ESGF Conference Caps a Productive Year

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Held in Washington, DC, the Earth System Grid Federation’s (ESGF) 8th annual face-to-face conference was a lively, fruitful affair. The event packed 40 presentations, several plenary sessions, a poster session, guest speakers, an awards ceremony, and an executive committee meeting into the week.

The federation houses an enormous database of global observational and simulation data—more than 5 petabytes—and manages the HPC hardware and software infrastructure necessary for scientific climate research. In the nearly two decades since its launch, ESGF has grown to serve 25,000 users on 6 continents.

Among ESGF’s 2018 milestones were support for CMIP6 data (thanks to input4MIPs and obs4MIPs initiatives), beta v3.0 of the software stack installer, OAuth single sign-on integration, and progress in containerized architecture. Read more about the conference and check out ESGF’s GitHub repo.