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Package pkg_mngr (in pkg_mngr.i) - yorick package manager

Index of documented functions or symbols:


DOCUMENT get_intern_date(date)
meant to convert date returned by getdate() into something
clear and understandable by people from europe and US


DOCUMENT has_write_permissions(dir)
Test if user has write permission in "dir"
returns 1 if the user has write permission, 0 if not.
Create and delete a file "test_permissions_$USER", with
$USER = name of the user as defined in this session environment


DOCUMENT parse_info_file(file)
Parse a .info file (file describing a package in the
yorick package manager, similar to fink/debian info files)
Return a structure with elements = parsed keywords values


DOCUMENT pkg_fetch_url(url,dest,verbose=)
wrap the url fetch command (e.g. curl) with error checking


DOCUMENT pkg_get_keyword_value(text,keyw)
return parsed value of keyword read from a .info
file, in the form:
keyword: value
keyword: >>
line value


DOCUMENT pkg_info,pkgname
Prints out more information about package "pkgname" (string).
Does nothing else.


DOCUMENT pkg_install,pkgname,force=,check=,verbose=
Install package "pkgname" (string vector)
Grabs the tarball from a central server, untar it, copy the files
according to the directory structure specified in the untared
package, possibly run a preflight and postflight include files (for
special needs), and place the package info file and a list of
installed files in package/installed/.

pkgname can be a string scalar, vector, and contains wildcard to
install multiple packages in one call.
examples: pkg_install,"y*" or pkg_install,["soy","yao"] or pkg_install,"*"

force: force installation
check: run checks after install
verbose: 0 (silent), 1 (some messages), 2 (chatty), 3 (more chatty)

SEE ALSO: pkg_mngr, pkg_remove.


DOCUMENT pkg_list,server,sync=,verbose=
Print out a list of available packages, including
version number, whether it is installed (installed
version), and a short description.
server: overrides the PKG_SERVER variable definition
sync= : if set, equivalent to "pkg_sync; pkg_list;"

SEE ALSO: pkg_mngr, pkg_sync, pkg_install


DOCUMENT pkg_mngr.i

Yorick Package Manager. Main functions

pkg_setup               Set up pkg_mngr parameters (see below for details)
pkg_sync                Sync the local package repository with server
pkg_list                List all available packages (list install status
                        ("i" marks installed packages), the package name,
                        the last available version, the installed version
                        (when applicable) and a short description.
pkg_install,"pkg_name"  Install package "pkg_name"
pkg_upgrade,"pkg_name"  Upgrade package "pkg_name"
pkg_remove,"pkg_name"   Remove package "pkg_name"
pkg_info,"pkg_name"     Print detail info about package "pkg_name"
pkg_save                Saves PKG global variables in default file,
                         which will be re-read each time pkg-mngr.i
                         is included. Called by pkg_setup.
pkg_reset               Delete all tarballs (in case of problem).




 > pkg_setup
 ... will ask for parameters for your OS/installation
 ... just set the OS, most of the other defaults should be OK.

  PKG_FETCH_CMD       : system cmd to fetch a file through an
                         internet connection [ex: curl]
  PKG_SERVER          : URL of central server with info files
  PKG_OS              : OSTYPE-ARCHTYPE. There is a limited number
                         of these available. pkg_setup will fetch
                         available value from the server and propose
                         a list to the user.
  PKG_GUNTAR_CMD      : system cmd to gunzip and untar a tgz file
                         [ex; "tar -zxf"]
  PKG_TMP_DIR         : temporary directory. Normaly Y_HOME/packages/tmp
  PKG_VERBOSE         : verbose level
  PKG_ASK_CONFIRM     : ask for confirmation in critical operations
  PKG_RUN_CHECK       : run check after install

 > pkg_sync sync your local info file repository with the server
 ...this should be done from time to time.


 > pkg_list
 ...fetch all packages .info files on the server, and prints out
 the available & installed packages, with their version.

 > pkg_install,"pkgname"
 ... will install package "pkgname"

pkg_list, pkg_install, and pkg_remove are the only 3 functions
that should be necessary for further use.

