
Earlier incarnations of this code, and the asynchronous visitor queue techniques, have been presented in the following publications:

  • Roger Pearce, Maya Gokhale, Nancy M. Amato, "<i>Faster Parallel Traversal of Scale Free Graphs at Extreme Scale with Vertex Delegates</i>" In Proc. Supercomputing (SC), New Orleans, LA, Nov 2014. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
  • Roger Pearce, Maya Gokhale, Nancy M. Amato, "<i>Scaling Techniques for Massive Scale-Free Graphs in Distributed (External) Memory</i>," In Proc. Int. Par. and Dist. Proc. Symp. (IPDPS), May 2013. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)
  • Roger Pearce, Maya Gokhale, Nancy M. Amato, "<i>Multithreaded Asynchronous Graph Traversal for In-Memory and Semi-External Memory</i>," In Proc. Supercomputing (SC), New Orleans, LA, Nov 2010. Proceedings(pdf, abstract)