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Package std-advanced (in std.i) - performance and interface optimizations

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT eq_nocopy, y, x
  is the same as
         y= x
  except that if x is an array, it is not copied, even if it is
  not a temporary (i.e.- an expression).  Having multiple variables
  reference the same data can be confusing, which is why the default
  = operation copies the array.  The most important use of eq_nocopy
  involves pointers or lists:
         y= *py
         z= _car(list)
  always causes the data pointed to by py to be copied, while
         eq_nocopy, y, *py
         eq_nocopy, z, _car(list)
  does not copy the data - often more nearly what you wanted.
  Note that scalar int, long, and double variables are always copied,
  so you cannot count on eq_nocopy setting up an "equivalence"
  between variables.

SEE ALSO: swap, unref.


DOCUMENT errs2caller, f1, f2, ...
  makes function F1 (and optionally F2, ...) pass control for dbug
  mode to its caller if a fault occurs inside F1.  This makes F1
  behave more like a compiled function for its caller.  For example,
  if you are writing a mathematical function, you can raise an
  error in its caller rather than in the function itself -- which
  is appropriate if the only errors your function raises are, for
  example, domain errors.  Your function will then respond to a
  domain error in the same way as, for example, asin(1.5).
  If you want to wrap arguments of such a function, you need to call
  errs2caller before wrap_args.

SEE ALSO: wrap_args


DOCUMENT swap, a, b;
  Exchanges the contents of variables A and B without requiring any
  temporary copy.  The result of the call is identical to:
    tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;
  which makes a copy of A and then a copy of B.  Another possibility which
  avoids any copy of A nor B is:
    local tmp;
    eq_nocopy, tmp, a; eq_nocopy, a, b; eq_nocopy, b, tmp;

SEE ALSO: eq_nocopy, unref.


DOCUMENT unref(x)
  Returns X, destroying X in the process if it is an array (useful to
  deal with temporary big arrays).

SEE ALSO: eq_nocopy, swap.


DOCUMENT wrap_args, interpreted_function
  converts INTERPRETED_FUNCTION to a wrapped_func object,
  which will accept an arbitrary argument list, then invoke
  INTERPRETED_FUNCTION with a single wrapped_args object as
  its argument.  The INTERPRETED_FUNCTION must be declared as:

    ...use args object to retrieve actual arguments...

  After wrapping, you invoke the function as usual:

  result = INTERPRETED_FUNCTION(arg1, key1=ka1, arg2, ...);

  Unlike an ordinary interpreted function, a wrapped function
  will accept any number of arguments, and keyword arguments
  of any name.  Furthermore, unlike an ordinary function, you
  can determine the number of arguments passed to the function,
  the names of any simple variable references passed to the
  function, and other useful information about the arguments.
  You can set the external value of any simple variable passed
  as an argument, as if it had been declared func f(..., &x, ...).

  A wrapped_func function call is less efficient and requires
  less transparent coding than an ordinary function call; the
  advantage is that you can write a wrapped function which has
  non-standard semantics, for example, like the save and restore
  built-in functions (which use the names of the arguments passed
  to them), or other special effects, like accepting arbitrary
  keyword names.

  The ARGS object, the single argument actually passed to
  your INTEPRETED_FUNCTION, is a wrapped_args object, which has
  the following Eval methods:

    ARGS(-)   returns [keyname1, keyname2, keyname3, ...]
                the actual names of the keyword arguments passed
                or nil [] if no keywords were passed
                ARGS(*,) is a synonym for ARGS(-) to resemble
                the object syntax (see help,oxy), although the
                analogy is not exact.
    ARGS(0)   returns the number of positional arguments passed
                ARGS(*) is a synonym for ARGS(0) to resemble
                the object syntax (see help,oxy), although the
                analogy is not exact.
    ARGS(i)   returns the i-th positional argument
                i can also be a string to return a keyword argument,
                  or a negative number to return the -i-th keyword
    ARGS, i, value
              sets the value of argument i, as if it were
                an output variable declared as func f(..., &x, ...)
    ARGS(-,i) returns the name of argument i if it was
                passed as a simple variable reference
                ARGS(*,i) is a synonym for ARGS(-,i) to resemble
                the object syntax (see help,oxy), although the
                analogy is not exact.
    ARGS(0,i) returns a flag describing the argument:
      0 if argument is a simple variable reference (set value works)
      1 if argument is an expression (set value will be discarded)
      2 if argument does not exist (as opposed to simply nil)
  For obscure situations, there is also:
    ARGS(i,:) same as ARGS(i), except if the argument is an lvalue,
                it is not fetched.
  This rather arcane feature permits you to pass an argument of the
  form f.x, where f is a file handle, to functions like dimsof or
  structof without triggering a read of the file.  Do not assign
  the result to a variable; use it only as an argument to another
  function.  The first time you call ARGS(i) for argument i, the
  lvalue is fetched, and ARGS(i,:) will do nothing special.

SEE ALSO: errs2caller