Class AutopickingServiceImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Service public class AutopickingServiceImpl extends Object implements AutopickingService
  • Constructor Details

    • AutopickingServiceImpl

      public AutopickingServiceImpl(EndTimePicker endTimePicker)
  • Method Details

    • autoPickVelocityMeasuredWaveforms

      public List<PeakVelocityMeasurement> autoPickVelocityMeasuredWaveforms(List<PeakVelocityMeasurement> velocityMeasurements, Map<FrequencyBand,SharedFrequencyBandParameters> frequencyBandParameters)
      Attempt to automatically pick velocity measured waveforms for the coda-end measurement (f-pick). The auto-picker will only add an f-pick to a waveform if no f-pick already exists or the waveform as an 'ap' pick that indicates an auto-picked waveform that has not been human reviewed
      Specified by:
      autoPickVelocityMeasuredWaveforms in interface AutopickingService
      velocityMeasurements - the velocity measurements
      frequencyBandParameters - the shared frequency band parameters, used for min/max times, SNR thresholds, etc
      the list of peak velocity measurements with newly made auto-picks attached