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ int aNonStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); } } |
which has a single static function and a member function for the Basics class. Due to unresolved method overloading problems, the processes for enabling and disabling execution of the implementation-specific hooks are currently dependent on use of fully-qualified functions, as illustrated below.
use sidl use hooks_Basics type(hooks_Basics_t) :: obj type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception call new(obj, exception) ! ! Enable hooks execution (enabled by default) ! ...for static methods ! (until method overloading issue can be resolved)... ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static_m(1, exception) ! ! ...for non-static methods ! (until method overloading issue can be resolved)... ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_m(obj, 1, exception) ! ! ...do something important... ! ! ! Disable hooks execution ! ...for static methods ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static_m(0, exception) ! ! ...for non-static methods ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_m(obj, 0, exception) ! ! ...do something important... ! |
It is important to keep in mind that the set_hooks_static method must be used to enable/disable invocation of hooks for static methods and the set_hooks method must be used for those of non-static methods. Also, Babel does not provide client access to the _pre and _post methods; therefore, they cannot be invoked directly. More information on the instrumentation process is provided in Subsection 11.4.5.
Interface contracts specify the expected behaviors of clients and servers of interface and class methods. Once specified, contracts can automatically be enforced at runtime. This section provides an example of a specification and associated code snippets for performing basic, traditional contract enforcement — introduced in Section 6.5 — within a Fortran 90/95 client.
A SIDL specification, including preconditions and postconditions, for calculating the sum of two vectors is given below. (Refer to Section 6.5 for an introduction to the contract syntax.) According to the preconditions, all callers are expected to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size as arguments. The postconditions specify that all implementations are expected to return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array), assuming the preconditions are satisfied.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
An example of a Fortran 90/95 client calling the method is given below. The code snippet illustrates declaring and creating the arrays; enabling full contract enforcement (i. e., checking all contract clauses); executing vuSum; handling contract violation exceptions; and cleaning up references is given below.
use sidl use sidl_ContractClass use sidl_double_array use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_EnfPolicy use vect_Utils implicit none ! ... type (sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exc, tae type (sidl_double_1d) :: u, v, x call createDouble(MAX_SIZE, u) call createDouble(MAX_SIZE, v) ! Initialize u and v. ! Enable FULL contract enforcement. call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_m(ALLCLASSES, .true., exc) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif ! Do something meaningful before executing the method. call vect_Utils_vuSum_m(u, v, x, exc) if (is_null(exc)) then ! Do something meaningful with the result, x. else ! Handle the exception endif ! ... call deleteRef(u) call deleteRef(v) if (.not. is_null(x)) then call deleteRef(x) endif |
Alternative enforcement options can be set, as described in Section 6.5, through the two basic helper methods: setEnforceAll and setEnforceNone. The code snippet below shows the Fortran 90/95 calls associated with the traditional options of enabling only precondition enforcement, enabling postcondition enforcement, or completely disabling contract enforcement.
use sidl use sidl_ContractClass use sidl_double_array use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_EnfPolicy use vect_Utils implicit none ! ... ! ! Enable only precondition contract enforcement. ! (Useful when only need to ensure callers comply with contract.) ! call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_m(PRECONDS, .false., exception) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif ! ! Enable only postcondition contract enforcement. ! (Useful when only need to ensure implementation(s) comply with contract.) ! call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_m(POSTCONDS, .false., exception) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif ! ! Disable contract enforcement. ! (Should only be used when have confidence in caller AND implementation.) ! call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceNone_m(.false., exception) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif |
This section illustrates the basic interfaces and processes for traditional interface contract enforcement for a Fortran 90/95 client. Additional enforcement policy options and methods as well as more information regarding the specification and enforcement of contracts can be found in Chapter 21.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and wrapping software written in Fortran 90/95. The bindings generation and basic implementation processes are presented first. Since access to object state requires special steps in Fortran 90/95, the process for defining and managing that data is discussed. Throwing exceptions in the implementation is then illustrated. Finally, the results of generating implementations with pre- and post-method “hooks” are shown.
Much of the information associated with generating client-side bindings is pertinent to implementing a SIDL class in Fortran 90/95. The mapping of SIDL types to language constructs was given in Table 11.1. If the implementation calls other SIDL methods, client-side caller rules must be followed.
To create the implementation bindings for a set of SIDL classes in Fortran 90/95, Babel is invoked as follows:
% babel --exclude-external --server=f90 file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -s=f90 file.sidl
As a result, a makefile fragment called babel.make, numerous C header and source files, and some Fortran 90/95 source files will be created. The SUBROUTINE and END SUBROUTINE statements are automatically generated and the types of arguments declared. Implementation details must be added to the Fortran 90/95 “Impl” files, whose names end with _Impl.F90 and _Mod.F90. More on this matter is provided in Subsection 11.4.2.
Implementation details must be added to the “Impl” files generated in Subsection 11.4.1. Changes to these files must be made between code splicer pairs to ensure their retention in subsequent invocations of Babel. Below is an example of the standard, automatically generated code splicer pairs.
! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(_miscellaneous_code_start) ! Insert-Code-Here {_miscellaneous_code_start} (extra code) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(_miscellaneous_code_start) . . . recursive subroutine Pkg_Class_name_mi(self, arg, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use Pkg_Class use Pkg_Class_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Pkg.Class.name.use) ! Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name.use} (use statements) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Pkg.Class.name.use) implicit none type(Pkg_Class_t) :: self ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: arg ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Pkg.Class.name) ! Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name} (name method) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Pkg.Class.name) end subroutine Pkg_Class_name_mi |
The comment “Insert-Code-Here” associated with the “miscellaneous code start” splicer pair will need to be replaced with details such as additional abbreviation file(s) and any local, or private, subroutines. For the subroutine’s “use” splicer pair, the “Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name.use} (use statements)” comment must be replaced with any use statements needed by the subroutine. Finally, the implementation between the subroutine body’s splicer pairs must be added in place of the “Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name} (name method)” comment.
Any variables declared in the implementation source file will, by virtue of Babel’s encapsulation, be private. Special initialization procedures can be added to the built-in _load() method, which is guaranteed to be called exactly once per class to set global class data — before any user-defined methods can even be invoked.
The SIDL IOR keeps a pointer for each object that is intended to hold a pointer to the object’s internal data. Below is an excerpt from a _Mod.F90 file for an object whose state requires a single integer value.
#include "sort_SimpleCounter_fAbbrev.h" module sort_SimpleCounter_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter.use) use sidl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter.use) type sort_SimpleCounter_priv sequence ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter.private_data) integer(kind=sidl_int) :: count ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter.private_data) end type sort_SimpleCounter_priv type sort_SimpleCounter_wrap sequence type(sort_SimpleCounter_priv), pointer :: d_private_data end type sort_SimpleCounter_wrap end module sort_SimpleCounter_impl |
The derived type sort_SimpleCounter_priv is the type in which the developer adds data to store the object’s state. The sort_SimpleCounter_wrap type exists simply to facilitate transferring the sort_SimpleCounter_priv pointer to and from the IOR.
Access to this data is provided by two built-in functions — referred to as set_data and get_data — whose full names are derived from the fully qualified type name. In both cases, the first argument is the object pointer (i. e., self), and the second is a derived type defined in the _Mod.F90 file. The developer is responsible for managing the memory associated with the private data.
As illustrated in the constructor below, the basic process to initialize private data involves allocating memory then setting the data pointer.
recursive subroutine sort_SimpleCounter__ctor_mi(self, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use sort_SimpleCounter use sort_SimpleCounter_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor.use) ! Insert-Code-Here {sort.SimpleCounter._ctor.use} (use statements) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor.use) implicit none type(sort_SimpleCounter_t) :: self ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor) type(sort_SimpleCounter_wrap) :: dp allocate(dp%d_private_data) dp%d_private_data%count = 0 call sort_SimpleCounter__set_data_m(self, dp) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor) end subroutine sort_SimpleCounter__ctor_mi |
Note the use of allocate(pd%d_private_data) in the constructor, _ctor, to allocate the memory for the sort_SimpleCounter_priv derived type and the fully qualified name for get_data.
Similarly, the destructor is responsible for freeing the data’s memory as follows:
recursive subroutine sort_SimpleCounter__dtor_mi(self, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use sort_SimpleCounter use sort_SimpleCounter_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter._dtor.use) ! Insert-Code-Here {sort.SimpleCounter._dtor.use} (use statements) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter._dtor.use) implicit none type(sort_SimpleCounter_t) :: self ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter._dtor) type(sort_SimpleCounter_wrap) :: dp call sort_SimpleCounter__get_data_m(self, dp) deallocate(dp%d_private_data) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter._dtor) end subroutine sort_SimpleCounter__dtor_mi |
In this case, deallocate(pd%d_private_data) is used to free the memory allocated in the constructor for the sort_SimpleCounter_priv derived type.
Below is an example of an implementation subroutine that throws an exception. The returned exception object pointer must be cast into the exception out parameter. This example also utilizes two methods, inherited from sidl.BaseException and implemented in sidl.SIDLException, that aid client-side debugging. The first, setNote, allows the developer to provide a useful error message. The second, add, provides a multi-language traceback capability — assuming each layer of the call stack invokes add before it propagates the exception.
recursive subroutine ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib_mi(self, n, max_depth, & max_value, depth, retval, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use ExceptionTest_Fib use ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException use ExceptionTest_FibException use ExceptionTest_Fib_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib.use) use ExceptionTest_TooBigException use ExceptionTest_TooDeepException ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib.use) implicit none type(ExceptionTest_Fib_t) :: self integer (kind=sidl_int) :: n, max_depth, max_value integer (kind=sidl_int) :: retval, depth type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: except2 ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) type(ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException_t) :: negexc ! ...lines deleted... character (len=*) myfilename parameter(myfilename='ExceptionTest_Fib_Impl.f') retval = 0 if (n .lt. 0) then call new(negexc, except2) if (not_null(negexc)) then call setNote(negexc, & 'called with negative n', except2) call add(negexc, myfilename, 57, & 'ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib_impl', except2) call cast(negexc, exception, except2) call deleteRef(negexc, except2) return endif else ! ...numerous lines deleted.... ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) end subroutine ExceptionTest_Fib_getFib_mi |
When an exception is thrown, the implementation should deleteRef any references it was planning to return to its caller. In general, when throwing an exception, it is good practice to call set_null on all out and inout array, class, and interface arguments before returning. This makes things work out better for clients who forget to check if an exception occurred or willfully choose to ignore it.
As discussed in Subsection 11.3.6, when hooks execution
is enabled, implementation-specific instrumentation is executed. Using
the --
generate-hooks option on the Babel
command line when generating implementation-side bindings results
in the automatic generation of a _pre and _post
method for every static and non-static method associated with each class
in the specification. For the aStaticMethod specified in
Subsection 11.3.6, the generated _pre method
implementation is:
recursive subroutine hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_pre_mi(i, io, exception) use sidl use sidl_NotImplementedException use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use hooks_Basics use hooks_Basics_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre.use) ! Insert implementation use details ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre.use) implicit none integer (kind=sidl_int) :: i ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: io ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) ! ! Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately prior ! to dispatch to aStaticMeth(). ! ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) end subroutine hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_pre_mi |
while that of the _post method is:
recursive subroutine B_aStaticMeth_postywgp49zzy2_mi(i, o, io, retval, & exception) use sidl use sidl_NotImplementedException use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use hooks_Basics use hooks_Basics_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post.use) ! Insert implementation use details ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post.use) implicit none integer (kind=sidl_int) :: i ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: o ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: io ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: retval ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) ! ! Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately after ! return from dispatch to aStaticMeth(). ! return ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) end subroutine B_aStaticMeth_postywgp49zzy2_mi |
Per the normal implementation process, the desired instrumentation should be added within the splicer blocks of aStaticMethod_pre and aStaticMethod_post. As stated in the comments within those blocks, aStaticMethod_pre will be executed immediately prior to dispatch to aStaticMethod when the latter is invoked by a client. Assuming no exceptions are encountered, aStaticMethod_post is executed immediately upon return from aStaticMethod.
This chapter provides an overview of the Fortran 2003/2008 bindings for SIDL. Common aspects of the bindings, such as the mapping of SIDL data types to their native Fortran 2003/2008 representatives, are presented in Section 12.2. Issues of concern to Fortran 2003/2008 callers are addressed in the client-side bindings discussion in Section 12.3, while issues of interest to callees of Fortran 2003/2008 appear in the implementation-side discussion in Section 12.4.
Fortran 2003/2008 is a relatively new standard and at the time of writing no compiler supports the full feature set. Babel’s configure script therefore tests for several features (including type extensions and C-compatible function pointers) before it enables the f03 backend. The configure script will output an explanation, if one of the tests should fail. As of October 2011, only GNU gfortran 4.6.1 and Intel ifort 12.1.233 and IBM XL Fortran for Blue Gene 11.1 were up to the task.1 It is advisable to run the regression tests (make check) in the build tree to confirm whether the f03 backend is working.
This section summarizes basic features that are common to both client and implementation bindings. Conventions used to protect the global name space are described in Subsection 12.2.2, while those associated with the generation of subroutines from methods are given in Subsection 12.2.3. Translations between SIDL and native Fortran 2003/2008 constructs are described in Subsection 12.2.4. Finally, the process of casting between different types is illustrated in Subsection 12.2.5.
The default file extension for preprocessed Fortran 2003/2008 sources is .f03. Some compilers (e. g., Intel’s) do not recognize this extension; in these cases the configure process detects this and switches to .f90 instead. The capital version .F03 is used for files that are meant to be run through the C preprocessor cpp. If your compiler’s cpp has troubles with the extensions, it may help to pass CPP=’gcc -E’ to configure to enforce the use of GCC’s preprocessor instead.
The name of the module that holds method definitions is derived from the fully qualified name of the class or interface. Module names are essentially formed by replacing all periods in the fully qualified name with underscores. The name of the module holding the derived type of the class or interface is the same as the one holding the methods with the exception of having _type appended. For example, the methods for sidl.SIDLException are defined in a module named sidl_SIDLException in the file sidl_SIDLException.F03. Defined in the file sidl_SIDLException_type.F03, the types for sidl.SIDLException are called sidl_SIDLException_t and, for the array, sidl_SIDLException_a.
To maintain compatibility with the Fortran 90/95 implementation (cf. Section 11.2.2), all SIDL methods are implemented as Fortran 2003/2008 subroutines regardless of whether they have a return value. However, in most cases, Babel will also generate an alternative stub using a function signature. The name of a subroutine that clients invoke is the method’s full name from the SIDL description. Hence, in cases where the method has a name extension (so is overloaded), the full name is the concatenation of the specified short name and extension. On the implementation-side, the name is formed as the concatenation of the package, class (or interface), full method name, and “mi”, with each part separated by an underscore and name mangling used to ensure uniqueness if the resulting name exceeds the character limit.
The same process used for fortran 77, described in Subsection 10.2.2, is used to build up the parameters for generated methods. That is, object (or interface) pointers, return values, and exception pointers are added, as needed. More specifically, the object (or interface) pointer is automatically inserted as the first parameter in the signature of non-static methods. This parameter operates like an in parameter. When a method has a return value, a parameter to hold the return value is also added after all of the formally declared arguments. This extra argument behaves like an out parameter. With the addition of remote method invocation (RMI) support, all methods now implicitly throw exceptions. Hence, an extra out parameter for the exception is automatically added as the last parameter of the signature. An example that illustrates the SIDL specification and corresponding routines can be found in Subsections 12.3.5 and 12.4.4.
Table 12.1: SIDL to Fortran 2003/2008 Type Mappings
The mapping for simple SIDL types to Fortran 2003/2008 is given in Table 12.1. The kind parameters, given in the sidl F03 module, define integer parameters for sidl_int, sidl_long, sidl_float, sidl_double, sidl_fcomplex, sidl_dcomplex, sidl_enum and sidl_opaque to give sizes that match the corresponding SIDL types. The remainder of this subsection elaborates on mappings of strings, pointers, enumerations, and arrays.
The SIDL string type mapping is currently identical to that of the fortran 77 mapping. That is, all Fortran 2003/2008 strings have a limited fixed size. When implementing a subroutine with an out parameter, the size of the string is restricted to 512 characters.
NOTE: Modification of the value of SIDL_F03_STR_MINSIZE in runtime/sidl/babel_config.h prior to configuring Babel can be used to change the string size limitation.
Pointer types are: opaque, interface, class, and array. All pointer types are mapped to type(c_ptr). The convenience functions set_null and is_null are generated to perform assignments and checks for unassociated pointers.
SIDL enumerations map to integer values, which are defined in a module. Given the specification from Section 6.3 for an enumeration type called car, Babel will produce the following enumerated type:
! File: enums_car_type.F03 ! Symbol: enums.car-v1.0 ! Symbol Type: enumeration ! Babel Version: 2.0.0 (Revision: 7140 trunk) ! Description: Client-side module for enums.car ! ! WARNING: Automatically generated; changes will be lost ! #include "enums_car_fAbbrev.h" ! ! This file contains a FORTRAN 2003 derived type for the ! sidl type enums.car. ! module enums_car use sidl use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding integer (kind=sidl_enum), parameter :: porsche = 911 integer (kind=sidl_enum), parameter :: ford = 150 integer (kind=sidl_enum), parameter :: mercedes = 550 end module enums_car |
As discussed in Section 6.4, SIDL supports both normal and raw arrays (i. e., r-arrays). Normal SIDL arrays can be used by any supported language; whereas, r-arrays are restricted to numeric types and use in languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. This subsection starts with a discussion normal and generic arrays before proceeding with an example of the interfaces for r-arrays.
The normal SIDL array API is available in a module for creating, destroying, and accessing array elements and meta-data for normal arrays. More information on the API can be found in Subsection 6.4. For sidl.SIDLException, the array module — called sidl_SIDLException_array — is defined in sidl_SIDLException_array.F03. The derived type for a SIDL array is named after the class, interface, or basic type that it holds and the dimension of the array. For sidl.SIDLException, the array derived types are named sidl_SIDLException_1d, sidl_SIDLException_2d, sidl_SIDLException_3d, … up to sidl_SIDLException_7d. For basic types, they are treated as sidl.dcomplex, sidl.double, sidl.fcomplex, etc. Each of these derived types has a 64-bit integer to hold an opaque pointer.
NOTE: Normal Fortran 2003/2008 arrays or normal SIDL arrays can be used when calling a Fortran 2003/2008 method, but they cannot be mixed.
Derived types for SIDL types dcomplex, double, fcomplex, float, int, and long have pointers to arrays of the appropriate type and dimension that facilitate direct access to array elements. For example, the derived type for 2d and 3d arrays of doubles is:
module sidl_double_array use sidl use sidl_array_type use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding type sidl_double_1d type(c_ptr) :: d_array = c_null_ptr real (kind=sidl_double), pointer, & dimension(:) :: d_data end type sidl_double_1d type sidl_double_2d type(c_ptr) :: d_array = c_null_ptr real (kind=sidl_double), pointer, & dimension(:,:) :: d_data end type sidl_double_2d |
For the other types, the array API must be used to access elements. In this case, the array can be accessed with the bind(C) array pointer d_data just like any other Fortran array. However, the Fortran 2003/2008 built-in methods allocate or deallocate on d_data must not be used. Instead, SIDL functions, createCol, createRow, create1d, create2dRow, or create2dCol, must be used to create a new array. These SIDL routines initialize d_data to refer to the data allocated in d_array.
NOTE: create1d, create2dRow, and create2dCol create arrays whose lower index is 0 not 1. To create arrays with a lower index of 1, createCol or createRow must be used.
Software packages like LINPACK or BLAS can be called, but the stride should be checked to make sure the array is suitably packed. Using stride(i) will provide the distance between elements in dimension i. A value of 1 means elements are packed densely. Negative stride values are possible and, when an array is sliced, the resulting array might not even have one densely packed dimension.
As discussed in Section 6.4, the type of a generic array is not specified. As a result, Fortran 2003/2008 represents generic arrays as the derived type sidl__array as defined in the sidl_array_type module. (Note the use of a two underscore separator.) The following subroutines, defined in the sidl_array_array module, apply to generic arrays: addRef, deleteRef, dimen, type, isColumnOrder, isRowOrder, is_null, no_null, set_null, lower, upper, length, stride, and smartCopy.
Finally, SIDL r-arrays are passed to and from methods as normal Fortran 2003/2008 bind(C) arrays. Index variables do not need to be included because the values are determined from the Fortran 2003/2008 array extents in each dimension. For example, the client-side interface for solve — introduced in Section 6.4 — behaves as if it is a Fortran 2003/2008 function with the following overloaded interface:
private :: solve_1s, solve_2s interface solve module procedure solve_1s, solve_2s end interface recursive subroutine solve_1s(self, A, x, exception) implicit none ! in num.Linsol self type(num_Linsol_t) , intent(in) :: self ! in array<double,2,column-major> A type(sidl_double_2d) , intent(in) :: A ! inout array<double,column-major> x type(sidl_double_1d) , intent(inout) :: x ! out sidl.BaseInterface exception type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) , intent(out) :: exception end subroutine solve_1s recursive subroutine solve_2s(self, A, x, exception) implicit none ! in num.Linsol self type(num_Linsol_t) , intent(in) :: self ! in rarray<double,2> A(m,n) real (kind=sidl_double) , intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: A ! inout rarray<double> x(n) real (kind=sidl_double) , intent(inout), dimension(:) :: x ! out sidl.BaseInterface exception type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) , intent(out) :: exception ! in int m integer (kind=sidl_int) :: m ! in int n integer (kind=sidl_int) :: n end subroutine solve_2s |
The server-side interface, shown below, is similar.
recursive subroutine num_Linsol_solve_mi(self, A, x, m, n, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use num_Linsol use sidl_double_array use num_Linsol_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(num.Linsol.solve.use) ! Insert-Code-Here {num.Linsol.solve.use} (use statements) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(num.Linsol.solve.use) implicit none type(num_Linsol_t) :: self ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: m ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: n ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out real (kind=sidl_double), dimension(0:m-1, 0:n-1) :: A ! in real (kind=sidl_double), dimension(0:n-1) :: x ! inout ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(num.Linsol.solve) ! Insert-Code-Here {num.Linsol.solve} (solve method) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(num.Linsol.solve) end subroutine num_Linsol_solve_mi |
NOTE: The lower index of each dimension of every incoming array is always zero.
Babel automatically generates the cast() method for casting between different interface and class types. Actually, a set of overloaded methods support every allowable cast between a type and all its parent types (both objects and interfaces). The first argument is the object (or interface) to be cast, and the second is a variable of the desired type. The cast is successful if, after the call to cast(), the value of the second argument is not_null. The caller then owns (and is responsible for) the returned reference. Examples of type casting can be found in Subsections 12.3.5 and 12.4.4.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and using the Fortran 2003/2008 bindings associated with software wrapped with Babel’s language interoperability middleware. The bindings generation process is presented first. Object management and invocation of static and overloaded methods are also summarized. The process of catching exceptions is then discussed. Finally, the processes for enabling and disabling implementation-specific pre- and post-method instrumentation — referred to as “hooks” — are illustrated.
The following is an example of invoking Babel to create the Fortran 2003/2008 stubs for a SIDL file2:
% babel --exclude-external --client=f03 file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -c=f03 file.sidl
As a result, a Makefile fragment called babel.make, numerous C header and source files, and some Fortran 2003/2008 files will be created. Files ending in _fStub.c (i. e., STUBSRCS in babel.make) are called by the Fortran 2003/2008 module which in turn allow Fortran 2003/2008 to call SIDL methods. Files ending in [_type].F03 (i. e., STUBMODULESRCS in babel.make) contain derived type definitions for classes and interfaces. The remaining files ending in .F03 (i. e., TYPEMODULESRCS in babel.make) are Fortran 2003/2008 modules containing methods. All of these files need to be compiled and linked into the application.
Normally, IOR files (i. e., those ending in _IOR.c) are linked together with the implementation file, so they probably don’t need to be compiled.
SIDL-specified objects are managed through explicit creation and reference counting. Babel automatically generates a new() method for concrete classes. The method is used to instantiate the class and return the associated reference. The following example illustrates the instantiation and casting of an object to an interface:
use sidl_BaseClass use sidl_BaseInterface type(sidl_BaseClass_t) :: object type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: interface type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! perhaps other code here call new(object, exception) call cast(object, interface, exception) |
The owner of the instance is responsible for its proper disposal. In other words, when processing with the object is done, the owner must invoke deleteRef() on it. Similarly, any object references returned by a subroutine call must be deleted or given to another part of the code that will take ownership of and, therefore, responsibility for deleteRef’ing it. The following example illustrates calling deleteRef() using the sidl.BaseInterface method:
use sidl_BaseInterface type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: interface1, interface2 type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception logical :: areSame ! ! code to initialize interface1 & interface 2 here ! call deleteRef(interface1, exception) |
When it is necessary to determine if two references point to the same object, the built-in isSame method can be used. For example, the following attempts to determine if interface1 and interface2 point to the same object:
use sidl_BaseInterface ! later in the code call isSame(interface1, interface2, areSame, exception) ! areSame holds the return value |
Below is an example illustrating a call to addSearchPath(), which is a static method in the sidl.Loader class.
use sidl_Loader use sidl_BaseInterface type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! later call addSearchPath('/try/looking/here', exception) |
Note the function is invoked directly, without an object reference argument.
Examples of calls to SIDL overloaded methods are based on the overload_sample.sidl file shown in Section 6.7. Recall that the file describes three versions of the getValue method. The first takes no arguments, the second takes an integer argument, and the third takes a boolean. Each is called in the following code snippet:
use sidl use Overload_Sample type(Overload_Sample_t) :: t type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception logical :: b1, bretval integer (kind=sidl_int) :: i1, iretval call new(t, exception) call getValue (t, iretval, exception) call getValueInt (t, i1, iretval, exception) call getValueBool (t, b1, bretval, exception) |
Since all methods can now throw sidl.RuntimeException , Babel ensures there is an out argument to hold an exception. If not explicitly specified, Babel will automatically add the argument. For maximum backward compatibility, the exception argument type is sidl.BaseInterface, while the base exception class is sidl.SIDLException. The exception argument, which behaves like an out parameter, will appear after the return value (if both occur in a method). After the call, the client should test this argument using is_null or not_null. If it is not_null_null, an exception was thrown by the method so the caller should respond appropriately. When an exception is thrown, the values of all other arguments are undefined. So the best course of action is to ignore them. If the code does not check the exception argument after each call (that can throw one), any exceptions that are thrown will be utterly ignored as a result of not being automatically propagated to higher level routines.
It is possible to determine which exception was thrown through casting the argument. A successful cast indicates the type of exception that occurred. An example of this process is illustrated below. Package ExceptionTest has a class named Fib with a getFib method declared in SIDL as follows:
int getFib(in int n, in int max_depth, in int max_value, in int depth) throws NegativeValueException, FibException; |
The code to catch specified exception types is:
use sidl use ExceptionTest_Fib use ExceptionTest_FibException use ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException use sidl_BaseInterface type(ExceptionTest_Fib_t) :: fib type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: except, except2 type(ExceptionTest_FibException_t) :: fibexcept type(ExceptionTest_NegativeValueException_t) :: nvexcept integer (kind=sidl_int) :: index, maxdepth, maxval, depth, result call new(fib, except) index = 4 maxdepth = 100 maxvalue = 32000 depth = 0 result = getFib(fib, index, maxdepth, maxvalue, depth, except) if (not_null(except)) then call cast(except, fibexcept, except2) if (not_null(fibexcept)) then ! do something here with the FibException call deleteRef(fibexcept, except2) else call cast(except, nvexcept, except2) ! do something here with the NegativeValueException call deleteRef(nvexcept, except2) endif call deleteRef(except, except2) else write (*,*) 'getFib for ', index, ' returned ', result endif call deleteRef(fib, except2) |
NOTE: Any caller of a method that returns an exception should ignore the values of out and inout parameters. Anything not freed becomes a reference and memory leak.
