MPI Profiling

Caliper’s built-in profiling recipes support MPI natively and automatically aggregate performance data across all MPI ranks. In addition, Caliper provides MPI performance statistics.

MPI Function Profiling

The mpi-report config recipe lists the number of invocations and the time spent in each MPI function (min/max/avg across MPI ranks). It works similar to the mpiP profiling tool. The first row shows the time outside of MPI (i.e., the computation time of the program):

$ CALI_CONFIG=mpi-report srun -n 8 ./lulesh2.0
Function                Count (min) Count (max) Time (min) Time (max) Time (avg) Time %
                                446         518   0.315387   0.415731   0.353483 83.299370
MPI_Allreduce                    10          11   0.000281   0.068973   0.045038 10.613409
MPI_Wait                        107         177   0.000795   0.032157   0.014788  3.484918
MPI_Barrier                       2           2   0.000051   0.007671   0.005110  1.204122
MPI_Isend                       107         177   0.002300   0.002799   0.002571  0.605904
MPI_Waitall                      31          31   0.000482   0.001858   0.001149  0.270677
MPI_Comm_split                    2           2   0.000176   0.001925   0.000999  0.235499
MPI_Irecv                       107         177   0.000446   0.000767   0.000631  0.148605
MPI_Bcast                         4           4   0.000054   0.000500   0.000436  0.102674
MPI_Reduce                        1           1   0.000032   0.000296   0.000072  0.017057
MPI_Comm_dup                      1           1   0.000038   0.000066   0.000052  0.012178
MPI_Comm_free                     2           2   0.000012   0.000015   0.000013  0.003020
MPI_Get_library_version           1           1   0.000007   0.000010   0.000008  0.001972
MPI_Gather                        1           1   0.000020   0.000020   0.000020  0.000594

The profile.mpi option is available for most built-in profiling recipes, such as runtime-report or hatchet-region-profile. It shows the time spent in MPI functions within each Caliper region:

$ CALI_CONFIG=runtime-report,profile.mpi srun -n 8 ./lulesh2.0
Path                                       Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Time %
main                                            0.007467      0.007918      0.007664  1.775109
  CommRecv                                      0.000036      0.000068      0.000044  0.010198
    MPI_Irecv                                   0.000036      0.000076      0.000044  0.010223
  CommSend                                      0.000045      0.000053      0.000047  0.010781
    MPI_Isend                                   0.000597      0.000621      0.000608  0.140909
    MPI_Waitall                                 0.000015      0.000020      0.000016  0.003809
  CommSBN                                       0.000035      0.000042      0.000037  0.008527
    MPI_Wait                                    0.000027      0.000286      0.000147  0.034127
  MPI_Barrier                                   0.000013      0.000104      0.000065  0.014967
  lulesh.cycle                                  0.000212      0.000252      0.000228  0.052810
    TimeIncrement                               0.000085      0.000107      0.000091  0.021138
      MPI_Allreduce                             0.000210      0.071229      0.046590 10.791564
    LagrangeLeapFrog                            0.000263      0.000408      0.000320  0.074115
      LagrangeNodal                             0.004715      0.005330      0.005034  1.165980
        CalcForceForNodes                       0.000624      0.000747      0.000694  0.160774
          CommRecv                              0.000242      0.000287      0.000265  0.061496
            MPI_Irecv                           0.000240      0.000332      0.000280  0.064767
          CalcVolumeForceForElems               0.001827      0.002038      0.001919  0.444573
            IntegrateStressForElems             0.034616      0.038880      0.036624  8.483035
            CalcHourglassControlForElems        0.095108      0.102434      0.098921 22.912601
              CalcFBHourglassForceForElems      0.062848      0.071650      0.067722 15.686204
          CommSend                              0.000838      0.000949      0.000890  0.206152
            MPI_Isend                           0.000899      0.001126      0.000999  0.231382
            MPI_Waitall                         0.000140      0.000298      0.000216  0.049950
          CommSBN                               0.000558      0.000692      0.000615  0.142361
            MPI_Wait                            0.000334      0.018442      0.008193  1.897615
        CommRecv                                0.000044      0.000249      0.000152  0.035190
          MPI_Irecv                             0.000042      0.000281      0.000162  0.032884
        CommSend                                0.000086      0.001056      0.000560  0.129665
          MPI_Isend                             0.000067      0.000525      0.000327  0.066173
          MPI_Waitall                           0.000043      0.002110      0.000808  0.187086

Message statistics

The mpi.message.count and mpi.message.size options show the number of messages and transferred bytes for both point-to-point and collective communication operations.

MPI Function filtering

You can use the mpi.include and mpi.exclude to explicitly select or filter out MPI operations to capture. This is a more efficient option than filtering MPI functions with the name-based include_regions or exclude_regions option. As an example, we can use mpi.include to only measure MPI_Allreduce:

$ CALI_CONFIG=runtime-report,profile.mpi,mpi.include=MPI_Allreduce
Path                                       Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Time %
main                                            0.007588      0.008178      0.007737  1.834651
  CommRecv                                      0.000024      0.000034      0.000029  0.006834
  CommSend                                      0.000551      0.000631      0.000594  0.140933
  CommSBN                                       0.000019      0.000046      0.000031  0.007338
  lulesh.cycle                                  0.000218      0.000254      0.000233  0.055250
    TimeIncrement                               0.000088      0.000111      0.000098  0.023188
      MPI_Allreduce                             0.000180      0.066283      0.042576 10.095752
    LagrangeLeapFrog                            0.000278      0.000364      0.000324  0.076719
      LagrangeNodal                             0.004838      0.005261      0.005013  1.188590
        CalcForceForNodes                       0.000622      0.000839      0.000740  0.175528
          CommRecv                              0.000056      0.000076      0.000065  0.015465