August 10, 2001 Announcement ============ The members of the Components Team at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are pleased to announce the beta release of Babel, version 0.5.1. What's New ========== Patch Release: + fixed all detectable memory leaks in regression tests + babel script now tolerates being accessed through symbolic links + added additional babel101 documentation + fixed "./configure --disable-shared" option + fixed several memory leaks and one uninitialized pointer problem + fixed missing class/interface doc-comments in C++/F77 (See CHANGES for more details) What Babel Is ============= Babel is designed to address problems of language interoperability, particularly in scientific/engineering applications. At the simplest level,Babel generates glue code so that libraries written in one programming language are callable from other programming languages. Babel generates this glue code from an interface description written in SIDL, our Scientific Interface Definition Language. Babel supports full Object-Oriented features and exception handling even in non-OO languages such as C or Fortran77. Supported Languages =================== Babel currently supports calling libraries written in C, C++, or F77 from C, C++, F77, or Python drivers. (Python also requires the Numerical Python set of extensions at Supported Platforms =================== Linux - GCC 2.95.x Solaris - GCC 2.95.x (Many more expected in subsequent releases.) Caveat ====== Babel is research in progress. This is a beta release looking for some friendly users. Babel has bugs, there are too few examples, and the documentation is very thin. Availability ============ The software is available for free download at User Resources ============== Two email lists have been set up for the Babel community (unmoderated discussions) (announcements only) To subscribe to one or both of these email lists, send email to with the text "subscribe babel-announce", "subscribe babel-users", or both (one per line). Contacting the Authors ====================== If you have any questions or concerns with the installation process or usage of Babel, feel free to contact the project team at To report bugs or suggest feature enhancements, please submit a report in the bug database at $Id: ANNOUNCE-0.5.1.txt 469 2001-08-08 22:10:29Z kumfert $