If a given component supports pre- and post-method invocation instrumentation, also known as “hooks”, their execution can be enabled or disabled at runtime through the built-in set_hooks method. For example, given the following SIDL specification:
package hooks version 1.0 { class Basics { /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ static int aStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ int aNonStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); } } |
which has a single static function and a member function for the Basics class. Due to unresolved method overloading problems, the processes for enabling and disabling execution of the implementation-specific hooks are currently dependent on use of fully-qualified functions, as illustrated below.
use sidl use hooks_Basics type(hooks_Basics_t) :: obj type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception call new(obj, exception) ! ! Enable hooks execution (enabled by default) ! ...for static methods ! (until method overloading issue can be resolved)... ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static_m(1, exception) ! ! ...for non-static methods ! (until method overloading issue can be resolved)... ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_m(obj, 1, exception) ! ! ...do something important... ! ! ! Disable hooks execution ! ...for static methods ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_static_m(0, exception) ! ! ...for non-static methods ! call hooks_Basics__set_hooks_m(obj, 0, exception) ! ! ...do something important... ! |
It is important to keep in mind that the set_hooks_static method must be used to enable/disable invocation of hooks for static methods and the set_hooks method must be used for those of non-static methods. Also, Babel does not provide client access to the _pre and _post methods; therefore, they cannot be invoked directly. More information on the instrumentation process is provided in Subsection 12.4.5.
Interface contracts specify the expected behaviors of clients and servers of interface and class methods. Once specified, contracts can automatically be enforced at runtime. This section provides an example of a specification and associated code snippets for performing basic, traditional contract enforcement — introduced in Section 6.5 — within a Fortran 2003/2008 client.
A SIDL specification, including preconditions and postconditions, for calculating the sum of two vectors is given below. (Refer to Section 6.5 for an introduction to the contract syntax.) According to the preconditions, all callers are expected to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size as arguments. The postconditions specify that all implementations are expected to return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array), assuming the preconditions are satisfied.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
An example of a Fortran 2003/2008 client calling the method is given below. The code snippet illustrates declaring and creating the arrays; enabling full contract enforcement (i. e., checking all contract clauses); executing vuSum; handling contract violation exceptions; and cleaning up references is given below.
use sidl use sidl_ContractClass use sidl_double_array use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_EnfPolicy use vect_Utils implicit none ! ... type (sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exc, tae type (sidl_double_1d) :: u, v, x u = createDouble(MAX_SIZE) v = createDouble(MAX_SIZE) ! Initialize u and v. ! Enable FULL contract enforcement. call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_m(ALLCLASSES, .true., exc) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif ! Do something meaningful before executing the method. x = vect_Utils_vuSum_m(u, v, exc) if (is_null(exc)) then ! Do something meaningful with the result, x. else ! Handle the exception endif ! ... call deleteRef(u) call deleteRef(v) if (.not. is_null(x)) then call deleteRef(x) endif |
Alternative enforcement options can be set, as described in Section 6.5, through the two basic helper methods: setEnforceAll and setEnforceNone. The code snippet below shows the Fortran 2003/2008 calls associated with the traditional options of enabling only precondition enforcement, enabling postcondition enforcement, or completely disabling contract enforcement.
use sidl use sidl_ContractClass use sidl_double_array use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_EnfPolicy use vect_Utils implicit none ! ... ! ! Enable only precondition contract enforcement. ! (Useful when only need to ensure callers comply with contract.) ! call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_m(PRECONDS, .false., exception) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif ! ! Enable only postcondition contract enforcement. ! (Useful when only need to ensure implementation(s) comply with contract.) ! call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceAll_m(POSTCONDS, .false., exception) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif ! ! Disable contract enforcement. ! (Should only be used when have confidence in caller AND implementation.) ! call sidl_EnfPolicy_setEnforceNone_m(.false., exception) if (.not. is_null(exc)) then ! Handle the exception endif |
This section illustrates the basic interfaces and processes for traditional interface contract enforcement for a Fortran 2003/2008 client. Additional enforcement policy options and methods as well as more information regarding the specification and enforcement of contracts can be found in Chapter 21.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and wrapping software written in Fortran 2003/2008. The bindings generation and basic implementation processes are presented first. Since access to object state requires special steps in Fortran 2003/2008, the process for defining and managing that data is discussed. Throwing exceptions in the implementation is then illustrated. Finally, the results of generating implementations with pre- and post-method “hooks” are shown.
Much of the information associated with generating client-side bindings is pertinent to implementing a SIDL class in Fortran 2003/2008. The mapping of SIDL types to language constructs was given in Table 12.1. If the implementation calls other SIDL methods, client-side caller rules must be followed.
To create the implementation bindings for a set of SIDL classes in Fortran 2003/2008, Babel is invoked as follows:
% babel --exclude-external --server=f90 file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -s=f90 file.sidl
As a result, a makefile fragment called babel.make, numerous C header and source files, and some Fortran 2003/2008 source files will be created. The SUBROUTINE and END SUBROUTINE statements are automatically generated and the types of arguments declared. Implementation details must be added to the Fortran 2003/2008 “Impl” files, whose names end with _Impl.F90 and _Mod.F90. More on this matter is provided in Subsection 12.4.2.
Implementation details must be added to the “Impl” files generated in Subsection 12.4.1. Changes to these files must be made between code splicer pairs to ensure their retention in subsequent invocations of Babel. Below is an example of the standard, automatically generated code splicer pairs.
! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(_miscellaneous_code_start) ! Insert-Code-Here {_miscellaneous_code_start} (extra code) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(_miscellaneous_code_start) . . . recursive subroutine Pkg_Class_name_mi(self, arg, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use Pkg_Class use Pkg_Class_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Pkg.Class.name.use) ! Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name.use} (use statements) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Pkg.Class.name.use) implicit none type(Pkg_Class_t) :: self ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: arg ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Pkg.Class.name) ! Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name} (name method) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Pkg.Class.name) end subroutine Pkg_Class_name_mi |
The comment “Insert-Code-Here” associated with the “miscellaneous code start”’ splicer pair will need to be replaced with details such as additional abbreviation file(s) and any local, or private, subroutines. For the subroutine’s “use” splicer pair, the “Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name.use} (use statements)” comment must be replaced with any use statements needed by the subroutine. Finally, the implementation between the subroutine body’s splicer pairs must be added in place of the “Insert-Code-Here {Pkg.Class.name} (name method)” comment.
Any variables declared in the implementation source file will, by virtue of Babel’s encapsulation, be private. Special initialization procedures can be added to the built-in _load() method, which is guaranteed to be called exactly once per class to set global class data — before any user-defined methods can even be invoked.
The SIDL IOR keeps a pointer for each object that is intended to hold a pointer to the object’s internal data. Below is an excerpt from a _Impl.F03 file for an object whose state requires a single integer value.
type, extends(sort_SimpleCounter_t) :: sort_SimpleCounter_impl_t ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter.private_data) ! insert code here (private data members) integer(kind=sidl_int) :: count ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter.private_data) end type sort_SimpleCounter_impl_t |
As illustrated in the constructor below, the basic process to initialize private data involves allocating memory then setting the data pointer.
subroutine ctor_impl(self, exception) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor.use) ! Insert use statements here... ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor.use) implicit none type(sort_SimpleCounter_impl_t) :: self type(sidl_BaseInterface_t), intent(out) :: exception ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor) self%count = 0 ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(sort.SimpleCounter._ctor) end subroutine ctor_impl |
Below is an example of an implementation subroutine that throws an exception. The returned exception object pointer must be cast into the exception out parameter. This example also utilizes two methods, inherited from sidl.BaseException and implemented in sidl.SIDLException, that aid client-side debugging. The first, setNote, allows the developer to provide a useful error message. The second, add, provides a multi-language traceback capability — assuming each layer of the call stack invokes add before it propagates the exception.
function getFib_impl(self, n, max_depth, max_value, depth, exception) & result(retval) ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Exceptions.Fib.getFib.use) use Exceptions_TooBigException use Exceptions_TooDeepException ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Exceptions.Fib.getFib.use) implicit none type(Exceptions_Fib_impl_t) :: self integer (kind=sidl_int), intent(in) :: n integer (kind=sidl_int), intent(in) :: max_depth integer (kind=sidl_int), intent(in) :: max_value integer (kind=sidl_int), intent(in) :: depth type(sidl_BaseInterface_t), intent(out) :: exception ! function result integer (kind=sidl_int) :: retval ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(Exceptions.Fib.getFib) type(Exceptions_NegativeValueException_t) :: negexc type(Exceptions_TooDeepException_t) :: deepexc type(Exceptions_TooBigException_t) :: toobigexc type(Exceptions_FibException_t) :: fibexc type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: throwaway character (len=*) myfilename parameter(myfilename='Exceptions_Fib_Impl.f') integer(kind=sidl_int) a, b retval = 0_sidl_int if (n .lt. 0_sidl_int) then call new(negexc, throwaway) if (not_null(negexc)) then call setNote(negexc, & 'called with negative n', throwaway) call add( & negexc, myfilename, 57_sidl_int, 'Exceptions_Fib_getFib_impl',& throwaway) call cast(negexc, exception,throwaway) call deleteRef(negexc,throwaway) return endif else if (depth .gt. max_depth) then ! ...numerous lines deleted.... ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(Exceptions.Fib.getFib) end function getFib_impl |
When an exception is thrown, the implementation should deleteRef any references it was planning to return to its caller. In general, when throwing an exception, it is good practice to call set_null on all out and inout array, class, and interface arguments before returning. This makes things work out better for clients who forget to check if an exception occurred or willfully choose to ignore it.
As discussed in Subsection 12.3.6, when hooks execution
is enabled, implementation-specific instrumentation is executed.
Using the --
generate-hooks option on the Babel
command line when generating implementation-side bindings results in
the automatic generation of a _pre and _post method
for every static and non-static method associated with each class in
the specification. For the aStaticMethod specified in
Subsection 12.3.6, the generated _pre method
implementation is:
recursive subroutine hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_pre_mi(i, io, exception) use sidl use sidl_NotImplementedException use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use hooks_Basics use hooks_Basics_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre.use) ! Insert implementation use details ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre.use) implicit none integer (kind=sidl_int) :: i ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: io ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) ! ! Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately prior ! to dispatch to aStaticMeth(). ! ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) end subroutine hooks_Basics_aStaticMeth_pre_mi |
while that of the _post method is:
recursive subroutine B_aStaticMeth_postywgp49zzy2_mi(i, o, io, retval, & exception) use sidl use sidl_NotImplementedException use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use hooks_Basics use hooks_Basics_impl ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post.use) ! Insert implementation use details ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post.use) implicit none integer (kind=sidl_int) :: i ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: o ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: io ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: retval ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) ! ! Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately after ! return from dispatch to aStaticMeth(). ! return ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) end subroutine B_aStaticMeth_postywgp49zzy2_mi |
Per the normal implementation process, the desired instrumentation should be added within the splicer blocks of aStaticMethod_pre and aStaticMethod_post. As stated in the comments within those blocks, aStaticMethod_pre will be executed immediately prior to dispatch to aStaticMethod when the latter is invoked by a client. Assuming no exceptions are encountered, aStaticMethod_post is executed immediately upon return from aStaticMethod.
This chapter provides an overview of the Java bindings for SIDL. Common aspects of the bindings, such as the mapping of SIDL data types to their Java counterparts, are presented in Section 13.2. Issues of concern to callers written in Java are addressed in the client-side discussion in Section 13.3, while issues for callees appear in the implementation-side discussion in Section 13.4.
This section summarizes basic features that are common to both client and implementation bindings. Subsection 13.2.1 describes conventions used to establish name spaces, while those associated with the generation of subroutines from methods are given in Subsection 13.2.2. The mapping of fundamental and key SIDL types is given in Subsection 13.2.3. Finally, casting between different types is discussed in Subsection 13.2.4.
SIDL’s object model is very similar to Java’s, and therefore maps easily into it. A SIDL object is treated almost exactly the same in Java as any other Java object, the only differences being that all data held by the object is private and all methods are public.
Since the bindings map well into Java language constructs, Java method signatures correspond very closely to those in the specification. Adapted from the Babel regression tests, the following is an example specification of a package called ExceptionTest that has a class named Fib with a getFib method declared as:
int getFib(in int n, in int max_depth, in int max_value, in int depth) throws NegativeValueException, FibException; |
The corresponding client-side, or stub, signature is:
public native int getFib( int n, int max_depth, int max_value, int depth) throws ExceptionTest.FibException, ExceptionTest.NegativeValueException; |
Note the one-to-one mapping in arguments and native exception types.
The corresponding implementation-side signature is:
public int getFib_Impl ( /*in*/ int n, /*in*/ int max_depth, /*in*/ int max_value, /*in*/ int depth ) throws ExceptionTest.FibException, ExceptionTest.NegativeValueException, sidl.RuntimeException.Wrapper |
Once again, there is a one-to-one mapping of arguments and the two specified exceptions. However, the implementation side includes the (implicit) sidl.RuntimeException’s Wrapper class (since RuntimeException is an interface. For more on the reasoning behind this, refer to Subsection 13.2.3.
Unlike languages such as C/C++, Java does not support pointers. As a result, out and inout arguments are handled — for each SIDL type and class — through a static inner Holder class. The class can hold a single variable or object of the correct type. Built-in functions get() and set() are provided for accessing the data.
Table 13.1: SIDL to Java Type Mappings
Most SIDL types map directly into Java as shown in Table 13.1. The remainder of this subsection focuses specifically on interfaces, abstract classes, exceptions (in general), enumerations, and arrays.
As a result of the fact that Java interfaces cannot hold data, an additional layer was added to the Java bindings for internal processing needs within the implementation of the SIDL object model — such as throwing an (interface) exception. For this reason, wrappers were created for interfaces and abstract classes. Called Wrapper, these classes hold the interface IOR pointer, inherit from gov.llnl.babel.BaseClass, and implement the outer interface. Therefore, all interface and gov.llnl.babel.BaseClass methods — such as _cast2 and isType — can be called on the wrapper object. In addition, the wrapper object is returned when an interface is retrieved from an array. The client is not usually affected in this case. The wrapper class is also used for methods that take or return interface arguments and when an exception implemented as an interface is caught. In the latter case, the developer must be sure to catch the wrapper class. Examples appear later in this chapter.
Although SIDL exceptions may be specified as interfaces while Java exceptions are always classes, SIDL exceptions are basically caught and thrown in the native Java manner. A critical difference, as mentioned in the discussion on interface data types, is that a SIDL exception interface’s wrapper object must be thrown. While similar from a developer standpoint in that SIDL exceptions are mapped to Java exceptions, the converse is not true. That is, there is no mapping of all Java exceptions to SIDL exceptions.
If an exception is defined in SIDL, Babel will generate code for it. The only difference between native Java and SIDL exceptions is that the SIDL exception constructor cannot take a String argument. Instead, the message must be set with the inherited setNote method and retrieved with getNote. This is important because SIDL exceptions inherit from the Java Exception class. The Java compiler will not give an error if getMessage is called; however, the message returned will not be from SIDL.
Another problem is that regular Java exceptions cannot be passed through the SIDL middleware. Since it is not possible to throw normal, non-SIDL exceptions from a SIDL function implemented in Java, the Java compiler will throw an error if an attempt to do so is made. There are some exceptions. For example, Java runtime exceptions such as ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException can be thrown. In this case, an error message and stack trace are printed to stderr. In addition, the method returns 0; values of any out or inout arguments are set to NULL; and the program proceeds.
For more information on catching and throwing exceptions, including examples, refer to Subsections 13.3.7 and 13.4.4.
Enumerations are implemented as final static ints in their own Java class and, as such, are accessed just like variables in that class. Recall the specification of a car enumeration type, from Section 6.3 and repeated below, defines three constants: porsche, ford, and mercedes.
enum car { porsche = 911, ford = 150, mercedes = 550 }; |
The value of the porsche constant, for example, can be accessed through enums.car.porsche.
As discussed in Section 6.4, SIDL supports both normal and raw arrays (i. e., r-arrays). Normal SIDL arrays can be used by any supported language; whereas, r-arrays are restricted to numeric types. This subsection discusses both within the context of Java bindings.
Every object and type defined in SIDL has a corresponding array to hold elements of that type. In the case of Java bindings, this means the entire SIDL array API is available with a few exceptions that have no real use in the language. More specifically, ensure(), borrow(), and first() are not supported in the bindings. Unlike with most of the other language bindings, explicit array deletion should be done using the destroy() array function. Refer to Subsection 6.4 for more information on the API.
More to the point are the specifics of the Java implementation — which provides a wider variety of options for constructing arrays than other bindings. Each SIDL type and class includes a static inner class named Array. This is the main Array class and, in order to support up to 7 dimensional arrays, every method takes either 7 array indices or an array of indices. For example, in order to get the element (2,3) from a 2 dimensional array, arry._get(2,3,0,0,0,0,0) would be used. Since typing all those zeros can get a little tedious, a set of array subclasses have also been implemented with one subclass per supported dimension. So, given an Array2 instead of an Array, arry2._get(2,3) could be used to get the element (2,3) instead.
These numbered array subclasses improve on the array API usability somewhat, but they do have a side effect. In order to avoid conflicts between the array superclass and the numbered array subclass functions, all other basic array methods found in the Array superclass are preceded by an underscore ’_’. For example, arry._dim() returns an array’s dimensionality. Since numbered arrays all inherit these methods, they can be used as well. In the dimensionality example, arry2._dim() could also be used — though the answer should be obvious.
Furthermore, there is another underscore rule for arrays in Java. All numbered arrays have two get and two set functions. The _get and _set functions are the same in Array and all the Array# subclasses in that they simply pass the arguments of the _get call down to the underlying implementation. However, the underscore-less get and set methods do bounds checking in Java before calling the underlying implementation. If a problem is detected, they throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Because numbered arrays are subclasses of Array, an Array# can be Java cast to an Array, if necessary. However, some functions return an Array. In order to convert an Array to the correctly numbered array, a function in Array, called _dcast(), can be used by simply invoking _dcast() on the object. For example, given a one-dimensional array of type foo.bar called arry that is represented by the Java class Array, the correctly numbered array type can be retrieved as follows:
foo.bar.Array1 arry1 = arry._dcast(); |
After this cast, two references are now available to the same array; namely, arry and arry1.
Finally, the Java array constructors are slightly different than in other languages. The constructor definition for Array is:
public Array(int dim, int[] lower, int[] upper, boolean isRow) |
This constructor creates an array of dimension dim. It takes two arrays of integers to define the lower and upper bounds of each dimension in the array. If lower or upper has fewer elements than there are dimensions in the array, or any element in lower is larger than the corresponding element in upper, the constructor will throw an exception. Finally, the constructor takes a boolean isRow. If isRow is true, a SIDL array will be created in row-major order; if false, a column-major order array will be created.
Constructors for numbered arrays are simpler. The constructor for a two-dimensional array is:
public Array2( int l0, int l1, int u0, int u1, boolean isRow) |
Since the dimensionality is known, the dimension argument was dropped. In addition, it is no longer necessary to create arrays of bounds to pass into the constructor; instead, l0 and l1 are the lower bounds and u0 and u1 the upper. The choice between column- and row-major orders is obviously still necessary.
For arrays with all lower bounds of zero, an even simpler constructor is available. Its signature is:
public Array2( int s0, int s1, boolean isRow) |
Another alternate construction method for SIDL arrays is present in numbered arrays. The following constructor takes a two-dimensional Java array, and copies it into a 2-dimensional SIDL array:
public Array2(foo.bar[][] array, boolean isRow) |
Alternatively, arrays can be constructed as copies of existing arrays through two additional built-in methods. An existing numbered SIDL array of the correct dimension can be set to the same contents of a Java array with the fromArray method. The same arguments as the constructor above are used but nothing is returned. Conversely, a SIDL array can be copied into a Java array through the toArray numbered array function. The function takes no arguments but returns a new Java array containing copies of the SIDL array’s elements.
There are two issues associated with casting of types in the Java bindings. The simplest is the casting of SIDL objects implemented in Java. The second involves the casting of SIDL interfaces which, as discussed in Subsection 13.2.3, is a little more involved. This subsection describes the normal, object casting process before that of the Java equivalents of SIDL interfaces.
In some cases it is necessary to cast the internal representation of an object as well as the Java object. (For example, getting an object from a SIDL array of superclass objects.) In these cases a Java cast is insufficient. Therefore two built-in casting functions have been provided: _cast() and _cast2(). The static _cast(object) function returns a new Java object based on the object argument. For example, foo.bar newobj = (foo.bar) foo.bar._cast(oldobj) will cast oldobj, an object of type sidl.BaseClass, to foo.bar. If this is an invalid cast, _cast will return null.
The _cast2(‘‘ClassName’’) method, on the other hand, casts an object to a named type (i. e., ClassName). It performs basically the same function as _cast, but the form is object._cast2(‘‘ClassName’’), where ClassName must be a fully qualified name. If the cast is invalid, or a class of that name cannot be found, null is returned.
Both functions return a sidl.BaseClass which must then be Java casted to the correct Java class type. They both also create a new Java object that owns a new reference to the IOR object. Although you never have to worry about reference counting in Java, it is important to remember that casting leaves two valid objects.
As mentioned in Subsection 13.2.3, SIDL interfaces are mapped to wrapper classes that inherit from an interface. As a result, they can be Java cast to their ancestor interfaces but must be Babel cast to any classes. In the following example, Subclass implements SuperInterface:
SuperInterface.Array1 arry = new SuperInterface.Array1(5, true); SubClass obj = new SubClass(); arry.set(0, (SuperInterface)obj); obj = null; SuperInterface temp = arry.get(0); obj = (SubClass) temp; //INCORRECT Will throw ClassCastException obj = (SubClass) SubClass._cast((SuperInterface.Wrapper)temp); //CORRECT |
Finally, in some cases, as when the interface is retrieved from an array, Java casting the interface is not necessary before Babel casting it; however, that is not true in general. The following is an example of casting an interface in a Java implementation:
public objarg.SubClass toClass_Impl (/*in*/ objarg.Iface ifcy ) { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(objarg.SubClass.toClass) objarg.SubClass ret = (objarg.SubClass) ((objarg.Iface.Wrapper)ifcy)._cast2("objarg.SubClass"); return ret; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(objarg.SubClass.toClass) } |
This section summarizes aspects of generating and using the Java bindings associated with software wrapped with Babel’s language interoperability middleware. The bindings generation process is presented before discussing required environment variables. The manner in which SIDL-specified types are imported into Java is then given. Object management and invocation of static and overloaded methods are also summarized. The process of catching exceptions is then discussed. Finally, the processes for enabling and disabling implementation-specific pre- and post-method instrumentation — referred to as “hooks” — are illustrated.
Java stubs (i. e., code to support Java clients for a set of SIDL classes or interfaces) are created by invoking Babel as follows1:
% babel --exclude-external --client=Java file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -cJava file.sidl
This will create a plethora of files, including a directory named file, which contains the Java client classes. Files ending in _IOR.h and _IOR.c implement the Intermediate Object Representation (IOR). Files ending with _jniStub.c are the Java Native Interface (JNI) stubs. The use of “jni” in the filename reflects the fact that the JNI is used to communicate between Java and the IOR. The remaining header files include the external Java API used by Java clients.
The stub files — whose names end with _jniStub.c — must be compiled and linked against the SIDL runtime library and an implementation. The resulting library needs to be referenced in a .scl file listed in the SIDL_DLL_PATH environment variable so the Babel runtime library loader can find it. Also, the current directory needs to be in the CLASSPATH environment variable so Java can find the file and sidl directories containing the client-side Java components. More information on environmental settings is given in Subsection 13.3.2.
Four environment variables are associated with running Java bindings. The first three, described below, identify path-related directories that must be set properly for various tools. It is assumed Babel was already installed in directories rooted at $PREFIX. The last variable is used to pass options to the implementation-side.
BABEL_JVM_FLAGS="-verbose:gc;-Xmx500m" |
WARNING: Not including all the necessary files in the SIDL_DLL_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH can crash the JVM in unexpected ways. Babel tries to generate helpful error messages, but sometimes the JVM crashes due to missing files with the resulting output not being very helpful. If the JVM crashes, SIDL_DLL_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be checked to ensure they point to the necessary files.
Importing SIDL packages and classes is also similar to the native Java approach. Babel generates Java code in subdirectories to organize packages and classes in the same manner as done in Java. For example, assume the presence of a specification of a package called test that contains two classes: HelloWorld and GoodbyeWorld. Running babel -cJava test.sidl in the directory named babelcode will result in the generation of a new subdirectory called test containing the following two files: HelloWorld.java and GoodbyeWorld.java. The resulting classes will be accessible from any Java program that imports them when babelcode is in the CLASSPATH. In this example, the import statement for the first class is:
import test.HelloWorld; |
SIDL-specified objects are managed through explicit creation but explicit reference counting is basically unnecessary. Thanks to the straightforward mapping between SIDL and Java types, SIDL-specified concrete classes can be instantiated through Java’s new. For example, given a package test that includes the class HelloWorld, the following code snippet illustrates the creation of an object as well as its use:
import test.HelloWorld; public static main(String args[]) { HelloWorld hi = new HelloWorld(); hi.printMsg(); } |
Writing the fully qualified class name would also have sufficed as in:
public static main(String args[]) { test.HelloWorld hi = new test.HelloWorld(); hi.printMsg(); } |
WARNING: Although addRef and deleteRef exist in Java, they should not be used because Java decrements the reference count itself when it garbage collects a SIDL object.
Using the overload_sample.sidl file from Section 6.7 as an example, recall that three versions of the getValue method are specified. The first signature takes no arguments, the second takes an integer, and the third a boolean. The code snippet below illustrates object creation, and method invocation for each of the overloaded methods.
boolean b1, bresult; int i1, iresult, nresult; Overload.Sample t = new Overload.Sample(); nresult = t.getValue(); bresult = t.getValue(b1); iresult = t.getValue(i1); |
Recall Subsection 13.2.3 discussed issues associated with the fact that SIDL supports exception interfaces while Java does not. In the following example, derived from regression tests, a getFibi method takes an integer argument and can throw one of two exceptions specified as SIDL exception interfaces: NegativeValueException and TooDeepException.
try { fib.getFibi(-1); } catch (NegativeValueException.Wrapper ex) { System.err.println(ex.getNote()); } catch (TooDeepException.Wrapper ex) { System.err.println(ex.getNote()); } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { if (((sidl.BaseInterface)ex).isType("sidl.SIDLException")) { System.err.println("Unexpected SIDL Exception thrown"); } else { System.err.println("Unexpected and unknown exception thrown"); } } |
Since the two exception types are specified as interfaces, the code to trap each must reference their Wrapper classes. Hence, the use of each class’s fully qualified name in the catch clauses.
The example also illustrates another option that is generally available for distinguishing between exception types. That is, the body of the final catch includes a call to the isType() method, which is used to check the exception against a named type. In this example, however, SIDL can cast between the two interfaces, so isType() would return true regardless of the the type of the exception instance.
If a given component supports pre- and post-method invocation instrumentation, also known as “hooks”, their execution can be enabled or disabled at runtime through the built-in _set_hooks method. For example, given the following SIDL specification:
package hooks version 1.0 { class Basics { /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ static int aStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ int aNonStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); } } |
which has a single static function and a member function for the Basics class, the processes for enabling and disabling execution of the implementation-specific hooks are:
try { hooks.Basics obj = new hooks.Basics(); /* * Enable hooks execution (enabled by default) * ...for static methods */ hooks.Basics._set_hooks_static(true); /* * ...for non-static methods */ obj._set_hooks(true); /* * ...do something important... */ /* * Disable hooks execution * ...for static methods */ hooks.Basics._set_hooks_static(false); /* * ...for non-static methods */ obj._set_hooks(false); /* * ...do something important... */ } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } |
It is important to keep in mind that the _set_hooks_static method must be used to enable/disable invocation of hooks for static methods and the _set_hooks method must be used for those of non-static methods. Also, Babel does not provide client access to the _pre and _post methods; therefore, they cannot be invoked directly. More information on the instrumentation process is provided in Subsection 13.4.5.
Interface contracts specify the expected behaviors of callers (or clients) and callees (or servers) of methods defined for interfaces and classes. Once specified, contracts are optionally enforced at runtime, through checks automatically integrated into the middleware generated by the Babel compiler. This section provides an example of a specification and code snippets for performing basic, traditional contract enforcement — introduced in Section 6.5 — in a Java client.
