Class SeriesMath


public class SeriesMath extends Object
A class that provides a number of static methods useful for operating on series data.
Doug Dodge
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static double[]
    abs(double[] data)
    convert all the elements of the data series to their absolute value
    static float[]
    abs(float[] data)
    convert all the elements of the data series to their absolute value
    static double[]
    add(double[] data, double value)
    Add a scalar value to all elements of the array and return a new array
    static double[]
    add(double[] data1, double[] data2)
    Element by element addition of two data series of equal length
    static float[]
    add(float[] data, double value)
    static float[]
    add(float[] data, float value)
    static void
    addScalar(double[] data, double value)
    Add a scalar to the series.
    static void
    addScalar(float[] data, double value)
    Add a scalar to the series.
    static float[]
    arrayMultiply(float[] array1, float[] array2)
    static double[]
    autocorrelate(double[] x)
    Calculate the autocorrelation of a data series
    static double
    autocorrelate(double[] x, int shift)
    Calculate the autocorrelation at a specific offset
    static double[]
    autocorrelate(float[] x)
    Calculate the autocorrelation of a data series
    static double
    autocorrelate(float[] x, int shift)
    Calculate the autocorrelation at a specific offset
    static int
    countGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double threshold)
    covariance(double[] vec1, double[] vec2)
    Calculates the covariance of two equally sized vectors.
    static double[]
    crosscorrelate(double[] x, double[] y)
    Get the cross-correlation series of two data sets for shift = 0:size result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift))
    static double
    crosscorrelate(double[] x, double[] y, int shift)
    Get the value of the cross-correlation series at a specific offset result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift) )
    static double[]
    crosscorrelate(float[] x, float[] y)
    Get the cross-correlation series of two data sets for shift = 0:size result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift))
    static double
    crosscorrelate(float[] x, float[] y, int shift)
    Get the value of the cross-correlation series at a specific offset result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift) )
    static double[]
    cut(double[] data, double minVal, double maxVal)
    Produce a cut version of the input series.
    static double[]
    decimate(double[] data, int decimationfactor)
    A double value version of the decimation method
    static float[]
    decimate(float[] data, int decimationfactor)
    From the SeriesMath method given a data series it is decimated so that only every Nth point is retained This should be equivalent to the more versatile interpolate methods where N is the decimationfactor
    static void
    differentiate(float[] data, double samprate)
    static Double
    dotProduct(double[] data1, double[] data2)
    dot product of two equal length Series dot(A,B) = SUM(AiBi) = A1B1 + A2B2+...AnBn
    static Double
    dotProduct(float[] data1, float[] data2)
    dot product of two equal length Series dot(A,B) = SUM(AiBi) = A1B1 + A2B2+...AnBn
    static float[]
    doubleToFloat(double[] data)
    static float[]
    elementAddition(float[] data1, float[] data2)
    adds data1's values to data2's
    static double[]
    elementDivision(double[] data1, double[] data2)
    divide the individual elements of one data series by those of another
    static float[]
    elementDivision(float[] data1, float[] data2)
    divide the individual elements of one data series by those of another
    static double[]
    elementMultiplication(double[] data1, double[] data2)
    Element-by-element multiplication, C = A.*B
    static float[]
    elementMultiplication(float[] data1, float[] data2)
    Element-by-element multiplication, C = A.*B
    static float[]
    elementSubtraction(float[] data1, float[] data2)
    Subtracts from data1 data2's values
    static float[]
    envelope(float[] data)
    Calculate the envelope of real valued data using a Hilbert transform E(t) = sqrt( data^2 + Hilbert(data) ^2 )
    static int[]
    find(double[] array, String condition, double value)
    Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions.
    static int[]
    find(double[] array1, String condition, double[] array2)
    For 2 arrays of equal length find the elements of array 1 that are ("GT", "LT", "==" ...) the elements of array 2
    static int[]
    find(float[] array, String condition, float value)
    Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions.
    static int[]
    find(int[] array, String condition, int value)
    Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions.
    static int[]
    find(long[] array, String condition, long value)
    Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions.
    findDiscontinuities(float[] data, double sampRate, int winLength, double factor)
    static List<Integer>
    findIndicesOf(double[] data, double value)
    Find the indices in the data series that match a specific value
    static double[]
    floatToDouble(float[] data)
    static double
    getDefiniteIntegral(float[] data, double delta, int idx1, int idx2)
    Compute definite integral using extended trapezoidal rule.
    static double
    getDefiniteIntegral(SeriesMath.Function f, double delta, int idx1, int idx2)
    static double
    getEnergy(float[] x)
    static float
    getExtremum(float[] data)
    static float[]
    getFirstDifference(float[] data)
    getGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double threshold)
    static double
    getKurtosis(float[] data)
    static double
    getMax(double[] data)
    Gets the maximum value of the series.
    static float
    getMax(float[] data)
    Gets the maximum value of the series.
    static float
    getMax(float[] data, int idx1, int idx2)
    static double
    getMaxIndex(double[] data)
    Gets the maximum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
    getMaxIndex(float[] data)
    Gets the maximum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
    static double
    getMean(double[] data)
    Gets the mean value of the series.
    static double
    getMean(float[] data)
    Gets the mean value of the series.
    static double
    getMean(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    static double
    getMedian(double[] values)
    static double
    getMedian(float[] data)
    Gets the median value of the time series.
    static double
    static double
    getMin(double[] data)
    Gets the minimum value of the series.
    static float
    getMin(float[] data)
    Gets the minimum value of the series.
    static float
    getMin(float[] data, int idx1, int idx2)
    static double
    getMinIndex(double[] data)
    Gets the maximum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
    getMinIndex(float[] data)
    Gets the minimum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
    static double
    getNorm(double[] data)
    Treat the series as a vector and calculate the norm (aka the direction or the normal) of the vector
    static double
    getPeakToPeakAmplitude(float[] data)
    static double
    getPeakToPeakAmplitude(float[] data, double sampleInterval, double period)
    Gets the peakToPeakAmplitude attribute of an input timeseries at the specified period.
    static double
    getRange(float[] u)
    static double
    getRMS(double[] data)
