EchemSolver classes

class echemfem.EchemSolver(conc_params, physical_params, mesh, echem_params=[], homog_params=[], gas_params=[], stats_file='', overwrite_stats_file=False, p=1, family='DG', p_penalty=None, SUPG=False, cylindrical=False)

Base class for an electrochemical model solver.

This class is used to create solvers for the transport of multiple ion (or non-charged species).


List containing one dictionary for each species. Each dictionary contains physical parameters for the species.


list of dict


Dictionary containing physical parameters




Mesh object from firedrake




List containing one dictionary for each charge-transfer reaction.


list, optional


List containing one dictionary for each gaseous species. Each dictionary contains physical parameters for the gaseous species. Note that this implementation is not yet validated.


list, optional


File name for performance statistics


str, optional


Set to True to overwrite new file.


bool, optional


Polynomial degree of finite elements.


int, optional


Finite element family. Choose between “CG” and “DG”.


str, optional


Polynomial degree of the DG penalization. Only used for P-multigrid.,


str, optional


Streamline upwind diffusion for stablization of the advection-migration term. Only used for CG.


bool, optional


if True, uses symmetric cylindrical coordinates (r, z).


bool, optional

charge_conservation_form(u, test_fn, conc_params, W=None, i_bc=None)

Returns weak form of the charge conservation equation for liquid potential.

Using interior penalty for potential gradient

effective_diffusion(D, phase='liquid')

Bruggeman correlation for effective diffusion in a porous medium

electroneutrality_form(u, test_fn, conc_params)

Returns weak form for the electroneutrality condition.

Only useable for CG.

gas_mass_conservation_form(X, test_fn, gas_params, u=None)

Returns weak form of a mass conservation equation for a gaseous species.

Using interior penalty for the diffusion term and upwinding for the advection tterm.

gas_mass_conservation_form_pressure(p, test_fn, gas_params, u=None, W=None, i_bc=None)

Returns weak form of the mass conservation equation for a gaseous species.

DG: Using interior penalty for the pressure diffusion term

gas_pressure_form(p, test_fn, gas_params, u=None)

Returns weak form of the gas Pressure equation, i.e. the total gaseous mass conservation equation.

DG: Using interior penalty for the pressure diffusion term.

liquid_pressure_form(p, test_fn, conc_params, u=None, W=None, i_bc=None)

Returns weak form of Pressure equation, i.e. the water mass conservation equation.

DG: Using interior penalty for pressure gradient

mass_conservation_form(C, test_fn, conc_params, u=None)

Returns weak form of a mass conservation equation for an aqueous species.

DG: Using interior penalty for the diffusion term and upwinding for the advection-diffusion term.

neumann(C, conc_params, u)

Custom Neumann Boundary condition

  • C – concentration of species i

  • conc_params – conc_params[i], i.e. the concentration parameters of species i

  • u – full solution state


normal flux for species i

output_state(u, prefix='results/', initiate=True, **kwargs)

Outputs the provided state variables in a pvd file

  • u (firedrake.function.Function) – State to output. Must be same FunctionSpace as self.u

  • prefix (str) – Path to results directory

  • initiate (bool) – if True, create the output file

  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to File.write


Custom Neumann Boundary condition for Poisson

potential_poisson_form(u, test_fn, conc_params, solid=False, W=None, i_bc=None)

Returns weak form of the Poisson equation for a potential.

DG: Using interior penalty for potential gradient


Set boundary attributes

This method should set self.boundary_markers, a dict, where the keys are str: representing the type of boundary condition, and the values are tuple containing the boundary indices. For example :

self.boundary_markers = {"bulk": (1,2,)}

This would set the boundary condition "bulk" on boundary indices 1 and 2.

set_function_spaces(layers, family)

Set base function spaces

self.V : FunctionSpace for concentrations

self.Vu : FunctionSpace for potentials (if using Poisson or Electroneutrality)

self.Vp : FunctionSpace for pressures (if using Darcy)


Set velocity

This method should set self.vel as a Firedrake vector quantity.


Setting up the homogeneous bulk reactions using homog_params

Setup using the law of mass action

setup_forms(us, v)

Setup weak forms

setup_solver(initial_guess=True, initial_solve=True)

Sets up the initial guess and solver

This creates firedrake.variational_solver.NonlinearVariationalProblem and firedrake.variational_solver.NonlinearVariationalSolver objects stored in self.problem and self.echem_solver, respectively.

  • initial_guess (bool) – If True, sets all concentrations to their given “bulk” value.