 In case something went wrong and you downloaded a bad tarball:
 Solution 1: try reloading with force=1
 Solution 2: Go in Y_HOME/packages/tarballs
 and remove the offensive tgz file. In doubt, you can just wipe
 up the whole directory content. tarballs will be downloaded again
 if pkg_mngr does not find existing local ones.


 The yorick package manager (pkg_mngr.i) is organized with several
 central servers (sourceforge, maumae), being repositories of binary
 packages. These packages are self-contained plugins for yorick, and
 include yorick include files, autoload files and libraries. Necessary
 dependencies have been linked in. Other yorick package dependecies
 are cared for, and dependent packages are installed automatically.

 Locally, the directory package is the home of the packager. It contains
 3 subdirectories:
 packages/info: home of the info files that describe all available
 packages/installed: info files for installed packages.
 packages/tarballs:  tarballs for installed packages.


 A standard package includes (once tar zxvf'd):

 root/         : package info file
 root/preflight.i      : if present, will be run, from Y_HOME/packages,
                          before the copying of the other files (but
                          after the tar -zxvf or equivalent).
 root/postflight.i     : if present, will be run, from Y_HOME/packages,
                          after the copying of the other files (but
                          before the dist tree cleanup).
 root/dist/            : distribution root
 root/dist/y_site/     : all the files under this will be copied
                          recursively into Y_SITE.
 root/dist/y_home/     : all the files under this will be copied
                          recursively into Y_HOME.

 I recommend to include and distribute a copy of the package source:
 It is (1) educational, (2) easier to rebuild if needed and (3) that's
 a good place to store a check.i and other example for the package (and
 perhaps a doc). A good place to store the source is Y_SITE/contrib/pkg.

 Here is an example for the HDF5 package:
 poliahu:tarballs% tar zxvf hdf5-0.5.tgz


 The operation of installing a packages goes through two main parts:

 part 1. Get the tarball from the server.

 part 2. Once the tarball is local, it is installed. All the libraries
   and other files are put where they belong. Usually:
   libraries (*.so) are put in Y_HOME/lib
   include files (*.i) are put in Y_SITE/i0
   autoload files are put in Y_HOME/i-start
   However, this is not mandatory, and depends on how the maintainer
   has arrange the files in the tarball.
   The installer also scans for a preflight and postflight include files,
   and run them (include them) if present.

 In more details:

 pkgname example = hdf5;

 I.  check for depenency tree. Announce dependencies, possibly
     ask for confirm.
 II. Start by lowest dependency:
    1.  check if already on disk locally [to come]
    2.  if yes, check that local version is the last one [to come]
    3.  if not, offer the choice to re-install local version
          or fetch and install new one [to come]
    4.  fetch tarball (if necessary)
    5.  md5 it [to come]
    6.  gunzip + untar it (e.g. tar -zxvf)
    7.  cd in pkgname directory
    8.  check if preflight exist. If it does, execute it (include it).
    9.  recursively copy the distributed files in Y_SITE and Y_HOME
    10. copy the info file in the installed directory, with a list
          of the installed files.
    11. check if postflight exist. If it does, execute it (include it).
    12. clean up after ourselves (temp dist tree). Keep tarball.
 III. Update installed pkg. This is done automatically by putting
      the info file of the installed package in package/installed


 Here is an example of a .info file (from the hdf5 package):

 Package: hdf5
 Kind: plugin
 Version: 0.5
 Revision: 1
 Description: Hierarchical Data Format 5 interface
 License: GPL
 Maintainer: Francois Rigaut 
 OS: macosx
 Depends: yorick(>=1.6.02)
 Source-MD5: 6f8038cd09f72f4ff060e2d278256b6f
 Source-Directory: contrib/hdf5
 DocFiles: README NEWS doc/*.doc doc/*.pdf doc/*.ps doc/*.tex
 DescDetail: <<
 HDF5 is the yorick interface plugin to the NCSA Hierarchical Data Format
 version 5. It includes function for reading, writing, updating, getting
 information on HDF5 files.
 DescUsage: <<
 See i/hdf5_tests.i for a test suite. Type 
 "yorick -batch hdf5_tests.i" in a terminal to run it.
 DescPort: <<
 This package will compile Yorick only on MacOSX 10.3.4 or later, because
 of a bug in the system math library libm (part of /usr/lib/LibSystem.dylib)
 in earlier versions of MacOSX 10.3.