    Gets the RMS value of the data in the input float array.
    static double
    getRMS(float[] data)
    Gets the RMS value of the data in the input float array.
    static double
    getRMS(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    static double
    getSnr(float[] data, double sampleRate, double dataStartTime, double pickEpochTime, double prePickWindowLength, double postPickWindowLength)
    static double
    getSnr(float[] data, int pickIndex, int preWinStartIndex, int postWinEndIndex)
    static double
    static double
    getStd(double[] vec, int idx1, int idx2)
    static double
    getStDev(double[] data)
    Gets the standard deviation of the time series.
    static double
    getStDev(float[] data)
    Gets the standard deviation of the time series.
    static double[]
    getSubSection(double[] v, int minIdx, int maxIdx)
    static float[]
    getSubSection(float[] v, int minIdx, int maxIdx)
    static int[]
    getSubSection(int[] v, int minIdx, int maxIdx)
    static double
    getSum(double[] data)
    Gets the sum of the values in the input array
    static double
    getSum(float[] data)
    Gets the sum of the values in the input array
    static double
    getSum(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    static double
    getSumOfSquares(float[] data)
    static double[]
    getUnitVector(double[] data)
    Treat the series as a vector and calculate the unit vector (aka the direction vector or the normalized vector) based on the norm unit_vector[ii] = data[ii]/norm;
    static double
    getVariance(double[] data)
    Gets the variance of the time series.
    static double
    getVariance(float[] data)
    Gets the variance of the time series.
    static double
    static double
    getWindowPeakToPeak(float[] data, int idx, int Nsamps)
    static boolean
    hasFlatSegments(float[] data, int segmentlength)
    Check whether the data series has flat segments - where every element of the segment is identical
    static boolean
    hasVariance(float[] data, int start, int end)
    static float[]
    hilbert(float[] data)
    Calculate the Discrete Hilbert Transform of real valued data H(f=0) == data(f=0) H(f=length/2) == data(f=length/2) H(f) = ( 2 * data(f) ) : t = 1 : length/2 - 1 H(f) = 0.0 : t = length/2 +1 : length H(t) = ifft(H(f))
    static void
    Integrate(float[] data, double samprate)
    Integrate a series in the time domain
    static void
    IntegrateInFreqDomain(org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex[] spectrum, double dt)
    Integrate a complex spectrum by dividing by j*omega.
    static double
    interpolate(double[] x, double[] y, double xinterp)
    Interpolate a single y-value given x- and y-arrays.
    static double[]
    interpolate(double[] x, double[] y, double[] xinterp)
    Produce a vector of interpolated values.
    static double
    interpolate(double xStart, double dx, double[] y, double xinterp)
    Interpolate a single y-value
    static double[]
    interpolate(double xStart, double dx, double[] y, double[] xinterp)
    Interpolate an array of y-values
    static float[]
    interpolate(double xStart, double oldDx, float[] y, double newDx)
    static float
    interpolate(float[] x, float[] y, float xinterp)
    Interpolate a single y-value given x- and y-arrays.
    static float[]
    interpolate(float[] x, float[] y, float[] xinterp)
    Produce a vector of interpolated values.
    static float[]
    interpolate(float xStart, float dx, float[] y, float[] xinterp)
    Interpolate an array of y-values
    static float
    interpolateValue(double xStart, double dx, float[] y, double xinterp)
    Interpolate a single y-value
    static boolean
    isConstant(float[] data)
    static float[]
    log10(float[] data)
    Create an array for which each point is the log10 value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0.
    static float[]
    matlabDiff(float[] data)
    static double[]
    meanSmooth(double[] data, int halfWidth)
    Smooth the input series using a sliding window of width halfWidth.
    static float[]
    meanSmooth(float[] data, int halfWidth)
    A float version of the MeanSmooth method
    static double[]
    multiply(double[] data, double value)
    static void
    multiplyScalar(double[] data, double value)
    Multiply the series values by a scalar constant.
    static void
    multiplyScalar(float[] data, double value)
    Multiply the series values by a scalar constant.
    static <T extends Number>
    padRight(T[] original, T padElement, int newLength, Class<T> javaSucks)
    A method of padding your array with some elements
    static double
    quickMedian(double[] values)
    static double
    quickMedian(float[] values)
    static double
    static void
    removeGlitches(float[] data, double threshhold)
    A simple glitch removal method if the (data[j] - median) falls above a defined threshhold replace data[j] with the median value
    static int
    removeGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double threshold)
    static int
    removeGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double MinGlitchAmp, double Thresh2)
    static void
    removeMean(float[] data)
    Remove the mean of the series.
    static void
    removeMedian(float[] data)
    static void
    removeTrend(float[] data)
    Remove a linear trend from a series
    static void
    replaceValue(float[] data, float value, float replacement)
    static void
    reverseArray(double[] data)
    Reverse the data in an array.
    static void
    reverseArray(float[] data)
    Reverse the data in an array.
    static void
    rotate(float[] signal1, float[] signal2, double angle, boolean npinput, boolean npoutput)
    Perform a clockwise rotation of a pair of signals (Based on the SAC C code rotate.c) This method replaces the original signals with their rotated counterparts.
    static void
    setMaximumRange(float[] data, double maxRange)
    static void
    setPtoPAmplitude(float[] data, double newRange)
    static int[]
    sign(float[] x)
    static float[]
    signedSqrt(float[] data)
    Create an array for which each point is the signed sqrt value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0.
    static float[]
    signedSquare(float[] data)
    Create an array for which each point is the signed square value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0.
    static void
    signum(double[] data)
    static void
    signum(float[] data)
    static double
    slope(float[] data)
    static float[]
    sqrt(float[] data)
    Create an array for which each point is the sqrt value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0.
    static double[]
    square(double[] data)
    Create an array for which each point is the squared value of every point in the original input array
    static float[]
    square(float[] data)
    Create an array for which each point is the squared value of every point in the original input array
    static double[]
    subtract(double[] data1, double[] data2)
    Element by element addition of two data series of equal length
    static float[]
    subtract(float[] data1, float[] data2)
    Element by element addition of two data series of equal length
    static void
    taper(float[] data, double TaperPercent)
    Apply a cosine taper to an array of floats
    static double[]
    testdebugSmooth(double[] data, int halfWidth)
    static float[]
    testdebugSmooth(float[] data, int halfWidth)
    static void
    triangleTaper(float[] data, double taperPercent)
    static float[]
    whiten(float[] x, double[] a)
    a whitening filter y(t) = x(t) + SUM(k = 1:p){a(k)*x(t-k)}