  • initial_solve (bool) – If True, solves the system assuming constant concentrations, which provides good initial guesses for the potential(s)


Solves the problem and outputs the solutions

steady_forms(us, v)

Add steady-state portion of equations to weak forms

class echemfem.TransientEchemSolver(conc_params, physical_params, mesh, echem_params=[], homog_params=[], gas_params=[], stats_file='', overwrite_stats_file=False, p=1, family='DG', p_penalty=None, SUPG=False, cylindrical=False)

Transient electrochemical model solver.

Adds accumulation terms and time loop to create a transient model

mass_accumulation_form(C, C_old, test_fn, conc_params, u=None)

Returns weak form of a mass accumulation term for an aqueous species.

setup_forms(us, v)

Setup weak forms for transient case


Solves the transient problem and outputs the solutions


times (list or numpy.ndarray) – array of the discrete temporal grid

transient_forms(us, v, us_old)

Add transient portion of equations to weak forms

FlowSolver classes

class echemfem.FlowSolver(mesh, fluid_params, boundary_markers)

Base class for a flow solver.

This class is used to create solvers for fluid flow decoupled from the chemistry


Mesh object from firedrake




Dictionary containing physical parameters




Dictionary where the keys are str: representing the type of boundary condition, and the values are tuple containing the boundary indices. For example :

boundary_markers = {"inlet velocity": (1,)}

sets the boundary condition "inlet velocity" on boundary 1.




Set up Dirichlet boundary conditions that are the same regardless of model


Set up FunctionSpaces, solution Function, and TestFunctions


Set up PDE system - problem specific


Set up default nonlinear solver


Solve system and output results

class echemfem.NavierStokesFlowSolver(mesh, fluid_params, boundary_markers)

Incompressible Navier-Stokes solver

For nondimensional Navier-Stokes, pass Reynolds number to fluid_params. For dimensional Navier-Stokes, pass density and kinematic viscosity.


Set up PDE system - problem specific


Optional PCD preconditioner for nondimensional Navier-Stokes


ksp_solver (str) – "lu" or "pcd"

class echemfem.NavierStokesBrinkmanFlowSolver(mesh, fluid_params, boundary_markers)

Incompressible Navier-Stokes-Brinkman solver

For dimensionless form, pass Reynolds and Darcy numbers to fluid_params. For dimensional form, pass density, permeability, and kinematic or dynamic viscosity.


Set up PDE system - problem specific

Utility meshes

These are boundary layer meshes, which are modified versions of firedrake.utility_meshes.IntervalMesh() and firedrake.utility_meshes.RectangleMesh().

echemfem.utility_meshes.IntervalBoundaryLayerMesh(ncells, length_or_left, ncells_bdlayer, length_bdlayer, boundary=(2, ), right=None, distribution_parameters=None, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)

Generate a boundary layer mesh of an interval.

  • ncells – The number of the cells over the interval, outside the boundary layer.

  • length_or_left – The length of the interval (if right is not provided) or else the left hand boundary point.

  • ncells_bdlayer – The number of the cells in each boundary layer.

  • length_bdlayer – The length of the boundary layer(s).

  • boundary – (optional) boundary markers of the boundary layer(s).

  • right – (optional) position of the right boundary point (in which case length_or_left should be the left boundary point).

Keyword Arguments:

comm – Optional communicator to build the mesh on (defaults to COMM_WORLD).

The left hand boundary point has boundary marker 1, while the right hand point has marker 2.

echemfem.utility_meshes.RectangleBoundaryLayerMesh(nx, ny, Lx, Ly, n_bdlayer, L_bdlayer, Ly_bdlayer=None, ny_bdlayer=None, boundary=(1, ), reorder=None, distribution_parameters=None, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)

Generate a boundary layer rectangular mesh using quadrilateral elements

  • nx – The number of cells in the x direction outside the boundary layers

  • ny – The number of cells in the y direction outside the boundary layers

  • Lx – The extent in the x direction

  • Ly – The extent in the y direction

  • n_bdlayer – The number of the cells in each boundary layer. If ny_bdlayer is defined, length of the boundary layer in the x-direction.

  • L_bdlayer – The length of the boundary layer(s). If Ly_bdlayer is defined, length of in the x-direction

  • Ly_bdlayer – (optional) Length of the y-direction boundary layer

  • ny_bdlayer – (optional) number of cells of the y-direction boundary layer

  • boundary – (optional) boundary markers of the boundary layer(s).

Keyword Arguments:
  • reorder – (optional), should the mesh be reordered

  • comm – Optional communicator to build the mesh on (defaults to COMM_WORLD).

The boundary edges in this mesh are numbered as follows:

  • 1: plane x == 0

  • 2: plane x == Lx

  • 3: plane y == 0

  • 4: plane y == Ly