LLNL’s annual Developer Day is back in its seventh year with a brand new format. For the first time, this year’s Dev Day was actually composed of two developer days. On June 14 and 15, more than 90 developers from across the Lab gathered to discuss their ongoing projects, challenges, and opportunities for growth. The new format—two half-days, one virtual, one in person—was Dev Day’s response to hybrid and fully remote events, ensuring all participants a first-class experience. Approximately 50% of LLNL Computing staff have been at the Lab for less than five years. With the COVID-19 pandemic making up three of those years, many of these new employees have never met any of their colleagues in person. This served as inspiration for the new format. Kyle Dickerson—a co-organizer of the event, along with David Beckingsale, Geoff Cleary, and Kristi Belcher—said he hoped the in-person half-day would encourage team members who are not typically on site to come out and use their free morning for meetings and team-building activities that are less effective when conducted virtually. In one such activity, Dev Day participants selected from a variety of rubber ducks to adopt, a reference to a debugging philosophy, known as rubber duck debugging, that involves explaining a problem out loud in hopes of uncovering the solution. Read more about Dev Day on the LLNL Computing website.