Supercomputing ‘18 (SC18), held Nov. 11–16 in Dallas, broke records for attendees and exhibitors and saw LLNL once again make its presence felt on the world’s biggest HPC stage. For the first time in five years, the U.S. captured the top two spots on the TOP500 List of the world’s fastest supercomputers: Summit at ORNL and Sierra at LLNL.
Highlights from the conference include:
- Student program keynote from Bruce Hendrickson, associate director for Computing
- Women in HPC workshop led by Elsa Gonsiorowski
- Student technical program vice-chaired by Olga Pearce
- Spack tutorial
- Flux workshop
- P3HPC (performance, portability, and productivity) workshop
- Talks by LLNL experts at industry booths (e.g., Penguin Computing, NVIDIA)