A SIDL specification, including preconditions and postconditions, for calculating the sum of two vectors is given below. (Refer to Section 6.5 for an introduction to the contract syntax.) According to the preconditions, all callers are expected to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size as arguments. The postconditions specify that all implementations are expected to return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array), assuming the preconditions are satisfied.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
An example of a Java client invoking the method is given below. The code snippet illustrates declaring and creating the arrays; enabling full contract enforcement (i. e., checking all contract clauses); executing vuSum; and handling contract violation exceptions is given below.
import sidl.ContractClass; import sidl.Double.Array1; import sidl.EnfPolicy; import sidl.PostViolation; import sidl.PreViolation; import sidl.SIDLException; import vect.Utils; /* ... */ Array1 u = new Array1(0, S_MAX_SIZE-1, false); Array1 v = new Array1(0, S_MAX_SIZE-1, false); /* Initialize u and v. */ /* Enable FULL contract enforcement. */ try { d_policy.setEnforceAll(sidl.ContractClass.ALLCLASSES, true); } catch (SIDLException exc) { /* Handle the exception */ } /* Do something meaningful before execute method. */ try { Array1 x = vect.Utils.vuSum(u, v); if (x != null) { /* Do something meaningful with the result, x. */ } } catch (PreViolation preExc) { /* Handle the precondition violation, preExc. */ } catch (PostViolation postExc) { /* Handle the postcondition violation, postExc. */ } catch (Exception exc) { /* Handle the undifferentiated exception, exc. */ } |
Alternative enforcement options can be set, as described in Section 6.5, through the two basic helper methods: setEnforceAll and setEnforceNone. The code snippet below shows the Java calls associated with the traditional options of enabling only precondition enforcement, enabling postcondition enforcement, or completely disabling contract enforcement.
import sidl.ContractClass; import sidl.EnfPolicy; /* ... */ policy = new sidl.EnfPolicy(); /* * Enable only precondition contract enforcement. * (Useful when only need to ensure callers comply with contract.) */ try { policy.setEnforceAll(sidl.ContractClass.PRECONDS, false); } catch (SIDLException exc) { /* Handle the exception */ } /* * Enable only postcondition contract enforcement. * (Useful when only need to ensure implementation(s) comply with contract.) */ try { policy.setEnforceAll(sidl.ContractClass.POSTCONDS, false); } catch (SIDLException exc) { /* Handle the exception */ } /* * Disable contract enforcement. * (Should only be used when have confidence in caller AND implementation.) */ try { policy.setEnforceNone(false); } catch (SIDLException exc) { /* Handle the exception */ } |
This section illustrates the basic interfaces and processes for traditional interface contract enforcement for a Java client. Additional enforcement policy options and methods as well as more information regarding the specification and enforcement of contracts can be found in Chapter 21.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and wrapping software written in Java. The bindings generation and basic implementation processes are presented first. Accessing private data is then discussed before illustrating the process of throwing exceptions. Finally, the results of generating implementations with pre- and post-method “hooks” are shown.
Babel supports calls to SIDL classes implemented in Java. These classes obey the same rules described in Subsection 13.3.1 for client-side Java classes, except that in this case the file, class, and method names all end in _Impl. Implementation of a set of SIDL classes in Java first requires the generation of the necessary bindings. This is accomplished by invoking Babel as follows:
% babel --exclude-external --server=Java file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -sJava file.sidl
The directory structure that results from this command is the same as that produced on the client-side except there are many more files. Given the SIDL file is named “file.sidl”, as above, a file subdirectory is created and “Impl” files (i. e., those ending in _Impl.java) are automatically generated in that subdirectory. These Java “Impl” files are supposed to contain implementation details. Refer to Subsection 13.4.2 for details.
In the current directory there are also new files that end in _jniSkel.c. These files are equivalent to the client-side _jniStub.c. In fact, all client-side files are generated from this call as well to allow for calling methods on the current object in the Java “Impl” file. Consequently, they can safely be ignored.
Implementation details must be added to the “Impl” files generated in Subsection 13.4.1. Changes to these files must be made between code splicer pairs to ensure their retention in subsequent invocations of Babel. Code splicing is a technique for preserving hand-edited code between multiple invocations of Babel. This allows a developer to refine the implementation without losing previous implementation details. Hence, code between splicer pairs will be retained by subsequent invocations of Babel; whereas, code outside splicer pairs will not.
Another interesting fact of the implementation-side is that it inherits from the client-side Java class. This allows calls to local methods directly. Take this recursive Fibonacci function implementation, for example:
class Fib_Impl extends Fib { public int getFib_Impl(int x) { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) if(x >= 2) { return getFib(x-1) + getFib(x-2); } else { return 1; } // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib) } } |
The client-side class name is Fib and, therefore, the implementation-side class is Fib_Impl. The same relation holds for the getFib method. Note that getFib, the client-side method, can be called directly. A call like this goes through Babel glue code, as it should. That is, calls directly to _Impl methods should never be made since they break the object model for the current class and will not work on different objects. The reason for this situation is that, by making local calls, within fib_Impl for example, any inheritance information stored in the middleware is lost. It also means implementation-side object inheritance from non-SIDL Java classes is impossible. In fact, since no splicer blocks are available for inheritance, implementing interfaces on the implementation-side is also not supported since having the implementation-side inherit from non-SIDL classes is probably not a good idea.
Any variables declared in the implementation source file will, by virtue of Babel’s encapsulation, be private. The data can be global to the class — as in static variables declared within the _includes splicer block at the top of the class’s _Impl.java file — or “local” to an instance. In the former case, special initialization procedures can be added to the built-in _load() method, which is guaranteed to be called exactly once per class — before any user-defined methods can even be invoked. The latter case relies on the class-specific name space automatically generated in the implementation’s header file.
Recall Subsection 13.2.3 discussed issues associated with SIDL support for exception interfaces versus Java’s requirement that all exceptions be classes. Below is an extension of the example in Subsection 13.3.7 involving getFibi, which could throw one of the following two interface exceptions: NegativeValueException and TooDeepException.
public int getFibi_Impl ( /*in*/ int n) throws NegativeValueException.Wrapper, TooDeepException.Wrapper { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFibi) if (n < 0) { FibException fex = new FibException(); NegativeValueException.Wrapper neg = (NegativeValueException.Wrapper) NegativeValueException.Wrapper._cast(fex); neg.setNote("n negative"); throw neg; } // .... Do Fibonacci stuff .... // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(ExceptionTest.Fib.getFibi) } |
Notice that the interface exceptions and their Wrappers cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, a FibException object is created then cast to the appropriate exception interface type. As in Subsection 13.3.7, the wrapper class’s full name is required during the cast operation. Finally, the example illustrates the use of setNote to add the message to the exception being thrown — which is necessary since the note cannot be passed to the exception’s constructor.
As discussed in Subsection 13.3.8, when hooks execution
is enabled, implementation-specific instrumentation is executed. Using
the --
generate-hooks option on the Babel
command line when generating implementation-side bindings results
in the automatic generation of a _pre and _post
method for every static and non-static method associated with each class
in the specification. For the aStaticMethod specified in
Subsection 13.3.8, the generated _pre method
implementation is:
public static void aStaticMeth_pre_Impl ( int i, int io ) throws sidl.RuntimeException.Wrapper { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) /* * Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately prior * to dispatch to aStaticMeth(). */ // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_pre) } |
while that of the _post method is:
public static void aStaticMeth_post_Impl ( int i, int o, int io, int _retval ) throws sidl.RuntimeException.Wrapper { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) /* * Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately after * return from dispatch to aStaticMeth(). */ // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(hooks.Basics.aStaticMeth_post) } |
Per the normal implementation process, the desired instrumentation should be added within the splicer blocks of aStaticMethod_pre and aStaticMethod_post. As stated in the comments within those blocks, aStaticMethod_pre will be executed immediately prior to dispatch to aStaticMethod when the latter is invoked by a client. Assuming no exceptions are encountered, aStaticMethod_post is executed immediately upon return from aStaticMethod.
This chapter gives an overview of the Python bindings for SIDL. Common aspects of the bindings, such as the mapping of SIDL data types to their Python representatives, are presented in Section 14.2. Issues of concern to callers written in Python are addressed in the client-side bindings discussion in Section 14.3, while issues for callees written in Python are in Section 14.4, which describes the implementation-side bindings.
NOTE: Babel requires a Python shared library. Because Python 2.3 has a configure/build system that builds shared libraries on many architectures, use of Python 2.3 or beyond is recommended.
As with any programming language-neutral technology, translations must be made between abstract constructs supported by the technology and the corresponding concrete constructs in the native programming language. Due to the need to identify types in a global context, Subsection 14.2.1 describes the convention used to establish name spaces. Conventions for generating language-specific method signatures are given in Subsection 14.2.2. The mapping of SIDL fundamental types is given in Subsection 14.2.3. Finally, the process of casting between different types is described in Subsection 14.2.4.
As in the case of Java, the SIDL name space maps easily into Python packages and modules. That is, the SIDL package and interface/class hierarchy maps to a corresponding Python hierarchy. For example, a class Z in a SIDL specification with the top-most package X and nested, parent package Y maps to a Python package X with module Y that contains method Z. The class is then identified as X.Y.Z in Python.
Despite the natural name space mapping, the goal to make language bindings as natural as possible led to some variation for Python method signatures. While the method name is used directly — where the full name (i. e., the short name with the extension appended) is used for overloaded methods — there are some differences for its arguments. Specifically, arguments to the method include only the specified in and inout arguments, while the return value of the Python method includes the SIDL return value in addition to the inout and out parameters. (This will, hopefully, seem natural to Python programmers.) For example, the following SIDL declaration for method passeverywhere of class Cdouble within the Args package is:
double passeverywhere( in double d1, out double d2, inout double d3 ); |
The corresponding calling signature — based on Python’s built-in documentation capability — is:
passeverywhere(in double d1, inout double d3) RETURNS (double _return, out double d2, inout double d3) |
Whenever the SIDL specification includes a return type, the corresponding Python signature will include an _return as the first value of the Python’s RETURNS value. Starting _return with an underbar is used to indicate the argument is not a parameter since Python parameter names cannot begin with an underbar. More information on Python’s built-in documentation capability is given in Subsection 14.3.4.
NOTE: As discussed in Subsection 14.2.3, methods passing raw SIDL arrays (or r-arrays) do not have index arguments in Python.
Unlike the other bindings, a straightforward mapping of SIDL to Python types does not exist. Consequently, this subsection describes key data types.
As stated in Section 6.3, SIDL longs are equivalent to those in C. Hence, they map to 64-bit integers in the middleware. However, since Python’s unlimited precision integer data type is used in the bindings, the behaviour is not exactly like 64-bit integers (i. e., there is no overflow).
NOTE: For Python versions before 2.2, the code needs to guarantee that a Python unlimited precision integer is used whenever a SIDL long is needed. For example, calling isPrime — whose SIDL signature is bool isPrime(long num) — as isPrime(1) will fail. However, calling isPrime(1L) will succeed.
As stated in Section 6.3, SIDL ints for Python are equivalent to those in C. Hence, they map to a 32-bit integer.
Python exceptions must be Python classes; they cannot be C extension types — the mechanism used to wrap SIDL objects as Python objects. Because of this, Babel defines an exception class for each SIDL type that implements sidl.BaseException. For a type called X.Y.Z, the Python exception class is named X.Y.Z._Exception.
NOTE: In Babel 0.10.2 and previous releases, the Python exception class was named X.Y.Z.Exception, but this name can potentially collide with the class constructor or a static method named Exception. For backwards compatibility, Babel defines X.Y.Z.Exception if the name Exception is not used in the class.
As discussed in Section 6.4, SIDL supports both normal and raw arrays (i. e., r-arrays). Both types of arrays are treated the same in Python bindings. That is, they both map to their NumPy or Numeric Python equivalents. In the case of SIDL longs, an array of 64-bit integers may be used if NumPy or Numeric Python supports 64-bit integers; otherwise, an array of Python’s indefinite precision integers (i. e., integers with unlimited bits) are used.
NOTE: The SIDL array API is not supported in these bindings; instead, those in NumPy or Numeric Python must be used. With Babel 1.1.0 and later, Babel supports either the new NumPy or the deprecated Numeric Python. To determine which Babel is configured to use, you can use the following:
import sidlPyArray if sidlPyArray.type == "numpy": import numpy else: if sidlPyArray.type == "numeric": import numeric |
There is no way to access the value of a SIDL opaque in Python. The Python value None can be passed as an incoming opaque parameter. You can also pass in an opaque value that was returned by previous Babel method invocation. Babel maps SIDL opaque to the Python CObject type — a type that is only accessible from Python C extension modules.
Given an object, obj, it is possible to determine if it is an instance of a SIDL class or interface whose fully qualified name is X.Y.Z as follows:
>>> import X.Y.Z
>>> zobj = X.Y.Z.Z(obj)
Of course, the import is not needed if X.Y.Z has already been imported. If zobj is not equal to None, the cast was successful.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and using the Python bindings associated with software wrapped with Babel’s language interoperability middleware. The bindings generation process and required environment variables are presented before the process for importing SIDL-specified constructs is described. Object management and invocation of static and overloaded methods are also summarized. The process of catching exceptions is then discussed. Finally, the processes for enabling and disabling implementation-specific pre- and post-method instrumentation — referred to as “hooks” — are illustrated.
Building Python bindings requires an installation with Python compiled as a shared or dynamically linked library. The standard Python build only creates the necessary shared library on a few platforms — none of which are target platforms for Babel. Some Linux distributions include a Python shared library, and it is possible to make a Python shared library on Solaris. The Python shared library should contain the objects from libpythonm.n.a where m.n is the version of Python being used. Since making a shared library is different on each platform, the process is not covered here.
To generate client-side bindings, Babel must be run as follows1:
% babel --exclude-external --client=python file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -c=python file.sidl
This creates the Intermediate Object Representation (IOR) files in the current directory and a tree of subdirectories based on the package hierarchy found in file.sidl. It also creates module (i. e., _Module.c) files in the appropriate subdirectories. In most cases, the IOR, _pSkel.c, and _pLaunch.c files must be compiled and place in a shared library.
There are three environment variables associated with running Python with Babel on many systems. Each, described below, identifies path-related directories that must be set properly for various tools. It is assumed Babel was already installed in directories rooted at $PREFIX.
The following command is used to import a class named X.Y.Z:
>>> import X.Y.Z
>>> from X.Y.Z import *
can be used but there can be no name space collisions.
This subsection elaborates on a few of the common problems (and possible solutions) that occur when importing SIDL-specified extensions.
>>> import X.Y.Zmodule
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initZmodule)
This could be a matter of an incorrect import or a problem with the environment. Consider the following:
If the answers to these questions do not solve the problem, submit a bug report for Babel.
>>> import X.Y.Z
Fatal Python error: Cannot load implementation for SIDL class X.Y.Z
Abort (core dumped)
then the Python stub code — the code that links Python to SIDL’s independent object representation (IOR) — failed in its attempt to load the shared or dynamically linked library that contains the implementation of SIDL class X.Y.Z. This is likely to be a path problem so consider the following:
>>> import X.Y.Z
Fatal Python error: Cannot load implementation for SIDL interface X.Y.Z
Abort (core dumped)
it is the same problem described for the fatal error encountered when attempting to load a SIDL class.
Once the Python extension module is built and imported, an instance can be created. For example, given the Args.Cdouble example in Subsection 14.2.2 with the method passeverywhere, the process for instantiating the class and printing its calling signature is:
$ python >>> import Args.Cdouble >>> obj = Args.Cdouble.Cdouble() >>> print obj.passeverywhere.__doc__ passeverywhere(in double d1, inout double d3) RETURNS (double _return, out double d2, inout double d3) |
In this case the last part of the class name is repeated when assigning the instance to obj. Any SIDL document comments (i. e. comments enclosed in /** */) will appear below the signature documentation.
In some cases, the Python extension module may be named Cdoublemodule.so instead of simply Cdouble.so. This might result in the temptation to import Args.Cdoublemodule instead of import Args.Cdouble; resist!
Static methods of a SIDL-specified class are available in Python. Since they are associated with a class, they reside in its name space.
Examples of calls to SIDL overloaded methods are based on the overload_sample.sidl file shown in Section 6.7. Recall that the file describes three versions of the getValue method. The first takes no arguments, the second takes an integer argument, and the third takes a boolean. Each is called in the code snippet below:
b1 = 1 i1 = 1 t = Overload.Sample.Sample() nresult = t.getValue() iresult = t.getValueInt(i1) bresult = t.getValueBool(b1) |
SIDL exceptions are caught very much like normal Python exceptions except the Python exception class of the SIDL type must be used. The exception value holds the SIDL object as attribute exception. Below is an example of catching exceptions from a call to getFib.
try: fib.getFib(-1, 10, 10, 0) except ExceptionTest.NegativeValueException._Exception: (etype, eobj, etb) = sys.exc_info() # eobj is the SIDL exception object print eobj.exception.getNote() # show the exception comment print eobj.exception.getTrace() # and traceback |
Note that eobj.exception is an instance of ExceptionTest.NegativeValueException.NegativeValueException, the Python type corresponding to the SIDL type ExceptionTest.NegativeValueException.
If a given component supports pre- and post-method invocation instrumentation, also known as “hooks”, their execution can be enabled or disabled at runtime through the built-in _set_hooks method. For example, given the following SIDL specification:
package hooks version 1.0 { class Basics { /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ static int aStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); /** * Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. */ int aNonStaticMeth(in int i, out int o, inout int io); } } |
which has a single static function and a member function for the Basics class, the processes for enabling and disabling execution of the implementation-specific hooks are:
obj = hooks.Basics.Basics() # # Enable hooks execution (enabled by default) # ...for non-static methods # hooks.Basics._set_hooks_static(1) # # ...for static methods # obj._set_hooks(1) # # ...do something important... # # # Disable hooks execution # ...for non-static methods # hooks.Basics._set_hooks_static(0) # # ...for static methods # obj._set_hooks(0) # # ...do something important... # |
It is important to keep in mind that the _set_hooks_static method must be used to enable/disable invocation of hooks for static methods and the _set_hooks method must be used for those of non-static methods. Also, Babel does not provide client access to the _pre and _post methods; therefore, they cannot be invoked directly. More information on the instrumentation process is provided in Subsection 8.4.5.
Interface contracts specify the expected behaviors of clients and servers of interface and class methods. Once specified, contracts can automatically be enforced at runtime. This section provides an example of a specification and associated code snippets for performing basic, traditional contract enforcement — introduced in Section 6.5 — within a Python client.
A SIDL specification, including preconditions and postconditions, for calculating the sum of two vectors is given below. (Refer to Section 6.5 for an introduction to the contract syntax.) According to the preconditions, all callers are expected to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size as arguments. The postconditions specify that all implementations are expected to return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array), assuming the preconditions are satisfied.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
An example of a Python client calling the method is given below. The code snippet illustrates declaring and creating the arrays; enabling full contract enforcement (i. e., checking all contract clauses); executing vuSum; and handling contract violation exceptions is given below.
import sidl.EnfPolicy import sidl.PostViolation import sidl.PreViolation import vect.Utils import sidl.ContractClass ALL_TYPES = sidl.ContractClass.ALLCLASSES PRECONDITIONS = sidl.ContractClass.PRECONDS POSTCONDITIONS = sidl.ContractClass.POSTCONDS import sidlPyArrays if sidlPyArrays.type == "numpy": from numpy import zeros, float64, ndarray ArrayType = ndarray elif sidlPyArrays.type == "numeric": import Numeric zeros = Numeric.zeros float64 = Numeric.Float64 ArrayType = Numeric.ArrayType def savespace(o): try: o.savespace(1) except AttributeError: pass def createDouble(len): result = None if (len >= 0): result = zeros((len, ), float64) savespace(result) return result # ... u = createDouble(MAX_SIZE) v = createDouble(MAX_SIZE) # Initialize u and v. # # Enable FULL contract enforcement. try: sidl.EnfPolicy.setEnforceAll(ALL_TYPES, TRUE) except: # Handle the exception # Do something meaningful before execute method. try: x = vect.Utils.vuSum(u, v) if (x != None): # Do something with the result, x. except: (excType, excObj, ExcTb) = sys.exc_info() if (excObj): try: if (excObj.exception.isType("sidl.PreViolation")): # Handle precondition violation elif (excObj.exception.isType("sidl.PostViolation")): # Handle postcondition violation else: # Handle unexpected exception except: # Handle exception # ... |
Alternative enforcement options can be set, as described in Section 6.5, through the two basic helper methods: setEnforceAll and setEnforceNone. The code snippet below shows the Python calls associated with the traditional options of enabling only precondition enforcement, enabling postcondition enforcement, or completely disabling contract enforcement.
import sidl.EnfPolicy import sidl.ContractClass # # Enable only precondition contract enforcement. # (Useful when only need to ensure callers comply with contract.) try: sidl.EnfPolicy.setEnforceAll(sidl.ContractClass.PRECONDS, FALSE) except: # Handle the exception # # Enable only postcondition contract enforcement. # (Useful when only need to ensure implementation(s) comply with contract.) try: sidl.EnfPolicy.setEnforceAll(sidl.ContractClass.POSTCONDS, FALSE) except: # Handle the exception # # Disable contract enforcement. # (Should only be used when have confidence in caller AND implementation.) try: sidl.EnfPolicy.setEnforceNone(FALSE) except: # Handle the exception |
This section illustrates the basic interfaces and processes for traditional interface contract enforcement for a Python client. Additional enforcement policy options and methods as well as more information regarding the specification and enforcement of contracts can be found in Chapter 21.
This section summarizes aspects of generating and wrapping software written in Python. The bindings generation process is presented first. The process for defining and managing that data is then discussed. The process of throwing exceptions in the implementation is then illustrated. Finally, the results of generating implementations with pre- and post-method “hooks” are shown.
As mentioned in Subsection 14.3.1, Python must have been compiled as a shared or dynamically linked library. To implement an object in Python, Babel must first create the Python implementation-side bindings2 as follows:
% babel --exclude-external --server=python file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -s=python file.sidl
This creates the IOR, Python skeletons (i. e., _pSkel.c), and Python launch (i. e., _pLaunch.c) files in the current directory. In most cases, the IOR, _pSkel.c, and _pLaunch.c files must be compiled and place in a shared library. It also creates a tree of subdirectories based on the package hierarchy found in file.sidl in which it generates Python extension modules for the client-side binding (i. e., _Module.c) and implementation (i. e., _Impl.py) files. The implementation files need to be filled in, as described in Subsection 14.4.2, and extension modules compiled as discussed in Subsection 14.4.3.
Implementation details must be added to the “Impl” files generated in Subsection 14.4.1. Changes to these files must be made between code splicer pairs to ensure their retention in subsequent invocations of Babel. In fact, Babel generates everything except the code that appears between splicer blocks (i. e., splicer.begin and splicer.end comments). That is, it creates a class definition and empty methods in files whose names end in _Impl.py. Code placed within matching splicer pairs will be preserved in subsequent executions of Babel while changes outside them will be lost.
Using the example from Subsection 14.2.2, the splicer blocks and implementation details for passeverywhere are:
def passeverywhere(self, d1, d3): # # SIDL EXPECTED INCOMING TYPES # ============================ # double d1 # double d3 # # # SIDL EXPECTED RETURN VALUE(s) # ============================= # (_return, d2, d3) # double _return # double d2 # double d3 # # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(passeverywhere) if (d1 == 3.14): retval = 3.14 else: retval = 0 return (retval, 3.14, -d3) # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(passeverywhere) |
Babel creates a setup.py file that can be used to build the Python extension modules that you create. setup.py uses the Python distutils package to build the Python extension modules. The following are two extra command line arguments:
The directory containing the SIDL runtime and Python headers is normally specified with --include-dirs=. The directory where libsidl.so is stored must also be specified. The following is a hypothetical example:
setup.py --include-dirs=/usr/local/include
--library-dirs=/usr/local/lib build_ext --inplace
although any real installation is unlikely to actually use those settings.
Any variables declared in the implementation source file will, by virtue of Babel’s encapsulation, be private.
NOTE: Python does not support the built-in, class-wide _load() method used for one-time initialization in the other language bindings.
Recall Subsection 14.2.3 discussed issues associated with support for SIDL exceptions. Below is an example snippet of code for throwing the exceptions that are caught in the Subsection 14.3.7 example. The setNote method provides a useful error message, and the add method helps provide a multi-language traceback capability — provided each layer of the call stack calls add.
def getFib(self, n, max_depth, max_value, depth): # sidl EXPECTED INCOMING TYPES # ============================ # int n, max_depth, max_value, depth # # sidl EXPECTED RETURN VALUE(s) # ============================= # int _return # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(getFib) if (n < 0): ex = ExceptionTest.NegativeValueException.NegativeValueException() ex.setNote("n negative") ex.add(__name__, 0, "ExceptionTest.Fib.getFib") raise ExceptionTest.NegativeValueException._Exception, ex # numerous lines deleted # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(getFib) |
As discussed in Subsection 14.3.8, when hooks execution
is enabled, implementation-specific instrumentation is executed. Using
the --
generate-hooks option on the Babel
command line when generating implementation-side bindings results
in the automatic generation of a _pre and _post
method for every static and non-static method associated with each class
in the specification. For the aStaticMethod specified in
Subsection 14.3.8, the generated _pre method
implementation is:
def aStaticMeth_pre(i, io): # # sidl EXPECTED INCOMING TYPES # ============================ # int i # int io # # # sidl EXPECTED RETURN VALUE(s) # ============================= # # None # """\ Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. """ # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(aStaticMeth_pre) # # Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately prior # to dispatch to aStaticMeth(). # return # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(aStaticMeth_pre) |
while that of the _post method is:
def aStaticMeth_post(i, o, io, _retval): # # sidl EXPECTED INCOMING TYPES # ============================ # int i # int o # int io # int _retval # # # sidl EXPECTED RETURN VALUE(s) # ============================= # # None # """\ Basic illustration of hooks for static methods. """ # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(aStaticMeth_post) # # Add instrumentation here to be executed immediately after # return from dispatch to aStaticMeth(). # return # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(aStaticMeth_post) |
Per the normal implementation process, the desired instrumentation should be added within the splicer blocks of aStaticMethod_pre and aStaticMethod_post. As stated in the comments within those blocks, aStaticMethod_pre will be executed immediately prior to dispatch to aStaticMethod when the latter is invoked by a client. Assuming no exceptions are encountered, aStaticMethod_post is executed immediately upon return from aStaticMethod.
This chapter introduces the SIDL backend associated with symbols that may originate from a SIDL file or the corresponding Extensible Markup Language (XML) representation. Unlike most of the other supported language bindings, the output from this backend is textual in nature. That is, it is the textual, human-readable form of the interfaces description. An alternative text form, XML that is, which is also supported is described in Chapter 16.
The primary reason for having a SIDL backend is to provide a mechanism for generating human-readable text for interfaces that are written in conformant XML. It is important to emphasize that Babel requires the XML to conform to the SIDL DTD in order to benefit from this feature.
Generating SIDL provides a feature to collaborators who are interested in experimenting with the XML form of the interfaces. Such groups should find the more human-readable descriptions of the interfaces to be helpful for distribution and discussion.
Generated SIDL files may differ from their original SIDL files in several respects in terms of content as well as layout. These differences are summarized below.
As an example, suppose we have a package in the file foo.sidl. The original file’s contents are:
package foo version 1.0 { class A {} package bar version 2.0 { class B {} } } |
The resulting contents of the generated SIDL file are:
package foo version 1.0 { class A { } package bar version 2.0 { class B { } } } |
Notice the differences in white space. To illustrate more features, further suppose we have a package in the file fooTest.sidl. The original file’s contents are:
// An ignored comment require foo version 1.0; require foo.bar version 2.0; /** * Test of doc comment with XML special characters < & >. */ package fooTest version 0.1 { /** * Another doc comment for an empty class. */ class A extends foo.bar.B {} class B extends foo.A {} } |
The resulting contents of the generated SIDL file are:
require foo version 1.0; require foo.bar version 2.0; /** * Test of doc comment with XML special characters < & >. */ package fooTest version 0.1 { /** * Another doc comment for an empty class. */ class A extends foo.bar.B { } class B extends foo.A { } } |
Here we see the exclusion of non-document comments and the retention of document comments. Refer to Section 6.2 and Appendix C for more information about document comments.