 Right now, the only important (used) keywords are:
 Version, Description, OS, Depends, Source

 If you want to contribute a package, you will have to generate a
 .info file:

 Instructions and tips:
 - Keep the description short (< 45 characters), you can expand ad lib in
   the DescDetail
 - Depends can include several members, separated by a comma (e.g.
 - OS has to be "macosx","linux" or "windows" for now. lowercase pls.
 - Source if the URL where the tarball can be fetched. In the near future,
   I'm planning to make that compatible with a vector (several URL that
   will be tried after another in case a link is down) but for now,
   keep that a single URL.
 - Version can only contain integer (e.g. 2.1.4-r2 does *not* work).


 * v. 0.7, Sun, 21 May 2006 19:00:55 +0200
   Francois Rigaut & Thibaut Paumard
   Allow installations in other locations than the Y_SITE and Y_HOME.
   Some users may not have access to these and still want to install
   packages for their personnal use.

 --- TO DO

 * Check documentation relative to new functionalities in v. 0.7

 * At one point, we should have, to complement this installer, a 
   utility to check for symbols conflicts (e.g. same function names
   in 2 different packages)


DOCUMENT pkg_remove,pkgname,verbose=
Remove package "pkgname" (string)
Remove all files (libraries, include files, autoload)
that were installed by the installer.

pkgname can be a string scalar, vector, and contains wildcard to
remove multiple packages in one call.
examples: pkg_remove,"y*" or pkg_remove,["soy","yao"] or pkg_remove,"*"

help,pkg_mngr for more details.

SEE ALSO: pkg_mngr, pkg_install


DOCUMENT pkg_reset(verbose=)
Brute force solution: if a bad tarball has been downloaded,
pkg_mngr will try and try using it and fail. One can remove
it by hand in Y_HOME/packages/tarballs/ or use this routine
to remove them all.


DOCUMENT pkg_save
Save the packager parameters in the file

SEE ALSO: pkg_setup


DOCUMENT pkg_setup
Simply print out the global variables relative to this
package manager.

SEE ALSO: pkg_mngr, pkg_save.


DOCUMENT pkg_sync(server)
sync the info tree with the central server
server: overrides the PKG_SERVER variable definition

SEE ALSO: pkg_mngr, pkg_list, pkg_install


DOCUMENT pkg_sys(cmd,verbose=)
simple interface to the system command.
Allows echoing of commands output to system


DOCUMENT pkg_upgrade,pkgnames,verbose=
Upgrade requested packages, or all upgradable packages if no arguments
Upgrade to highest available version.

pkgname can be a string scalar, vector, and contains wildcard to
install multiple packages in one call.

examples: pkg_upgrade,"y*" or pkg_upgrade,["soy","yao"] or pkg_upgrade,"*"

Without arguments, upgrade all upgradable packages.

bug: I don't correctly parse the version, so 0.5.03 is considered
lower than 0.5.2


DOCUMENT recursive_rename,dir1,dir2,&list,verbose=,init=
As it says. This routine will move the whole content of
dir1 to dir2, recursively.
Absolute equivalent to the linux/unix command
cp -pr dir1 dir1
Except that the files get moved, not copied.


DOCUMENT recursive_rmdir,dir,verbose=
Recursively delete all files and directories under dir, dir
Equivalent to the linux/unix command
rm -rf dir
Note that recursive_rmdir,"." will fail removing "." (for
some reason).


DOCUMENT vers_cmp(v1,op,v2)
Compare (software) version, using operator op.
Returns 0 (fail) or 1 (pass).
Operators allowed are >=, >, ==, < and <=
Will possibly fails for subversion # > 99 (will exit in error if
case arises)