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SeriesMath

      public SeriesMath()
  • Method Details

    • add

      public static double[] add(double[] data1, double[] data2)
      Element by element addition of two data series of equal length
      data1 - - the first data series
      data2 - - the second data series
      result[ii] = data1[ii] + data2[ii]
    • add

      public static double[] add(double[] data, double value)
      Add a scalar value to all elements of the array and return a new array
      data -
      value -
    • add

      public static float[] add(float[] data, float value)
    • add

      public static float[] add(float[] data, double value)
    • addScalar

      public static void addScalar(float[] data, double value)
      Add a scalar to the series.
      value - The scalar value to be added to the series
      data - Array containing the series values
    • addScalar

      public static void addScalar(double[] data, double value)
      Add a scalar to the series.
      value - The scalar value to be added to the series
      data - Array containing the series values
    • differentiate

      public static void differentiate(float[] data, double samprate)
    • doubleToFloat

      public static float[] doubleToFloat(double[] data)
    • floatToDouble

      public static double[] floatToDouble(float[] data)
    • Integrate

      public static void Integrate(float[] data, double samprate)
      Integrate a series in the time domain
      data - Array containing the series values assumed to be evenly sampled.
      samprate - The sample rate
    • IntegrateInFreqDomain

      public static void IntegrateInFreqDomain(org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex[] spectrum, double dt)
      Integrate a complex spectrum by dividing by j*omega. Leaves the value for the zero frequency unchanged.
      spectrum - The complex spectrum to be integrated.
      dt - The sample interval in the time domain.
    • meanSmooth

