What is Yorick?

Yorick is an interpreted programming language for scientific simulations or calculations, postprocessing or steering large simulation codes, interactive scientific graphics, and reading, writing, or translating large files of numbers. Yorick includes an interactive graphics package, and a binary file package capable of translating to and from the raw numeric formats of all modern computers. Yorick is written in ANSI C and runs on most operating systems (*nix systems, MacOS X, Windows). For a short overview, see the Linux Journal and Unix review articles.

  • Open source, BSD license.
  • C-like syntax, but array operators make most loops unnecessary. Matlab and IDL/PV-Wave are comparable commercial applications.
  • C API for writing dynamically linked compiled extensions.
  • Interactive scientific graphics, output to postscript. Runs ghostscript to convert to eps, png, or jpeg formats.
  • Emacs-based development environment.


The links in the navigation bar to the left lead to the complete online documentation for yorick.

This website is created by the yorick-doc package. Yorick-doc is a perl script which you can use to generate documentation for your own yorick plugins and packages, which integrates into this website via the Plugins and Packages link on the naviagation bar to the left. If you publish your own yorick-doc website on the Web and would like to link to it from this website, fork the yorick-doc project at github, add your project's documentation URL to the plugins/index.html page, and issue a pull request.