Class FitnessCriteria


public class FitnessCriteria extends Object
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Double
    CoefficientOfVariation(float[] data)
    the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution.
    static Double
    CVRMSD(double[] data, double[] reference)
    The Coefficient of Variation of the Root-Mean-Square Difference (aka CV(RMSD) or CV(RMSE)) RMS = SUM((data - reference)^2) / SUM(reference^2)
    static Double
    CVRMSD(float[] data, float[] reference)
    The Coefficient of Variation of the Root-Mean-Square Difference (aka CV(RMSD) or CV(RMSE)) RMS = SUM((data - reference)^2) / SUM(reference^2)
    static Double
    CVRMSD(Map<Object,double[]> dataMap)
    The Coefficient of Variation of the Root-Mean-Square Difference (aka CV(RMSD) or CV(RMSE))
    static float[]
    Differential(float[] data, float[] reference)
    static Float
    MeanDifference(float[] data, float[] reference)
    The Mean Difference fitness criteria MD = SUM(data - reference) / SUM(reference)
    static Double
    NRMSD(float[] data, float[] reference)
    Normalized Root Mean Square Difference (NRMSD) RMSD/ (xmax - xmin)
    static Double
    RMSD(float[] data, float[] reference)
    Root Mean Square Difference (aka Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) or Root Mean Square Error (RMSE))
    static Double
    SumSquareDifference(double[] data, double[] reference)
    Calculate the sum of the square of the differences between two series SUM((data - reference)^2)
    static Double
    SumSquareDifference(float[] data, float[] reference)
    Calculate the sum of the square of the differences between two series SUM((data - reference)^2)
    static Double
    SumSquares(double[] data)
    Calculate the sum of the squares of the data series
    static Double
    SumSquares(float[] data)
    Calculate the sum of the squares of the data series

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • FitnessCriteria

      public FitnessCriteria()
  • Method Details

    • Differential

      public static float[] Differential(float[] data, float[] reference)
      data -
      reference -
    • SumSquareDifference

      public static Double SumSquareDifference(double[] data, double[] reference)
      Calculate the sum of the square of the differences between two series SUM((data - reference)^2)
      data - - the first series as an array of doubles
      reference - - the reference series as an array of doubles
      the sum of the squares of the differences
    • SumSquareDifference

      public static Double SumSquareDifference(float[] data, float[] reference)
      Calculate the sum of the square of the differences between two series SUM((data - reference)^2)
      data - - the first series as an array of floats
      reference - - the reference series as an array of floats
      the sum of the squares of the differences
    • SumSquares

      public static Double SumSquares(double[] data)
      Calculate the sum of the squares of the data series
      data - - an array of doubles
      the sum of the squares of the series (NOTE unnormalized)
    • SumSquares

      public static Double SumSquares(float[] data)
      Calculate the sum of the squares of the data series
      data - - an array of floats
      the sum of the squares of the series (NOTE unnormalized)
    • RMSD

      public static Double RMSD(float[] data, float[] reference)
      Root Mean Square Difference (aka Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) or Root Mean Square Error (RMSE))
      data - - a data series as a float array
      reference - - a reference series as a float array
      the RMSD of the two series
    • NRMSD

      public static Double NRMSD(float[] data, float[] reference)
      Normalized Root Mean Square Difference (NRMSD) RMSD/ (xmax - xmin)
      data - - a data series as a float array
      reference - - a reference series as a float array
      the Normalized RMSD of the two series
    • CVRMSD

      public static Double CVRMSD(float[] data, float[] reference)
      The Coefficient of Variation of the Root-Mean-Square Difference (aka CV(RMSD) or CV(RMSE)) RMS = SUM((data - reference)^2) / SUM(reference^2)
      data - - an array of floats
      reference - - an array of floats (must be the same length as the data array)
      a single float measure of the RMS fit
    • CVRMSD

      public static Double CVRMSD(double[] data, double[] reference)
      The Coefficient of Variation of the Root-Mean-Square Difference (aka CV(RMSD) or CV(RMSE)) RMS = SUM((data - reference)^2) / SUM(reference^2)
      data - - an array of doubles
      reference - - an array of doubles (must be the same length as the data array)
      a single double valued measure of the RMS fit
    • CVRMSD

      public static Double CVRMSD(Map<Object,double[]> dataMap)
      The Coefficient of Variation of the Root-Mean-Square Difference (aka CV(RMSD) or CV(RMSE))
      dataMap - a Map of data and reference values to be compared note that the Map key is not used in the RMS fit procedure
      the single float valued measure of the RMS fit
    • MeanDifference

      public static Float MeanDifference(float[] data, float[] reference)
      The Mean Difference fitness criteria MD = SUM(data - reference) / SUM(reference)
      data - - an array of floats
      reference - - an array of floats (must be the same length as the data array)
      a single float measure of the MD fit
    • CoefficientOfVariation

      public static Double CoefficientOfVariation(float[] data)
      the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. AKA unitized risk or variation coefficient CV = stdev / mean This is only defined for non-zero mean, and is most useful for variables that are always positive.
      data - - an array of floats
      CV = stdev(data) / mean(data)