Class CodaParamLoadingController


@Component public class CodaParamLoadingController extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • CodaParamLoadingController

      @Autowired public CodaParamLoadingController(List<FileToParameterConverter<?>> fileConverters, ParameterClient paramsClient, EventClient eventClient, bus)
      Instantiates a new coda param loading controller to handle loading files and converting them to domain objects.
      fileConverters - the file converters available for use in converting a file to one or more domain objects
      paramsClient - the params client to use for saving and loading calibration parameter objects, e.g. SharedFrequencyBandParameters
      eventClient - the event client to use for saving and loading Event and related domain objects
      bus - the event bus to register for sending and receiving loading related events
  • Method Details

    • loadFiles

      public void loadFiles(List<File> files)
      Attempt to load a list of files based on whatever FileToWaveformConverter instances are available in the runtime container
      files - the files to attempt to load
    • convertFiles

      protected void convertFiles(List<File> validFiles)
      Given a set of parsed file handlers attempt to convert them into domain objects and route them through the data access layer to the appropriate endpoints
      validFiles - the files a FileToWaveformConverter indicated it was capable of processing
    • getMaxBatching

      public int getMaxBatching()
    • setMaxBatching

      public void setMaxBatching(int maxBatching)