Testing has revealed that XML generated from the original SIDL file compared to XML generated from generated SIDL files have only minor differences. In fact, the differences are limited to specific metadata fields. Specifically, the date, source-url, and source-line entries can differ. The dates, however, will be the same if the “--suppress-timestamp” option was used when both XML files were generated. Similarly, the source-line entries will be the same if the package started on the same line in both the original and generated SIDL files. The latter can happen if, for instance, there are no non-doc comments in the original file.
To generate SIDL from a file using the default repository to resolve symbols, you should invoke Babel as follows 2:
% babel --exclude-external --text=SIDL file.sidl
or use the short form
% babel -E -tSIDL file.sidl
Alternatively, you can generate SIDL from XML symbols, again assuming the default repository is used to resolve symbols, by typing the following at the command line:
% babel --exclude-external --text=SIDL packagename
or use the short form
% babel -E -tSIDL packagename
This chapter introduces the XML representation supported by Babel. Here we describe the motivation for having an XML backend and the basic structure of a conformant XML file. To illustrate, a few of the SIDL symbol XML files will be presented.
Details regarding the layout of XML files can be obtained by referring to the Document Type Definition (DTD) provided in Appendix C. For more on the type repositories, refer to[XML Repositories in Section 6.2.
The XML backend is a key feature of Babel. It provides the basis upon which the symbol, or type, repository depends. SIDL files should be translated into their XML representations and stored in the type repository. This is the case for the SIDL interfaces and classes that are provided as part of the Babel toolkit.
Each generated XML file specifies the interfaces for a given SIDL Symbol in an expanded textual representation. Although the structure of a given file depends upon the type of symbol it contains, the basic layout consists of a set of common elements followed by symbol-specific elements.
The common elements are prolog, document type, name, metadata, and comment. These elements, which are described below, are followed by symbol-specific information.
In addition to the common elements, packages retain elements and attributes associated with SIDL packages. These include whether or not the package is final along with a list of the symbols contained within the package. The list of symbols consists of the tuple: name, type, and version.
For example, the XML representation of the toplevel SIDL package (i. e., sidl) is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Symbol PUBLIC "-//CCA//sidl Symbol DTD v1.1//EN" "/babel/share/repository/sidl.dtd"> <Symbol> <SymbolName name="sidl" version="0.9.12" /> <Metadata date="20051208 10:47:28 PST"> <MetadataEntry key="source-url" value="file:/babel/runtime/sidl/sidl.sidl" /> <MetadataEntry key="babel-version" value="0.10.51" /> <MetadataEntry key="xml-url" value="/babel/share/repository/sidl-v0.9.12.xml" /> <MetadataEntry key="source-line" value="39" /> </Metadata> <Comment>The <code>sidl</code>package contains the fundamental type and interface definitions for the <code>sidl</code>interface definition language. It defines common run-time libraries and common base classes and interfaces. Every interface implicitly inherits from <code>sidl.BaseInterface</code>and every class implicitly inherits from <code>sidl.BaseClass</code>.</Comment> <Package final="false"> <PackageSymbol name="BaseInterface" type="interface" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="BaseClass" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="io" type="package" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="BaseException" type="interface" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="RuntimeException" type="interface" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="SIDLException" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="PreViolation" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="PostViolation" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="InvViolation" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="Scope" type="enum" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="Resolve" type="enum" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="DLL" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="Finder" type="interface" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="DFinder" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="Loader" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="ClassInfo" type="interface" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="ClassInfoI" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="MemoryAllocationException" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="CastException" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="LangSpecificException" type="class" version="0.9.12" /> <PackageSymbol name="rmi" type="package" version="0.9.12" /> </Package> </Symbol> |
Similarly, the XML for interface symbols contain the common elements. In addition, they retain elements and attributes associated with SIDL interfaces. These include any extensions, parent interfaces it implements, and its methods. Method information includes its name, communication mode, short name, name extension (for languages that don’t support method overloading), comment, return type, argument list, and exception list.
For example, the XML representation of sidl.BaseInterface is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Symbol PUBLIC "-//CCA//sidl Symbol DTD v1.1//EN" "/babel/share/repository/sidl.dtd"> <Symbol> <SymbolName name="sidl.BaseInterface" version="0.9.12" /> <Metadata date="20051208 10:47:28 PST"> <MetadataEntry key="source-url" value="file:/babel/runtime/sidl/sidl.sidl" /> <MetadataEntry key="babel-version" value="0.10.51" /> <MetadataEntry key="xml-url" value="/babel/share/repository/sidl.BaseInterface-v0.9.12.xml" /> <MetadataEntry key="source-line" value="46" /> </Metadata> <Comment>Every interface in <code>sidl</code>implicitly inherits from <code>BaseInterface</code>, and it is implemented by <code>BaseClass</code>below.</Comment> <Interface> <ExtendsBlock /> <AllParentInterfaces /> <MethodsBlock> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="abstract" extension="" shortname="addRef"> <Comment> <p>Add one to the intrinsic reference count in the underlying object. Object in <code>sidl</code>have an intrinsic reference count. Objects continue to exist as long as the reference count is positive. Clients should call this method whenever they create another ongoing reference to an object or interface.</p> <p>This does not have a return value because there is no language independent type that can refer to an interface or a class.</p> </Comment> <Type type="void" /> <ArgumentList /> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="abstract" extension="" shortname="deleteRef"> <Comment>Decrease by one the intrinsic reference count in the underlying object, and delete the object if the reference is non-positive. Objects in <code>sidl</code>have an intrinsic reference count. Clients should call this method whenever they remove a reference to an object or interface.</Comment> <Type type="void" /> <ArgumentList /> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="abstract" extension="" shortname="isSame"> <Comment>Return true if and only if <code>obj</code>refers to the same object as this object.</Comment> <Type type="boolean" /> <ArgumentList> <Argument copy="false" mode="in" name="iobj"> <Type type="symbol"> <SymbolName name="sidl.BaseInterface" version="0.9.12" /> </Type> </Argument> </ArgumentList> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="abstract" extension="" shortname="isType"> <Comment>Return whether this object is an instance of the specified type. The string name must be the <code>sidl</code>type name. This routine will return <code>true</code>if and only if a cast to the string type name would succeed.</Comment> <Type type="boolean" /> <ArgumentList> <Argument copy="false" mode="in" name="name"> <Type type="string" /> </Argument> </ArgumentList> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="abstract" extension="" shortname="getClassInfo"> <Comment>Return the meta-data about the class implementing this interface.</Comment> <Type type="symbol"> <SymbolName name="sidl.ClassInfo" version="0.9.12" /> </Type> <ArgumentList /> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> </MethodsBlock> </Interface> </Symbol> |
Class definitions are almost identical to that of interfaces except for additional attributes. The additional attribute, which include whether or not the class is final. Recall that Babel/SIDL supports only single inheritance of classes; therefore, only a single class will appear in the extends block. If one does not appear in the original SIDL file, by default the class will extend sidl.Baseclase.
For example, the XML representation of sidl.BaseClass is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Symbol PUBLIC "-//CCA//sidl Symbol DTD v1.1//EN" "/babel/share/repository/sidl.dtd"> <Symbol> <SymbolName name="sidl.BaseClass" version="0.9.12" /> <Metadata date="20051208 10:47:28 PST"> <MetadataEntry key="source-url" value="file:/babel/runtime/sidl/sidl.sidl" /> <MetadataEntry key="babel-version" value="0.10.51" /> <MetadataEntry key="xml-url" value="/babel/share/repository/sidl.BaseClass-v0.9.12.xml" /> <MetadataEntry key="source-line" value="97" /> </Metadata> <Comment>Every class implicitly inherits from <code>BaseClass</code>. This class implements the methods in <code>BaseInterface</code>.</Comment> <Class abstract="false"> <Extends /> <ImplementsBlock> <SymbolName name="sidl.BaseInterface" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplementsBlock> <AllParentClasses /> <AllParentInterfaces> <SymbolName name="sidl.BaseInterface" version="0.9.12" /> </AllParentInterfaces> <MethodsBlock> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="final" extension="" shortname="addRef"> <Comment> <p>Add one to the intrinsic reference count in the underlying object. Object in <code>sidl</code>have an intrinsic reference count. Objects continue to exist as long as the reference count is positive. Clients should call this method whenever they create another ongoing reference to an object or interface.</p> <p>This does not have a return value because there is no language independent type that can refer to an interface or a class.</p> </Comment> <Type type="void" /> <ArgumentList /> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="final" extension="" shortname="deleteRef"> <Comment>Decrease by one the intrinsic reference count in the underlying object, and delete the object if the reference is non-positive. Objects in <code>sidl</code>have an intrinsic reference count. Clients should call this method whenever they remove a reference to an object or interface.</Comment> <Type type="void" /> <ArgumentList /> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="final" extension="" shortname="isSame"> <Comment>Return true if and only if <code>obj</code>refers to the same object as this object.</Comment> <Type type="boolean" /> <ArgumentList> <Argument copy="false" mode="in" name="iobj"> <Type type="symbol"> <SymbolName name="sidl.BaseInterface" version="0.9.12" /> </Type> </Argument> </ArgumentList> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="normal" extension="" shortname="isType"> <Comment>Return whether this object is an instance of the specified type. The string name must be the <code>sidl</code>type name. This routine will return <code>true</code>if and only if a cast to the string type name would succeed.</Comment> <Type type="boolean" /> <ArgumentList> <Argument copy="false" mode="in" name="name"> <Type type="string" /> </Argument> </ArgumentList> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> <Method communication="normal" copy="false" definition="final" extension="" shortname="getClassInfo"> <Comment>Return the meta-data about the class implementing this interface.</Comment> <Type type="symbol"> <SymbolName name="sidl.ClassInfo" version="0.9.12" /> </Type> <ArgumentList /> <ThrowsList /> <ImplicitThrowsList> <SymbolName name="sidl.RuntimeException" version="0.9.12" /> </ImplicitThrowsList> </Method> </MethodsBlock> </Class> </Symbol> |
XML must be generated from a SIDL file. The Babel command line is as follows 2:
% babel --exclude-external --text=XML file.sidl
or simply
% babel -E -tXML file.sidl
In both cases, the use of the default repository is assumed for resolving symbols. In addition, the output will appear in the default output directory.
Babel can automatically create interface documentation using the HTML backend. This capability is modeled after the javadoc documentation available with Java. It is invoked with the --text=html command line option.
Part III |
In classic Babel, all calls are in-process. That is, everything Babel generates is loaded into the same process. This means inter-language Babel calls use the same mechanisms as normal function calls. This makes calls between languages extremely fast. However, many systems also have a need for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), that is, calls made between different processes, or even machines over a network. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is Babel’s answer to this need.
RMI is Object Oriented RPC. However, unlike RPC where calls are made to procedures on a specified machine, in RMI calls are made on objects. The call is run on whichever machine the object resides on.
There are several reasons why an application may choose to use RMI. The main reasons are wrapping code tied to particular hardware, wrapping code tied to a particular operating system release, coarse-grained parallel execution, or greater encapsulation. With RMI, you can make code that’s tied to a particular machine available to programs running on other platforms. You can utilize multi-CPU systems to concurrently solve problems using RMI. RMI can solve problems that sometimes occur when you put two codes in the same address space. For example, two Fortran codes may use the same logical unit numbers (similar to C file numbers), or two codes may both need a customized form of a third party library. Bringing both codes into the same process may cause a symbol collision for the third party library, and one code gets the wrong version of the library.
Despite the radical low-level differences between RMI and classic Babel, the user interfaces are nearly identical. In fact, if a library writer does not care if an object is remote or not, they simply do not need to know. RMI support requires a few simple calls to set up the infrastructure, but almost everything else is handled automatically by the Babel runtime library. Babel also has a few RMI support functions and a special remote constructor.
For normal function calls, arguments are passed by initializing registers and pushing things onto the system stack. In RMI, function arguments and return values are passed by a network protocol. From a programmers point of view, the only difference between normal and network function calls is that network function calls have more failure modes. Anything that can disturb a network connection, such as a router going offline, can cause a RMI call to fail.
Conceptually, the RMI view of the world can be thought of as 1 or more Babel Object Servers (BOSs) that a client can connect to in order to create or use objects on those servers. Of course, any server can also connect as a client to any other server, and any client can become a server simply by starting up a BOS of it’s own.
This makes Babel RMI very flexible, and accepting of whatever client-server relationships the application writers choose to use. Web Services users of Babel tend to use traditional client-server models, while scientific distributed systems users tend toward peer-to-peer usage.
The first thing any user of Babel RMI has to do is choose a Babel RMI protocol. Babel RMI can use any protocol that implements the Babel RMI API, but a client and a server using different protocols probably cannot communicate.
A Babel RMI protocol may be built on any low level protocol (such as TCP/IP) that the protocol implementer wishes to use. This should not affect the user at all. The protocol controls the details of how arguments and return values are converted to a stream of bytes that can be shipped across the network and read by the other process.
Currently there is only one protocol that fully implements the Babel RMI API, and it is included with Babel in the runtime/sidlx directory. It is called “Simple Protocol.” However, there are many other protocols currently under development (at least four.) Soon there will be a number of choices, including protocols specifically tuned for high-performance scientific computing, web services, and CORBA[] compatibility.
The next thing that a user needs is a BOS to connect to. The BOS is implemented by the protocol writers as a library. As mentioned before, the BOS may be run by itself, by a small driver program, or run as part of a program that also acts as a client. There is an example of a small driver program in contrib/babel-rmi/orb.
The BOS is accessed by a protocol specific URL. A URL is a string the uniquely identifies a network resource. Most people are aware of Internet URLs like: http://www.llnl.gov/CASC/components/babel.html (which is the URL for the Babel web page). Babel RMI also uses URLs, but they are mostly protocol specific. Babel RMI only uses the portion of the URL up to the first non-alphanumeric character to identify the protocol that is being used. The rest of the URL is passed on to the protocol. This means that while “Simple Protocol” URLs look like this:
one can also imagine URLs of the form:
for the weird protocol, or:
for running the weird protocol over SSL. Babel RMI itself does not attempt to parse anything past the first non-alphanumeric character, so most of the URL is entirely protocol dependent.
There are two main ways of accessing objects on a remote server, creation and connection.
A client may create a remote object with the Babel built-in static _createRemote(in string URL) method. This asks the remote server given in the URL to create an object. For example, the C function
foo_Bar b = foo_Bar__createRemote(‘‘simhandle://pc3:9999/’’);
will create an object of type foo.Bar on the server running on pc3 port 9999 using the “Simple Protocol.”
foo_Bar b may now be passed around exactly like a normal Babel object, except that all calls on b will actually run on pc3.
However, in some cases, an object already exists on a remote server that the user just wants to access. In this case, the object can be connected to via the built-in static _connect(in string URL) method. The only difference is, in this case the URL must include an object ID to uniquely identify the object desired on the BOS. For example:
foo_Bar b = foo_Bar__connect(‘‘simhandle://pc3:9999/Bar1025’’);
here again, foo_Bar b may now be used exactly like any other Babel object. To relate back to normal Babel, connection is kind of like an active addRef. The user actively goes and gets his own reference to a given object.
_connect is actually used by Babel internally whenever objects are passed remotely as arguments. In fact, users will probably rarely use connect directly, most often it will be done automatically by Babel when objects are passed remotely. _connect is exposed to the user mostly for Web Services, where the objectID may always be the same, and for special boot strapping uses.
All basic types are passed by value in Babel RMI. They are actually copied across the network. This is reasonable since they are small. Arrays are also copy-only, so anytime an array is passed remotely through Babel RMI, it is actually copied to the remote machine.
Because arrays are copy-only for RMI, there is a noticeable difference in the behavior of an in array argument between a non-RMI call and an RMI call. For the non-RMI call, the code implementing the method can change elements of the incoming array. Because the caller and callee share the same array, the caller’s copy of the array will also be changed. For an RMI call, even if the code implementing the method changes elements of the incoming array, the caller’s copy can never be modified because the client and server each have a distinct copy of the array data.
There are two ways one can pass objects in Babel RMI, by reference, and by copy. The default method is pass-by-reference. For example, server A calls a function foo on server B, and passes a local object Bar as an argument. In this case A will actually pass the URL of Bar to B, B will then call _connect on the URL, which connects back to the object Bar on A.
Pass-by-copy (also called serialization) is different. Pass-by-copy means that a new object is actually created locally on B, and filled in with the values from the object Bar on A. The result is two distinct local objects, one on A and one on B. In order to pass by copy, copy must be used as an argument modifier in the SIDL file. For example:
copy Bar retBar(copy in Foo f)
This sidl function takes a copy of a Foo and returns a copy of a Bar.
Passing by copy also requires the object being passed implements sidl.io.Serializable:
1 package sidl.io version 9.15 { 2 interface Serializable { 3 void packObj( in Serializer ser ); 4 void unpackObj( in Deserializer des ); 5 } 6 } |
Serializable declares two methods, packObj and unPackObj. packObj serializes the internal object data to a string. unPackObj reinstates the data into the new object by unserializing it from a string. The library developer must implement these functions because Babel does not know what data is in the object, or how it should be serialized. Examples of packObj and unpackObj implementations can be found in sidl.rmi.SIDLException and sidl.rmi.NetworkException.
Babel RMI casting works the same as normal Babel casting, the user calls casts an object to a new type, and gets a new reference back of the object of the new type. In normal Babel, the new reference points to the same IOR object as the old reference. This is because all Babel objects are internally represented as the type they were created as, so casting is simply a matter of checking if the internal Babel type extends the target type or not.
Babel RMI objects are more complex, a cast may result in a new stub. If _connect() is called on a remote object, the object can be connected as a super type of its actual type, such as an interface. If this object is later cast to a more derived type, a new local object stub must be created. These two stubs must be deleteRef’d individually.
Here is an example where foo_Quux extends foo_Bar. The first is what the user should do, the second is an error.
foo_Bar fb = foo_Bar__connect("simhandle://pc1:9999/quux1234", &_ex); foo_Quux fz = foo_Quux__cast(fb); foo_Bar_deleteRef(fb); foo_Quux_deleteRef(fz); //object is destroyed |
Do not do this:
foo_Bar fb = foo_Bar__connect("simhandle://pc1:9999/quux1234", &_ex); foo_Quux fz = foo_Quux__cast(fb); foo_Bar_deleteRef(fb); foo_Quux_deleteRef(fb); //ERROR!!! |
The previous section generally covered the capabilities of RMI. This section covers the actual usage of those features.
In a normal Babel RMI client program, the first thing that needs to be done is adding any protocols that the user plans to use to the ProtocolFactory. The ProtocolFactory is a mapping from protocol prefix that normally proceeds a URL, and the protocol’s actual implementation. The only method the user ever needs to access is addProtocol.
static bool addProtocol( in string prefix, in string typeName );
addProtocol takes the protocol prefix and the fully qualified SIDL protocol typename. It returns TRUE on success. For example, normally the shortname for the “Simple Protocol” protocol is “simhandle.” So we would call the ProtocolFactory like this:
Now Babel RMI knows what to call when it encounters a URL prefixed by “simhandle://”.
We already covered two important built-in Babel RMI functions in Section 18.2.3. They were the _create[Remote] and _connect static built-in functions, which remotely create an object or connect to an already existing remote object respectively.
There are three other important RMI related built-in functions that a user may find useful. The first two are related:
_isLocal() and _isRemote() are opposites. _isRemote() returns TRUE if the object it is called on is a remote object. _isLocal(), on the other hand, returns TRUE if the object is implemented locally.
Many Babel RMI users will never need these functions. If you don’t care where an object exists, or you already know statically, these methods are totally superfluous. However, since calls on remote objects have serious performance implications, we included these functions for convenience.
There is one other important RMI related built-in:
This function returns the URL of the object it is called on. This is straight forward for Remote objects, but for local objects it may have some interesting side effects. First, if there is no BOS running locally, no local objects can be exported remotely. Therefore no local object will have a URL. In this case _getURL() returns NULL. However, if there is a BOS running, then local object may have a URL. In this case, if the object has already been exported, _getURL() will return the URL in the sidl.rmi.InstanceRegistry, if the object is not in the InstanceRegistry, Babel will add it, thereby automatically generating a URL for the object. To reiterate, a possible side-effect of calling _getURL() is that the object it is called on my be added to the InstanceRegistry.
If there is no BOS running locally, (that is, your process is strictly a client) you cannot expose your local objects to remote machines by reference. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t pass objects around. The client can still pass references to remote objects on other remote servers, and can still pass both local and remote objects by copy. For this section, we will take our examples from this SIDL:
package foo version 0.1 { class Bar { void setBaz(in foo.Baz bz); void setBazCopy(in copy foo.Baz bz); //returns the registered Baz, or a new one if none exists foo.Baz returnBaz(); } class Baz {} } |
From the above SIDL, you can see that the following C code is perfectly legal for a client:
foo_Bar fb = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex); foo_Baz fz = foo_Bar_returnBaz(fb, &_ex); foo_Baz_runSimulation(fz, &_ex); |
It’s legal because the remote call returns a reference to another remote object, the client never actually exports any of it’s local objects.
The following chunk is also legal, because it passes a remote object to a different remote server. (Passing it to the same remote server would be OK too.)
foo_Bar fb = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex); foo_Baz fz = foo_Baz__createRemote("simhandle://pc2:9999", &_ex); foo_Bar_setBaz(fb, fz, &_ex); |
And the following is ALSO legal, because clients can pass local objects remotely by copy, they just can’t pass local objects by reference. (This allows users to drive a remote simulation on a cluster from a regular workstation with nothing but a simple client.)
foo_Bar fb = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex); foo_Baz fz = foo_Baz__create(&_ex); //Local object foo_Bar_setBazCopy(fb, fz, &_ex); //Pass by copy |
However this final bit of code will throw an exception if run by a client that has no BOS:
/* X ILLEGAL X WILL THROW EXCEPTION X */ foo_Bar fb = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex); foo_Baz fz = foo_Baz__create(&_ex); //Local object foo_Bar_setBaz(fb, fz, &_ex); //Pass by reference X BAD! X /* X ILLEGAL X WILL THROW EXCEPTION X */ |
Now that we’ve seen how to use a client, we will take a look at running a Babel Object Server.
Babel Object Servers are generally easy to start up, although each BOS may have a different construction interface. Here is an example of starting up the “Simple Protocol”
sidlx_rmi_SimpleOrb echo = NULL; int tid; sidl_rmi_ServerInfo si = NULL; int port_number = 9999; echo = sidlx_rmi_SimpleOrb__create(&ex);SIDL_CHECK(ex); sidlx_rmi_SimpleOrb_requestPort( echo, port_number, &ex);SIDL_CHECK(ex); tid = sidlx_rmi_SimpleOrb_run( echo, &ex );SIDL_CHECK(ex); si = sidl_rmi_ServerInfo__cast(echo,&ex);SIDL_CHECK(ex); sidl_rmi_ServerRegistry_registerServer(si, &ex);SIDL_CHECK(ex); sidl_rmi_ServerInfo_deleteRef(si,&ex);SIDL_CHECK(ex); pthread_join(tid, NULL); //Optional PTHREAD join |
Notice that before the server is run, requestPort must be called. There are actually two versions of requestPort: requestPort, and requestPort[InRange]. requestPort takes one argument, a TCP port number (integer). The port number is the TCP port that the BOS should listen to for connections. requestPort[InRange] takes two integers, which denote a range of ports the BOS may try. Because only one server can listen on any TCP port, if the port is already in use by another program, requestPort may fail. requestPort[InRange] gets around this by giving the BOS a range of ports to try. The BOS will try ports in this range until the whole range is exhausted or it could successfully bind to a port.
run returns a long. This return argument is meant to hold the thread id of the thread waiting for connections. The user may wish to join on the thread in order to keep the “Simple Protocol” server from exiting prematurely. (We are now past the “Simple Protocol” specific portion of this section)
After calling run the server is running, but you won’t be able to export any local objects until you register the server with the sidl.rmi.ServerRegistry. Every BOS must be registered with the ServerRegistry, and therefore every BOS must implement the sidl.rmi.ServerInfo interface. This interface is what allows the server to interact with the ServerRegistry.
class ServerRegistry { static void registerServer(in sidl.rmi.ServerInfo si); static string getServerURL(in string objID); static string isLocalObject(in string url); static array<sidl.io.Serializable,1> getExceptions(); } |
The ServerRegistry is a singleton class that Babel RMI uses internally to interface with the BOS. It interfaces through the sidl.rmi.ServerInfo interface:
interface ServerInfo { string getServerURL(in string objID); string isLocalObject(in string url); array<sidl.io.Serializable,1> getExceptions(); } |
Simply cast the BOS to a ServerInfo and register it with the ServerRegistry.
The user is never really meant to use the ServerInfo interface. In some cases a user may wish to call getExceptions() through the ServerRegistry. getExceptions() is an advanced function. Usually, if an exception is raised in the BOS by a remote call, the exception is returned back to the caller. However, in some cases this is not possible. In those cases the BOS logs the exceptions. Later, a user may use getExceptions to get the logged exceptions.
NOTE: Currently the ServerRegistry can only handle one ServerInfo. This means that Babel can effectively only support one BOS at a time for exporting local objects. (There are hairy ways around this) This is because there are a lot of issues that appear when a user can export objects with a number of different protocols that we have not dealt with. This may be researched further in the future.
Once you have a BOS up and running, you are free to export your local object to remote servers. (And, depending on your BOS, remote clients may be able to create and access objects on your BOS.) Exporting an object basically means that remote Babel processes can access the object. In implementation, this means that the object is accessible through the sidl.rmi.InstanceRegistry. The InstanceRegistry maps objectIDs to objects, and vice-versa. This is what allows a remote client to get a handle to your object with nothing more than a URL.
There are 3 ways for an object to end up in the InstanceRegistry. The first, and easiest, is simply to pass a local object by-reference as an argument in a remote call. The last example in 18.3.3 works if a BOS is running.
/* THIS WORKS IF A BOS IS RUNNING */ foo_Bar fb = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex); foo_Baz fz = foo_Baz__create(&_ex); //Local object foo_Bar_setBaz(fb, fz, &_ex); //BOS is running, OK! |
Another possibility is simply to call _getURL() on the local object when a BOS is running. This will add the object to the InstanceRegistry, so theoretically a remote client could access it. Although realistically the remote client would have to get the URL somehow.
The third possibility is to add it to the InstanceRegistry yourself. The InstanceRegistry class:
class InstanceRegistry { static string registerInstance( in sidl.BaseClass instance ); static string registerInstance[ByString]( in sidl.BaseClass instance, in string instanceID); static sidl.BaseClass getInstance[ByString]( in string instanceID ); static string getInstance[ByClass]( in sidl.BaseClass instance ); static sidl.BaseClass removeInstance[ByString]( in string instanceID ); static string removeInstance[ByClass]( in sidl.BaseClass instance ); } |
calling registerInstance by itself results in the same thing as calling _getURL on the object, it puts the object in the registry, and returns a unique objectID. However, by calling registerInstance[ByString], the user can supply their own objectID. This is useful for WebServices and bootstrapping. It is possible to explicitly publish an object with a special name. In fact, the InstanceRegistry allows aliasing, the same object can be in the registry multiple times with different names.
However, there is one issue with using registerInstance[ByString]. What if there is already an object in the registry with that name? There are two possible cases, if the object under that name is the same object you are trying to register, the call is idempotent, it does nothing. However, if a different object in the registry already has that name, the InstanceRegistry registers the new object under a similar, but unique name. Usually a combination of the instanceID passed in by the user and a unique integer. This is usually the correct thing to do, but if the user really wants the object under the original name, they must call removeInstance[ByString] on the object that currently has that name, and re-register the new object.
NOTE: The InstanceRegistry does not addRef objects when they are inserted into it. You must not destroy an object you wish to be accessible remotely. This means that if you create an object, insert it into the instanceRegistry, and then deleteRef it, it will be destroyed. You must keep a reference to it until you wish to remove it from the InstanceRegistry. (The InstanceRegistry does, however, addRef an objects that are gotten from it. If you call getInstance[ByString], you will get a reference to that object and are free to deleteRef it.)
There are two ways to remove an object from the InstanceRegistry. The first, and most automatic, is for it’s reference count to reach 0. When an object is destroyed it is automatically removed from the InstanceRegistry.
The other way to remove an object is to call removeInstance[ByString] or removeInstance[ByClass]. These will remove the objects from the registry without destroying them. They do not addRef however. So, if you create an object, insert it into the InstanceRegistry, remove it from the InstanceRegistry and then deleteRef it, it will be destroyed. (Assuming no one else has addRef’d it in the meantime.)
