Python reader API¶
The caliper-reader is a Python API for reading Caliper’s .cali file format. You can install it via pip:
$ pip install caliper-reader
or add the python/caliper-reader
directory in the cloned Caliper
repository to PYTHONPATH
The caliperreader.CaliperReader
class reads a Caliper file and then provides its
contents in the records and globals class members, where records
is a Python list-of-dicts containing the recorded performance data
and globals is a Python dict with program metadata about the run.
The dicts represent Caliper attribute:value records: the key is the
Caliper attribute name; the value is a string or list of strings.
The example below prints the avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration metric
for every region path in the provided example profile data file:
import caliperreader as cr
r = cr.CaliperReader()'example-profile.cali')
metric = 'avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration'
for rec in r.records:
path = rec['path'] if 'path' in rec else 'UNKNOWN'
time = rec[metric] if metric in rec else '0'
if (isinstance(path, list)):
path = "/".join(path)
print("{0}: {1}".format(path, time))
The CaliperReader attributes() function returns the list of Caliper attributes. The attribute() function returns an Attribute object to query metadata for a given Caliper attribute name:
a = r.attribute('avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration')
You can use the caliperreader.read_caliper_contents()
function as a
shortcut to read Caliper data without creating a CaliperReader object:
(records,globals) = cr.read_caliper_contents('example-profile.cali')
API reference¶
- caliperreader.read_caliper_contents(filename_or_stream)¶
Reads a Caliper .cali file and returns its contents.
- Arguments:
- filename_or_stream:
Stream object or the filename of the .cali file.
- Returns:
- (records, globals):
A tuple with the Caliper snapshot records and globals. The first element contains the snapshot record as a list of dicts. The second element contains the global key:value attributes as a dict.
- caliperreader.read_caliper_globals(filename_or_stream)¶
Reads a Caliper .cali file and returns its global attributes.
- Arguments:
- filename_or_stream:
Stream object or the filename of the .cali file.
- Returns:
- dict:
The global key:value attributes as a dict.
- class caliperreader.CaliperReader¶
Reads a Caliper .cali file and exports its contents.
Use the read() method to read a Caliper .cali file. Contents are then available in the “records” and “globals” attributes. Each CaliperReader object should read a single file.
- Attributes:
- recordslist-of-dicts
The snapshot records read from the .cali file.
- globalsdict
The global key:value attributes defined in the .cali file
- attribute(attribute_name)¶
Return a Caliper Attribute object for the given attribute name.
- attributes()¶
Return the list of attribute names.
A file must have been read with read(). Only returns attribute keys not marked as hidden.
- Returns:
The attribute keys (list of strings).
- read(filename_or_stream)¶
Read a .cali file or stream.
After reading, the file’s contents are available in the CaliperReader object’s “records” and “globals” attributes.
- Arguments:
- filename_or_streamstr or stream object
The filename or stream to read.
- class caliperreader.CaliperStreamReader¶
Reads a Caliper .cali data stream
Use the read() method to read a Caliper .cali file and process records using callback methods.
- Attributes:
- globalsdict
The global key:value attributes defined in the .cali file
- attribute(attribute_name)¶
Return a Caliper Attribute object for the given attribute name.
- attributes()¶
Return the list of attribute names.
A file must have been read with read().
- Returns:
The attribute keys (list of strings).
- read(filename_or_stream, process_record_fn=None)¶
Read a .cali file or stream.
Snapshot records being read are fed to the user-provided process_record_fn callback function. After reading, global (metadata) values are stored in the globals attribute.
- Arguments:
- filename_or_streamstr or stream object
The filename or stream to read.
- process_record_fnFunction accepting a dict
A callback function to process performance data records
- class caliperreader.metadatadb.Attribute(node)¶
A Caliper attribute key.
Provides information about Caliper attribute keys.
- attribute_type()¶
Return the name of the attribute’s Caliper data type.
- get(attribute)¶
Return metadata value for this attribute.
- Arguments:
- attributestring or integer
Metadata attribute name or ID
- Returns:
- (object):
The metadata value.
- id()¶
Return the node ID of the Caliper attribute.
- is_aggregatable()¶
Is this an aggregatable attribute (i.e., a metric)?
- is_global()¶
Is this a global attribute (run metadata)?
Attributes with the “global” property describe run metadata like the execution environment or program configuration.
Is this a hidden attribute?
- is_nested()¶
Does this attribute have the Caliper “nested” property?
Attributes with the “nested” property define the hierarchy of Caliper begin/end annotations.
- is_value()¶
Does this attribute have the “as_value” property?
Attributes with the “as_value” property are stored directly in snapshot records.
- metadata()¶
Return a dict with all metadata entries for this attribute
- name()¶
Return the name of the Caliper attribute.
- scope()¶
Returns the attribute’s scope (“process”, “thread”, or “task”)