      public static float[] meanSmooth(float[] data, int halfWidth)
      A float version of the MeanSmooth method
      data - The data to be smoothed.
      halfWidth - The half-width of the smoothing window.
      The smoothed data.
    • meanSmooth

      public static double[] meanSmooth(double[] data, int halfWidth)
      Smooth the input series using a sliding window of width halfWidth. At each point, the mean is computed for the set of points centered on the point and of width 2 * W -1. The value of the point is then replaced by the mean. At the ends of the series, shorter windows are used as required. The end points are left unchanged. The input series is left unmodified.
      data - The data to be smoothed.
      halfWidth - The half-width of the smoothing window.
      The smoothed data series.
    • multiply

      public static double[] multiply(double[] data, double value)
    • multiplyScalar

      public static void multiplyScalar(float[] data, double value)
      Multiply the series values by a scalar constant.
      value - The scalar value with which to multiply the series values
      data - Array containing the series values
    • multiplyScalar

      public static void multiplyScalar(double[] data, double value)
      Multiply the series values by a scalar constant.
      value - The scalar value with which to multiply the series values
      data - Array containing the series values
    • removeMean

      public static void removeMean(float[] data)
      Remove the mean of the series.
      data - Array containing the series values
    • removeTrend

      public static void removeTrend(float[] data)
      Remove a linear trend from a series
      data - Array containing the series values
    • reverseArray

      public static void reverseArray(float[] data)
      Reverse the data in an array.
      data - Description of the Parameter
    • reverseArray

      public static void reverseArray(double[] data)
      Reverse the data in an array.
      data - Description of the Parameter
    • slope

      public static double slope(float[] data)
    • subtract

      public static double[] subtract(double[] data1, double[] data2)
      Element by element addition of two data series of equal length
      data1 - - the first data series
      data2 - - the second data series
      result[ii] = data1[ii] - data2[ii]
    • subtract

      public static float[] subtract(float[] data1, float[] data2)
      Element by element addition of two data series of equal length
      data1 - - the first data series
      data2 - - the second data series
      result[ii] = data1[ii] - data2[ii]
    • taper

      public static void taper(float[] data, double TaperPercent)
      Apply a cosine taper to an array of floats
      TaperPercent - The (one-sided) percent of the time series to which a taper will be applied. The value ranges from 0 (no taper) to 50 ( The taper extends half the length of the series ). Since the taper is symmetric, a 50% taper means that all but the center value of the series will be scaled by some value less than 1.0.
      data - Array containing the series values
    • abs

      public static float[] abs(float[] data)
      convert all the elements of the data series to their absolute value
      data -
    • abs

      public static double[] abs(double[] data)
      convert all the elements of the data series to their absolute value
      data -
    • arrayMultiply

      public static float[] arrayMultiply(float[] array1, float[] array2)
    • autocorrelate

      public static double[] autocorrelate(float[] x)
      Calculate the autocorrelation of a data series
      x - - the data series
      The autocorrelation of the input sequence.
    • autocorrelate

      public static double autocorrelate(float[] x, int shift)
      Calculate the autocorrelation at a specific offset
      x - - the data series
      shift - - the specific point desired Note autocorrelate(data,0) gives the autocorrelation value at 0 shift also known as the "energy" of the trace
      The value of the autocorrelation at shift.
    • autocorrelate

      public static double[] autocorrelate(double[] x)
      Calculate the autocorrelation of a data series
      x - - the data series
    • autocorrelate

      public static double autocorrelate(double[] x, int shift)
      Calculate the autocorrelation at a specific offset
      x - - the data series
      shift - - the specific point desired Note autocorrelate(data,0) gives the autocorrelation value at 0 shift also known as the "energy" of the trace
    • countGlitches

      public static int countGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double threshold)
    • crosscorrelate

      public static double[] crosscorrelate(float[] x, float[] y)
      Get the cross-correlation series of two data sets for shift = 0:size result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift))
      x - the first data series
      y - the second data series
      the cross-correlation series
    • crosscorrelate

      public static double crosscorrelate(float[] x, float[] y, int shift)
      Get the value of the cross-correlation series at a specific offset result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift) )
      x - the first data series
      y - the second data series
      shift - - the offset between the data series
      the cross correlation at a specific point Note the energy of a trace is the autocorrelation at zero shift
    • crosscorrelate

      public static double[] crosscorrelate(double[] x, double[] y)
      Get the cross-correlation series of two data sets for shift = 0:size result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift))
      x - the first data series
      y - the second data series
      the cross-correlation series
    • crosscorrelate

      public static double crosscorrelate(double[] x, double[] y, int shift)
      Get the value of the cross-correlation series at a specific offset result[shift] = sum( x(t) * y(t+shift) )
      x - the first data series
      y - the second data series
      shift - - the offset between the data series
      the cross correlation at a specific point Note the energy of a trace is the autocorrelation at zero shift
    • cut