Non-Blocking RMI is an even more advanced topic, but it is essential to high-speed distributed computing. Non-Blocking RMI allows the user to mix work and communication. Many scientific computing related methods may take a very long time to complete, and the client might like to do some work while waiting. Non-blocking calls return immediately after sending the information to the server. When the response comes back, the user can make a special call to access the data. During the time between the send and the receive, the client is free to do other work.
There are two types of Non-blocking RMI in Babel, Nonblocking and oneway. Both are declared as attributes on the method in SIDL. The difference is that with oneway communication, the client does not expect any return values. A oneway method will not even return an exception, unless it occurs during communication with the server. On the other hand, a non-blocking call can have return arguments. The user will send a request, and get a sidl.rmi.Ticket. Later, the user may use the Ticket to receive the out arguments.
The SIDL declaring calls to be nonblocking and/or oneway:
package foo version 0.2 { class Bar { nonblocking double runSimulation(in double x, inout y, out z); oneway void initSimulation(in string name, in int flags); } } |
Notice that the nonblocking call may take any arguments, but only in arguments are allowed for the oneway call.
As mentioned previously, non-blocking RMI uses the class sidl.rmi.Ticket to handle the return values of non-blocking methods. There are actually two interfaces implemented by the Protocol that are used. sidl.rmi.Ticket and sidl.rmi.TicketBook
interface Ticket { void block(); bool test(); TicketBook createEmptyTicketBook(); Response getResponse(); //For internal Babel use } interface TicketBook extends Ticket { void insertWithID( in Ticket t, in int id ); int insert( in Ticket t ); int removeReady( out Ticket t ); bool isEmpty(); } |
sidl.rmi.TicketBook is, obviously, a collection of Tickets. A Ticket represents the out arguments of a single non-blocking call. The user may test() if the call has returned yet, or block() until it does. The user can also get an empty TicketBook.
The TicketBook is a little more complex. It extends Ticket as well as creating some of it’s own functions. It is mostly just to allow a user to make a large amount of nonblocking calls and work while they return. This is a common design paradigm in highly parallel scientific computing. In the case of TicketBook, it is assumed the user will input a bunch of Tickets with IDs. Then he can either block() on all of them (waitall), test() to see if any have returned, or block on removeReady (waitany). removeReady will return the id that the Ticket was inserted with so that the user may identify it. Perhaps with a case statement.
One odd thing about TicketBook is that you can insert multiple tickets with the same name. TicketBook will not warn you or throw an exception if you double up on the same name. If two different Tickets are put in the TicketBook with the same name, there is guarantee about what order they will come out in, even if you remove by name.
The examples in this section will be written in C using the SIDL file given in Section 18.5.2.
Calling a oneway Babel RMI function is syntactically exactly like calling a normal Babel function. The difference is just the danger of not being able to receive any exceptions beyond the initial communication. Example:
foo_Bar b1 = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex);SIDL_CHECK(_ex); foo_Bar_initSimulation(b1, "Test Simulation 1", 0, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); |
Non-blocking calls are a bit more complex, requiring Tickets in order to get the return values. Here’s an example program, now using a non-blocking call. Notice that the inout argument y is passed as an in argument in the send (as a value), and an out argument in the recv (as a pointer).
foo_Bar b1 = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex);SIDL_CHECK(_ex); sidl_rmi_Ticket t = NULL; double x, y, z; foo_Bar_initSimulation(b1, "Test Simulation 1", 0, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); t = foo_Bar_runSimulation_send(b1, x, y, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); /* ... Work ... */ foo_Bar_runSimulation_recv(b, t, &y, &z, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); //blocks on return sidl_rmi_Ticket_deleteRef(t , &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); |
Now, next is an example of a more complex program, that utilizes the power of TicketBooks to make multiple remote calls, work, and deal with the responses when they return.
foo_Bar b1 = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc1:9999", &_ex);SIDL_CHECK(_ex); foo_Bar b2 = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc2:9999", &_ex);SIDL_CHECK(_ex); foo_Bar b3 = foo_Bar__createRemote("simhandle://pc3:9999", &_ex);SIDL_CHECK(_ex); sidl_rmi_Ticket t = NULL; sidl_rmi_TicketBook tb = NULL; double x, y, z; int id1, id2, id3, tmpid; foo_Bar_initSimulation(b1, "Test Simulation 1", 0, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); foo_Bar_initSimulation(b2, "Test Simulation 2", 0, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); foo_Bar_initSimulation(b3, "Test Simulation 3", 0, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); t = foo_Bar_runSimulation_send(b1, x, y, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); tb = sidl_rmi_Ticket_createEmptyTicketBook(t, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); id1 = sidl_rmi_TicketBook_insert(tb, t, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); sidl_rmi_Ticket_deleteRef(t , &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); t = foo_Bar_runSimulation_send(b2, x, y, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); id2 = sidl_rmi_TicketBook_insert(tb, t, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); sidl_rmi_Ticket_deleteRef(t , &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); t = foo_Bar_runSimulation_send(b3, x, y, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); id3 = sidl_rmi_TicketBook_insert(tb, t, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); sidl_rmi_Ticket_deleteRef(t , &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); /* ... Work ... */ while(!sidl_tmi_TicketBook_isEmpty(tb, &_ex)) { SIDL_CHECK(_ex); tmpid = sidl_tmi_TicketBook_removeReady(&t,&_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); switch(tmpid) { case id1: foo_Bar_runSimulation_recv(b, t, &y, &z, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); /* Do something with data from Simulation 1 */ break; case id2: foo_Bar_runSimulation_recv(b, t, &y, &z, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); /* Do something with data from Simulation 2 */ break; case id3: foo_Bar_runSimulation_recv(b, t, &y, &z, &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); /* Do something with data from Simulation 3 */ break; } sidl_rmi_Ticket_deleteRef(t , &_ex); SIDL_CHECK(_ex); } |
Babel generates very portable source code for multilingual programing. There is also an art and science to transforming the source code to binary assets without breaking the language encapsulation Babel is trying to create. This chapter discusses the details: from the mundane issues of file layout, to the arcana of linker and loader flags.
Babel generates a lot of files. Many of these files you never have to look at in an editor, but they must all be compiled and properly linked into an application (see Section 19.2). In this section we discuss several flags that can affect where files are generated.
Arbitrary combinations of the above flags are allowed. Regardless of the order they appear in the commandline, they are applied to the resulting path in the order they are presented above. For example if a SIDL file pkg.sidl defines a Cls class in the pkg package, and the user runs Babel as follows:
% babel -lugo there -sc
Then the majority of the sources will be generated in the there/pkg/c/glue/ directory (except the Impl files which will occur one directory up in there/pkg/c/). Note the use of equivalent short-form commands in this example. If readers wish to review long and short forms of command line arguments, see Table 4.1 on page ??.
Note that many of these options were contributed by users and are not
employed in Babel’s own build. Instead, we tend to put a SIDL file in
a directory and then generate client-side or server-side bindings in
either runXXX/ or libXXX/ subdirectories, respectively (where XXX
is a language name).
We don’t use the --
generate-subdirs or --
flags because they place source files that belong in the same library in different
directories. Automake, which Babel uses as part of its build system, works much more
reliably when all the sources that go into a library appear in the same directory
as the library to be. The --
language-subdir has a similar effect
to what we do manually, but doesn’t capture if it was client-side or server-side.
In our tests and demos, we tend to build these separately because we want to exercise
different drivers with different implementations.
The GNUmakefile generated by the --
makefile command line
option does not attempt to address all the possible combination of
flags affecting the layout of generated files. It assumes that you
generate files in the default locations.
Babel enables one to completely encapsulate language dependencies inside a static or dynamically loaded library. This means that one can take a SIDL file and a compiled library, generate the bindings they want in their language of choice from the SIDL file, link against the library, and use it never knowing what the original implementation language was.
What we generally think of as a compiler is really an ensemble of related
tools. Generally there is a preprocessing step where very simple transformations
occur (e. g. #define, #include directives and others). Next, the compiler
proper executes and typically transforms your sourcecode into assembler or
some other intermediate form. Optimizers work on this intermediate form and
do perform additional transformations. Most big vendors of C, C++, and Fortran
compilers have a common optimizer for all languages. Next, assemblers transform
the optimized codes into platform-specific binaries. But this is not the end.
The binaries may be linked together into libraries or programs. Libraries can
be linked against other libraries, and eventually multiple programs.
The main difference is that a program has additional instructions to bootstrap
itself, do some interaction with the operating system, receive an argument list,
and call main(). To see all this in action, try building a “hello world”
type program in your favorite language, and run the “compiler” with an additional
flag such as -v, --
verbose, or whatever.
For example, this is what I get from a g77 compiler.
% g77 hello_world.f
% ./a.out
Hello World! % g77 -v hello_world.f
Driving: g77 -v hello_world.f -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lm -shared-libgcc
Reading specs from /usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/specs
Configured with: ../gcc-3.2/configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc/3.2
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.2
/usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/f771 hello_world.f -quiet -dumpbase hello_world.f -version -o /tmp/ccp2GBGE.s
GNU F77 version 3.2 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
compiled by GNU C version 3.2.
as --traditional-format -V -Qy -o /tmp/ccEiIsHc.o /tmp/ccp2GBGE.s
GNU assembler version (i386-redhat-linux) using BFD version
/usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/collect2 -m elf_i386 -dynamic-linker /lib/ld-linux.so.2 /usr/lib/crt1.o /usr/lib/crti.o /usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/crtbegin.o -L/usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2 -L/usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/../../.. /tmp/ccEiIsHc.o -lfrtbegin -lg2c -lm -lgcc_s -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lgcc /usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2/crtend.o /usr/lib/crtn.o
For the purposes of this discussion, we will make a distinction between linking to build a library and linking to build an executable. Even though these processes have similar names, they perform very different kinds of code transformations.
Almost all linkers are single pass. This means that when linking an executable, linkers will run through the list of libraries exactly once trying to resolve symbols Ever get libraries listed in the wrong order and an executable wouldn’t get built? Ever have to list the same libraries over and over again to build an executable? These are both side-effects of single pass linkers. The symbols in question are essentially jumps in the instruction code corresponding to subroutines that are defined elsewhere. When linking a final executable, all these symbols need to be resolved. When linking libraries, multiple undefined symbols are commonplace.
Having to list libraries over and over again in the link line when compiling the final executable typically indicates a circular dependency between libraries. Circular dependencies are much better kept within a single library. Even though linkers are single-pass between libraries, they exhaustively search within them.
This is important because all the files generated by Babel have a circular dependency in each Babel type. The stub makes calls on the IOR, the IOR calls the Skel, the Skel calls the Impl, but the Impl also may make calls on a Stub. Just like C++ has a this object, and Python has a self, Babel objects have a stub for them to call methods on themselves and dispatch properly through Babel’s IOR layer.
When building a Babelized library, it’s important to note if your code has dependencies to other Babel types not in your library. These types often appear as base classes, argument types, or even exception types. Your library will need stubs corresponding to all these types, so it is best to put these in your library as well. We call these external stubs.
Many have tried to minimize replication of Babel stubs by removing the external stubs and letting the library link directly against the stubs in an external library. This is a mistake because the external library may be implemented in a different language, and the stubs may be for a different language binding. By bundling the external stubs specific to your implementation with the implementation’s library, you are ensuring that the only access your library has with any other Babelized library is through the IOR. This is a good thing. The Babel IOR is the same for all language bindings and essentially forms the binary interface by which all Babel objects interact.
Most UNIX users are very comfortable with statically linked libraries (e. g. libXXX.a). Most are aware of “shared object files” in UNIX (with the form libXXX.so) though few actually build them. Even fewer still are familiar with dynamically linked libraries, called DLL’s in Microsoft (after the common .dll suffix), which involve actually selecting and loading dynamic libraries at run time based on their string name. MacOSX uses the novel suffix libXXX.dynlib. (In most UNIX systems, including Linux and Solaris, .so “shared object files” are actually dynamically linked libraries.) This section serves as a quick overview of how Babel handles both static and dynamic libraries, including runtime loading.
In a static library, the linker simply copies needed compilation units from the library to the executable. The static library can subsequently be deleted with no adverse affects to the executable. This also causes common libraries to be duplicated in every executable that links against it, and for the resulting executables to be quite large.
In a shared library, the linker simply inserts in the executable enough information to find the library and load it when the executable is invoked. This typically happens before the program ever gets to main(). This keeps executables small and allows commonly used libraries to be reused without copying, but it also means that the executable can fail if the library is renamed, moved, deleted, or even if the user’s environment changes sufficiently.
A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for shared libraries to work is that all the compilation units (*.o) contained must be explicitly compiled as position independent code (PIC). Position independent code has an added level of indirection in critical areas since details (such as addresses to jump to in subroutine calls) are not known until runtime. Even though shared libraries are very useful, PIC causes a small but measurable degradation in performance, making static linked libraries with non-PIC code a viable option for performance-critical situations.
A dynamic-linked library is a shared library with one added feature, it can be loaded explicitly by the user at runtime by passing the string name into dlopen(). Dynamic-linked libraries (DLL’s) also require compilation as PIC, though many compilers (including GCC) have special commands for each1.
When tracking down problems with Babel libraries, to UNIX tools nm and ldd are your friends. nm will print the list of linker symbols in a file, including details such as whether the symbol is defined or not. ldd lists dynamic dependencies of a shared libraries or executables, indicating where it will look for these symbols when loaded.
Recall the Fortran hello world example in section 19.2.1. Even though we may think this is all done with static linking, using these tools we find out the truth.
% ldd a.out
libg2c.so.0 => /usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/libg2c.so.0 (0x400180000)
libm.so.6 => /lib/i686/libm.so.6 (0x4004a000)
libgcc_s.so.1 => //usr/local/gcc/3.2/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x4006d000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/i686/libc.so.6 (0x40076000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)
Here, we clearly see that five libraries are shared libraries that will be loaded after the executable is invoked, but before we get to the main program. Some of these libraries make sense: libg2c is a Fortran to C support library, libc is the C standard library, but why is libm listed... its a library of transcendental functions (e. g. sin(), cos()) why would it be included? The answer becomes obvious when using ldd on libg2c. The Fortran support library has dependencies on the math library, so our Fortran executable inherits that dependency too.
% nm a.out | grep ’ U ’
U __cxa_atexit@@GLIBC_2.1.3
U __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.0
U do_lio
U e_wsle
U exit@@GLIBC_2.0
U f_exit
U f_init
U f_setarg
U f_setsig
U s_stop
U s_wsle
nm (and grep) shows us 11 symbols that are were left undefined in our final hello world application. A little more nm|greping about will help us find that symbols starting with f_ are defined in libg2c.
As mentioned in Section 6.6, the Babel toolkit includes the SIDL runtime library. The library provides a base interface, class, and exception as the foundation. This is how Babel provides object-oriented features to non-object-oriented languages. In order to support the runtime system and build the SIDL library, it also provides DLL and Loader classes.
Babel generated code depends critically on babel_config.h to correctly define a lot of platform specific details. One detail that changes too frequently to encode in babel_config.h is whether or not the software is being compiled is position independent code (PIC). This detail is commonly added to the compilation instruction using the flags (e. g. -fPIC -DPIC 2). The first flag tells the compiler to generate position independent code. The second defines the preprocessor macro PIC. Looking now at babel_config.h, we see that either SIDL_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY or SIDL_STATIC_LIBRARY are defined depending on whether or not PIC is defined.
As described in Section 19.3.1, Babel tends to focus on static libraries and dynamic linked libraries; not worrying much about shared libraries. The main reason is that for every last drop of performance, people would want static libraries. To support Java and Python (and the CCA model) dynamic loading is required. There’s no real benefit to doing shared libraries that can’t be dynamically loaded, so in developing Babel, we focus on the other two linkage situations.
The implementation and C stubs for the sidl package are stored in libsidl.so and libsidl.a, shared and static libraries that are installed when you install babel. You can determine the directory where these libraries are stored by running babel-config --libdir. Normally, running babel-config --libdir will yield something like /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib; however, your system administrator may have chosen a different directory by specifying a --prefix when they configured Babel (see Section 3.1.1). The IOR header files and C stub header files are installed in the directory shown by babel-config --includedir.
Babel also provides precompiled stubs for the sidl package for the C++, F77, F90, Java and UC++ language bindings. These libraries are also installed in babel-config --libdir, and they are named libsidlstubs_cxx.so, libsidlstubs_ucxx.so, Codelibsidlstubs_f77.so, and libsidlstubs_f90.so. Similarly named static archives and libtool .la files are also inalled in babel-config --libdirst. The header files for these languages are installed in subdirectories of babel-config --includedir named Cxx, F77, F90, and UCxx.
If you generate a dynamic-linked library containing implementations of SIDL classes, you must also generate a SIDL Class List file (SCL file). An SCL file contains metadata about zero or more dynamic-linked libraries; for each dynamic-linked library, the SCL file has the list of SIDL classes implemented in that library. The sidl.Loader.findLibrary method searches SCL files when trying to find the implementation (or some other aspect) of a SIDL class.
The SCL file is an XML file with three kinds of elements. The top level element is scl which contains zero or more library elements. The library element has several attributes, and it contains zero or more class elements. The library element has three required attributes, uri, scope and resolution, and two optional attributes, md5 and sha1. The uri is a local filename including path or a network url indicating where the library is stored. The scope attribute allows developers to suggest whether the library should be loaded in a local or the global namespace. The developer can suggest lazy or now symbol resolution using the scope attribute. The md5 and sha1 are optional message digests to confirm that the library has not been modified or replaced. The class element has two required elements, name and desc. The name field is the name of the class, and desc indicates what kind of information is held in the library. Each class contained in the dynamic-linked library should be listed in the SCL file. For now, the only desc values with standardized meanings of ior/impl, java and python/impl. ior/impl indicates the dynamic-linked library contains the IOR object and implementation for the class, and java indicates that the library has the Java JNI wrapper object code. python/impl has the Python skeletons and implementation libraries.
Here is an the SCL file for the SIDL runtime library installed in /usr/local.
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <scl> <library uri="/usr/local/lib/libsidl.la" scope="global" resolution="now" > <class name="SIDL.BaseClass" desc="ior/impl" /> <class name="SIDL.ClassInfoI" desc="ior/impl" /> <class name="SIDL.DLL" desc="ior/impl" /> <class name="SIDL.Loader" desc="ior/impl" /> <class name="SIDL.Boolean" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.Character" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.DoubleComplex" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.Double" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.FloatComplex" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.Float" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.Integer" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.Long" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.Opaque" desc="java" /> <class name="SIDL.SIDLException" desc="ior/impl" /> <class name="SIDL.String" desc="java" /> </library> </scl> |
It’s worth noting that the uri can be a libtool metadata file (.la) when the library is located on the local file system or a dynamic-linked library file (.so or another machine dependent suffix). You cannot have a libtool .la when the library is remote (e.g., ftp: or http:) because libtool expects the files references in the .la file to be local and in particular directories.
The GNUmakefile generated with the --
makefile Babel
option contains rules to automatically generate .scl files for each of
the supported Babel languages.
At this point, there is no standard — or even recommended — model for deploying Babel enabled libraries. Below are a few examples of how our developers are currently packaging their code.
Internally, every Babel object holds an implementation language specific pointer to the object’s private state data. If the object is implemented in C, the pointer points to a struct named struct package_Class__data. In Java, the private data pointer points to a Java object of the implementation type, Class_Impl, which calls are made on, and which actually holds the object state. The type of the private data is entirely implementation language dependent. The data is usually created or set by the Babel objects user-implemented constructor.
With the Backdoor Initializer, Babel allows a Babel user to set this private data pointer at construction with pre-initialized state. Of course, this is very dangerous. This can only be done if the client language creating the Babel object is the same as the language the object is implemented in, and if the pre-initialized state is of the correct type. If either of these constraints is unsatisfied, the behavior of the backdoor initializer in undefined.
Object construction is a very language specific problem, and therefore this Babel feature is exposed differently in each language. However, in every language, there is some way provided for the class implementor to determine in the constructor code whether the object is being constructed normally, or if the user provided pre-initialized state. In most languages there is a second constructor provided, only in Python is an argument used to determine if the user provided pre-initialized state or not. Most class implementers will not need to do anything with the new constructor. In the case of Backdoor Initialization, usually the right thing to do in a constructor is to do nothing, since the object state was preinitialized by the client. The constructor only needs to be used if the state of the object cannot fully be represented by its private data. For example, an object that opens a TCP/IP connection during construction would almost certainly need that code in the backdoor constructor as well.
The Backdoor Initializer is not a feature that most Babel users will need. However, there are certain cases where the Backdoor Initializer is absolutely required. The most obvious usage case is for wrapping up native objects in a Babelized interface. The allows the implementation language to access the data directly, but other languages must use the provided Babel interface. It was exactly this usage case that inspired the creation of the Backdoor Initializer.
A customer needed to use a Java visualization program to view a graph generated by a C++ library. The customer did not want to modify the Java program significantly. Instead, he created the graph data structure used by the visualizer in Java, and wrapped it in a Babel interface. He was then able to pass the Babelized object to the C++ library, which made calls on the Babel interface to add nodes and edges to the graph. When the C++ library finished, the Java visualizer was able to use the graph as if it was created natively in Java. The visualizer code did not have to be modified in any way to use the graph!
In this chapter we will use a single example for all Babel supported languages. This example is taken from the wrapper regression test. In this test, there are two sidl classes, wrapper.Data and wrapper.User.
package wrapper version 1.0 { class Data { void setString(in string s); void setInt(in int i); } class User { void accept(in wrapper.Data data); } } |
wrapper.Data wraps up some native data, which will be modified by the wrapper.User.accept() call. In this case, the data is just a string and an integer. In order to show the new constructor functionality, we set string called d_ctortest to “ctor was run” in the new constructor.
To reiterate, the client program creates and wraps language specific data in a wrapper.Data babel object. The alternate constructor code is run, which sets the d_ctortest string. The object is then passed to wrapper.User.accept(), which sets the data. The client program can then directly access the data and read what was set by User.accept().
In C, the Backdoor Initializer is used through a new _create like static method, _wrapObj. _wrapObj takes a pointer to the private data to be wrapped (a simple struct defined in wrapper_Data__Impl.h).
from wrapper_Data_Impl.h:
struct wrapper_Data__data { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data._data) */ char* d_ctortest; char* d_string; int d_int; /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data._data) */ }; |
From wrapper_Data_Impl.c; notice the new constructor ctor2, which is only called with backdoor initialization.
void impl_wrapper_Data__ctor2( /* in */ wrapper_Data self, /* in */ void* private_data, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex) { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data._ctor2) */ struct wrapper_Data__data *dptr = (struct wrapper_Data__data *) private_data; dptr->d_ctorTest = "ctor was run"; /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data._ctor2) */ } void impl_wrapper_Data_setString( /* in */ wrapper_Data self, /* in */ const char* s, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex) { *_ex = 0; /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setString) */ struct wrapper_Data__data *dptr = wrapper_Data__get_data(self); if (dptr) { dptr->d_string = "Hello World!"; } /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setString) */ } void impl_wrapper_Data_setInt( /* in */ wrapper_Data self, /* in */ int32_t i, /* out */ sidl_BaseInterface *_ex) { /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setInt) */ struct wrapper_Data__data *dptr = wrapper_Data__get_data(self); if (dptr) { dptr->d_int = 3; } /* DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setInt) */ } |
from the client program wraptest.c: (Note that we must include wrapper_Data_Impl.h)
#include "wrapper_User.h" #include "wrapper_Data.h" #include "wrapper_Data_Impl.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { sidl_BaseInterface exception = NULL; wrapper_Data data = NULL; wrapper_User user = NULL; struct wrapper_Data__data *d_data = NULL; struct wrapper_Data__data *dptr = NULL; /*Create the data*/ dptr = malloc(sizeof(struct wrapper_Data__data)); /*Wrap the data*/ data = wrapper_Data__wrapObj(dptr, &exception); user = wrapper_User__create(&exception); ASSERT( strcmp(d_data->d_ctortest, "ctor was run") == 0); /* Test the data setting*/ wrapper_User_accept(user, data, &exception); ASSERT( strcmp(d_data->d_string, "Hello World!") == 0); ASSERT( d_data->d_int == 3); return 0; } |
In fortran 77, using the Backdoor Initializer is similar to using it in C. There is a special new constructor named _wrapObj that takes the private data pointer.
Of course, dynamically allocating data in fortran 77 is tricky, and requires very close cooperation with the Impl class that uses the data. Most of the complexity of this example code is caused by those problems, not so much the Backdoor Initializer itself.
Since we need to store 2 strings and an integer, we create 3 sidl arrays to hold the private data. We create an opaque array of 2 elements called pdata to hold the other two arrays. Then we create a string array of 2 elements called a_string, and an integer array of 1 element called a_int. d_string is element 0 of the string array, and d_ctortest is element 1. We then place a_string into pdata as element 0, and a_int in pdata as element 1. We then call _wrapObj, which takes pdata as an in argument as the first argument, and the object we are creating, data, as an out argument as the second argument.
Notice that we don’t have to include an Impl files to fortran 77, since, there aren’t actually any types.
Fairly complex, but here’s the client code from wraptest.f:
program wraptest implicit none integer*8 data, user, pdata, backup, throwaway integer*8 a_string, a_int integer*4 d_int character*80 d_string character*80 d_ctortest character*80 d_silly c pdata is the internal data, and holds two arrays, string an int. call sidl_opaque__array_create1d_f(2, pdata) call sidl_string__array_create1d_f(2, a_string) call sidl_int__array_create1d_f(1, a_int) c initialize the data arrays call sidl_string__array_set1_f(a_string, 0, d_string) call sidl_string__array_set1_f(a_string, 1, d_ctortest) call sidl_int__array_set1_f(a_int, 0, d_int) c initilize pdata call sidl_opaque__array_set1_f(pdata, 0, a_string) call sidl_opaque__array_set1_f(pdata, 1, a_int) call wrapper_User__create_f(user, throwaway) c private data first, then the object being created call wrapper_Data__wrapObj_f(pdata, data, throwaway) call sidl_opaque__array_get1_f(pdata, 0, a_string) call sidl_string__array_get1_f(a_string, 1, d_ctortest) print *, d_ctortest call wrapper_User_accept_f(user, data, throwaway) call sidl_string__array_get1_f(a_string, 0, d_string) call sidl_int__array_get1_f(a_int, 0, d_int) print *, d_string, ' ', d_int call wrapper_User_deleteRef_f(user, throwaway) call wrapper_Data_deleteRef_f(data, throwaway) end |
and the Impl side code from wrapper_Data_Impl.f
subroutine wrapper_Data__ctor2_fi(self, private_data, exception) implicit none integer*8 self integer*8 private_data integer*8 exception C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data._ctor2) integer*8 a_string, pdata character*80 d_string, d_ctortest call sidl_opaque__array_get1_f(private_data, 0, a_string) call sidl_string__array_set1_f(a_string, 1, 'ctor was run') C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data._ctor2) end subroutine wrapper_Data_setString_fi(self, s, exception) implicit none integer*8 self character*(*) s integer*8 exception C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setString) integer*8 data, a_string call wrapper_Data__get_data_f(self, data) if (data .ne. 0) then call sidl_opaque__array_get1_f(data, 0, a_string) call sidl_string__array_set1_f(a_string, 0, s) endif C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setString) end subroutine wrapper_Data_setInt_fi(self, i, exception) implicit none integer*8 self integer*4 i integer*8 exception C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setInt) integer*8 data, a_int call wrapper_Data__get_data_f(self, data) if (data .ne. 0) then call sidl_opaque__array_get1_f(data, 1, a_int) call sidl_int__array_set1_f(a_int, 0, i) endif C DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setInt) end |
The Fortran 90/95 backdoor initializer is very similar to C. Fortran 90/95 also has a _wrapObj, but it is actually defined in the wrapper_Data_Mod.F90 file, along with the private data type definition.
