Todd Gamblin Named to HPCwire’s 2024 People to Watch

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HPCwire has selected LLNL computer scientist Todd Gamblin as one of its “People to Watch” in HPC for 2024. The program recognized 12 HPC professionals who “play leading roles in driving innovation within their particular fields, making significant contributions to society as a whole.” A distinguished member of technical staff in Livermore Computing, Gamblin is best known in the HPC community for creating Spack, a popular open source HPC package management tool that won an R&D 100 Award in 2019. Spack has grown to involve more than 1,300 contributors from more than 300 organizations and was the official deployment tool for the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project. Spack has also become the package manager of choice for supercomputers around the world. In addition to leading the Spack project, Gamblin is a co-founder of the High Performance Software Foundation (HPSF), a Linux Foundation project umbrella currently in the formation stage. The foundation is expected to launch in May, and seeks to build, promote and advance a portable software stack for HPC by supporting and encouraging adoption of key HPC open source software projects. Read more at LLNL News.