      public static double[] cut(double[] data, double minVal, double maxVal)
      Produce a cut version of the input series. The cut is made such that no value in the series is less than minVal and no value in the series is greater than maxVal. Assumes that the input series is sorted from least to greatest. Note that if the minVal and maxVal are such that all values in the input series are retained, then the input is simply passed out as the result.
      data - The data to be cut.
      minVal - The value bounding the cut series on the low side.
      maxVal - The value bounding the series on the high side.
      The cut series.
    • decimate

      public static float[] decimate(float[] data, int decimationfactor)
      From the SeriesMath method given a data series it is decimated so that only every Nth point is retained This should be equivalent to the more versatile interpolate methods where N is the decimationfactor
      data - the original data series array
      decimationfactor - should be an integer greater than 2
      the decimated series
    • decimate

      public static double[] decimate(double[] data, int decimationfactor)
      A double value version of the decimation method
      data -
      decimationfactor -
      the decimated series
    • dotProduct

      public static Double dotProduct(double[] data1, double[] data2)
      dot product of two equal length Series dot(A,B) = SUM(AiBi) = A1B1 + A2B2+...AnBn
      data1 -
      data2 -
    • dotProduct

      public static Double dotProduct(float[] data1, float[] data2)
      dot product of two equal length Series dot(A,B) = SUM(AiBi) = A1B1 + A2B2+...AnBn
      data1 -
      data2 -
    • elementAddition

      public static float[] elementAddition(float[] data1, float[] data2)
      adds data1's values to data2's
      data1 -
      data2 -
    • elementDivision

      public static float[] elementDivision(float[] data1, float[] data2)
      divide the individual elements of one data series by those of another
      data1 - - the first data series
      data2 - - the denominator data series must have the same length as the first
      a new double[] series in which result[ii] = data1[ii]/data2[ii] Akin to array left division in Matlab A.\B
    • elementDivision

      public static double[] elementDivision(double[] data1, double[] data2)
      divide the individual elements of one data series by those of another
      data1 - - the first data series
      data2 - - the denominator data series must have the same length as the first
      a new double[] series in which result[ii] = data1[ii]/data2[ii] Akin to array left division in Matlab A.\B
    • elementMultiplication

      public static float[] elementMultiplication(float[] data1, float[] data2)
      Element-by-element multiplication, C = A.*B
      data1 -
      data2 -
      result[ii] = data1[ii] * data2[ii]
    • elementMultiplication

      public static double[] elementMultiplication(double[] data1, double[] data2)
      Element-by-element multiplication, C = A.*B
      data1 -
      data2 -
      result[ii] = data1[ii] * data2[ii]
    • elementSubtraction

      public static float[] elementSubtraction(float[] data1, float[] data2)
      Subtracts from data1 data2's values
      data1 -
      data2 -
    • envelope

      public static float[] envelope(float[] data)
      Calculate the envelope of real valued data using a Hilbert transform E(t) = sqrt( data^2 + Hilbert(data) ^2 )
      data - : the data series
      the envelope function for the data
    • find

      public static int[] find(long[] array, String condition, long value)
      Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions. Each element of array is tested against value using specified logical ,condition (==,LTEQ,GTEQ,LT,GT) are used in conjuntion with value usage e.g. find( longarray, "greater than equal to", 7);
    • find

      public static int[] find(int[] array, String condition, int value)
      Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions. Each element of array is tested against value using specified logical ,condition (==,LTEQ,GTEQ,LT,GT) are used in conjuntion with value
    • find

      public static int[] find(float[] array, String condition, float value)
      Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions. Each element of array is tested against value using specified logical ,condition (==,LTEQ,GTEQ,LT,GT) are used in conjuntion with value
    • find

      public static int[] find(double[] array, String condition, double value)
      Finds the index of values meeting specified conditions. Each element of array is tested against value using specified logical ,condition (==,LTEQ,GTEQ,LT,GT) are used in conjuntion with value
      array -
      condition -
      value -
    • find

      public static int[] find(double[] array1, String condition, double[] array2)
      For 2 arrays of equal length find the elements of array 1 that are ("GT", "LT", "==" ...) the elements of array 2
      array1 - an array of doubles
      condition -
      array2 - a second array of doubles
      an array containing the indices for each element that passes the conditional test e.g. array1 = { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3}, array2 = {4.4, 2.2, 3.3} find(array1, "==" array2) will return result = {1, 2}
    • findDiscontinuities

      public static DiscontinuityCollection findDiscontinuities(float[] data, double sampRate, int winLength, double factor)
    • findIndicesOf

      public static List<Integer> findIndicesOf(double[] data, double value)
      Find the indices in the data series that match a specific value
      data - - an array of doubles
      value - - the specific double value you are looking for
      - a Vector of all the indices which match that value
    • getDefiniteIntegral