Here is the private data definition from wrapper_Data_Mod.F90:
type wrapper_Data_priv sequence ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.private_data) ! Insert-Code-Here {wrapper.Data.private_data} (private data members) character(len=256) :: d_ctortest character(len=256) :: d_string integer(kind=sidl_int) :: d_int ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.private_data) end type wrapper_Data_priv |
Here is the client code from wraptest.F90. Notice wrapper_Data_impl is used. From wraptest.F90:
#include "wrapper_User_fAbbrev.h" #include "wrapper_Data_fAbbrev.h" #include "synch_RegOut_fAbbrev.h" #include "synch_ResultType_fAbbrev.h" program wraptest use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use wrapper_User use wrapper_Data use wrapper_Data_impl type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: throwaway_exception type(wrapper_Data_wrap) :: pd type(wrapper_Data_t) :: data type(wrapper_User_t) :: user allocate(pd%d_private_data) pd%d_private_data%d_int = 0 pd%d_private_data%d_string = 'place holder' pd%d_private_data%d_ctortest = 'place holder' call new(user, throwaway_exception) call wrapObj(pd, data, throwaway_exception) print *, pd%d_private_data%d_ctortest call accept(user, data, throwaway_exception) print *, pd%d_private_data%d_string, ' ', pd%d_private_data%d_int call deleteRef(user, throwaway_exception) call deleteRef(data, throwaway_exception) ! Private data [should be] deallocated by the Impl dtor. call close(tracker, throwaway_exception) call deleteRef(tracker, throwaway_exception) end program wraptest |
Finally, the Impl code from wrapper_Data_Impl.F90:
recursive subroutine wrapper_Data__ctor2_mi(self, private_data, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use wrapper_Data use wrapper_Data_impl implicit none type(wrapper_Data_t) :: self ! in type(wrapper_Data_wrap) :: private_data type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data._ctor2) private_data%d_private_data%d_ctortest = 'ctor was run' ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data._ctor2) end subroutine wrapper_Data__ctor2_mi recursive subroutine wrapper_Data_setString_mi(self, s, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use wrapper_Data use wrapper_Data_impl implicit none type(wrapper_Data_t) :: self ! in character (len=*) :: s ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setString) type(wrapper_Data_wrap) :: dp call wrapper_Data__get_data_m(self, dp) dp%d_private_data%d_string = s ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setString) end subroutine wrapper_Data_setString_mi recursive subroutine wrapper_Data_setInt_mi(self, i, exception) use sidl use sidl_BaseInterface use sidl_RuntimeException use wrapper_Data use wrapper_Data_impl implicit none type(wrapper_Data_t) :: self ! in integer (kind=sidl_int) :: i ! in type(sidl_BaseInterface_t) :: exception ! out ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setInt) type(wrapper_Data_wrap) :: dp call wrapper_Data__get_data_m(self, dp) dp%d_private_data%d_int = i ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setInt) end subroutine wrapper_Data_setInt_mi |
In Object Oriented languages there is no _wrapObj method exposed to the user. Instead, the same functionality is achieved simply by calling “new” on the Impl class. Interestingly, this means the constructor functionality is NOT placed in a Babel ctor method, but is, instead, actually in the default object constructor.
Here is the private data definition from wrapper_Data_Impl.hxx:
namespace wrapper { class Data_impl : public virtual ::wrapper::Data .... public: char* d_string; int d_int; char* d_ctorTest; .... }; // end class Data_impl } // end namespace wrapper |
Here is the client code from wraptest.cxx. Notice wrapper_Data_Impl is included.
#include "wrapper_User.hxx" #include "wrapper_Data.hxx" #include "wrapper_Data_Impl.hxx" int main(int argc, char **argv) { wrapper::Data_impl data; wrapper::User user = wrapper::User::_create(); ASSERT( data.d_ctorTest == "ctor was run"); /* Test the data setting*/ user.accept(data); ASSERT( data.d_string == "Hello World!"); ASSERT( data.d_int == 3); return 0; } |
Finally, the Impl code from wrapper_Data_Impl.cxx, notice where the constructor code is placed.
// speical constructor, used for data wrapping(required). // Do not put code here unless you really know what you're doing! wrapper::Data_impl::Data_impl() : StubBase(reinterpret_cast< void*>(::wrapper::Data::_wrapObj(this)),false) , _wrapped(true) { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data._ctor2) d_ctorTest = "ctor was run"; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data._ctor2) } void wrapper::Data_impl::setString_impl ( /* in */const ::std::string& s ) { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setString) d_string = "Hello World!"; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setString) } void wrapper::Data_impl::setInt_impl ( /* in */int32_t i ) { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setInt) d_int = 3; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setInt) } |
In Object Oriented languages there is no _wrapObj method exposed to the user. Instead, the same functionality is achieved simply by calling “new” on the Impl class. Interestingly, this means the constructor functionality is NOT placed in a Babel ctor method, but is, instead, actually in the default object constructor.
Here is an excerpt from the class definition for wrapper.Data_Impl:
public String d_string; public int d_int; public String d_ctorTest; public Data_Impl(){ d_ior = _wrap(this); // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data._wrap) d_ctorTest = "ctor was run"; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data._wrap) } public void setString_Impl ( /*in*/ java.lang.String s ) throws sidl.RuntimeException.Wrapper { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setString) d_string = s; return ; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setString) } public void setInt_Impl ( /*in*/ int i ) throws sidl.RuntimeException.Wrapper { // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(wrapper.Data.setInt) d_int = i; return ; // DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(wrapper.Data.setInt) } |
Here is the client code from WrapTest.java:
public static void main(String args[]) { wrapper.Data_Impl d_data = new wrapper.Data_Impl(); wrapper.User d_user = new wrapper.User(); System.out.println(d_data.d_ctorTest); d_user.accept(d_data); System.out.println(d_data.d_string, d_data.d_int); } |
In Object Oriented languages there is no _wrapObj method exposed to the user. Instead, the same functionality is achieved simply by calling “new” on the Impl class.
However, writing the Python backdoor constructor is a little trickier than Java or C++. This is because there is no overloading in Python, so multiple constructors were a problem. Instead, the class implementor needs to determine if the object is being constructed directly by the user, or through the normal Babel process. This can be achieved with an if statement. If the argument IORself == None, then the user has called the backdoor constructor, if IORself != None, it is a normal Babel construction.
Here is an excerpt from the class definition for wrapper.Data_Impl.Data:
class Data: def __init__(self, IORself = None): if (IORself == None): self.__IORself = wrapper.Data.Data(impl = self) else: self.__IORself = IORself # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(__init__) if(IORself == None): self.d_string = "placeholder value" self.d_ctortest = "ctor was run" self.d_int = 0 # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(__init__) def setString(self, s): # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(setString) self.d_string = s # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(setString) def setInt(self, i): # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(setInt) self.d_int = i # DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.end(setInt) |
Here is the client code from WrapTest.java:
import wrapper.User import wrapper.Data import wrapper.Data_Impl if __name__ == '__main__': user = wrapper.User.User() data = wrapper.Data_Impl.Data() print data.d_ctortest user.accept(data._getStub()) print data.d_string + " " + d_int 0 |
Interface contracts help improve software quality through their support for the explicit definition and enforcement of expected behaviors at call boundaries. Quality, as defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [], is the degree to which a system, component, or process meets its specifications, needs, or expectations. Therefore, interface contracts may be used to address quality in terms of defining the expected behaviors of callers (or clients) and callee’s (i. e., servers or implementations) of methods. Specifications, in the form of executable assertions, have a long history of adding value to the software development process by helping ensure software is implemented and used correctly. Parnas [] advocated machine testable, implementation-neutral component specifications in 1971. Thirty years later, Baudry et al. [] found components with high encapsulation and well-defined, contractually-specified interfaces to be more effective at improving the quality of systems than implementation-dependent assertions used for defensive programming. Babel supports both the optional specification and automated enforcement of interface contracts.
Executable, programming language-neutral constraints on the (public) methods of interfaces and classes are supported in SIDL. These specifications define the software behaviors required and expected at call boundaries regardless of the programming language(s) used to implement the methods. The associated constraints may be checked at runtime through a variety of enforcement options intended for different phases of the software life cycle.
Interface contracts consist of one or more clauses defining expected behaviors at method call boundaries. The behaviors are specified through assertions, which may include built-in or user-defined function calls. An example for calculating the sum of two vectors1 is shown below. All callers of this method are required to provide two one-dimensional, SIDL arrays of the same size and, assuming the preconditions are satisfied, all implementations are expected to ensure they return a non-null, one-dimensional array of the same size (as the first SIDL array). The specification includes the invocation of two built-in functions: dimen and size. Violations of an assertion within a clause results in the raising of a clause-specific exception; namely, sidl.PreViolation if the caller violates the contract or sidl.PostViolation if the implementation violates the contract. Hence, this example defines constraints that are to hold immediately prior to (or preconditions on) and immediately upon return from (or postconditions of) executing the vuSum method defined in the Utils class within the vect package.
package vect version 1.0 { class Utils { /* ... */ /** * Return the sum of the specified vectors. */ static array<double> vuSum(in array<double> u, in array<double> v) throws sidl.PreViolation, sidl.PostViolation; require not_null_u: u != null; u_is_1d : dimen(u) == 1; not_null_v: v != null; v_is_1d : dimen(v) == 1; same_size: size(u) == size(v); ensure no_side_effects : is pure; result_not_null: result != null; result_is_1d : dimen(result) == 1; result_correct_size: size(result) == size(u); } /* ... */ } |
The remainder of this section elaborates on the contents of contract clauses. Clauses consist of assertion expressions specified using an Eiffel-inspired syntax. SIDL expressions may contain basic and advanced operations as well as built-in and user-defined function calls. The detection of contract violations result in the automatic raising of clause-specific exceptions.
There are three types of contract clauses associated with interfaces: preconditions, postconditions, and class invariants. Preconditions declare constraints on invocation of a method while postconditions constrain its effects. Class invariants specify properties unchanged throughout the life of an instance of a class so apply to all of the defined methods. While all three clause types share a common format for specifying these constraints2, their location with the specification varies.
As introduced in Section 6.5, the format of a contract clause starts with a clause keyword followed by one or more assertion expressions. The syntax was borrowed from the classic Eiffel [] clauses established by Bertrand Meyer. The figure below shows the SIDL format, including all supported clause types. Each expression may be preceded by a label. If thoughtfully written, the label can provide a succinct “description” of the purpose of the assertion to aid debugging, since labels are automatically included in the exception message of a violated contract clause. Expressions are described in Section 21.2.2.
<require | ensure | invariant> [label-1:] <assertion-expression-1>; [[label-2:] <assertion-expression-2>; ... [label-n:] <assertion-expression-n>;] |
Since preconditions and postconditions are associated with specific methods, their definitions are optional extensions in SIDL. The figure below shows the basic structure of a SIDL method specification, including the relative locations of the preconditions, or require, and postconditions, or ensure, clauses. When contract clauses are added to the specification, each method’s throws clause must explicitly list the appropriate contract clause violation exception3. Exceptions are described in Section 21.2.3.
[<type>] <identifier> ( [<parameters>] ) [throws <exception>]; [require <contract-clause-expressions>] [ensure <contract-clause-expressions>] |
Class invariants apply to all specified methods associated with a class so, instead of requiring them to be defined for each method, the invariant clause is provided. The clause, which may be specified for an interface or class, must appear before method definitions start. The basic structures of interface and class specifications, to include the invariant clause, appear below.
[ abstract ] class <name> [ extends <scoped-class-name> ] [ implements-all <scoped-interface-name-list> ] { [ invariant <contract-clause-expressions> ] [ abstract | final | static ] <method-1> [ [ abstract | final | static ] <method-2> ... [ abstract | final | static ] <method-n> ] } [;] interface <name> [ extends <scoped-interface-name-list> ] { [ invariant <contract-clause-expressions> ] <method-1> [ <method-2> ... <method-n> ] } [;] |
SIDL contract clauses can be inherited. However, all assertion expressions — directly defined and inherited — are aggregated on a clause basis and checks built by essentially and’ing them. This results in effectively strengthening (i. e., applying and then) to the inherited clauses; rather, than the proper notion of weakening (i. e., applying or else to) inherited precondition clauses. No optimization is performed on the resulting checks either. The interested reader should consult [] and [] for more information on (proper) contract inheritance behavior.
Hence, SIDL’s interface contract specifications are based on three types of contract clauses: preconditions, postconditions, and class invariants. While all three share a common basic format — keyword followed by a list of assertion expressions — they appear in different locations within the specification. Specifically, postconditions follow preconditions within the definition of a method; while class invariants are specified before methods in class and interface definitions.
Table 21.1: Operators available for use in SIDL assertion expressions.
OPERATOR(S) DESCRIPTION <, <= Is less than, Is less than or equal to ==, != Is equal to, Is not equal to >, >= Is greater than, Is greater than or equal to +, - Addition, Subtraction *, / Multiplication, Division ** Power and Logical and iff If and only if implies Implies is Is (paired with the pure keyword) mod Modulo not Is not or Inclusive or rem Remainder xor Exclusive or
Assertion expressions represent properties that must be true at the execution point corresponding to their containing contract clause. These expressions are composed of operators and operands. Individual operands may take the form of arguments, results, constants, or function calls. Arguments and results make sense only for clauses associated with specific methods (i. e., preconditions and postconditions). Constant values and function calls may be specified in any contract clause.
Basic expression syntax is supported, including the use of parentheses to indicate precedence. Expressions may involve unary or binary operators. They may be as basic as a simple comparison (e. g. u != null) or involve multiple comparisons (e. g. (u != null) implies (size(u) >= 0)4). Regardless of the number of sub-expressions, every assertion expression must evaluate to a boolean result.
SIDL assertion expression operators include those operators available in most common programming languages, as well as some advanced operators, such as iff (for if and only if) and implies. Table 21.1 provides a complete list. Advanced operations, for universal and existential quantification, are also supported, though through built-in functions described later in this section. The associated operands may take the form of arguments, results, constant values, and method calls.
Precondition and postcondition clauses may include constraints on the arguments and results of the associated method. Arguments are referenced using their names as specified in the method’s parameter list. The method’s result, which is not named in the specification, is represented in the expression by the generic result keyword, which takes on the method’s return type.
Table 21.2: Special keywords available for use in SIDL assertion expressions.
KEYWORD MEANING false False null Null reference pure Side effect-free result Method result true True
Constants, such as boolean and numeric values, are also supported. Table 21.2, which lists all of the keywords allowed in SIDL assertion expressions, includes recognized boolean and pointer value representations. The table also includes two special keywords: pure and result. The former, when paired with the is operator, as in is pure, represents a non-executable postcondition annotation used to indicate implementations of the method should be side effect-free. This property is necessary so the method (or function) can be safely used in an interface contract; however, there is no support in the toolkit for statically analyzing source code (in any of the supported programming languages) to ensure the property is true for implementations of the interface. As mentioned previously, result represents the value returned by the associated method.
Function calls are supported within contract clauses to enable the definition of richer constraints. They enable restrictions on object properties, which are not visible in SIDL, and (interface- or class-specific) logic enhancing contract expressiveness. The functions may be built-in or in scope, user-defined methods.
Table 21.3: Built-in SIDL interface contract functions, where expr can be one of: u r v, u r n, and n r v with u, v ∈ SIDL arrays, n ∈ Numbers, and r ∈ {<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=}. The relation u r v is equivalent to ∀ i ∈ 0 .. (size(u)−1), u[i] r v[i]; u r n to ∀ i ∈ 0 .. (size(u)−1), u[i] r n; and n r v to ∀ i ∈ 0 .. (size(v)−1), n r u[i].
FUNCTION RETURNS COMPLEXITY dimen(u) Dimension of array u. O(1) irange(x, nlow, nhigh) True if x falls within the integer range of nlow..nhigh. O(1) lower(u, d) Lower index of the dth dimension of array u. O(1) nearEqual(x, y, t) True if real values x and y are within the specified tolerance, t, of being equal. O(1) range(x, rlow, rhigh, t) True if the real value x falls within the specified tolerance, t, of the range rlow..rhigh. O(1) size(u) Allocated size of array u. O(1) stride(u, d) Stride of the dth dimension of array u. O(1) upper(u, d) Upper index of the dth dimension of array u. O(1) all(expr) True if the expression expr evaluates to true for each element in the specified array(s). For example, all(u < v) returns true if the value of each element in array u is less than the value of the corresponding element in array v. O(n) any(expr) True if at least one element in the specified array(s) satisfies the expression expr. For example, any(u = 0) returns true upon encountering the first element in array u whose value equals zero but returns false if none of the elements have values equal zero. O(n) count(expr) The total number of array elements satisfying the expression expr. O(n) irange(u, nlow, nhigh) True if all elements in the array, u, fall within the integer range nlow..nhigh. O(n) max(u) The maximum of the values of the elements in array u. O(n) min(u) The minimum of the values of the elements in array u. O(n) nearEqual(u, v, t) True if the corresponding elements in arrays u and v are within the specified tolerance, t, of being equal. O(n) none(expr) True if none of the elements in the specified array(s) satisfies the expression expr. For example, none(u >= 0.0) returns true if none of the elements of array u have values greater than or equal to 0.0. O(n) nonDecr(u) True if the values of the elements in array u are in non-decreasing order. O(n) nonIncr(u) True if the values of the elements in array u are in non-increasing order. O(n) range(u, rlow, rhigh, t) True if all elements in array u fall within the specified tolerance, t, of rlow .. rhigh. O(n) sum(u) Returns the total of the values of all elements in array u. O(n)
Built-in functions, described in Table 21.3, provide scalar and SIDL array features, with the latter enabling universal (e. g. all) and existential (e. g. any) quantification. Array property and simple numeric value comparator functions operate in constant-time. Other array-based operations, such as existential and universal quantifiers, are linear in the size of the arrays. Their complexity is mentioned here because it is relevant to some of the experimental enforcement policies described in Section 21.3.
Allowing the specification of user-defined functions within contract clauses poses a risk in that implementors may erroneously come to depend on them — and their side effects — for proper implementation behavior. This is a mistake. The runtime enforcement of interface contracts is optional and, therefore, cannot be relied upon for correct functionality. This is why Babel requires the contract of user-defined functions intended or able to be used in the contract of another method to include the is pure postcondition annotation described previously.
In summary, SIDL contract clauses contain a list of one or more simple or compound expressions, each evaluating to a boolean value. Expressions may contain any of twenty built-in, basic or advanced operators; method arguments and results (only in precondition and postcondition clauses); special keywords; boolean and numeric constants; twenty built-in scalar and SIDL array functions; and in scope, user-defined functions. While there is a potential danger associated with allowing user-defined functions within contract clauses, the ability is supported to enable richer constraints and provide a mechanism for identifying and prototyping potential domain-specific contract features.
Enforcement is performed on a contract clause basis so, if an assertion does not hold, a clause-specific exception is automatically raised. That is, the sidl.PreViolation exception is raised when preconditions are violated; sidl.PostViolation raised for postcondition violations; and sidl.InvViolation for invariants violations. The exceptions, as defined in sidl.sidl, are shown below. The label, if any, of the associated assertion expression is included in the exception message; therefore, meaningful labels can aid testing and debugging.
/** * <code>PreViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a precondition * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class PreViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException {} /** * <code>PostViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a postcondition * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class PostViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException {} /** * <code>InvViolation</code> indicates an assertion within a invariant * clause of the interface contract has been violated. */ class InvViolation extends SIDLException implements RuntimeException { } |
Interface contract enforcement is based on a global policy set at runtime. The policy establishes the contract clauses of interest and the frequency at which they should be checked. These two options support traditional contract/assertion enforcement as well as experimental strategies. The policy also supports enforcement tracing, though a discussion of this feature is provided separately in Section 21.3.4.
The enforcement policy should reflect the goals of the run which, as mentioned in Section 6.5, are often tied to the phase in the software’s life cycle. Available enforcement options range from traditional to experimental, with the former focused on aiding testing, debugging, and deployment. Some experimental options support a reduced level of enforcement intended for performance-contrained environments, while others are for gathering data to facilitate gaining insights into the nature of interface contract enforcement.
The SIDL specification of the enforcement policy is:
/** * <code>EnfPolicy</code> maintains the current interface * contract enforcement policy. */ class EnfPolicy { /** * Sets the enforcement policy to always check the specified * type(s) of contracts. This is equivalent to calling * setPolicy() with ALWAYS as the enforcement frequency * and the specified (or default) contract class. * * @param contractClass Contract classification * [Default = ALLCLASSES] * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setEnforceAll(in ContractClass contractClass, in bool clearStats); /** * Sets the policy options to disable all contract enforcement. * This is equivalent to calling setPolicy() with NEVER as the * enforcement frequency. * * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setEnforceNone(in bool clearStats); /** * Sets enforcement policy and options. This method should be * invoked directly to avoid the default enforcement behavior. * * @param contractClass Contract classification * [Default = ALLCLASSES] * @param enforceFreq Enforcement frequency * [Default = ALWAYS] * @param interval Sampling interval representing the * period (for PERIODIC) or maximum * random number/window (for RANDOM) * [Default = 0 if negative specified] * @param overheadLimit Limit on performance overhead [0.0 .. 1.0) * [Default = 0.0 (or 0%) if negative] * @param appAvgPerCall Average extra, application-specific * execution time, normalized by calls * to annotated methods * [Default = 0.0 if negative] * @param annealLimit Limit on simulated annealing function * to ensure its termination * (0.0 .. 2.72] * [Default = 2.72 if negative specified] * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setPolicy(in ContractClass contractClass, in EnforceFreq enforceFreq, in int interval, in double overheadLimit, in double appAvgPerCall, in double annealLimit, in bool clearStats); /** * Returns TRUE if contract enforcement is enabled; FALSE otherwise. */ static bool areEnforcing(); /** * Returns the contract classification policy option. */ static ContractClass getContractClass(); /** * Returns the enforcement frequency policy option. */ static EnforceFreq getEnforceFreq(); /** * Returns the interval for PERIODIC (i.e., the interval) or * RANDOM (i.e., the maximum random number). Returns 0 by default. */ static int getSamplingInterval(); /** * Returns the desired enforcement overhead limit for * performance-driven frequency options (i.e., ADAPTFIT, * ADAPTTIMING, and SIMANNEAL). Returns 0.0 by default. */ static double getOverheadLimit(); /** * Returns the average assumed execution time associated * with the program or application. Returns 0.0 by default. */ static double getAppAvgPerCall(); /** * Returns the annealing limit for SIMANNEAL enforcement * frequency option. Returns 0.0 by default. */ static double getAnnealLimit(); /** * Returns the name, or description, of the enforcement policy. * The caller is responsible for calling sidl_String_free() * on the name when done with it. * * @param useAbbrev TRUE if the abbreviated name is to be * returned. */ static string getPolicyName(in bool useAbbrev); /** * Prints statistics data to the file with the specified name. * The file is opened (for append) and closed on each call. * * @param filename Name of the file to which the statistics * data should be written. * @param header TRUE if the header line is to be printed * prior to the statistics line (for compressed * output only). * @param prefix String description for identifying information, * if any, intended to preceed the statistics * data. Useful for distinguishing between * different objects, for example. * @param compressed TRUE if the enforcer state is to be dumped * on a single line with semi-colon separators * between fields. */ static void dumpStats(in string filename, in bool header, in string prefix, in bool compressed); /** * Starts enforcement trace file generation. * * @param filename Name of the destination trace file. * @param traceLevel Level of trace timing and reporting required. * [Default = NONE] */ static void startTrace(in string filename, in EnfTraceLevel traceLevel); /** * Returns TRUE if contract enforcement tracing is enabled; * FALSE otherwise. */ static bool areTracing(); /** * Returns the name of the trace file. If one was not provided, * the default name is returned. */ static string getTraceFilename(); /** * Returns the level of enforcement tracing. */ static EnfTraceLevel getTraceLevel(); /** * Terminates enforcement trace file generation. Takes a final * timestamp and logs the remaining trace information. */ static void endTrace(); } |
This class provides the ability to set and query enforcement options and statistics, as well as enforcement tracing. Two options establish the enforcement policy: contract clause classifications and enforcement frequency. Classification options identify either the clause or characteristics of the assertions within clauses. Some classification options reflect traditional contract enforcement strategies while others enable data gathering. Enforcement frequency options distinguish between traditional enforcement — where all associated contract clauses are checked — and sampling-based enforcement. Contract enforcement data, collected at runtime, is available for analysis. Enforcement tracing provides a mechanism for collecting data needed for experimental sampling options.
Contract clause classifications distinguish between clauses based on their type or characteristics of the contained assertions. Clause types are used for more traditional enforcement strategies; whereas assertion characteristics are intended for gathering data on the nature of contract clauses actually encountered during execution.
The SIDL specification for contract clause classification options is:
/** * Contract classification. The classification is used to filter * contract clauses by the corresponding characteristic(s). */ enum ContractClass { /** * All classifications of interface contract clauses. */ ALLCLASSES, /** * Only constant-time complexity, or O(1), clauses. */ CONSTANT, /** * Only cubic-time complexity, or O(n^3), clauses. */ CUBIC, /** * Only invariant clauses. */ INVARIANTS, /** * Invariant plus postcondition clauses. */ INVPOST, /** * Invariant plus precondition clauses. */ INVPRE, /** * Only linear-time complexity, or O(n), clauses. */ LINEAR, /** * Method calls. Only clauses containing at least one method call. */ METHODCALLS, /** * Only postcondition clauses. */ POSTCONDS, /** * Only precondition clauses. */ PRECONDS, /** * Precondition plus postcondition clauses. */ PREPOST, /** * Only quadratic-time complexity, or O(n^2), clauses. */ QUADRATIC, /** * Only quartic-time complexity, or O(n^4), clauses. */ QUARTIC, /** * Only quintic-time complexity, or O(n^5), clauses. */ QUINTIC, /** * Results. Only clauses containing at least one assertion on an * out, inout, or result argument. */ RESULTS, /** * Only septic-time complexity, or O(n^7), clauses. */ SEPTIC, /** * Only sextic-time complexity, or O(n^6), clauses. */ SEXTIC, /** * Simple expressions. Only clauses consisting solely of * simple expressions (i.e., no method calls). */ SIMPLEEXPRS, }; |
Traditional “unit” testing with contracts at least conceptually starts with determining whether implementations comply with their specifications — assuming they are given inputs that always satisfy the stated preconditions. In this case, the POSTCONDS or INVPOST option will enable enforcement of postcondition clauses and, in the latter case, invariant clauses.
This level of testing will include determining how robust the implementations are when they are given invalid inputs. The PRECONDS or INVPRE option could be used if it is determined the implementations function properly using valid inputs. Both options enable precondition clause enforcement. The latter includes invariant clauses.
The PREPOST or ALLCLASSES option can be used if the two aforementioned phases are combined. These options will enable checking precondition and postcondition clauses. If invariants are present, the latter option, which is the default, additionally enables their enforcement.
Once implementations pass compliance testing, an integration testing phase is entered where an assessment is made of how they function in the context of the callers. At this point, if unit testing is sufficiently rigorous, the PRECONDS or INVPRE option could be used in execution time-constrained environments.
The thoroughness of the test suite is an important factor affecting the quality of the software. If the test suite is not sufficiently thorough, there is a risk of not exposing non-compliance of contract clauses in downstream methods. This situation can be of particular concern if there are dependencies involving valid sequences of method calls not exercised by the test suite.
The remaining classification options are intended for gathering data on the nature of the assertions within the contract clauses actually encountered during execution of a given program. Some options are based on the complexity of the associated assertions, inferred from the dimensions of SIDL arrays, such as CONSTANT, and LINEAR. Clearly, contract clauses involving checks of multi-dimensional arrays can be time consuming if they involve accessing many or all elements of large arrays. Another pair of options are based on the presence or absence of method calls (i. e., METHODCALLS and SIMPLEEXPRS, respectively). These options are provided since contract clauses including method calls may, depending on the work performed in the methods, be very time consuming to check. The final option is RESULTS, which is used to enable checking of clauses containing out, inout, or result arguments. It is reasoned that the data from using these options could be used for determining sources of and alternative enforcement options for high contract enforcement overhead. Such an investigation could be important in an environment where nightly regression tests cannot finish in a timely manner when checking all contract clauses encountered, for example.
Hence, contract clause classifications support traditional clause enforcement options — for checking preconditions, postconditions, and (class) invariants — as well as experimental options. The experimental options focus on the nature of assertions within contract clauses, in terms of their complexity or the presence of method calls, for example. These atypical options are intended for gathering data on the nature of contract clauses actually enforced by applications.
