SSAPy - Space Situational Awareness for Python
SSAPy is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity orbital modeling and analysis tool for orbits spanning from low-Earth orbit into the cislunar regime, and includes the following:
Ability to define satellite parameters (area, mass, radiation and drag coefficients, etc.)
Support for multiple data types (e.g., read in orbit from TLE file, define a set of Keplerian, Equinoctial, or Kozai Mean Keplerian elements, etc.)
- Define a fully customizable analytic force propagation model including the following:
Earth gravity models (WGS84, EGM84, EGM96, EGM2008)
Lunar gravity model (point source & harmonic)
Radiation pressure (Earth & solar)
Forces for all planets out to Neptune
Atmospheric drag models
Maneuvering (takes a user defined burn profile)
Various community used integrators: SGP4, Runge-Kutta (4, 8, and 7/8), SciPy, Keplerian, Taylor Series
User definable timesteps with the ability to return various parameters for any orbit and at any desired timestep (e.g., magnitude, state vector, TLE, Keplerian elements, periapsis, apoapsis, specific angular momentum, and many more.)
Ground and space-based observer models
Location and time of various lighting conditions of interest
Multiple-hypothesis tracking (MHT) UCT linker
Vectorized computations (use of array broadcasting for fast computation, easily parallelizable and deployable on HPC machines)
Short arc probabilistic orbit determination methods
Conjunction probability estimation
Built-in uncertainty quantification
Support for Monte Carlo runs and data fusion
Support for multiple coordinate frames and coordinate frame conversions (GCRF, IERS, GCRS Cartesian, TEME Cartesian, ra/dec, NTW, zenith/azimuth, apparent positions, orthoginal tangent plane, and many more.)
Various plotting capabilities (ground tracks, 3D orbit plotting, cislunar trajectory visualization, etc.)
User definable timesteps and orbit information retrieval times, in which the user can query parameters of interest for that orbit and time.
For installation details, see the Installing SSAPy section of the documentation.
Strict dependencies
Python (3.8+)
The following are installed automatically when you install SSAPy:
scipy for many statistical functions;
astropy for astronomy related functions;
pyerfa a Python wrapper for the ERFA library;
emcee an affine-invariant ensemble sampler for Markov chain Monte Carlo;
lmfit a package for non-linear least-squares minimization and curve fitting;
sgp4 contains functions to compute the positions of satellites in Earth orbit;
matplotlib as a plotting backend;
and other utility packages, as enumerated in
All documentation is hosted at
The API documentation may also be seen by doing:
>>> import ssapy
>>> help(ssapy)
Contributing to SSAPy is relatively easy. Just send us a pull request. When you send your request, make main the destination branch on the SSAPy repository.
Your PR must pass SSAPy’s unit tests and documentation tests, and must be PEP 8 compliant. We enforce these guidelines with our CI process. To run these tests locally, and for helpful tips on git, see our Contribution Guide.
SSAPy’s main branch has the latest contributions. Pull requests should target main, and users who want the latest package versions, features, etc. can use main.
For multi-user site deployments or other use cases that need very stable software installations, we recommend using SSAPy’s stable releases.
Each SSAPy release series also has a corresponding branch, e.g. releases/v0.14 has 0.14.x versions of SSAPy, and releases/v0.13 has 0.13.x versions. We backport important bug fixes to these branches but we do not advance the package versions or make other changes that would change the way SSAPy concretizes dependencies within a release branch. So, you can base your SSAPy deployment on a release branch and git pull to get fixes, without the package churn that comes with main.
The latest release is always available with the releases/latest tag.
See the docs on releases for more details.
Code of Conduct
Please note that SSAPy has a Code of Conduct. By participating in the SSAPy community, you agree to abide by its rules.
SSAPy is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. All new contributions must be made under the MIT license.
See Link to license and NOTICE for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT