The Exascale Computing Project, a joint effort between the DOE Office of Science and NNSA, brings together several national laboratories to address many hardware, software, and application challenges inherent in the organizations’ scientific and national security missions. The ECP’s annual meeting was held this year on May 2–6. Each day’s sessions are available in a dedicated YouTube playlist. Individual sessions highlighted below feature LLNL staff and open source projects.
- May 2
- Tutorial: Using Spack to Accelerate Developer Workflows (3:05:57)
- Tutorial: OpenMP Tutorial for ECP (3:34:05)
- Overview and Use of New Features in the SUNDIALS Suite of Nonlinear and Differential/Algebraic Equation Solvers (1:20:10)
- ECP Software for In Situ Visualization and Analysis (1:35:41)
- Automated Application Performance Analysis with Caliper, SPOT, and Hatchet (1:26:01)
- May 3
- May 4
- Compression for Scientific Data for ECP Applications (Part 1) (1:59:32)
- Compression for Scientific Data for ECP Applications (Part 2) (1:58:27)
- SUNDIALS User Experiences (1:10:46)
- The OpenMP Ecosystem in LLVM - Features, Functionality, and Flags (1:53:43)
- Tutorial: Accelerating Your Application I/O with UnifyFS (49:04)
- Tutorial: Tools for Floating Point Debugging and Analysis FPChecker and FLiT (58:28)
- May 5
- May 6