      public static double getDefiniteIntegral(float[] data, double delta, int idx1, int idx2)
      Compute definite integral using extended trapezoidal rule.
      data - The evenly-spaced function to integrate.
      delta - The sample interval.
      idx1 - The starting index over which to integrate.
      idx2 - The ending index over which to integrate.
      The value of the definite integral.
    • getDefiniteIntegral

      public static double getDefiniteIntegral(SeriesMath.Function f, double delta, int idx1, int idx2)
    • getEnergy

      public static double getEnergy(float[] x)
    • getExtremum

      public static float getExtremum(float[] data)
      data -
      the largest absolute value in the series
    • getFirstDifference

      public static float[] getFirstDifference(float[] data)
    • getGlitches

      public static Collection<Glitch> getGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double threshold)
    • getKurtosis

      public static double getKurtosis(float[] data)
    • getMax

      public static float getMax(float[] data, int idx1, int idx2)
    • getMax

      public static float getMax(float[] data)
      Gets the maximum value of the series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The max value of the series
    • getMax

      public static double getMax(double[] data)
      Gets the maximum value of the series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The max value of the series
    • getMax

      public static double getMax(Collection<Double> data)
    • getMaxIndex

      public static PairT<Integer,Float> getMaxIndex(float[] data)
      Gets the maximum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The (index, max value) of the series
    • getMaxIndex

      public static PairT<Integer,Double> getMaxIndex(double[] data)
      Gets the maximum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The (index, max value) of the series
    • getMean

      public static double getMean(float[] data)
      Gets the mean value of the series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The mean value of the series
    • getMean

      public static double getMean(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    • getMean

      public static double getMean(double[] data)
      Gets the mean value of the series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The mean value of the series
    • getMedian

      public static double getMedian(float[] data)
      Gets the median value of the time series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The median value of the series
    • getMedian

      public static double getMedian(double[] values)
    • getMedian

      public static double getMedian(List<Double> data)
    • getMin

      public static double getMin(Collection<Double> data)
    • getMin

      public static float getMin(float[] data, int idx1, int idx2)
    • getMin

      public static float getMin(float[] data)
      Gets the minimum value of the series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The min value of the series
    • getMin

      public static double getMin(double[] data)
      Gets the minimum value of the series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The min value of the series
    • getMinIndex

      public static PairT<Integer,Double> getMinIndex(double[] data)
      Gets the maximum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The (index, min value) of the series
    • getMinIndex

      public static PairT<Integer,Float> getMinIndex(float[] data)
      Gets the minimum value of the series and the index it occurs at.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The (index, max value) of the series
    • getNorm

      public static double getNorm(double[] data)
      Treat the series as a vector and calculate the norm (aka the direction or the normal) of the vector
      data -
    • getPeakToPeakAmplitude

      public static double getPeakToPeakAmplitude(float[] data)
    • getPeakToPeakAmplitude

      public static double getPeakToPeakAmplitude(float[] data, double sampleInterval, double period)
      Gets the peakToPeakAmplitude attribute of an input timeseries at the specified period. Advances a sliding window of length period through the time series a point at a time. At each position, the Peak-To-Peak range of the current window is computed. The maximum value of all these values is returned.
      period - The period in seconds at which to compute the value.
      data - An array of floats whose Peak-To-Peak value is to be determined.
      sampleInterval - The sample interval of the data in the data array.
      The maximum Peak-To-Peak value for the array.
    • getRMS

      public static double getRMS(float[] data)
      Gets the RMS value of the data in the input float array.
      data - The input float array.
      The RMS value
    • getRMS

      public static double getRMS(double[] data)
      Gets the RMS value of the data in the input float array.
      data - The input float array.
      The RMS value
    • getRMS

      public static double getRMS(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    • getRange

      public static double getRange(float[] u)
    • getSnr

      public static double getSnr(float[] data, double sampleRate, double dataStartTime, double pickEpochTime, double prePickWindowLength, double postPickWindowLength)
    • getSnr

      public static double getSnr(float[] data, int pickIndex, int preWinStartIndex, int postWinEndIndex)
    • getStDev

      public static double getStDev(float[] data)
      Gets the standard deviation of the time series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The standard deviation value
    • getStDev

      public static double getStDev(double[] data)
      Gets the standard deviation of the time series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The standard deviation value
    • getStandardDeviation

      public static double getStandardDeviation(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    • getStd

      public static double getStd(double[] vec, int idx1, int idx2)
    • getSubSection

      public static double[] getSubSection(double[] v, int minIdx, int maxIdx)
    • getSubSection

      public static float[] getSubSection(float[] v, int minIdx, int maxIdx)
    • getSubSection

