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jczhang07 open issue hypre-space/hypre#1235.

How to profile/tune hypre BoomerAMG?

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lindstro closed issue LLNL/zfp#252.

Inline bitstream test is incompatible with static libraries

When building zfp as a static library (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF), the testBitstream test does not build due to name conflicts, e.g.,…View Comment

JustinPrivitera open issue LLNL/conduit#1362.

explore `to_silo` performance

See…View Comment

ilumsden open issue LLNL/Caliper#637.

Incorrect error messages when rocTX or roctracer are not found

If you build Caliper with rocTX or roctracer support and Caliper cannot find those libraries, it will print the following error message out from CMake:…View Comment

aescobed open issue hypre-space/hypre#1233.

CUDA Misaligned Data

Hello, I am having an issue with GPU enabled HYPRE. In some of my test cases when I attempt to solve the pressure equations I get a CUDA misaligned data error. Any ideas as to why this is happening? It happens at the following line:…View Comment

giraldeau open issue GLVis/glvis#325.

Support time navigation

When a simulation has multiple time steps, is it possible to navigate backward and forward in time? When pressing the space bar, the animation starts and I haven’t seen in the doc or help a shortcut to control the playback. …View Comment

jameshcorbett open issue LLNL/scr#600.

Build SCR as a single shared library

In last week’s team meeting, @mcfadden8 and @kathrynmohror said they would like to see SCR build as a single shared library with all its sub-projects together, rather than as multiple shared libraries, one for each subproject and then SCR itself. This will involve pulling in sub-projects that SCR depends on, like, into the SCR source tree. Apparently this script does something similar, so I will start by investigating that….View Comment