Enforcement frequency options range from fully and partially enabling to disabling contract enforcement. Historically, contract/assertion enforcement is fully enabled during testing and debugging but disabled during deployment. One of the reasons for disabling enforcement during deployment is that its retention has historically been considered to be too time consuming. However, there are alternatives. Some, as described in Section 21.3.1, take the form of enforcing select contract clauses. However, partial enforcement strategies based on sampling techniques can be combined with contract clause classifications to further limit enforcement.
The SIDL specification for enforcement frequency options is:
/** * Contract clause enforcement frequency. */ enum EnforceFreq { /** * Never. Disable enforcement by completely by-passing checks * regardless of the selected contract classification. */ NEVER, /** * Always. Every clause of the selected contract classification * is enforced. */ ALWAYS, /** * Adaptive fit. Check clauses of the selected contract classification * only if they will not result in exceeding the overhead limit based * on accumulations of estimated execution times. */ ADAPTFIT, /** * Adaptive timing. Check clauses of the selected contract classification * only if their estimated execution time is within the overhead limit * applied to the estimated time of the corresponding method. */ ADAPTTIMING, /** * Periodic. Check clauses of the selected contract classification * at the specified interval. */ PERIODIC, /** * Random. Check clauses of the selected contract classifcation on a * random basis using the specified maximum. */ RANDOM, /** * Simulated Annealing. Essentially Adaptive fit but checks are * allowed to randomly exceed the overhead limit with decreasing * probability over time. */ SIMANNEAL, }; |
Basic enforcement frequency options are: ALWAYS, NEVER, PERIODIC, and RANDOM. Enabling checking all contract clauses (of the desired classification) involves using the ALWAYS option while disabling checking any contract clauses (regardless of classification) occurs when the NEVER option is used. The remaining two options represent very basic sampling strategies. PERIODIC checks clauses encountered at a specified interval while RANDOM checks a random clause (within an interval). While these two options can potentially reduce enforcement overhead, that is the extra time it takes to check the contracts, the reduction cannot be guaranteed in general, since these options do not consider the nature or (execution time) cost of the associated assertions.
WARNING:The current implementation of the experimental, performance-constrained enforcement policies has not been rigorously tested since its integration into the Babel/SIDL source code repository. Examples shown here reflect results for basic enforcement during regression testing.
The remaining options, which are experimental, are intended for use
in performance-constrained environments (e. g. nightly regression
testing of very large applications and deployment).
The options — adaptive timing (ADAPTTIMING), adaptive fit
(ADAPTFIT), and simulated annealing (SIMANNEAL) —
rely on a priori execution time estimates to conduct
performance-driven filtering of contract clauses.
Adaptive timing checks whether the execution time estimate of the
contract clause is within the user-specified overhead limit relative to the
estimate for the time required to execute the method.
Adaptive fit checks whether the execution time estimate of a clause,
added to the accumulated time of all previously checked clauses, remains
within the overhead limit of the accumulated execution time of invoked methods.
Finally, simulated annealing is essentially AdaptiveFit with
an allowance for exceeding the overhead limit, but with decreasing
probability over time.
The SIDL specification snippet for setting options associated with enforcement sampling is shown below.
/** * <code>EnfPolicy</code> maintains the current interface * contract enforcement policy. */ class EnfPolicy { ... /** * Sets enforcement policy and options. This method should be * invoked directly to avoid the default enforcement behavior. * * @param contractClass Contract classification * [Default = ALLCLASSES] * @param enforceFreq Enforcement frequency * [Default = ALWAYS] * @param interval Sampling interval representing the * period (for PERIODIC) or maximum * random number/window (for RANDOM) * [Default = 0 if negative specified] * @param overheadLimit Limit on performance overhead [0.0 .. 1.0) * [Default = 0.0 (or 0%) if negative] * @param appAvgPerCall Average extra, application-specific * execution time, normalized by calls * to annotated methods * [Default = 0.0 if negative] * @param annealLimit Limit on simulated annealing function * to ensure its termination * (0.0 .. 2.72] * [Default = 2.72 if negative specified] * @param clearStats TRUE if enforcement statistics are to be * cleared; FALSE otherwise. */ static void setPolicy(in ContractClass contractClass, in EnforceFreq enforceFreq, in int interval, in double overheadLimit, in double appAvgPerCall, in double annealLimit, in bool clearStats); ... } |
Although the method’s documentation describes each parameter, it is worth noting that the interval is only relevant for the basic sampling techniques and the three following parameters for one or more experimental enforcement frequency option.
Execution time estimates, which are expected to be provided on a per-class basis, are assumed to be in a file conforming to the following naming convention: package-name_class-name.dat. For example, the SIDL specification below defines a package called vect with a Utils class.
package vect { ... class Utils { /* Method signatures */ } } |
The corresponding file containing execution time estimates needs to be called vect_Utils.dat. The first line of the file is expected to contain two space-separated numbers: invariant complexity, n, and estimated average time to execute the invariants. If the are no invariants, then the first line should contain two zeros. Subsequent lines are expected to provide similar information for each method in the class, with zeros used when the clause does not apply. Specifically, lines for method estimates are expected to start with the method’s index, taken from the class’ IOR header file, followed by its precondition clause complexity, postcondition clause complexity, average execution time (without contract enforcement), average execution time of the preconditions clause, and average execution time of the postconditions clause. Supporting complexity information in the data file allows you to override the default complexity inferred from the the presence of SIDL arrays.
The file below illustrates an example estimates data file for a class that does not have an invariant clause.
0 0.0 12 0 1 62.34285714285714 2.7 45.857142857142854 13 0 1 44.13 3.54 166.76 6 0 0 65.04 22.8 0.0 11 0 0 301.64285714285717 4.6571428571428575 0.0 10 0 0 184.71428571428572 4.328571428571428 0.0 9 0 0 97.86666666666666 4.1 0.0 7 0 0 173.82 3.24 0.0 16 0 0 301.77777777777777 3.2666666666666666 2.566666666666667 15 0 0 214.4142857142857 2.6714285714285713 3.0714285714285716 17 0 0 174.41 3.43 2.55 18 0 0 231.01818181818183 3.2 2.481818181818182 14 0 0 177.31428571428572 2.5 4.014285714285714 8 0 0 204.10526315789474 2.4263157894736844 0.0 |
The units for the execution time estimates must be consistent across all of the estimate files association with your application program.
In summary, the enforcement frequency option is used to determine how often contract clauses are checked. Traditional enforcement is supported through ALWAYS and NEVER frequencies. Basic sampling is provided by the PERIODIC and RANDOM frequencies. Finally, three experimental sampling options — ADAPTFIT, ADAPTTIMING, and SIMANNEAL — intended for performance-constrained environments adapt enforcement based on the enforcement context, using execution time estimates.
WARNING:The current implementation of enforcement statistics gathering and reporting has not been rigorously tested since its integration into the Babel/SIDL source code repository. Examples shown here reflect results for basic enforcement during regression testing.
Data on contract enforcement is collected at runtime for
subsequent analysis.
This feature is especially important for determining relevant alternative
enforcement options for long-running regression tests and deployment.
The SIDL specification snippet for reporting enforcement statistics is given below.
/** * <code>EnfPolicy</code> maintains the current interface * contract enforcement policy. */ class EnfPolicy { ... /** * Prints statistics data to the file with the specified name. * The file is opened (for append) and closed on each call. * * @param filename Name of the file to which the statistics * data should be written. * @param header TRUE if the header line is to be printed * prior to the statistics line (for compressed * output only). * @param prefix String description for identifying information, * if any, intended to preceed the statistics * data. Useful for distinguishing between * different objects, for example. * @param compressed TRUE if the enforcer state is to be dumped * on a single line with semi-colon separators * between fields. */ static void dumpStats(in string filename, in bool header, in string prefix, in bool compressed); ... } |
The file below illustrates snippets from the results of running the vector utilities contracts regression test available in the Babel source code distribution. The lines from the file have been reformatted to fit the width of the page.
Prefix; Timestamp; Policy; Interval; AnnealLimit; OHLimit; procPerCall; RandSkip; CD; methTime; clauseTime; TotalRequested; TotalAllowed; Method; Checked; Okay; Violated; MethExcepts After full checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Always; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 20371; 524; 146; 146; vuIsZero; 5; 2; 3; 0 After full checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Always; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 20371; 524; 146; 146; vuIsUnit; 5; 2; 3; 0 ... After precondition checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Pre; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 64; 8; 5; 3; vuIsZero; 5; 2; 3; 0 After precondition checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Pre; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 64; 8; 5; 3; vuIsUnit; 5; 2; 3; 0 ... After Postcondition checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Post; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 96; 95; 6; 3; vuIsZero; 5; 2; 3; 0 After Postcondition checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Post; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 96; 95; 6; 3; vuIsUnit; 5; 2; 3; 0 ... After no checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Never; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 255; 0; 34; 0; vuIsZero; 5; 2; 3; 0 After no checking; Fri Oct 15 16:33:49 2010; Never; 0; 2.72; 0.00; 0.000; 0; 0; 255; 0; 34; 0; vuIsUnit; 5; 2; 3; 0 ... |
WARNING:The current implementation of enforcement tracing has not been rigorously tested since its integration into the Babel/SIDL source code repository.
Enforcement tracing is an advanced, experimental feature used to instrument
contract enforcement with execution timing calls.
This feature aids the collection of data for two purposes.
The primary goal is to obtain data for establishing execution time estimates
for contract clause, method, and program execution time estimates.
An alternative, which has not yet received the attention it deserves,
is to provide input for simulating the execution time overhead of
interface contract enforcement.
The SIDL specification snippet for enforcement tracing controls within the enforcement policy class is given below.
/** * <code>EnfPolicy</code> maintains the current interface * contract enforcement policy. */ class EnfPolicy { ... /** * Starts enforcement trace file generation. * * @param filename Name of the destination trace file. * @param traceLevel Level of trace timing and reporting required. * [Default = NONE] */ static void startTrace(in string filename, in EnfTraceLevel traceLevel); /** * Returns TRUE if contract enforcement tracing is enabled; * FALSE otherwise. */ static bool areTracing(); /** * Returns the name of the trace file. If one was not provided, * the default name is returned. */ static string getTraceFilename(); /** * Returns the level of enforcement tracing. */ static EnfTraceLevel getTraceLevel(); /** * Terminates enforcement trace file generation. Takes a final * timestamp and logs the remaining trace information. */ static void endTrace(); } |
Enforcement tracing is initiated with the startTrace call and terminated with endTrace. Accessor methods — areTracing, getTraceFilename, and getTraceLevel — are provided for convenience but are not expected to be used by in general. Timing data is output to the file specified in the startTrace call as it is collected, so the traces can be very large if there are numerous calls to instrumented methods.
The SIDL specification for enforcement tracing options is:
/** * Contract enforcement tracing levels. Enforcement traces rely on * runtime timing automatically inserted within the middleware. */ enum EnfTraceLevel { /** * None. No tracing is to be performed. */ NONE, /** * Core. Time trace start and end only. This can be useful for * simple program timing. */ CORE, /** * Basic enforcement tracing. CORE plus interface contract clause timing. */ BASIC, /** * Overhead of enforcement decisions. BASIC plus timing of * enforcement decisions. (Experimental feature.) */ OVERHEAD, }; |
So, tracing is disabled with the NONE option. The time between startTrace and endTrace calls is measured using the CORE option. Additionally, the time for checking contract clauses is obtained using the BASIC option while the enforcement decisions themselves are also timed with the OVERHEAD option.
Hence, SIDL’s experimental enforcement tracing feature facilitates gathering data for establishing the execution time estimates needed for performance-driven enforcement. The calling program is responsible for starting and stopping tracing through the methods provided in SIDL’s enforcement policy class. Tracing data is currently output as it is collected, resulting in additional file I/O overhead during execution.
This chapter describes extensions to the Babel toolkit for the specification and enforcement of interface contracts. SIDL allows the specification of executable, Eiffel-inspired precondition, postcondition, and class invariant clauses. Each clause may contain one or more assertion expressions using traditional and advanced operators as well as built-in and user-defined functions. The SIDL Runtime currently supports global interface contract enforcement, on a clause basis, through a range of enforcement options combining contract clause classification and enforcement frequency options. Optional enforcement tracing, which can be used to collect relevant execution time data, is also supported. Detected violations result in clause-specific exceptions identifying the violated assertion.
WARNING:Not all capabilities described in this chapter have been tested. In particular, regression tests exercising class invariants and a number of the built-in functions available for use in contract clauses are still pending. In addition, built-in functions are currently limited to one- and two-dimensional arrays. Furthermore, the experimental enforcement policies and enforcement tracing need to be re-tested after their integration into the Babel/SIDL repository.
This appendix provides an overview of common problems that Babel users have encountered. Additional insights may be found in Chapter 23.
This section focuses on common errors encountered by Babel users. The errors have been separated into those related to SIDL parsing, XML parsing, and compilation.
This section focuses on common warnings encountered by Babel users. Again, warnings have been separated into those related to SIDL parsing, XML parsing, and compilation.
This appendix focuses on providing tips, tricks, and advice submitted by Babel/SIDL users. We have generally provided the information verbatim.
Steve Smith, 24 September 2001
Basically “be consistent” is the biggest lesson we found.
When compiling C++ codes, you may have conflicts if you use different compile options. Under KCC we found -no_exceptions caused problems if parts were compiled with/without the flag. There are most likely other compile flags which turn features on/off which would cause similar problems. This caused a core dump immediately when core file was loaded. This is somewhat obvious but if you are linking together several different codes from a variety of developers you need to examine the compile flags very carefully. This problem is probably more likely with C++ due to the greater number of code generation options (e. g. RTTI, exceptions etc).
A much more subtle problem occurred when we had a C shared library which called functions in a C++ shared library. We initially used gcc to create the C shared library and KCC to create the C++ shared library. The application would core dump when a dynamic cast was attempted. This was solved by using the cc compiler wrapper that is part of the KCC distribution (which uses the native cc). So you need to be aware of not only what is in your .so and how it is compiled but all the .so’s that you are using.
If you have several versions of a library, say during a debugging process, make sure you are using the correct versions of things. The ldd command is very useful for making sure you getting the shared libraries that you think you should be linking to. Along these lines, keep your LD_LIBRARY_PATH as simple as possible when debugging.
In retrospect this does not look like a large number of problems, but figuring out the second problem took a long time since I focused on how the C++ library was being created rather than where the real problem was being introduced. It wasn’t until after I had exhausted a long list of other potential conflicts that I started messing with the C library compilation.
Part IV |
This appendix lists SIDL’s reserved words. Other words and constructs that are problematic in particular language bindings are also listed.
Table A.1: SIDL Reserved Words
RESERVED WORD ROLE abstract optional modifier for class array datatype bool builtin datatype char builtin datatype class user defined datatype copy argument modifer dcomplex builtin datatype double builtin datatype enum user defined datatype extends inheritance mode fcomplex builtin datatype final package and method modifier float builtin datatype implements inheritance mode implements-all inheritance mode import bring other packages into current scope in argument mode inout argument mode int builtin datatype interface user defined datatype local method modifier long builtin datatype nonblocking method modifier oneway method modifier opaque builtin datatype out argument mode package scoping construct static method modifier string builtin datatype throws exception declaration version assign version number to package void declares method as not returning a type
Table A.1 lists all the words that are part of the SIDL grammar and cannot be used as a package, enum, interface, class, or argument name.
Since SIDL maps onto many other languages there are a great number of words and constructs that are harmless in SIDL, but cause great trouble in generated language bindings. We list known problems in Table A.2.
In addition, the following should be avoided:
Table A.2: Other words/constructs to avoid
WORD C C++ Java Python word C C++ Java Python abstract X lambda X and X X long X X X and_eq X mutable X asm X X namespace X assert X native X auto X X new X X bitand X not X X bitor X not_eq X bool X null X boolean X operator X break X X X X or X X case X X X or_eq X catch X X package X char X X X pass X class X X X compl X private X X const X X X protected X X const_cast X public X X continue X X X X raise X def X register X X default X X X reinterpret_cast X del X return X X X X delete X short X X X do X X X signed X X double X X X sizeof X X dynamic_cast X static X X X elif X static_cast X else X X X X strictfp X enum X X struct X X except X super X exec X switch X X X explicit X synchronized X export X template X extends X this X X extern X X throw X X false X X throws X final X transient X finally X X true X X float X X X try X X X for X X X X typedef X X friend X typeid X from X typename X global X union X X goto X X X unsigned X X if X X X X using X implements X virtual X import X void X X X inline X volatile X X X instanceof X wchar_t X int X X X while X X X X interface X xor X is X xor_eq X
This appendix provides an overview of the Scientific Interface Definition Language (SIDL) grammar. For simplicity, the grammar is described in extended BNF.
FIX ME!This section is dated. It needs to be brought up-to-date to reflect changes associated with the introduction of the new parser.
The grammar described here was extracted from the JavaCC productions defined
in the Babel source code. Since the comments associated with the productions
appeared to be sufficiently descriptive, they have been retained to serve as
the explanation of the key productions.
/* * The following lexical tokens are ignored. */ SKIP : { < " " > | < "\n" > | < "\r" > | < "\t" > | < "//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n") > | < "/**/" > | < "/*" (~["*"])+ "*" ("*" | ~["*","/"] (~["*"])* "*")* "/" > { checkComment(image, input_stream.getBeginLine(), input_stream.getEndLine()); } | < "[" > | < "]" > } /* * The following lexical states define the transitions necessary to * parse documentation comments. Documentation comments may appear * anywhere in the file, although they are only saved if they preceed * definition or method productions. Documentation comments are * represented by "special tokens" in the token list. */ SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < T_COMMENT : "/**" > : BEGIN_DOC_COMMENT } <BEGIN_DOC_COMMENT> SKIP : { < " " > | < "\t" > | < "*/" > : DEFAULT | < ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n") > : LINE_DOC_COMMENT | < "" > : IN_DOC_COMMENT } <LINE_DOC_COMMENT> SKIP : { < " " > | < "\t" > | < "*/" > : DEFAULT | < "*" (" ")?> : IN_DOC_COMMENT | < "" > : IN_DOC_COMMENT } <IN_DOC_COMMENT> SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < "*/" > { trimMatch(matchedToken); } : DEFAULT | < ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n") > { trimMatch(matchedToken); } : LINE_DOC_COMMENT } <IN_DOC_COMMENT> MORE : { < ~[] > } /* * The following keywords are the lexical tokens in the SIDL grammar. */ TOKEN : { < T_ABSTRACT : "abstract" > | < T_CLASS : "class" > | < T_COPY : "copy" > | < T_ENUM : "enum" > | < T_EXTENDS : "extends" > | < T_IMPORT : "import" > | < T_IN : "in" > | < T_INOUT : "inout" > | < T_FINAL : "final" > | < T_IMPLEMENTS : "implements" > | < T_IMPLEMENTS_ALL : "implements-all" > | < T_INTERFACE : "interface" > | < T_LOCAL : "local" > | < T_ONEWAY : "oneway" > | < T_OUT : "out" > | < T_PACKAGE : "package" > | < T_REQUIRE : "require" > | < T_STATIC : "static" > | < T_THROWS : "throws" > | < T_VERSION : "version" > | < T_VOID : "void" > | < T_ARRAY : "array" > | < T_RARRAY : "rarray" > | < T_BOOLEAN : "bool" > | < T_CHAR : "char" > | < T_DCOMPLEX : "dcomplex" > | < T_DOUBLE : "double" > | < T_FCOMPLEX : "fcomplex" > | < T_FLOAT : "float" > | < T_INT : "int" > | < T_LONG : "long" > | < T_OPAQUE : "opaque" > | < T_STRING : "string" > | < T_IDENTIFIER : <T_LETTER> (<T_LETTER> | <T_DIGIT> | "_")* > | < T_VERSION_STRING : <T_INTEGER> ("." <T_INTEGER>)+ > | < T_INTEGER : (["-","+"])? (<T_DIGIT>)+ > | < T_DIGIT : ["0"-"9"] > | < T_LETTER : ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"] > | < T_CLOSE_ANGLE : ">" > | < T_CLOSE_CURLY : "}" > | < T_CLOSE_PAREN : ")" > | < T_COMMA : "," > | < T_EQUALS : "=" > | < T_OPEN_ANGLE : "<" > | < T_OPEN_CURLY : "{" > | < T_OPEN_PAREN : "(" > | < T_SEMICOLON : ";" > | < T_SCOPE : "." > | < T_COLUMN_MAJOR : "column-major" > | < T_ROW_MAJOR : "row-major" > | < T_CATCH_ALL : ~[] > } /** * A SIDL Specification contains zero or more version productions followed * by zero or more import productions followed by zero or more package * productions followed by the end-of-file. Before leaving the specification * scope, resolve all references in the symbol table. */ Specification ::= ( Require )* ( Import )* ( Package )* <EOF> /** * A SIDL Require production begins with a "require" token and is followed * by a scoped identifer, a "version" token, and a version number. The * scoped identifier must be not defined. The version number is specified * in the general form "V1.V2...Vn" where Vi is a non-negative integer. */ Require ::= <T_REQUIRE> ScopedIdentifier <T_VERSION> ( <T_INTEGER> | <T_VERSION_STRING> ) <T_SEMICOLON> /** * A SIDL Import production begins with an "import" token and is followed * by a scoped identifier which is optionally followed by a "version" token * and a version number. The scoped identifier must be defined and it must * be a package. The version number is specified in the general form * "V1.V2...Vn" where Vi is a non-negative integer. A particular package * may only be included in one import statement. The import package name * is added to the default search path. At the end of the parse, any import * statements that were not used to resolve a symbol name are output as * warnings. */ Import ::= <T_IMPORT> ScopedIdentifier [ <T_VERSION> ( <T_INTEGER> | <T_VERSION_STRING>) ] <T_SEMICOLON> /** * The SIDL package specification begins with a "package" token followed by * a scoped identifier. The new package namespace begins with an open curly * brace, a set of zero or more definitions, and a close curly brace. The * closing curly brace may be followed by an optional semicolon. The package * identifier must have a version defined for it, and it must not have been * previously defined as a symbol or used as a forward reference. The parent * of the package must itself be a package and must have been defined. The * symbols within the curly braces will be defined within the package scope. */ Package ::= [ <T_FINAL> ] <T_PACKAGE> ScopedIdentifier [ <T_VERSION> ( <T_INTEGER> | <T_VERSION_STRING> ) ] <T_OPEN_CURLY> ( Definition )* <T_CLOSE_CURLY> [ <T_SEMICOLON> ] /** * A SIDL Definition production consists of a class, interface, enumerated * type, or package. */ Definition ::= ( Class | Enum | Interface | Package ) /** * A SIDL class specification begins with an optional abstract keyword * followed by the class token followed by an identifier. The abstract * keyword is required if and only if there are abstract methods in the * class. The class keyword is followed by an identifer. The identifier * string may not have been previously defined, although it may have been * used as a forward reference. The identifier string may be preceeded * by a documentation comment. A class may optionally extend another class; * if no class is specified, then the class will automatically extend the * SIDL base class (unless it is itself the SIDL base class). Then parse * the implements-all and implements clauses. The interfaces parsed during * implements-all are saved in a set and then all those methods are defined * at the end of the class definition. The methods block begins with an * open curly-brace followed by zero or more methods followed by a close * curly-brace and optional semicolon. */ Class ::= [ <T_ABSTRACT> ] <T_CLASS> Identifier [ <T_EXTENDS> ScopedIdentifier ] [ <T_IMPLEMENTS_ALL> AddInterface ( <T_COMMA> AddInterface )* ] [ <T_IMPLEMENTS> AddInterface ( <T_COMMA> AddInterface )* ] <T_OPEN_CURLY> ( ClassMethod )* <T_CLOSE_CURLY> [ <T_SEMICOLON> ] /** * The SIDL enumeration specification begins with an "enum" token followed by * an identifier. The enumerator list begins with an open curly brace, a set * of one or more definitions, and a close curly brace. The closing curly * brace may be followed by an optional semicolon. The enumeration symbol * identifier must have a version defined for it, and it must not have been * previously defined as a symbol. Forward references are not allowed for * enumerated types. This routine creates the enumerated class and then * grabs the list of enumeration symbols and their optional values. */ Enum ::= <T_ENUM> Identifier <T_OPEN_CURLY> Enumerator ( <T_COMMA> Enumerator )* <T_CLOSE_CURLY> [ <T_SEMICOLON> ] /** * The SIDL enumerator specification consists of an identifier followed * by an optional assignment statement beginning with an equals and followed * by an integer value. This routine adds the new enumeration symbol to * the list and then returns. */ Enumerator ::= Identifier [ <T_EQUALS> <T_INTEGER> ] /** * A SIDL interface specification begins with the interface token followed * by an identifier. An interface may have an extends block consisting of * a comma-separated sequence of interfaces. The methods block begins with * an open curly-brace followed by zero or more methods followed by a close * curly-brace and optional semicolon. Interfaces may be preceeded by a * documentation comment. The identifier string may not have been previously * defined, although it may have been used as a forward reference. If the * interface does not extend another interface, then it must extend the base * SIDL interface (unless, of course, this is the definition for the base * SIDL interface). */ Interface ::= <T_INTERFACE> Identifier [ <T_EXTENDS> AddInterface ( <T_COMMA> AddInterface )* ] <T_OPEN_CURLY> ( InterfaceMethod )* <T_CLOSE_CURLY> [ <T_SEMICOLON> ] /** * This production parses the next scoped identifier and validates that * the name exists and is an interface symbol. Then each of its methods * are checked for validity with the existing methods. If everything * checks out, then the new interface is added to the existing object. */ AddInterface ::= ScopedIdentifier /** * This production parses the SIDL method description for a class method. * A class method may start with abstract, final, or static. An error is * thrown if the method has already been defined in the class object or if * the method name is the same as the class name. An error is also thrown * if a method has been defined in a parent class and (1) the signatures * do not match, (2) either of the methods is static, (3) the existing method * is final, or (4) the new method is abstract but the existing method was * not abstract. */ ClassMethod ::= [ ( <T_ABSTRACT> | <T_FINAL> | <T_STATIC> ) ] Method /** * This method parses a SIDL method and then checks whether it can be * added to the interface object. An error is thrown if the method has * already been added to the interface object or if the method name is * the same as the interface name. An error is also thrown if a previous * method was defined with the same name but a different signature. */ InterfaceMethod ::= Method /** * The SIDL method production has a return type, a method identifier, * an optional argument list, an optional communication modifier, and * an optional throws clause. The return type may be void (no return * type) or any valid SIDL type. The method is built piece by piece. */ Method ::= ( <T_VOID> | [ <T_COPY> ] Type() ) Identifier [ <T_IDENTIFIER> ] <T_OPEN_PAREN> [ Argument ( <T_COMMA> Argument )* ] <T_CLOSE_PAREN> [ <T_LOCAL> | <T_ONEWAY> ] [ <T_THROWS> ScopedIdentifier ( <T_COMMA> ScopedIdentifier )* ] <T_SEMICOLON> /** * Parse a SIDL argument. Arguments begin with an optional copy modifier * followed by in, out, or inout followed by a type and a formal argument. * The argument is returned on the top of the argument stack. This routine * also checks that the copy modifier is used only for symbol objects. For * all other types, copy is redundant. */ Argument ::= [ <T_COPY> ] ( <T_IN> | <T_OUT> | <T_INOUT> ) (Type Identifier | Rarray) /** * A SIDL type consists of one of the standard built-in types (boolean, * char, dcomplex, double, fcomplex, float, int, long, opaque, and string), * a user-defined type (interface, class, or enum), or an array. This * production parses the type and pushes the resulting type object on * the top of the argument stack. */ Type ::= ( <T_BOOLEAN> | <T_CHAR> | <T_DCOMPLEX> | <T_DOUBLE> | <T_FCOMPLEX> | <T_FLOAT> | <T_INT> | <T_LONG> | <T_OPAQUE> | <T_STRING> | Array | SymbolType ) /** * Parse an array construct and push the resulting type and ordering * on top of the stack. Only dimensions one through MAX_ARRAY_DIM * (inclusive) are supported. */ Array ::= <T_ARRAY> <T_OPEN_ANGLE> Type [ <T_COMMA> ( <T_INTEGER> [ <T_COMMA> ( <T_COLUMN_MAJOR> | <T_ROW_MAJOR> ) ] | ( <T_COLUMN_MAJOR>| <T_ROW_MAJOR> ) ) ] <T_CLOSE_ANGLE> /** * Parse an rarray construct and push the resulting type and ordering * on top of the stack. Only dimensions one through MAX_ARRAY_DIM * (inclusive) are supported. And don't forget the indicies! */ Rarray ::= <T_RARRAY> <T_OPEN_ANGLE> Type [ <T_COMMA> <T_INTEGER> ] <T_CLOSE_ANGLE> Identifier <T_OPEN_PAREN> Identifier ( <T_COMMA Identifier )* <T_CLOSE_PAREN> /** * This production parses a scoped identifier and verifies that it is * either a forward reference or a symbol that may be used as a type * (either an enum, an interface, or a class). */ SymbolType ::= ScopedIdentifier /** * All SIDL scoped names are of the general form "ID ( . ID )*". Each * identifier ID is a string of letters, numbers, and underscores that * must begin with a letter. The scope resolution operator "." separates * the identifiers in a name. */ ScopedIdentifier ::= Identifier ( <T_SCOPE> Identifier )* /** * A SIDL identifier must start with a letter and may be followed by any * number of letters, numbers, or underscores. It may not be a reserved * word in any of the SIDL implementation languages (e.g., C or C++). */ Identifier ::= <T_IDENTIFIER> |
This appendix describes the XML representation of SIDL interfaces. Since the format of an XML file is dictated by a Document Type Declaration (DTD) file, the description will focus on the DTD associated with SIDL.