      public static int[] getSubSection(int[] v, int minIdx, int maxIdx)
    • getSum

      public static double getSum(float[] data)
      Gets the sum of the values in the input array
      data - Array containing the series values
      The sum of the values
    • getSum

      public static double getSum(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    • getSum

      public static double getSum(double[] data)
      Gets the sum of the values in the input array
      data - Array containing the series values
      The sum of the values
    • getSumOfSquares

      public static double getSumOfSquares(float[] data)
    • getUnitVector

      public static double[] getUnitVector(double[] data)
      Treat the series as a vector and calculate the unit vector (aka the direction vector or the normalized vector) based on the norm unit_vector[ii] = data[ii]/norm;
      data - is an Array containing the series values
    • getVariance

      public static double getVariance(float[] data)
      Gets the variance of the time series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The variance value
    • getVariance

      public static double getVariance(Collection<? extends Number> c)
    • getVariance

      public static double getVariance(double[] data)
      Gets the variance of the time series.
      data - Array containing the series values
      The variance value
    • getWindowPeakToPeak

      public static double getWindowPeakToPeak(float[] data, int idx, int Nsamps)
    • hasVariance

      public static boolean hasVariance(float[] data, int start, int end)
    • hilbert

      public static float[] hilbert(float[] data)
      Calculate the Discrete Hilbert Transform of real valued data H(f=0) == data(f=0) H(f=length/2) == data(f=length/2) H(f) = ( 2 * data(f) ) : t = 1 : length/2 - 1 H(f) = 0.0 : t = length/2 +1 : length H(t) = ifft(H(f))
      data - : the data series
      the complex valued Hilbert transformation (H(t))
    • interpolate

      public static double interpolate(double[] x, double[] y, double xinterp)
      Interpolate a single y-value given x- and y-arrays.
      x - The array of x-values, assumed to be monitonically increasing but not-necessarily evenly-spaced..
      y - The array of y-values corresponding to the samples in the x-array.
      xinterp - The x-value at which an interpolated y-value is to be computed. xinterp is assumed to be in the range spanned by x.
      The interpolated y-value.
    • interpolate

      public static float interpolate(float[] x, float[] y, float xinterp)
      Interpolate a single y-value given x- and y-arrays.
      x - The array of x-values, assumed to be monitonically increasing but not-necessarily evenly-spaced..
      y - The array of y-values corresponding to the samples in the x-array.
      xinterp - The x-value at which an interpolated y-value is to be computed. xinterp is assumed to be in the range spanned by x.
      The interpolated y-value.
    • interpolate

      public static double interpolate(double xStart, double dx, double[] y, double xinterp)
      Interpolate a single y-value
      xStart - The x-value corresponding to the first y-value.
      dx - The sample interval of the data.
      y - The array of y-values.
      xinterp - The x-value at which an interpolated y-value is to be computed. xinterp is assumed to be in the range spanned by x, e.g. xStart LTEQ xinterp LTEQ (y.length-1) * dx. @return The interpolated y-value.
    • interpolate

      public static double[] interpolate(double[] x, double[] y, double[] xinterp)
      Produce a vector of interpolated values.
      x - The array of x-values, assumed to be monotonically increasing but not-necessarily evenly-spaced..
      y - The array of y-values corresponding to the samples in the x-array.
      xinterp - The array of x-values for which interpolated y-values are to be computed. All values in xinterp are assumed to be within the range spanned by x.
      The array of interpolated y-values.
    • interpolate

      public static float[] interpolate(float[] x, float[] y, float[] xinterp)
      Produce a vector of interpolated values.
      x - The array of x-values, assumed to be monotonically increasing but not-necessarily evenly-spaced..
      y - The array of y-values corresponding to the samples in the x-array.
      xinterp - The array of x-values for which interpolated y-values are to be computed. All values in xinterp are assumed to be within the range spanned by x.
      The array of interpolated y-values.
    • interpolate

      public static double[] interpolate(double xStart, double dx, double[] y, double[] xinterp)
      Interpolate an array of y-values
      xStart - The x-value corresponding to the first y-value.
      dx - The sample interval of the data.
      y - The array of y-values.
      xinterp - An array of x-values for which y-values are to be interpolated. All values in xinterp must be in the range defined by xStart, dx, and y.length.
      The interpolated y-value.
    • interpolate

      public static float[] interpolate(float xStart, float dx, float[] y, float[] xinterp)
      Interpolate an array of y-values
      xStart - The x-value corresponding to the first y-value.
      dx - The sample interval of the data.
      y - The array of y-values.
      xinterp - An array of x-values for which y-values are to be interpolated. All values in xinterp must be in the range defined by xStart, dx, and y.length.
      The interpolated y-value.
    • interpolate

      public static float[] interpolate(double xStart, double oldDx, float[] y, double newDx)
    • interpolateValue

      public static float interpolateValue(double xStart, double dx, float[] y, double xinterp)
      Interpolate a single y-value
      xStart - The x-value corresponding to the first y-value.
      dx - The sample interval of the data.
      y - The array of y-values.
      xinterp - The x-value at which an interpolated y-value is to be computed. xinterp is assumed to be in the range spanned by x, e.g. xStart LTEQ xinterp LTEQ (y.length-1) * dx. @return The interpolated y-value.
    • isConstant

      public static boolean isConstant(float[] data)
    • log10

      public static float[] log10(float[] data)
      Create an array for which each point is the log10 value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0. are replaced by 0.
      data -
      the log10 array
    • matlabDiff

      public static float[] matlabDiff(float[] data)
    • padRight

      public static <T extends Number> T[] padRight(T[] original, T padElement, int newLength, Class<T> javaSucks)
      A method of padding your array with some elements
      Type Parameters:
      T -
      original -
      padElement - what to fill the padded elements with
      newLength - the length to pad to.
      javaSucks - because it throws away the generic type information forcing us to pass it this kludgy way!
    • quickMedian

      public static double quickMedian(float[] values)
    • quickMedian

      public static double quickMedian(double[] values)
    • quickMedian

      public static double quickMedian(NumericalList values)
    • removeGlitches

      public static int removeGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double threshold)
    • removeGlitches

      public static int removeGlitches(float[] data, int windowLength, double MinGlitchAmp, double Thresh2)
    • removeGlitches

      public static void removeGlitches(float[] data, double threshhold)
      A simple glitch removal method if the (data[j] - median) falls above a defined threshhold replace data[j] with the median value
      data - The data array to be deglitched.
      threshhold - The threshold in terms of signal variance.
    • hasFlatSegments

      public static boolean hasFlatSegments(float[] data, int segmentlength)
      Check whether the data series has flat segments - where every element of the segment is identical
      data -
      segmentlength - an integer number of elements defining the shortest segment
      true if there are any single-valued segments
    • removeMedian

      public static void removeMedian(float[] data)
    • replaceValue

      public static void replaceValue(float[] data, float value, float replacement)
    • rotate

      public static void rotate(float[] signal1, float[] signal2, double angle, boolean npinput, boolean npoutput)
      Perform a clockwise rotation of a pair of signals (Based on the SAC C code rotate.c) This method replaces the original signals with their rotated counterparts.
      signal1 - - first input signal
      signal2 - - second input signal
      angle - - angle of rotation (clockwise from direction of signal1) in degrees
      npinput - - TRUE if the input signals have "normal" polarity
      npoutput - - TRUE if the output signals have "normal" polarity "normal" polarity is such that the second component leads the first component by 90 degrees in a clockwise rotation.
    • setMaximumRange

      public static void setMaximumRange(float[] data, double maxRange)
    • setPtoPAmplitude

      public static void setPtoPAmplitude(float[] data, double newRange)
    • sign

      public static int[] sign(float[] x)
    • signedSqrt

      public static float[] signedSqrt(float[] data)
      Create an array for which each point is the signed sqrt value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0. are replaced by -1* sqrt(abs(data))
      data -
      the signed sqrt array
    • signedSquare

      public static float[] signedSquare(float[] data)
      Create an array for which each point is the signed square value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0. are replaced by -1*data*data
      data -
      the signed squared value array
    • signum

      public static void signum(float[] data)
    • signum

      public static void signum(double[] data)
    • sqrt

      public static float[] sqrt(float[] data)
      Create an array for which each point is the sqrt value of every point in the original input array Note values less than 0. are replaced by 0.
      data -
      the sqrt array
    • square

      public static float[] square(float[] data)
      Create an array for which each point is the squared value of every point in the original input array
      data -
      the squared value array
    • square

      public static double[] square(double[] data)
      Create an array for which each point is the squared value of every point in the original input array
      data -
      the squared value array
    • testdebugSmooth

      public static float[] testdebugSmooth(float[] data, int halfWidth)
    • testdebugSmooth

      public static double[] testdebugSmooth(double[] data, int halfWidth)
      data - The data to be smoothed.
      halfWidth - The half-width of the smoothing window.
      The smoothed data series.
    • triangleTaper

      public static void triangleTaper(float[] data, double taperPercent)
    • whiten

      public static float[] whiten(float[] x, double[] a)
      a whitening filter y(t) = x(t) + SUM(k = 1:p){a(k)*x(t-k)}
      x - the initial data set
      a - a vector of whitening coefficients
      the whitened data
    • covariance

      public double covariance(double[] vec1, double[] vec2)
      Calculates the covariance of two equally sized vectors. cov(v1,v2) = 1/(n-1)*sum(xi-xavg)*sum(yi-yavg)
      vec1 -
      vec2 -
      the covariance between the provided vectors. Value will be in the range [-1,1]