Babel relies on several DTDs to describe and enforce the layout of conformant XML files. The DTD of primary importance for Babel is sidl.dtd because it describes the requisite tags and attributes corresponding to SIDL files. The contents of the DTD are given below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- File: sidl.dtd Package: SIDL XML Revision: @(#) $Id: sidl.dtd 6289 2008-01-11 15:59:07Z dahlgren $ Description: DTD for the SIDL XML database representation Copyright (c) 2000-2007, The Regents of the University of Calfornia. Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Written by the Components Team <components@llnl.gov> UCRL-CODE-2002-054 All rights reserved. This file is part of Babel. For more information, see http://www.llnl.gov/CASC/components/. Please read the COPYRIGHT file for Our Notice and the LICENSE file for the GNU Lesser General Public License. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have recieved a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA This file describes the DTD for a SIDL symbol represented in XML format. The root element is <Symbol>. PUBLIC ID "-//CCA//sidl Symbol DTD v1.3//EN" --> <!-- Symbol Element Symbol is the root element for all SIDL XML schema. The Symbol contains a SymbolName (fully qualified symbol name and version), Metadata, Comment, and one of Class, Enumeration, Interface, or Package. --> <!ENTITY % symbols "Class | Enumeration | Interface | Package | Struct"> <!ELEMENT Symbol (SymbolName, Metadata, Comment, (%symbols;))> <!-- SymbolName Element A SymbolName represents a fully qualified symbol name along with its version. It is of the form: <SymbolName name="sidl.SomeName" version="1.3.4"/> --> <!ELEMENT SymbolName EMPTY> <!ATTLIST SymbolName name CDATA #REQUIRED version CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Metadata Element The Metadata element contains any useful descriptive data about the symbol. The time and date of creation is required, but all other information is optional. The date and time must follow the ISO-8601 standard. The entries in the metadata element are (key,value) pairs. --> <!ELEMENT Metadata (MetadataEntry)*> <!ATTLIST Metadata date CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT MetadataEntry EMPTY> <!ATTLIST MetadataEntry key CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Comment Element Comment elements support a very simple HTML description using the html-lite.dtd HTML subset. See html-lite.dtd for more details. --> <!ENTITY % html-lite PUBLIC "-//CCA//sidl HTML DTD v1.0//EN" "html-lite.dtd"> %html-lite; <!ELEMENT Comment %html-block;> <!-- Package Element The Package element contains the symbols that exist within a package. In the PackageSymbol element, note that the name is relative to the package (thus, sidl.Class is represented by Class within package sidl). A true final attribute indicates that this package is not reentrant. It defaults to true to handle old XML files. In previous versions, all packages were non-reentrant. --> <!ELEMENT Package (Attributes?, PackageSymbol)*> <!ELEMENT Attributes (Attribute)* > <!ELEMENT Attribute EMPTY> <!ATTLIST Attribute name CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- If the version attribute isn't provided, the symbol has the same version as the containing package. This is to provide backward compatibility with previous released versions of the DTD. Someday the version may become REQUIRED, so always include it. --> <!ELEMENT PackageSymbol EMPTY> <!ATTLIST PackageSymbol name CDATA #REQUIRED type (class | enum| interface | package | struct) #REQUIRED version CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT Struct (Attributes?, StructItem*) > <!ELEMENT StructItem (Type) > <!ATTLIST StructItem name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Enumeration Element The Enumeration element consists of a collection of Enumerator elements that describe a relative symbol name, its integer value, and whether the value was assigned by the parser or in the SIDL input file. --> <!ELEMENT Enumeration (Attributes?, Enumerator+) > <!ELEMENT Enumerator (Comment)?> <!ATTLIST Enumerator name CDATA #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED fromuser (false | true) #REQUIRED> <!-- Class Element The Class element consists of a class extended by this class, a block of interfaces implemented by this class, and a block of methods declared or defined by this class. The methods block does not include methods declared or defined by parents. The elements AllParentInterfaces and AllParentClasses include all parents of this class. --> <!ELEMENT Class (Attributes?, Extends, ImplementsBlock, AllParentClasses, AllParentInterfaces, MethodsBlock, Contract?)> <!ELEMENT Extends (SymbolName)?> <!ELEMENT ImplementsBlock (SymbolName)*> <!-- Interface Element The Interface element consists of a block of interfaces that this interface extends (element ExtendsBlock) and a block of methods declared by this interface (element MethodsBlock). The methods block element contains only those methods declared or re-declared by this interface and does not include all those methods defined by the parent interfaces. The AllParentInterfaces element block includes all parent interfaces that this interface extends. --> <!ELEMENT Interface (Attributes?, ExtendsBlock, AllParentInterfaces, MethodsBlock, Contract?)> <!ELEMENT ExtendsBlock (SymbolName)*> <!-- AllParentClasses and AllParentInterfaces Elements These elements define a collection of zero or more SymbolName elements that are the parent classes and parent interfaces of a class or interface. --> <!ELEMENT AllParentClasses (SymbolName)*> <!ELEMENT AllParentInterfaces (SymbolName)*> <!-- MethodsBlock Element The MethodsBlock element defines a collection of zero or more methods that belong to a SIDL interface or class. --> <!ELEMENT MethodsBlock (Method)*> <!-- Method Element The Method element defines the signature for a single method in a class or interface. The name of the method is obtained from the shortname. If method name overloading is not supported, the extension is appended to the short name to build the method name. --> <!ELEMENT Method (Attributes?, Comment, Type, ArgumentList, ThrowsList, ImplicitThrowsList, From?, Contract?)> <!ATTLIST Method shortname CDATA #REQUIRED extension CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT ArgumentList (Argument)*> <!ELEMENT ThrowsList (SymbolName)*> <!ELEMENT ImplicitThrowsList (SymbolName)*> <!ELEMENT From EMPTY > <!ATTLIST From parentname CDATA #REQUIRED parentversion CDATA #REQUIRED shortname CDATA #REQUIRED extension CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT Contract (Assertion)*> <!-- Argument Element The SIDL Argument element defines a SIDL method argument. --> <!ELEMENT Argument (Attributes?, Type)> <!ATTLIST Argument mode (in | inout | out) #REQUIRED name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Type Element The Type element describes a SIDL type, which may be a built-in type such as boolean or int, an array, or a user-defined symbol. If the type description is a primitive type, then no sub-elements are allowed. If the type is a symbol, then the single sub-element must be a symbol name. If the type is an array, then the single sub-element must be an array element --> <!ENTITY % simpletypes "boolean | char | double | float | integer | long | string" > <!ELEMENT Type (SymbolName | Array)?> <!ATTLIST Type type (void | %simpletypes; | fcomplex | dcomplex | opaque | symbol | array ) #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT Index (Expression)+> <!ELEMENT Array (Type?,Index?)> <!ATTLIST Array order (unspecified | column-major | row-major) #REQUIRED dim CDATA "0" > <!-- Assertion Element The SIDL Assertion element defines a SIDL assertion. --> <!ELEMENT Assertion (Comment, Expression)> <!ATTLIST Assertion tag CDATA #REQUIRED type ( invariant | require | require_else | ensure | ensure_then ) #REQUIRED> <!-- Expression Element The SIDL Assertion Expression element defines a valid assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT Expression ( BinaryExpression | ComplexNumber | MethodCall | Terminal | UnaryExpression)> <!ATTLIST Expression parens (true | false) "false"> <!-- BinaryExpression Element The SIDL Binary Expression element defines a binary assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT BinaryExpression (Expression, Expression)> <!ATTLIST BinaryExpression op ( and | divide | equals | expon | greater_than | greater_equal | iff | implies | less_equal | less_greater | less_than | minus | modulus | multiply | not_equal | or | plus | power | remainder | shift_left | shift_right | xor | bit-and | bit-or | bit-xor ) #REQUIRED> <!-- ComplexNumber Element The Complex Number element defines a complex number assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT ComplexNumber EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ComplexNumber type (float | double) #REQUIRED real CDATA #REQUIRED imaginary CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- MethodCall Element The SIDL Method Call element defines a method call assertion expression. Note that any arguments must be within the scope of the assertion. For invariants, expressions can only contain literals (i.e., NO state or attributes). For methods, expressions can also contain any arguments that are being passed to the method. --> <!ELEMENT MethodCall (Expression*)> <!ATTLIST MethodCall name CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Terminal Element The Simple Expression element defines expressions that do not have operators; namely, identifiers and literals. Note the only valid literals are boolean, character, double, float, integer, and string and identifiers are symbols. --> <!ELEMENT Terminal EMPTY > <!ATTLIST Terminal etype ( identifier | %simpletypes; ) #REQUIRED value CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- UnaryExpression Element The SIDL Unary Expression element defines a unary assertion expression. --> <!ELEMENT UnaryExpression (Expression)> <!ATTLIST UnaryExpression op (complement | is | minus | not | plus ) #REQUIRED> |
Babel assumes that comments will conform to the HTML-lite comment format. So, Babel relies on comment.dtd to validate whether SIDL documentation comments follow the HTML-lite comment format, which is described in html-lite.dtd. The most current versions of all of these DTDs can also be found in the source distribution in the babel/compiler/gov/llnl/babel/dtds directory.
NOTE: Any XML interface description that complies with the SIDL DTD can be used as input to Babel.
OOP concept: Abstract describes something
that is declared but not fully defined. For example, an abstract
method is a method that is declared as a part of a class, but has no
implementation. It cannot be called, it is only meant to be
inherited by derived classes.
SIDL keyword: Abstract is an optional modifier for both
classes and methods. An abstract method is a method
that has no implementation, it’s a way of declaring a method that
every subclass must implement for itself. An abstract class has one
or more abstract methods, and therefore cannot be instantiated.
Datastructure: An array is a fixed size, numerically indexed, set of variables. Arrays have in language support in almost all modern programming languages.
Babel: Babel has built in support for arrays of every data type, including objects. Babel allows these arrays such that they may be shared by differing languages.
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. BLAS is a famous library for doing matrix and vector algebra. More information may be found at: http://www.netlib.org/blas/
A Babel Object Server (BOS) is a network server process or thread that provides babel objects via Remote Method Invocation (RMI). Normally a BOS is run as a background thread on a normal Babel process to allow the process to publish objects for access by RMI enabled clients. There is not a single protocol that a BOS must use to communicate over Babel RMI, but clients and BOSs must use the same protocol if they are expected to communicate.
BackusNaur Form. BNF is a formal way to describe computer languages and other formal languages.
Definition: bool is a short form of the word boolean. A boolean is a logical data type that holds 1 bit of data, i. e. it is either true or false. It is used for Boolean Algebra.
SIDL keyword: bool is a data type built into SIDL, an instance of which is either true or false. For efficiency sake, the underlying storage of bool is not 1 bit.
Babel: A borrowed array is a SIDL array that does not manage its own data. The data is provided by some third party, who is also in charge of deallocating the data. It is useful for sending data through Babel, but the developer must beware in case the third party deallocates the array data before the program has finished with it.
Common Component Architecture http://www.ccaforum.org/
Definition: char is a short form of the word character. A character is a letter, number, puctuation mark, or other such symbol use in writing. In programming, a character is often defined by the 8 bit ASCII encoding.
SIDL keyword: char is a data type built into SIDL. It stores 1 byte of data, or enough for 1 ASCII character.
OOP concept: A class is a definition for a particular kind of object. It may define the data and methods that will be included in an actual instance of the object.
SIDL keyword: class is a SIDL keyword. In SIDL a class definition only defines methods. Methods may be static or instance methods. (They are instance methods by default.) If any instance method in a class is declared abstract, the class cannot be instantiated as an object, and is called an abstract class. Otherwise, it can be instantiated and is called a concrete class.
OOP concept: A concrete class is a class where all the class’s instance methods have implementations. (ie. there are no abstract methods) A concrete class may be instantiated as an object.
Common Object Model http://www.microsoft.com/ Microsoft’s IDL based language interoperability suite.
OOP concept: Components are “plug-and-play” software libraries designed with standard, clearly defined interfaces. They are the epitome of modular design. Because components communicate only through well-defined interfaces, when an application needs to be modified, a single component can be modified (or exchanged for a similar component), without fear of disrupting the other components making up the application.
OOP concept: A component architecture defines the specifics of setting up a system for programming with components in that architecture. For example, how components are imported and how they communicate are some of the questions that must be answered in a component architecture design.
SIDL keyword: copy is a SIDL keyword. It is planned that in future version of babel it will be used as a parameter modifier for parameters passed to RMI functions, currently however, this feature is unimplemented.
Common Object Request Broker Architecture http://www.omg.org CORBA allows different programs by different vendors to communicate though an IDL interface specification. In CORBA this glue code is called the “Broker.”
Definition: The sum of a real number and an imaginary number is called a complex number. Babel supports complex numbers as a basic type via the basic types “fcomplex” and “dcomplex.”
SIDL keyword: dcomplex is a data type built into SIDL. The name is short for “double complex.” It stores a complex number via 2 64-bit floating point variables, one for the real part, and one for the imaginary part.
Definition: A dense array is an array where all the dimensions are “densely packed,” or, in terms of memory addressing, there are no “spaces” between array elements. For example, if a one-dimensional SIDL array of 10 elements is created, it will be densely packed. However, if a slice of the array is taken with a stride of 2, the resulting array will use the same data as the original array. However, the new array will be only five elements long, and will only consist of the even elements of the original array. This is not densely packed. Example:
Array 1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Array 2: 0 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 –
Babel: There are two anticipated user types for Babel, both are kinds of programmers. The person referred to as the “developer” is the person developing a Babelized library. The “user” is the person who writes a program using a Babelized library.
Definition: Dynamically Linked Library. A type of library that can be linked to dynamically at runtime by passing its name as a string to the dlopen() function.
Definition: A double is a 64-bit floating point number.
SIDL keyword: SIDL support double as a basic type.
Document Type Definition. Defines the grammar of the XML files. http://www.w3.org/2002/xmlspec/
Definition: The action of dynamically linking to DLLs at runtime.
Definition: Enum is a shortend form of the word enumeration. An enumeration is used to assign numbers to a set of variable names, that is, enumerate the set of variable names.
SIDL keyword: enum is a reserved word in SIDL. It is used for defining enumerations. In Babel, enumerations are a way of binding integer constants to names.
In Babel, enumerations are a way of binding integer constants to names. See subsection 6.3.
Definition: The idea of an exception is that if a method encounters a problem it cannot handle, it interrupts its execution and “throws” and exception. Hopefully some function up the call stack will “catch” the exception and know what to do about the problem. It is a useful form of error handing that SIDL supports. Exception is not a reserved word in SIDL (but throw is).
OOP concept: See inheritance.
SIDL keyword: extends is a SIDL reserved word. It is used to declare “like-type” inheritance. For example, a class may extend another class, or an interface may extend multiple interfaces, but a class cannot extend an interface, nor can an interface extend a class.
When building a Babelized library, its also important to note if your code has dependencies to other Babel types not in your library. These types often appear as base classes, argument types, or even exception types. Your library will need stubs corresponding to all these types, so it is best to put these in your library as well. We call these external stubs. See subsection 19.2.3
External Types are variable or object types that are not defined in the current class. In a class foo.Bar, sidl.Integer, or sidl.BaseClass would be external types.
fcomplex is a data type built into SIDL. The name is short for “float complex.” It stores a complex number via 2 32-bit floating point variables, one for the real part, and one for the imaginary part.
final is a SIDL reserved word. It is a method modifier. A final method is inherited by subclasses, but its implementation can never be overwritten. It is the “final” version of the implementation.
float is a data type built into SIDL. It is a 32-bit floating point number. float is short for floating point.
Overloaded Babelized methods called from non-object oriented languages, such as C and fortran 77, have 2 method names. The full name consists of the concatenation of the package name, class name, method name and type extension. The short name is missing the type extension. See subsection 6.7.
Fundamental types are the basic types that SIDL supports natively. bool, int, char, long, float, double, fcomplex, dcomplex, opaque, and string.
Most of the code that Babel generates is “glue” code. “Glue” code sits between the caller and the implementation to allow communication between them. We use the term glue to refer to the stub, IOR, and skel files.
Hypertext Markup Language http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/
In Babel, the implementation is the code placed in the server side Impl files. It is the code that Babel used glue code to allow you to call to.
implements is a SIDL reserved word. It is used when a class inherits from one or more interfaces. However, in this case the word “to implement” is not quite taken seriously. If a class implements an interface it inherits its methods, and may be cast to that interface, but if the programmer actually wished to implement any of the interface methods, he must redeclare them in the SIDL class. Any un-redeclared method is assumed abstract and will not appear in the Impl files. If there are any abstract methods in a class, that class is automatically abstract.
implements-all is a SIDL reserved word. It takes the place of “implements.” It is used when a class inherits from one or more interfaces, and the programmer definitely wants to write implementation code for each method in the named interfaces. If the programmer uses “implements-all” he does not have to redeclare the interface methods. See Section 6.7.
import is a SIDL reserved word. It is used to bring other packages into scope. Packages may be accompanied by a version number.
in is a SIDL reserved word. Each parameter passed though Babel must be declared as in, out, or inout. Each of these modes has certain rules and implication associated with it. In means “pass this variable by value to the implementation.” See Section 6.2.
Independent arrays are arrays that manage their own data. When all the references to an independent are deleted, the array data is garbage collected. The other kind of array is a borrowed array.
In normal object-oriented programming, inheritance is the ability of a “super” or “parent” class or interface to pass its characteristics (methods and instance variables) on to its subclasses, allowing subclasses to reuse these characteristics.
Of course, in SIDL we cannot define instance variables, so in SIDL inheritance only refers to method inheritance. In SIDL inheritance is is declared with the reserved words extends and implements.
inout is a SIDL reserved word. Each parameter passed though Babel must be declared as in, out, or inout. Each of these modes has certain rules and implication associated with it. Inout means “pass this variable by reference to the implementation. The implementation may do whatever it wants with the reference, but it should return something. Possibly a new variable.” See Section 6.2.
An instance method is a method that must be associated with an object instance. These methods probably rely on some state in the instance, so they cannot be divorced from it. In Object Oriented languages, you call these methods on an instance, in Babelized non-OO languages like C, you pass an instance in as the first argument to one of these methods.
int is a data type built into SIDL. It is a 32-bit integer variable int is short for integer.
The ANSI C standard way of declaring an integer that is definitely 32 or 64 bits.
An interface is a declaration of a set of methods with no information given about their implementation. All interface methods are abstract. An interface cannot be instantiated. However, a class may inherit from multiple interfaces. The purpose of interfaces is to give objects that are conceptually similar but internally different a common interface so that code may treat them the same, or seamlessly exchange them.
Interprocess means “between processes.” It is normally used to refer to “interprocess communication,” where two or more processes find some way to communicate. Interprocess communication is one of the goals of babel with RMI.
Intermediate Object Representation. IOR code is where Babel does all its work maintaining arrays, Babel objects, reference counting, etc.
Java Native Interface. The JNI is what allows Java to call to C and C++. It is referred to as calling native code because while Java runs in a virtual machine, but C and C++ run on the real machine, or run “natively.”
Language interoperability is Babel’s main purpose. Language interoperability technology allows different computer languages to call each other methods and communicate despite problems with calling conventions and differing variable types.
A method (or other identifier) is considered local if it is defined or declared in the current class or method. Sometimes a more specific term like, “local to the method” or “local to the class” is used. There is also a SIDL keyword local that modifies methods. If a method is local is can only be called in-process, and cannot be exported over RMI.
long is a data type built into SIDL. It is a 64-bit integer variable long is short for long integer. Note: Python sometimes has trouble with longs, see Section ?? for more details.
Method is the word commonly used in Java for what is called, in some other languages, a function, subroutine, or procedure. Methods are a piece a code that is called by a name. Instance methods depend on an object instance, and are allowed to read and manipulate that objects data. A static method does not depend on an instance, and therefore can only access class data and what data is passed in to the method.
A namespace is a way of logically divvying up globally accessible names. This helps in avoiding conflicts between globally accessible methods, classes, data, etc. They are mainly a feature of C++.
nonblocking is a SIDL method attribute. A nonblocking method is split into two parts. The invocation, method_send(), makes the call and immediately returns a sidl.rmi.Ticket. Later, the Ticket can be used to check if the method has returned, and retrieve the out arguments if it has with method_recv(). Nonblocking methods are really only useful with RMI where it allows the client to mix computation and communication more freely.
A non-strided array is a dense array. See the glossary entry for dense.
The Object Model is the of rules that regulates the definition, creation, and use of classes and objects in a language. To read about the SIDL object model see Section 6.7.
Object Management Group http://www.omg.org/
oneway is a SIDL method attribute. A oneway method is guaranteed to have no out arguments at all, it cannot even throw exceptions. This is so it can be invoked by a oneway message on RMI. oneway is really only useful with RMI.
opaque ia a data type build into SIDL. The word opaque is an adjective meaning “not transparent.” In SIDL, an opaque is a 64-bit variable that cannot be touched or modified by the holder. It is normally used to hold pointers that cannot be understood by the current language or in the current context.
out is a SIDL reserved word. Each parameter passed though Babel must be declared as in, out, or out. Each of these modes has certain rules and implication associated with it. Out means “pass this (null) variable by reference to the implementation. The implementation is expected to fill the reference with a new variable to be passed back to the client.” See Section 6.2.
A package is a container and namespace for conceptually linked classes and interfaces. Generally it is good practice to have one package per SIDL file.
Pass-by-copy referes to one of the two major ways arguments are passed to methods (the other is pass-by-reference). In a pass-by-copy scheme, arguments are always copied when they are passed, so that changeing the value of argument in the callee does not effect the value of the caller’s variable. This is particularly important to Babel RMI, where object can be passed either by copy or reference.
Pass-by-reference referes to one of the two major ways arguments are passed to methods (the other is pass-by-copy). In a pass-by-reference scheme, arguments remain in their original memory localtion and a pointer to them is passed to the callee method. This means that if the callee changes the value of an argument, the value of the caller’s variable changes as well. This is particularly important to Babel RMI, where object can be passed either by copy or reference.
See pass-by-copy
Position Independent Code is for making dynamically loadable libraries. PIC contains and extra level of indirection to allow the correct methods to be found dynamically at runtime.
Code preprocessing is a step, prior to compilation, where various simple, automatic code modifications are made. For example, int C, #include files are included, and #define macros are textually duplicated throughout the code. In some cases, such as Babel Fortran 90/95, method names are “mangled” to reduce their size under the method name character limit.
Private data is data that is only accessible locally, inside an object. In Babel, all Babel object data is private and cannot be accessed by other SIDL objects.
A process is a running program that exists in its own memory space and can therefore run in parallel with other processes.
A protocol is formal description of message formats and the rules that two computers must follow in order to exchange messages.
Babel RMI may use any protocol that implements the Babel RMI API. This API is defined in sidl.io.Serializer and sidl.io.Deserializer.
Reference counting is the form of garbage collection used in Babel. Each object keeps a “reference count.” When that count reaches zero, the object is destroyed and the memory reclaimed. In some languages teh counting is handled automatically, in some, like C, the developer must explicitly add and subtract from the reference count. (Using the functions addRef and deleteRef.) The internal implementation of deleteRef literally has an if statement that says “If the count is 0, free this memory,” so if the reference count of an object goes below one, all references to the object are immediately invalid.
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is Object Oriented Remote Procedure Call (RPC). Where RPC allows a user to call procedures on remote machines, RMI allows the user to call methods on objects that may or may not exist on a remote machine. This has the advantage of being more natural and makes local and remote object interchangeable.
Reverse Engineering is the practice of inspecting the behavior of an existing program to understand more about how it works. Babel does not support this, or any forms of inspecting or modifying compiled code.
See Remote Method Invocation
See Remote Method Invocation
Serialization is a process to encode a data structure as a sequence of bytes. This is the method used by most object oriented system to save objects to files or pass objects over a network connection. Babel RMI uses serialization to pass objects by copy over the network.
A shared library is a set of methods that may be used by multiple different programs without recompilation of the library.
Overloaded Babelized methods called from non-object oriented languages, such as C and fortran 77, have 2 method names. The full name consists of the concatenation of the package name, class name, method name and type extension. The short name is missing the type extension. See subsection 6.7.
Scientific Interface Definition Language. The language used by Babel to describe how Babel glue code should be generated. See Chapter 6.
A single process program is a program that only uses one process to complete its work. One of the features of Babel is that it is able to facilitate language interoperability in a single process, which saves the extra overhead of interprocess communication.
The Babel skeleton code is the opposite of the Babel stub code. The Stub code facilitates the method call from client to IOR, and the skeleton code facilitates the method call from IOR to implementation.
Shared Object. A Unix catch all term for shared and dynamically loadable libraries.
Single Program Multiple Data. The term used to describe parallel programs that use multiple processes running the same code working on different data to solve a problem.
Object state refers to the data that an object holds. For example, if an object holds one integer, that integer holds the objects state. It is assumed that instance methods modify or use an object’s state in some way. If a method does not use the object state in any way, it should probably be a static method.
A static method is a method that does not depend on an object instance to run. It should have no need of any data of any particular object, it should only depend on the data that is passed into it. As such, unlike instance methods, it does not need to run on an instance of the class it is associated with. In Babelized C, this means the first argument to the function is not an object instance. In Java, this means the function not called on an object, but referenced by the class name.
Static linking refers to the practice of linking code at compile time, rather than dynamically at runtime. It has a speed advantage over dynamically linked code, but lack flexibility.
string is a data type built into SIDL. It stores a set of characters. It has no predefined length.
The Babel stub code is the opposite of the Babel skeleton code. The Stub code facilitates the method call from client to IOR, and the skeleton code facilitates the method call from IOR to implementation.
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator http://www.swig.org/ SWIG is a language interoperability tool that is not IDL based, but has certain other drawbacks.
Tarball is a common way to refer to a set of directories and files organized into a single file using the Unix tar command. It is often gzipped.
throws is a SIDL reserved word. It is used the tell SIDL that a method may throw the named SIDL exception, and code should be generated to pass it to the client.
A type describes what sort of information a variable stores, and usually how much space that information takes up. Classes and interfaces are user defined types, there are also fundamental types like int and bool.
Uniform Resource Locater. Often thought of as a pointer to a web resource.
There are two anticipated user types for Babel, both are kinds of programmers. The person referred to as the “developer” is the person developing a Babelized library. The “user” is the person who writes a program using a Babelized library.
version is a reserved word in Babel that is used to declare a version for a given package, or to declare what version of a given package should be used.
Virtual is the opposite of final. All SIDL methods are virtual by default. A virtual method is a method that may be overridden in subclasses.
Virtual Machine
a reserved word in Babel, used to state that a function has no return type.
If you want to build software in a separate directory from where the tarball was untarred, this is called a “VPATH build”. VPATH builds are useful if you want to build Babel multiple times with various compilers, flags, or you have a shared file system across multiple platforms. It separates the code you generate from things that you were given.
Extensible Markup Language. http://www.w3.org/XML/ A standardized data exchange format.
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